12 research outputs found

    Transfusion effect of random donor platelet and single donor platelet in thrombocytopenic patients at tertiary care hospital of South Gujarat

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    Background: Platelet transfusion plays a key role in therapy for the patients with thrombocytopenia. Superiority of Single donor platelet (SDP) over Random donor platelet (RDP) transfusions is largely assumed, but unproven. Platelet Rich Plasma-Platelet concentrate (PRP-PC) and Apheresis-PC were prepared and their therapeutic efficacy were assessed in thrombocytopenic patients.Methods: This study included 60 transfusion episodes consisting of 30 SDP and 30 RDP (147units of RDP). The post transfusion efficacy of transfused platelets was assessed at 1 hour and 24 hours by corrected count increment (CCI) and percentage recovery (PR). Paired ‘t’-test was used for statistical analysis and a probability of p<0.05 was used to reject null hypothesis.Results: The mean platelet dose of SDP (n=30) and RDP (n=30) was 2.86±1.05 x 1011 and 2.36±0.54 x 1011 respectively. The mean platelet increments of SDP at 1 hour and 24 hours were 38±18.1 x 103/μl and 37.3±20.7x 103/μl. The mean platelet increments of RDP at 1 hour and 24 hours were 28.5±11.4 x 103/μl and 26 ±11.6 x 103/μl. The mean CCI of SDP at 1hour and 24 hours were 21.4 ±7.3 x 103/μl and 20.8±7.4 x 103/μl respectively. The mean CCI of RDP at 1hour and 24 hours were 18.5±6.3x 103/μl and 17.4±7.6 x 103/μl respectively.Conclusions: Post-transfusion increments were significantly higher in patients who received SDP as compared to RDP, but the CCI and PR were comparable in both groups of patients

    Prevalence and trends of transfusion transmitted infections among blood donors of blood bank attached to government hospital of South Gujarat, India

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    Background: Though the blood transfusion is lifesaving, it is never risk free and carries potential risk for transfusion transmitted infections (TTIs).The objective of present study is to assess the prevalence and trend of TTIs among blood donors in the blood bank attached to tertiary level government hospital and its comparison with national data and other studies of different regions.Methods: Retrospective cross-sectional study was done including healthy blood donor of 18-65 years from May 2011 to April 2016. TTIs testing were done with 3rd generation ELISA for HIV, HBV and HCV and HIV testing was also done with 4th generation ELISA from the year 2014 onwards. Syphilis screening was done either by RPR, TPHA strip test or ELISA and Malaria parasite was tested either by peripheral smear or rapid test.Results: From 40971 donors in study, 550 (1.34%) donors were sero-reactive from which 400 (0.98%) donors were reactive for HBV, 67 (0.16%) were for syphilis, 40 (0.098%) were for HCV, 33 (0.081%) were reactive for HIV and 10 (0.024%) were malaria positive. During the study period four donors showed co infection for HIV and HBV. Most common age group to be sero reactive in the present study is 21-30 years of age (43.09% of total).Conclusions: Prevalence of TTIs in the present study was lower as compare to other studies of the India. The reasons behind this finding may be better pre-donation counseling, better life style, higher proportion of voluntary blood donation (> 99%) and high pre-donation deferral rate (11.17%)

    Prevalence and trends of transfusion transmitted infections among blood donors of blood bank attached to government hospital of South Gujarat, India

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    Background: Though the blood transfusion is lifesaving, it is never risk free and carries potential risk for transfusion transmitted infections (TTIs).The objective of present study is to assess the prevalence and trend of TTIs among blood donors in the blood bank attached to tertiary level government hospital and its comparison with national data and other studies of different regions.Methods: Retrospective cross-sectional study was done including healthy blood donor of 18-65 years from May 2011 to April 2016. TTIs testing were done with 3rd generation ELISA for HIV, HBV and HCV and HIV testing was also done with 4th generation ELISA from the year 2014 onwards. Syphilis screening was done either by RPR, TPHA strip test or ELISA and Malaria parasite was tested either by peripheral smear or rapid test.Results: From 40971 donors in study, 550 (1.34%) donors were sero-reactive from which 400 (0.98%) donors were reactive for HBV, 67 (0.16%) were for syphilis, 40 (0.098%) were for HCV, 33 (0.081%) were reactive for HIV and 10 (0.024%) were malaria positive. During the study period four donors showed co infection for HIV and HBV. Most common age group to be sero reactive in the present study is 21-30 years of age (43.09% of total).Conclusions: Prevalence of TTIs in the present study was lower as compare to other studies of the India. The reasons behind this finding may be better pre-donation counseling, better life style, higher proportion of voluntary blood donation (&gt; 99%) and high pre-donation deferral rate (11.17%)

    Customized Deep Learning Classifier for Detection of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Using Blood Smear Images

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    Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a rare type of blood cancer caused due to the overproduction of lymphocytes by the bone marrow in the human body. It is one of the common types of cancer in children, which has a fair chance of being cured. However, this may even occur in adults, and the chances of a cure are slim if diagnosed at a later stage. To aid in the early detection of this deadly disease, an intelligent method to screen the white blood cells is proposed in this study. The proposed intelligent deep learning algorithm uses the microscopic images of blood smears as the input data. This algorithm is implemented with a convolutional neural network (CNN) to predict the leukemic cells from the healthy blood cells. The custom ALLNET model was trained and tested using the microscopic images available as open-source data. The model training was carried out on Google Collaboratory using the Nvidia Tesla P-100 GPU method. Maximum accuracy of 95.54%, specificity of 95.81%, sensitivity of 95.91%, F1-score of 95.43%, and precision of 96% were obtained by this accurate classifier. The proposed technique may be used during the pre-screening to detect the leukemia cells during complete blood count (CBC) and peripheral blood tests

    Six-year multicenter study on short-term peripheral venous catheters-related bloodstream infection rates in 204 intensive care units of 57 hospitals in 19 cities of India: International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) findings

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