10 research outputs found

    Isolation and Characterization of Microbes from Agricultural Fields and their Evaluation for the Control of Plant Pests

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    Plant diseases due to pests cause huge loss to crop fields every year. For the control of plant pest, pesticides are under use. Fusarium wilt is caused by phytopathogen Fusarium oxysporum. More than 100 species were affected due to this disease caused by this virus. Fungi also affect onion plant crop yield every year, when chemical pesticides are applied to onion crop field. It will increase the cost of onion production and it is also dangerous for the environment and living organism other than the targeted pests. A number of microorganisms like fungi, bacteria and nematode are currently being used to control different types of pests of agro-ecosystem. In the current research 25 different bacteria were isolated from soil samples collected from 5 different (wheat, maize, sorghum, barseem, spinach) crops. Out of them 11 isolates possess plant growth promoting ability. Various biochemical, physiological and morphological tests showed that out of these 11 bacterial isolates 3 were gram positive bacilli, 2 were gram negative bacilli, 3 were gram positive cocci, 2 were gram negative rod and 1 was gram positive rod. Isolates were further screened for their antagonistic activity against onion plant pathogen causing fusarium wilt disease. Only two bacterial isolates showed positive results and inhibited the growth of plant fungal pathogen were selected for pot experiments. The objective of the current study was the exploitation of soil bacteria for the control of phytopathogens as an effective method to obtain better crop yield


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    Introduction: group of diseases that is originated from the different parts of ovaries and cause production of abnormal cells that divide uncontrolled themselves in the ovaries is known as ovarian cancer. OC is mainly classified into majorly three types on the base of three components of ovaries known as epithelium, stroma and germinal cells. Approximately, 7000 women develop OC and 4200 of them die every year in UK. In Pakistan the incidence of OC is increasing at the rate of around 13.6%. Approximately 70% cases are diagnosed at later stages. Methodology: The blood sample was collected by Layyah region. The CA125 identification through Elisa technique for their better identification on the basis of antibodies. Normal values of CA125 were considered less than 35 U/ml. the other tumor marker was also measured such as fibrinogen, prolactin, CA15.3, PT, APTT, INR, D Dimer, and CA19.9. Results: The mean age of patients was 59.0 ± 8.1while the minimum and maximum age at which the tumor marker detection was 22 and 74 years. The no of patient was found in order of 25 >24 > 10 in 1st, 2nd and 3rd age groups, respectively. The clinical histopathological test in the ovarian cancer patients show that the tumor size 5.21 ± 3.42, fibrinogen 5.09 ± 1.29, CA-199 (U/mL) 121.17 ± 59.76, and D-dimer 0.61 ± 0.31. The CA-125 level increase in ovarian cancer patients it indication as a tumor marker

    Association of Hyperuricemia with Ischemic Stroke in Adult Population

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    Background and Objective: Stroke is the second most prevalent cause of dementia, the third biggest cause of mortality, and the top cause of disability globally. Hyperuricemia is frequently seen in patients with vascular risk factors. The objective of this study was to determine the association of hyperuricemia with ischemic stroke in adult patients presenting to neurology department of a tertiary care hospital. Methods:This was a case-control study of 200 patients, 100 patients with stroke and 100 unmatched controls were accessed for vascular risk factors and hyperuricemia. The setting was Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad and study duration was six months (August 2021 to February 2022). Odds Ratio (OR) was calculated to measure the association of ischemic stroke with hyperuricemia for each group. OR\u3e1 was taken as significant. Results:Out of 100 patients in the case group, 25 (25%) had hyperuricemia. Whereas, out of 100 patients in the control group, 07 (7%) had hyperuricemia. The P-value was 0.001. Odds ratio was 4.42. Out of 100 patients in the case group, the median patient age was 35 and the highest patient age was 75. The mean age, symptom duration, and uric acid level were 55.216.24 years, 20.588.97 hours, and 7.212.24 mg/dl, respectively. The control group had 100 patients with an average age of 35 and a maximum age of 75. The median age was 52.48 years old, and the median uric acid level was 2.48 mg/dl. Conclusion:Hyperuricemia is linked positively to occurrence of ischemic stroke as evidenced by the positive odds ratio. Further studies need to be done to investigate whether uric acid lowering therapy is useful in preventing stroke or reducing mortality


