25 research outputs found

    The Nutrient Digestibility of Locally Sheep Fed with Amofer Palm Oil Byproduct-Based Complete Feed

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    Utilization of palm oil by-product such as palm fronds, leaves, empty fruit bunches (EFB), fiber fruit juice (FFJ), palm kernel cake (PKC), and palm oil sludge (POS) as the source of energy and protein for ruminants, especially sheep is an efficient effort to make a new opportunities in term of economical and beneficial product that will reduce environmental pollution. The objectives of this research were to analyze the effect of palm oil's byproduct-based complete feed on sheep's nutrient digestibility. Sixteen male sheeps of nine month old with average body weight 14.69+0.82 kg were used. The complete feed was formulated by ammoniated-fermented technology from palm fronds and leaves, EFB and FFJ, also Centrosema sp., PKC, POS, ground corn, rice bran, cassava, molasses, urea, mineral mix and salt. The complete feed with different levels of crude protein (CP) and TDN were used in this research which consisted of T1=10,63% CP; 63.46% TDN; T2=12.27% CP; 62.38% TDN; T3=13.70% CP; 64.11% TDN; and T4=15.90% CP; 61.28% TDN. The study used a completely randomized design (CRD) which consisted of four treatments and four replications. Data was analyzed using ANOVA with significance level at 95% and followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test. The experimental results showed that the protein level affected the feed digestibility. The highest digestibility of dry matter, organic matter and crude protein were 65.79%, 70.30%, and 84.34% respectively, resulting in 14% protein level (T3) were significantly different with treatment at protein level 10% (T1), 12% (T2) and 16% (T4) at p <0.05. It can be concluded that by-product of palm oil plantation and mill had good nutritional value. Therefore, this feedstuff can be used to formulate complete feed for sheep and it successfully increased the nutrient digestibilit

    Nutrient Potency of Rice Straw Processed with Amofer as Cattle Feed Stuff in East Kalimantan

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    Forage demand can be supplied from rice straw which processed with certain feed technology innovation. Some advantages can be derived under this technology i.e. increasing nutrient content, optimizing the utilization, improving the efficiency and reducing production cost by minimizing feed cost. Ammoniation fermentation (amofer) as an applied technology could give solution over the limitation of rice straw availability. The objective of this research was to determine the potency of rice straw processed with amofer (amofer-rice straw) as raw material to formulate complete feed. The experiment was carried out with randomized block design with three treatments and six replications. Amofer treatment was carried out by adding urea 3% from the total material and then placed into plastic jar +12 liter and then incubated under an-aerobic process for 18 days. Fermentation material i.e. biology starter by 1% of total material was added at the ninth day. Dry Matter (DM) content resulted from each treatments was 87,28%, 85,96% and 84,61% for T1, T2 and T3, respectively. Crude Protein (CP) content was T1=24,48%, T2=21,04%; and T3=24,46%, Crude Fiber (CF) content was T1=31,30%; T2=31,30%; and T3=31,39%. Total Digestible Nutrient (TDN) for version 1 was T1=57,29; T2=56,19; and T3=56,89 and version 2 was T1=53,11%; T2=52,28%; and T3=51,10%. The average value of Non Nitrogen Free Extract (NNFE) was T1=23,49%; T2=28,08%; and T3=26,57%. The utilization of amofer as applicable technology is considered as the most appropriate method to increase the quality of rice straw by significantly increase nutrient content in term of crude protein (CP) and reduce crude fiber (CF) content. This increasing quality can be seen from the result of proximate analysis, NNFE and TDN conten

    The Feed Intake and Daily Weight Gain of Locally Sheep Fed with Amofer Palm Oil Plantation and Mill\u27s Byproduct-based Complete Feed

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    Livestock development through innovation of complete feed (CF) technology which cheap and potential could be optimized through utilizing palm oil plantation and mill\u27s by-product. The objective of this research was to analyze the effect of complete feed formulated with palm oil plantation and mill\u27s by-product to the feed intake and daily weight gain of sheep. Male thin tailed sheep 9 months old with average live weight of 14.69 kg were used in this research. CF was formulated from ammoniated-fermented of palm frond, palm leave, empty fruit bunch, and palm pressed fiber which mixed with Centrosema sp., palm kernel cake, corn, rice bran, dried cassava waste pulp, molasses, mineral mix and salt. The study used completely randomized design which consisted of T1=10%, T2=12%, T3=14% and T4=16% of crude protein and total digestible nutrient (TDN) 64% with 4 repetitions. Data was analyzed using ANOVA at 95% significance level which followed by Duncan Multiple Range Test. The experiment showed that the level of protein content influenced the feed intake. The highest average of dry matter intake, organic matter intake, crude protein intake and TDN were 865.83 g/sheep/day, 750.60 g/sheep/day, 118.66 g/sheep/day and 555.96 g/sheep/day, respectively. The highest average daily weight gain was 174.18 g/sheep/day which produced at crude protein level of 14% (T3). The statistical analysis showed that T3 was significantly different to T1, T2 and T4. It can be concluded that complete feed formulated from palm oil plantation and mill\u27s by-product with appropriate level of crude protein content could increase the feed intake and daily weight gain of local shee


