44 research outputs found

    Evidence for a Low Bulk Crustal Density for Mars from Gravity and Topography

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    Knowledge of the average density of the crust of a planet is important in determining its interior structure. The combination of high-resolution gravity and topography data has yielded a low density for the Moons crust, yet for other terrestrial planets the resolution of the gravity field models has hampered reasonable estimates. By using well-chosen constraints derived from topography during gravity field model determination using satellite tracking data, we show that we can robustly and independently determine the average bulk crustal density directly from the tracking data, using the admittance between topography and imperfect gravity. We find a low average bulk crustal density for Mars, 2582 209 kgm3. This bulk crustal density is lower than that assumed until now. Densities for volcanic complexes are higher, consistent with earlier estimates, implying large lateral variations in crustal density. In addition, we find indications that the crustal density increases with depth

    Mercury's Internal Structure

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    We describe the current state of knowledge about Mercury's interior structure. We review the available observationalconstraints, including mass, size, density, gravity eld, spin state, composition, and tidal response. These data enablethe construction of models that represent the distribution of mass inside Mercury. In particular, we infer radial prolesof the pressure, density, and gravity in the core, mantle, and crust. We also examine Mercury's rotational dynamicsand the inuence of an inner core on the spin state and the determination of the moment of inertia. Finally, we discussthe wide-ranging implications of Mercury's internal structure on its thermal evolution, surface geology, capture in aunique spin-orbit resonance, and magnetic eld generation

    The Gravity Field, Orientation, and Ephemeris of Mercury from MESSENGER Observations After Three Years in Orbit

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    We have analyzed three years of radio tracking data from the MESSENGER spacecraft in orbit around Mercury and determined the gravity field, planetary orientation, and ephemeris of the innermost planet. With improvements in spatial coverage, force modeling, and data weighting, we refined an earlier global gravity field both in quality and resolution, and we present here a spherical harmonic solution to degree and order 50. In this field, termed HgM005, uncertainties in low-degree coefficients are reduced by an order of magnitude relative to the earlier global field, and we obtained a preliminary value of the tidal Love number k(sub 2) of 0.451+/-0.014. We also estimated Mercury's pole position, and we obtained an obliquity value of 2.06 +/- 0.16 arcmin, in good agreement with analysis of Earth-based radar observations. From our updated rotation period (58.646146 +/- 0.000011 days) and Mercury ephemeris, we verified experimentally the planet's 3: 2 spin-orbit resonance to greater accuracy than previously possible. We present a detailed analysis of the HgM005 covariance matrix, and we describe some near-circular frozen orbits around Mercury that could be advantageous for future exploration

    Recovery of Bennu's Orientation for the OSIRIS-REx Mission: Implications for the Spin State Accuracy and Geolocation Errors

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    The goal of the OSIRIS-REx mission is to return a sample of asteroid material from Near-Earth Asteroid (101955) Bennu. The role of the navigation and fight dynamics team is critical for the spacecraft to execute a precisely planned sampling maneuver over a specifically-selected landing site. In particular, the orientation of Bennu needs to be recovered with good accuracy during orbital operations to contribute as small an error as possible to the landing error budget. Although Bennu is well characterized from Earth-based radar observations, its orientation dynamics are not sufficiently known to exclude the presence of a small wobble. To better understand this contingency and evaluate how well the orientation can be recovered in the presence of a large 1 degree wobble, we conduct a comprehensive simulation with the NASA GSFC GEODYN orbit determination and geodetic parameter estimation software. We describe the dynamic orientation modeling implemented in GEODYN in support of OSIRIS-REx operations, and show how both altimetry and imagery data can be used as either undifferenced (landmark, direct altimetry) or differenced (image crossover, altimetry crossover) measurements. We find that these two different types of data contribute differently to the recovery of instrument pointing or planetary orientation. When upweighted, the absolute measurements help reduce the geolocation errors, despite poorer astrometric (inertial) performance. We find that with no wobble present, all the geolocation requirements are met. While the presence of a large wobble is detrimental, the recovery is still reliable thanks to the combined use of altimetry and imagery data

    Comparison of Areas in Shadow from Imaging and Altimetry in the North Polar Region of Mercury and Implications for Polar Ice Deposits