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    TSH is a hormone that is secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland and stimulates the secretions of the thyroid gland. Its secretions are controlled by the TSH-R on the epithelial cells of the thyroid gland. It controls the production of the thyroxin hormone from the thyroid gland that is involved in the production of heat and energy. But the excessive amount of this hormone leads to the hair fall in some of the peoples. Hyperthyroidism correlates with the human skin and hair structure and its function. In the case of hyperthyroidism hair bulb cell proliferation increases and hence hair fall rate also increases. While in the case of hypothyroidism the bulb cell proliferation reduces and so, hair fall increases. Samples from different regions of the south Punjab were taken that were analyzed by the special chemistry analyzer (minividas). The concentrations of the T4, T3, and TSH were measured. Some of the alopecia patients were recorded high-level TSH. The patients were treated with thyroxin tablets that reduce TSH level. After that, the patients are also treated with hair fin tab, folli one shampoo, wistin tab, and multivitamins. Now the patients were observed with a microscope. The growth of hair follicles and hairs was recorded. Hence, the thyroxin tab uses to decrease the TSH level in the body for 1 month. Hair fin tab, folli one shampoo, wistin tab, and multivitamins are the best treatment methods for the growth of hairs in alopecia patients


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    Introduction: HIV belongs to the genus lentivirus within the family of retroviridae and subfamily orthoretrovirinae.  In 2017, 1.8 million people were infected with AIDSand 940,000 died due to this serious disease. HIV found in semen, blood, vaginal and anal fluids, breast milk. It is mainly passes on through unprotected sex, sharing needles or syringes and pregnancy during birth and also passed from one person to other person through this route. Methodology: The HIV patient’s blood sample collected in vial, serological test and HIV Elisa test performed on Elisa plate Reader. Results: The results shows that 35 (70.00%) out of 50 patients were HIV Elisa positive while15 individuals were HIV Elisa negative. The maximum no of patients were observed in age 45 and 55, minimum no. of patients were found in both age 63 and 25. Conclusion: These positive tests suggests that the spread of the HIV is due to the unsafe sex or oral sex. Sex may be randomly with HIV effected patients or they do sex without the use of condom. Other main reasons that are responsible for the transmission of HIV includes common use of syringes either by the doctors or by the drug addicted patients that usually share common syringes

    Genome-wide Identification and Phylogenetic Analyses of Notch 1 Gene

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    The NOTCH gene encode transmembrane receptor. It play a vital role in several process stem cell maintenance and differentiation during embryonic and adult development. When ligand bind at a specific part intracellular part of NOTCH receptor is cleaved and translocate to the nucleus from where it can bind to transcription site. NOTCH activity can promotes tissue growth and cancer in some conditions but they also suppress tumors formation in others. Their gene structure show the amount of introns and exons by a dimensions structure of NOTCH gene. Various tools or database such as Mega7, Pfam and Gene structure and display server are used to analyze their phylogeny and their chromosome positions gene structure and introns and exons. Further studies are made to target the NOTCH pathway on growth and cancer suppressor

    Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (Saras Covid-2): a Comprehensive Review