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    Berat lahir menggambarkan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan janin selama dalam kandungan. WHO menetapkan Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah (BBLR) jika bayi memiliki berat badan lahir kurang dari 2500 gram. Ukuran tubuh bayi saat lahir dapat dipengaruhi oleh ukuran tubuh ibu dibanding ayah. Faktor yang langsung mempengaruhi hasil dari kehamilan yaitu kenaikan berat badan selama hamil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pertambahan berat badan ibu selama hamil dengan berat badan lahir bayi di Kota Manado. Desain Penelitian menggunakan rancangan penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross secsional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua ibu yang tinggal di 5 wilayah kerja Puskesmas yang telah ditentukan yaitu, Puskesmas Bahu, Puskesmas Ranotana Weru, Puskesmas Kombos, Puskesmas Tuminting, dan Puskesmas Paniki bawah. Sampel dalam penelitian ini ditentukan berdasarkan total sampling yang didapat saat penelitian berjumlah 207 dan diseleksi menggunakan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi sehingga sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 150 sampel. Hasil Penelitian berdasarkan uji spearman diperoleh hasil tidak terdapat hubungan antara pertambahan berat badan ibu selama hamil dengan berat badan lahir bayi, nilai p value yang di peroleh sebesar 0,155 dengan nilai α = 0,05. Hasil uji dengan nilai p value (0,155) lebih besar dari α (0,05). Kesimpulan tidak ada hubungan antara pertambahan berat badan ibu selama hamil dengan berat badan lahir bayi di Kota Manado.Kata Kunci: Pertambahan Berat Badan, Berat Badan Lahir Bayi.ABSTRACTBirth weight described the growth of the fetus during the pregnancy. WHO establishes low birth weight if the baby was born with birth weight less than 2500 grams. The baby's body size at birth can be affected by the size of the mother's body compared to the father. Factors that directly affect the outcome of pregnancy are weight gain during maternal pregnancy. This study aims to determine the relationship between maternal weight gains during pregnancy with birth weight babies in Manado. This study designed with an analytic observational research and cross sectional approach. The population in this study was mothers who has babies 0-12 months and conducted in 5 work areas of public health care center in Manado; they are Tuminting health care center, Paniki Bawah health care center, Ranotana Weru health care center, Kombos health care center, and Bahu health care center. The sample in this study was determined based on the total sampling. During the study there were 207 samples collected and already selected using inclusion and exclusion criteria so that the sample used for this study is 150 samples. Result of the research based on spearman-test obtained results there is no relationship between maternal weight gain during pregnancy with infant birth weight, p-value is 0,155 with value α = 0,05. The test result with p value (0,155) is bigger than α (0,05). The conclusion is there no relationship between maternal weight gain during pregnancy and birth weight of infant in Manado.Keywords: Weight Gain, Baby's Birth Weight

    Potency and Carrying Capacity of Rice Straw for Beef Cattle Feeding in East Kalimantan

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    Utilization of rice straw instead of green fodder is very potential to meet the scarcity of green fodder in the dry season. Low nutrient content and bulky characteristic of rice straw can be anticipated through treatment. Optimal utilization of rice straw provides opportunities for a waste-free production concept of low external input sustainable agriculture (LEISA). The research was conducted in two stages: 1) survey using purposive sampling techniques to determine the potential quantity of rice straw in three districts; and 2) a laboratory experiment, aimed to determine the potential nutritional quality of rice straw. Surveys in the form of data collection on the extent of paddy rice crops, the number of beef cattle population as the basis for determining the carrying capacity of rice straw in providing the feed. Laboratory experiments included sample preparation of rice straw through the enumeration, drying, determination of dry matter (DM), and proximate analysis. The results showed that average yield of rice straw in the area of research during the  last five years was  +9.799; +8.302; +7.079; +8.714; and +6.432 tons/year, respectively. The average population was 1.264, 1.616, 1.842, 1.683, and 1.919 animal unit (AU)/year, respectively. The average feed requirement for beef cattle was 44.609, 23.719,  20.225, 24.897, and 18.377 tons/year, respectively. On the average, carrying capacity per year was 54.07, 78.91,  20.16, 65.91, and 16.58 AU/year, respectively. Chemical composition of rice straw according to proximate analysis was DM=87.85%, crude protein=4.86%, ether extract=0.91%, crude fibre = 41.07%, Nitrogen free extract = 36.98%, and Total digestible nutrient = 46.65%. In conclusion, in terms of quantity and quality, rice straw has the potential to meet the needs of beef cattle feed in Penajam Paser Utara, Kutai Kartanegara and Berau


