10 research outputs found

    Virginia Woolf and Victoria Sackville-West: Orlando as a reflection of their relationship

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    Virginia Woolf belongs to one of the most significant and original writers of the twentieth century. She was known for her feministic attitudes and denial of traditional gender roles as the social construct. She often criticized the unequal position of women in the patriarchal society and its homophobic tendencies. She used experimental approaches towards literature and writing such as so-called "stream of consciousness" in a form of inner monologue, thus she became the leading figure of the modernistic movement in Britain. The theoretical part of this paper deals with the person of Virginia Woolf as a writer and an intellectual. Her opinions about feminism, gender and androgyny are compared with the general atmosphere of the early twentieth century society. Further, the paper describes the relationship between Virginia Woolf and Victoria Sackville-West which was the impulse for writing the novel Orlando (1928). This novel was inspired by Sackville-West and the story of her life and partially reflected their relationship. The last chapter deals with the novel Orlando itself and how it reflects not only the affinity between Woolf and Sackville-West, but also Virginia Woolf's own thoughts and viewpoints concerning the ambiguity and complexity of gender and other topics such as artistic creativity, inspiration, importance of fame and meaning of human life in general.Teoretická část této práce se zaměřuje na postavu Virginie Woolf jako spisovatelky a intelektuálky. Její názory na feminismus, pohlaví a androgynii jsou srovnávány s obecnou atmosférou ve společnosti na počátku dvacátého století. Dále práce popisuje vztah Virginie Woolf s Victorií Sackville-West, který byl podnětem k napsání románu Orlando (1928). Tento román byl inspirován Sackville-West a jejím životem a částečně odráží jejich vztah. Poslední kapitola se zabývá románem Orlando samotným a jak odráží nejen náklonnost Woolf a Sackville-West, ale také myšlenky a stanoviska samotné Virginie Woolf týkající se nejednoznačnosti a složitosti pohlaví a dalších témat jako je například umělecká kreativita, inspirace, důležitost slávy a význam života člověka vůbec.Katedra anglistiky a amerikanistikyDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Post-stroke fatigue in young adults after ischemic stroke: a scoping review

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    Post-stroke fatigue (PSF) could have a negative impact on the rehabilitation potential, quality of life, and work capacity of younger ischemic stroke patients. The available quantitative and qualitative research on the prevalence, predictors, and interventions associated with PSF have not explicitly focused on young adults. This scoping review aimed to summarise the available evidence on PSF in young adults after ischemic stroke (prevalence, predictors, and consequences, assessment tools, as well as interventions to reduce fatigue in young stroke survivors). The following methodological procedures were used for this scoping review: The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) and the Joanna Briggs Institute updated methodological guidance. A total of 3483 studies were identified through a bibliographic search in the Ovid MEDLINE, PubMed, Scopus, ProQuest Central, APA PsycINFO, SocINDEX, and CINAHL Plus databases. Ten studies that met the inclusion criteria were included in the scoping review. Only four studies explicitly addressed PSF in young adults after ischemic stroke. The prevalence of fatigue among young adults who had suffered an ischemic stroke ranged from 41.0% to 57.8%. Seven studies found a significant association between PSF, depression, and anxiety. Fatigue in young stroke survivors significantly affects their return to work and it is an independent predictor of poor quality of life. The number of research studies on fatigue in young adults after ischemic stroke is small and they mainly focus on fatigue as a predictor of quality of life after stroke. There is a need for further studies that address the phenomenon of fatigue after ischemic stroke and validate the effectiveness of interventions to reduce fatigue in young stroke survivors

    Interakce makrofágů a buněk rakovinné prostatické linie PC-3

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    This dissertation on the theme Interaction of macrophages and the prostate cancer cell line PC-3 was focused on the initial mapping of interactions between human mac-rophages and the prostate cancer cell line PC-3. Microscopic and molecular-genetic methods have been used for analysis. The structure and ultrastructure of macrophages and PC-3 cells have been de-scribed. The description of cell morphology in interaction with each other has been de-voted to processes associated with adherence of macrophages on PC-3, eferocytosis and phagocytosis. Cultivation of PC-3 with plumbagine showed an increase of apoptotic cells. Cultivation of macrophages with PC-3 supernatant has shown that solubiling fac-tors in supernatant may have an effect on inducing cell death in macrophages. In our study, the supernatant did not affect the production of TNF alfa, IL-12, IL-10 or IL-6 by macrophages. A time lapse video was created to show physical interactions of macro-phages and invasive cell. All obtained results show that there are interactions between the cancer cells and immune system cells that have not yet been discovered

    Testování přesnostu bezhranolového měření délek vybraných totálních stanic firem Leica a Topcon

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    Each new geodetic instrument before being put into normal operation is verified for compliance with the manufacturer declared parameters. The procedures for testing of geodetic instruments at the Institute of Geodesy and Mine Surveying, VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava (hereinafter referred to as IGMS) are processed to meet the ČSN ISO 17123 standards. However, standard methods for calibration of geodetic instruments do not include the procedures for testing of reflectorless distance measurement. IGMS VŠB-TU Ostrava has bought new total stations – Leica TCRP 1201 and TCRP 1202, Topcon GPT 7001 and GPT- 8203M. Each of these total stations provides, inter alia, the reflectorless distance measurement. During the calibration of the new total stations we proceeded to the research of distance measurement accuracy without the use of reflecting prisms at the telemetering base of IGMS in Ostrava-Krásné Pole.U kaţdého nového geodetického přístroje se před uvedením do běţného provozu ověřuje, zda splňuje výrobcem deklarované parametry. Postupy zkoušek geodetických přístrojů na Institutu geodézie a důlního měřictví VŠB-TU Ostrava (dále jen IGDM), jsou zpracovány tak, aby vyhovovaly normám ČSN ISO 17123. Standardní metody kalibrace geodetických přístrojů však nezahrnují postupy pro testování bezhranolového měření délek. IGDM VŠB-TU Ostrava zakoupil nové totální stanice – TCRP 1201 a TCRP 1202 fy Leica, GPT 7001 a GPT- 8203M fy Topcon. Kaţdá z těchto totálních stanic umoţňuje, mimo jiné, bezhranolové měření délek. Během kalibrace nových totálních stanic, bylo přistoupeno k výzkumu přesnosti měření délek bez pouţití odrazného hranolu, na dálkoměrné základně IGDM v Ostravě – Krásném Poli

    Ověřování totálních stanic Leica TPC 1200, Topcon GPT-7001 a Topcon GPT-8203M

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    The Institute of Geodesy and Mine Surveying VŠB-TU Ostrava bought new total stations – TCRP 1201 made by Leica, GPT- 7001 by Topcon and GPT-8303M by Topcon. TCRP 1201 is a motorized total station extended by GPS – SmartStation. GPT 7001 is a total station with a pulse rangefinder. The GPT-8203M motorized total station also has a pulse rangefinder and it is possible to use it as a 3D scanner. Among others, each of these total stations enables non-prism measuring. It is common to test whether a new geodetic apparatus meets characteristics declared by the manufacturer before it is introduced into everyday usage. The testing of geodetics apparatus procedures on IGMD are proceeded in such a way they correspond with the CSN ISO 17123 standards. Besides these standard procedures the tests were extended by non-prismatic measuring properties testing