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    Earth-based radar observations and results from the MESSENGER mission have provided strong evidence that permanently shadowed regions near Mercury's poles host deposits of water ice. MESSENGER's complete orbital image and topographic datasets enable Mercury's surface to be observed and modeled under an extensive range of illumination conditions. The shadowed regions of Mercury's north polar region from 65 deg N to 90 deg N were mapped by analyzing Mercury Dual Imaging System (MDIS) images and by modeling illumination with Mercury Laser Altimeter (MLA) topographic data. The two independent methods produced strong agreement in identifying shadowed areas. All large radar-bright deposits, those hosted within impact craters greater than or equal to 6 km in diameter, collocate with regions of shadow identified by both methods. However, only approximately 46% of the persistently shadowed areas determined from images and approximately 43% of the permanently shadowed areas derived from altimetry host radar-bright materials. Some sizable regions of shadow that do not host radar-bright deposits experience thermal conditions similar to those that do. The shadowed craters that lack radar-bright materials show a relation with longitude that is not related to the thermal environment, suggesting that the Earth-based radar observations of these locations may have been limited by viewing geometry, but it is also possible that water ice in these locations is insulated by anomalously thick lag deposits or that these shadowed regions do not host water ice

    The Putative Cerean Exosphere

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    The ice-rich crust of dwarf planet 1 Ceres is the source of a tenuous water exosphere, and the behavior of thisputative exosphere is investigated with model calculations. Outgassing water molecules seasonally condensearound the winter pole in an optically thin layer

    Serendipitous Geodesy from Bennu's Short-Lived Moonlets

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    The Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security-Regolith Explorer (OSIRIS-REx; or OREx) spacecraft arrived at its target, near-Earth asteroid (101955) Bennu, on December 3, 2018. The OSIRIS-REx spacecraft has since collected a wealth of scientific information in order to select a suitable site for sampling. Shortly after insertion into orbit on December 31, 2018, particles were identified in starfield images taken by the navigation camera (NavCam 1). Several groups within the OSlRlS-REx team analyzed the particle data in an effort to better understand this newfound activity of Bennu and to investigate the potential sensitivity of the particles to Bennu's geophysical parameters. A number of particles were identified through automatic and manual methods in multiple images, which could be turned into short sequences of optical tracking observations. Here, we discuss the precision orbit determination (OD) effort focused on these particles at NASA GSFC, which involved members of the Independent Navigation Team (INT) in particular. The particle data are combined with other OSIRIS-REx tracking data (radiometric from OSN and optical landmark data) using the NASA GSFC GEODYN orbit determination and geodetic parameter estimation software. We present the results of our study, particularly those pertaining to the gravity field of Bennu. We describe the force modeling improvements made to GEODYN specifically for this work, e.g., with a raytracing-based modeling of solar radiation pressure. The short-lived, low-flying moonlets enable us to determine a gravity field model up to a relatively high degree and order: at least degree 6 without constraints, and up to degree 10 when applying Kaula-like regularization. We can backward- and forward-integrate the trajectory of these particles to the ejection and landing sites on Bennu. We assess the recovered field by its impact on the OSIRIS-REx trajectory reconstruction and prediction quality in the various mission phases (e.g., Orbital A, Detailed Survey, and Orbital B)

    VERITAS (Venus Emissivity, Radio science, InSAR, Topography, And Spectroscopy): Discovering the Secrets of a Lost Habitable World

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    VERITAS is a selected Discovery mission launching in 2028. It will investigate Venus’ geologic evolution and processes that affect rock planetary habitability. Venus’ present condition is a geodynamic analog for early Earth, when the lithosphere was hotter and thinner, plate tectonics and continents began to form, and life emerged. Earth no longer retains a clear record of how these processes began, but Venus may have active subduction—the necessary first step to initiate plate tectonics, as well as analogs of continents. VERITAS will test whether Venus’ tessera plateaus represent the only analogs of continents in the solar system, which formed on Earth when massive quantities of basalt melted in the presence of water. VERITAS will use numerous methods to search for current volcanism and tectonism, including subduction. VERITAS produces global, foundational datasets using two instruments, the Venus Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (VISAR) and the Venus Emissivity Mapper (VEM), plus a gravity science investigation. The VISAR X-band measurements include: 1) a global digital elevation model (DEM) with 250 m postings, 6 m height accuracy, 2) Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging at 30 m horizontal resolution globally, 3) SAR imaging at 15 m for >25% of the surface, and 4) surface deformation from repeat pass interferometry (RPI) at 2 cm precision for >12 targeted areas. VEM covers >70% of the surface in six NIR bands located within five atmospheric windows sensitive to Fe mineralogy, plus eight atmospheric bands for calibration and water vapor measurements, with SNR ≫ VIRTIS. It is a near IR spectral imager with optimized spectral bands for observing the surface of Venus that supports the determination of rock type and the search for active and recent volcanism. VERITAS will use a low circular orbit (< 250 km) and Ka-band uplink and downlink to create a global gravity field with 3 mGal accuracy at 155 km (d&o 123) resolution. VERTIAS also constrains core size and state, using radar tie points to help find k2, the phase lag, and MOIF