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    Stunting di Indonesia merupakan satu dari banyaknya masalah gizi yang perlu ditangani secara serius, dapat dilihat dari kondisi gagal tumbuh pada anak balita akibat dari kekurangan gizi kronis sehingga anak tumbuh terlalu pendek, dan perlu dilakukan penurunan prevalensi balita pendek (stunting). Angka prevalensi untuk stunting di Indonesia pada tahun 2013 persentasenya mencapai 37,2%. Stunting disebabkan oleh faktor multi dimensi dan salah satu faktor terjadi stunting pada balita adalah tinggi badan orang tua. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk dapat mengetahui gambaran tinggi badan ayah dan ibu serta mengetahui hubungan antara tinggi badan orang tua dengan kejadian stunting pada balita usia 24-59 bulan. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross sectional, tempat penelitian  dilaksanakan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Pusomaen pada bulan Juli-September tahun 2018. Populasi dalam penelitian  berjumlah 424 balita dan didapatkan 100 responden berdasarkan rumus slovin  dan jenis teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian adalah simple random sampling. Pengukuran tinggi badan balita dan orang tua menggunakan alat ukur yaitu microtoise dengan ketelitian 0,1 cm dan data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan uji fisher exact test.  Hasil analisis univariat persentase tinggi badan ayah yang  memiliki tinggi <155cm  sebesar 4%  (p value = 0,625) dan tinggi badan ibu  <150cm memiliki persentase 37% (p value = 0,406) adapun persentase balita pendek (stunting) sebesar 45% serta persentase untuk tinggi badan orang tua dengan kejadian stunting didapatkan (p value = 0,678). Hasil analisis bivariat dalam penelitian ini mendapatkan hasil bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara tinggi badan orang tua dengan kejadian stunting pada balita usia 24-59 bulan.   Kata Kunci : balita usia 24-59 bulan, tinggi badan orang tua, stunting ABSTRACTStunting in Indonesia is one of many problems nutrition that need to be addressed seriously, can be seen from condition failing growing on of baby a result of chronic malnutrition and the growing too short , and necessary reducing the prevalence of toddler short (stunting). The prevalence rate for stunting in Indonesia in 2013 reached 37.2%. Stunting is caused by multi-dimensional factors and one of the factors in stunting in infants is the height of parents. The research has purpose to know how the image of the height restrictions father and mother and to knows the correlation between the height restrictions parents with an occurrence stunting in toddlers age 24-59 months . Observational research using in the study design to a draft cross sectional , research locations carried out in this area of Puskesmas Pusomaen on the month July-September 2018. Population in research were 424 toddlers and obtained 100 respondents formula Slovin and types of  technique in the study was simple random sampling. Measuring toddlers' height and parents using a measuring instrument namely microtoise with 0.1 cm accuracy and the data obtained were analyzed using the fisher exact test. The results of univariate analysis of the percentage of father's height that has a height of <155cm of 4% (p value = 0.625) and maternal height <150cm has a percentage of 37% (p value = 0.406) while the percentage of short toddlers (stunting) is 45% and percentage for the height of parents with the incidence of stunting was obtained (p value = 0.678). The results of the analysis bivariat, there was no correlation between parents with the genesis stunting in toddlers age 24-59 months. Keywords: toddlers age 24-59 months, height parents, stuntin


