786 research outputs found

    ‘We need to get together and make ourselves heard’: everyday online spaces as incubators of political action

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    This article examines to what extent, and how, people engaging in political talk within ‘non-political’ discussion forums – online lifestyle communities – leads to political (or personal) action or calls-to-action. The analysis is framed in the context of wider questions of citizenship, civic engagement and political mobilization. To capture everyday political talk amongst citizens requires us to move beyond the now widely analysed online spaces of formal politics. Instead, we focus on online third spaces concerning lifestyle issues such as parenting, personal finance and popular culture. Drawing on a content analysis of three popular UK-based discussion forums over the course of five years (2010–2014), we found that (for two of the three cases) such spaces were more than just talking shops. Rather they were spaces where political actions not only emerged, but where they seemed to be cultivated. Discussions embedded in the personal lives of participants often developed – through talk – into political actions aimed at government (or other) authorities. The article sheds light on the contributing factors and processes that (potentially) trigger and foster action emerging from political talk and provides insight into the mobilization potential of third spaces

    Kryptowährungen. Eine empirisch-qualitative Analyse von Kryptowährungen gegenüber dem traditionellen Währungssystem

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    Sowohl die Finanzkrise als auch die zunehmende Digitalisierung können als zwei zentrale Haupttreiber des „neuen“ Phänomens der Kryptowährungen angesehen werden. Kryptowährungen sollen sowohl eine Alternative zu dem traditionellen Währungssystem bieten als auch den Zahlungsverkehr vereinfachen. Das vorliegende Kapitel erarbeitet einen Vergleich von Kryptowährungen gegenüber dem traditionellen Währungssystem. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf der Kryptowährung Bitcoin und dem Wirtschaftsstandort Schweiz. Die empirischen Untersuchungen wurden mittels qualitativer Forschung durch Experteninterviews aus dem Bereich des Geldsystems und des Zahlungsverkehrs realisiert. In der Empirie wurde insbesondere der Aspekt des Vertrauens, der Resilienz wie auch der Vereinfachung von Zahlungstransaktionen analysiert

    The Finnish Think Tank Landscape : A Mixture of Consensualism and Adversity?

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    As a common feature of Nordic countries, the Finnish landscape of thinks tanks has been populated by large corporatist interest organisations and government-funded research organisations. In addition to this, since 2005, party-affiliated think tanks form a notable part of the picture. Recently, several small think tanks that are oriented towards specific themes, such as international relations, the environment and feminism, have been founded. This article examines Finnish developments in the field of think tanks with two objectives. First, it gives a general overview of the Finnish think tank landscape. Second, by using interview data and public mission statements of the most prominent think tanks, it explores how these organisations see their role in Finnish society. What is their relationship with media and the political machinery, and how does this relate to their position and activities as either consensual or adversarial actors? It is concluded that redeeming the place of think tanks in the Finnish polity is a continuing challenge, and resorting to adversarial tactics is not a favourable way to do so. This approach has mostly been attempted by neoliberal think tanks that, in the past, have also profited from corporatist structures to enhance their objectives.Peer reviewe

    Reality TV as a trigger of everyday political talk in the net-based public sphere

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    It is news journalism that is commonly considered the practice that reports on the political and invites us to act as citizens. However, there are other media genres, forms and content that may provoke the citizen in us. They not only provide talking points but also facilitate communicative spaces whereby active audiences transform into deliberating publics by bridging their knowledge, identities and experiences to society through everyday, informal political talk. The internet provides a public space whereby this everyday-life politicization can occur bottom-up. This article addresses this process of politicization in the context of political talk and discusses the boundaries between private and public by examining how it emerges in forums dedicated to British popular reality TV programmes. The article pays particular attention to the shift from non-political talk to the lifestyle-based political issues and the more conventional political topics that arise, and explores the triggers of such talk

    The use of pure and impure placebo interventions in primary care - a qualitative approach

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    Background: Placebos play an important role in clinical trials and several surveys have shown that they are also common in daily practice. Previous research focused primarily on the frequency of placebo use in outpatient care. Our aim was to explore physicians' views on the use of placebos in daily practice, whereby distinction was made between pure placebos (substances with no pharmacological effect, e.g. sugar pills) and impure placebos (substances with pharmacological effect but not on the condition being treated, e.g. antibiotics in viral infections or vitamins). Methods: We performed semi-structured interviews with a sample of twelve primary care physicians (PCPs). The interview addressed individual definitions of a placebo, attitudes towards placebos and the participants' reasons for prescribing them. The interviews were transcribed and analysed using qualitative content analysis. Results: The definition of a placebo given by the majority of the PCPs in our study was one which actually only describes pure placebos. This definition, combined with the fact that most impure placebos were not regarded as placebos at all, means that most of the participating PCPs were not aware of the extent to which placebos are used in daily practice. The PCPs stated that they use placebos (both pure and impure) mainly in the case of non-severe diseases for which there was often no satisfactory somatic explanation. According to the PCPs, cases like this are often treated by complementary and alternative therapies and these, too, are associated with placebo effects. However, all PCPs felt that the ethical aspects of such treatment were unclear and they were unsure as to how to communicate the use of placebos to their patients. Most of them would appreciate ethical guidelines on how to deal with this issue. Conclusions: Many PCPs seem to be unaware that some of the drugs they prescribe are classified as impure placebos. Perceptions of effectiveness and doubts about the legal and ethical aspects of the use of placebos by PCPs may discourage their application. Dissemination of guidelines and consensus papers may be one approach, but it has to be acknowledged that the topic itself is in conflict with the PCPs' perception of themselves as professional and reliable physicians


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    Das Rollenspiel als Erhebungsmethode in der qualitativen Sozialforschung bietet, verbunden mit dem Auswertungsverfahren der tiefenhermeneutischen Textinterpretation, die Möglichkeit, kollektiv unbewusste Prozesse in Gruppen in ihrem Bedeutungsgehalt für die den Interaktionen zugrunde liegenden Muster zu erkennen und zu verstehen. Gruppendynamische Prozesse werden erfasst und das rollenspezifische Handeln der Gruppenteilnehmenden bezogen auf das jeweilige Erfahrungsfeld analysiert. In dem Beitrag werden die Durchführung der Rollenspiele sowie deren Dokumentation und die Auswertung der in den Rollenspielen erhobenen Daten vorgestellt, insbesondere anhand konkreter Anwendungsbeispiele die Dokumentations- und Auswertungsschritte praxisorientiert dargelegt und Limitationen der Einsatzes von Rollenspielen diskutiert