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    Severe infection is cause by novel strain of coronaviruses this novel strain is related to human infecting SARS coronavirus. Coronaviruses are present in animals and transfer occur from animal (mammals) to human beings. The virus spreads from Wuhan to other Chinese cities, and then to other countries e.g. Canada, Australia, Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Malaysia and Vietnam. This virus contains functional and structural proteins and single stranded positive sense RNA molecule. SARS-Cov-2 attaches to particular receptor ACE2 in human's beings, and has its own RNA polymerase. SARS-Cov-2 genome mutation occur with environmental changes and it's become more harmful in future. The Severe acute respiratory syndrome-Cov-2 is a s.sRNA (positive sense) genome having two lateral unidentified regions, has polyprotein that is coded by a single long ORF and organized in 5' replicate arrangements then constitutional protein such as (S, E, M and N). Coronavirus genome contains 5′ untranslated region with a leader sequence of 5′, ORF 1a/b encoding functional proteins for replication, constitutional proteins with envelope, membranes and nucleoproteins, necessary proteins such as SARS-Cov-2, of 3, 6, 7a, 7b 8 and 9b, and 3′ untranslated region. For treating SARS-Cov-2, FDA approved five drugs that include penciclovir, nafamostat, chloroquine, ribavirin, nitazoxanide and two well-known antiviral drugs, favipiravir (T-705) and Remdesivir (GS5734) evaluated in- vitro for the SARS-Cov-2 clinical isolate for the purpose of checking the antiviral efficiency of these drugs against the virus. To calculate the effectiveness of the drugs on the pathogenicity, infection rate and yield of SARS-Cov-2 standard assay were carried out

    Apai Polymorphism Frequencies and Prostate Cancer Patients in Punjab, Pakistan

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    Prostate cancer is the third most common Malignancy in Pakistani males. Vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene has been a subject of extensive pharmacogenetic research recently. Association studies between different types of cancers including prostate cancer (PCa) and VDR gene polymorphism have also great importance. Vitamin D has an anticancer effect, so VDR gene polymorphisms have got much attention. It is proposed that vitamin D deficiency may underlie the major risk factors for prostate cancer, including age, black race and genetic variation in vitamin D-binding protein. Clinical diagnosis of prostate cancer can be done by PSA and biopsy. The clinical diagnosis does not provide a definitive diagnosis of progression of PCa. Most common symptoms of prostate cancer are Nocturia (increased urination at night), difficulty in urination, Hematuria (blood in urine), and Dysuria (frequent and painful urination). It may influence sexual function, for instance, trouble in accomplishing an erection or agonizing discharge. Advance prostate cancer may spread to other organs of the body, causing pain in pelvis or ribs. In Benign prostate hyperplasia, prostate enlarges and cause urinary symptoms. Diagnosis of prostate cancer can be done by needle biopsy or DRE (digital rectal examination). In benign prostatic hypertrophy/hyperplasia (BPH), prostate continues to enlarge over time. Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a glycoprotein, produced by epithelial prostate cells and is unique to the prostate gland. We found ApaI CC genotypes to increase the prostate cancer risk while CA and AA show less than 50% association with the disease. ApaI polymorphism has a strong correlation with PCa than TaqI. Different VDR gene polymorphisms seem to have an association with the PCa but not consistent with other ethnic groups

    Endothelial senescence is induced by phosphorylation and nuclear export of telomeric repeat binding factor 2–interacting protein

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    The interplay among signaling events for endothelial cell (EC) senescence, apoptosis, and activation and how these pathological conditions promote atherosclerosis in the area exposed to disturbed flow (d-flow) in concert remain unclear. The aim of this study was to determine whether telomeric repeat-binding factor 2-interacting protein (TERF2IP), a member of the shelterin complex at the telomere, can regulate EC senescence, apoptosis, and activation simultaneously, and if so, by what molecular mechanisms. We found that d-flow induced p90RSK and TERF2IP interaction in a p90RSK kinase activity-dependent manner. An in vitro kinase assay revealed that p90RSK directly phosphorylated TERF2IP at the serine 205 (S205) residue, and d-flow increased TERF2IP S205 phosphorylation as well as EC senescence, apoptosis, and activation by activating p90RSK. TERF2IP phosphorylation was crucial for nuclear export of the TERF2IP-TRF2 complex, which led to EC activation by cytosolic TERF2IP-mediated NF-κB activation and also to senescence and apoptosis of ECs by depleting TRF2 from the nucleus. Lastly, using EC-specific TERF2IP-knockout (TERF2IP-KO) mice, we found that the depletion of TERF2IP inhibited d-flow-induced EC senescence, apoptosis, and activation, as well as atherosclerotic plaque formation. These findings demonstrate that TERF2IP is an important molecular switch that simultaneously accelerates EC senescence, apoptosis, and activation by S205 phosphorylation