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    Tujuan dari indikator program Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) salah satunya yaitu untuk mengurangi angka kematian balita. Untuk menurunkan angka kesakitan dan kematian bayi, UNICEF dan WHO merekomendasikan sebaiknya bayi disusui air susu ibu (ASI) selama 6 bulan (ASI eksklusif), dan pemberian ASI dilanjutkan sampai bayi berumur 2 tahun. Selain ASI, imunisasi wajib diberikan pada bayi dan anak untuk mencegah sakit, kecacatan dan kematian akibat PD3I. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan antara status imunisasi dan pemberian ASI eksklusif dengan status gizi pada anak usia 24-59 bulan di Desa Tateli Weru Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupaten Minahasa. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional study (studi potong lintang) yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus sampai September 2019. Populasi dan sampel penelitian merupakan seluruh balita yang bertempat tinggal di Desa Tateli Weru berjumlah 72 balita. Hasil penelitian untuk status gizi berdasarkan indeks BB/U yaitu gizi baik 75% dan gizi kurang 25%, berdasarkan indeks TB/U untuk kategori normal 62,5% dan pendek 37,5%, berdasarkan indeks BB/TB untuk kategori normal 54,2%, kurus 45,8%. Status imunisasi, lengkap 80,6% dan tidak lengkap 19,4% dan untuk pemberian ASI eksklusif, yang diberikan ASI eksklusif 26,4% dan yang tidak 73,6%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, tidak terdapat hubungan antara status imunisasi dengan status gizi (BB/U, TB/U, BB/TB) dan terdapat hubungan antara pemberian ASI eksklusif dengan status gizi (BB/U, TB/U, BB/TB). Dianjurkan kepada orang tua untuk lebih aktif dalam memantau status gizi anak serta mengikuti kegiatan penyuluhan atau sosialisasi kesehatan anak. Kata Kunci: Status Imunisasi, Asi Eksklusif, Status Gizi ABSTRACTOne of the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program indicators is to reduce children under five mortality rate. To reduce morbidity and mortality, UNICEF and WHO give recommend that babies should be giving only breast milk for 6 months (exclusive breastfeeding), and continued breastfeeding for up to 2 years. In addition to breastfeeding, immunization must be given to infants and children to prevent illness, disability and death due to disease that can be prevented by immunization. The purpose of this study was to study the relationship between immunization status and exclusive breastfeeding with nutritional status in children aged 24-59 months in Tateli Weru Village, Mandolang District, Minahasa Regency. This study used a cross sectional study design which was conducted in August to September 2019. The population and sample of the study were all children that stay in the Tateli Weru village which is 72 children. The results of the study for nutritional status based on BB / U index are 75% good nutrition and 25% malnutrition, based on the TB / U index for the normal category is 62,5%, and short 37.5% %, based on the BB / TB index for the normal category is 54,2%, thin 45,8%. Immunization status, complete 80.6% and incomplete 19.4% and for exclusive breastfeeding, those who were given exclusive breastfeeding were 26.4% and non-73.6%. Based on the results of the study, there is no relationship between immunization status and nutritional status (BB / U, TB / U, BB / TB) and there is a relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and nutritional status (BB / U, TB / U, BB / TB). It is recommended for parents to be more active in the nutritional status of children participating in counseling activities or special children's health socialization. Keywords: Immunization Status, Exclusive Breastfeeding, Nutritional Statu

    Profile of Sheep Blood After Administration with CF Amofer

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    Amoniasi-Fermentation (amofer) technology should be conducted in order to improve the low quality of by product produced from palm oil plantations and mills (palm oil waste) which is used for constituent of feed ingredients in complete feed (CF). This technology also reforms the feed material into edible form. Before broad application, it must be ensured that the feed does not have toxic effects on livestock. This research was peformed to evaluate the effects of amofer palm oil waste-based CF on blood profile and liver function on local sheep. The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Nutrition and Feed Science Diponegoro University Semarang, using 16 local male sheep aged 9 months, weight at 14.82+0.82 kg (CV=5.52%), divided into four groups and put into individual cages. They are given CF containing crude protein (CP) 10.63% (T1), 12.27% (T2), 13.70% (T3) and 15.90% (T4), with Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) range 61.83–64.21%. Blood samples were taken after the sheep consuming the CF for 37 days. Experimental design used was CRD with 4 replications. Observed variables were the levels of hemoglobin, hematocrit and blood glucose. Data were analyzed using ANOVA of CRD. The average value of blood glucose levels for T1= 80.68 mg/dl, T2=79.08 mg/dl, T3=81.18 mg/dl and T4=73.70 mg/dl. The average value of hemoglobin levels for T1=10.80 g/dl, T2=10.30 g/dl, T3=11.23 g/dl and T4=10.25 g/dl. The average value of hematocrit levels for T1=31.00%, T2=31.00%, T3=33.75% and T4=30%. There was no significant difference among four treatments (p>0.05). The administration CF did not cause hematological disorders which showed by the blood profiles were in normal range, so that suggested the CF was appropriate and safe for local sheep