57 research outputs found

    A Returnable Transport Item to Integrate Logistics 4.0 and Circular Economy in Pharma Supply Chains

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    Recent global events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and the climate crisis, force the pharma logistics sector to rapidly improve their processes and establish more resilient and sustainable medical supply chains. For this purpose, the pharma logistics sector needs to catch up in Industry 4.0 adoption and establish circular economies. In the context of the applied research project DigiPharmaLogNet, a prototypic returnable transport item (RTI) is enhanced with communication technology and piloted in pharma-specific use-cases. The results will build the base for developing business models and roadmaps towards sustainable pharma logistics networks. This article describes the technological developments and economical evaluations of potential business models

    Requirements for the Transformation towards Returnable Transport Item-Enabled Circular Economies in the Austrian Parcel Industry

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    The European Green Deal sets the ambitious targets of establishing the first climate neutral continent by 2050 and reducing emissions by a minimum of 55% by 2030. In order to move the involved stakeholders to action, the European Commission has formulated proposals for regulations. One such proposal defines a legal framework to force industries to reduce the environmental burden caused by packaging waste. A major waste producer is the parcel service industry (CEP; courier, express, and parcel) and the industries it serves. Once put into place by the EU member states, the new laws will force all players in these sectors to increase business innovations in circular economies, which are based on the principles of recycling and reuse. Circular economies can be achieved by the implementation of returnable transport items (RTI) integrated with Industry 4.0 technologies. The ongoing research project ReKEP, which is largely funded by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, investigates potential impacts of RTI-based circular economies in the Austrian parcel service industry. The project’s particular interest is to identify the requirements of the most relevant stakeholder groups in the CEP industry for the successful transformation towards RTI-enabled circular economies. For this purpose, we conducted interviews with leaders and decision-makers of 10 stakeholder organizations, including producers, retailers, CEP contractors and the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber. This paper summarizes the interview results, which indicate that, despite recognizing the high potential of RTIs for reaching ecological sustainability goals, the contemporary awareness of the EU Green Deal and the concomitant responsibility to take action seems too low for successful implementation. The study outcome suggests that research and development in RTI should focus on operational requirements of workers and line managers from CEP industries for successful transformations to circular economies

    Personalentwicklung im universitĂ€ren Weiterbildungsbereich: Perspektiven fĂŒr wissenschaftliche MitarbeiterInnen

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    UniversitĂ€re Weiter­bildung befindet sich im Spannungsfeld zwischen Wissen­schaftlichkeit und Wirtschaft­lichkeit. Die Donau-UniversitĂ€t Krems stellt aufgrund ihrer Spezialisierung als "UniversitĂ€t fĂŒr Weiterbildung" und dem Anspruch auf hohe Eigenfinanzierungsquoten eine Besonderheit in der europĂ€ischen Univer­sitĂ€ts­land­schaft dar. Daraus ergeben sich besondere Herausforderungen in der Personal­entwicklung. Am Beispiel der Donau-UniversitĂ€t Krems werden die Unterschiede in der Personal­struktur der wissenschaftlichen MitarbeiterInnen und die Anforderungen hin­sichtlich Karriereentwicklung im Quervergleich zu traditionellen UniversitĂ€ten analysiert. Daraus werden ein neues Modell fĂŒr die Personalstruktur sowie mögliche Karriere­wege und Anreizsysteme fĂŒr die wissenschaftlichen MitarbeiterInnen abgeleitet. 12.07.2007 | Sabine Steidl, Hanna Risku & Walter Mayrhofer (Krems

    Refining the picture: new records to the lichen biota of Italy

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    Based on the analysis of both historical and recent collections, this paper reports an annotated list of taxa which are new to the lichen biota of Italy or of its administrative regions. Specimens were identified using a dissecting and a compound microscope; routine chemical spot tests and standardized thin-layer chromatography (TLC or HPTLC). The list includes 225 records of 153 taxa. Twenty taxa are new to Italy, the others are new to one or more administrative regions, with 15 second records and 5 third records for Italy. Some of the species belong to recently-described taxa, others are poorly known, sterile or ephemeral lichens which were largely overlooked in Italy. Several species are actually rare, either because of the rarity of their habitats (e.g. old-growth forests), or because in Italy they are at the margins of their bioclimatic distribution. The picture of the lichen biota of Italy has now new pixels, but its grain is still coarse. Further analysis of historical collections, increased efforts in the exploration of some areas, and the taxonomic revision of critical groups are still necessary to provide more complete distributional data for new biogeographic hypotheses, taxonomic and ecological research, and biodiversity conservation

    Tailoring Cu Electrodes for Enhanced CO 2 Electroreduction through Plasma Electrolysis in Non‐Conventional Phosphorus‐Oxoanion‐Based Electrolytes

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    This study presents a green, ultra-fast, and facile technique for the fabrication of micro/nano-structured and porous Cu electrodes through in-liquid plasma electrolysis using phosphorous-oxoanion-based electrolytes. Besides the preferential surface faceting, the Cu electrodes exhibit unique surface structures, including octahedral nanocrystals besides nanoporous and microporous structures, depending on the employed electrolyte. The incorporation of P-atoms into the Cu surfaces is observed. The modified Cu electrodes display increased roughness, leading to higher current densities for CO2 electroreduction reaction. The selectivity of the modified Cu electrodes towards C2 products is highest for the Cu electrodes treated in Na2HPO3 and Na3PO4 electrolytes, whereas those treated in Na2H2PO2 produce the most H2. The Cu electrode treated in Na3PO4 produces ethylene (23 %) at −1.1 V vs. RHE, and a comparable amount of acetaldehyde (15 %) that is typically observed for Cu(110) single crystals. The enhanced selectivity is attributed to several factors, including the surface morphology, the incorporation of phosphorus into the Cu structure, and the formation of Cu(110) facets. Our results not only advance our understanding of the influence of the electrolyte\u27s nature on the plasma electrolysis of Cu electrodes, but also underscores the potential of in-liquid plasma treatment for developing efficient Cu electrocatalysts for sustainable CO2 conversion

    A Pandemic Influenza H1N1 Live Vaccine Based on Modified Vaccinia Ankara Is Highly Immunogenic and Protects Mice in Active and Passive Immunizations

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    The development of novel influenza vaccines inducing a broad immune response is an important objective. The aim of this study was to evaluate live vaccines which induce both strong humoral and cell-mediated immune responses against the novel human pandemic H1N1 influenza virus, and to show protection in a lethal animal challenge model.For this purpose, the hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) genes of the influenza A/California/07/2009 (H1N1) strain (CA/07) were inserted into the replication-deficient modified vaccinia Ankara (MVA) virus - a safe poxviral live vector – resulting in MVA-H1-Ca and MVA-N1-Ca vectors. These live vaccines, together with an inactivated whole virus vaccine, were assessed in a lung infection model using immune competent Balb/c mice, and in a lethal challenge model using severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice after passive serum transfer from immunized mice. Balb/c mice vaccinated with the MVA-H1-Ca virus or the inactivated vaccine were fully protected from lung infection after challenge with the influenza H1N1 wild-type strain, while the neuraminidase virus MVA-N1-Ca induced only partial protection. The live vaccines were already protective after a single dose and induced substantial amounts of neutralizing antibodies and of interferon-γ-secreting (IFN-γ) CD4- and CD8 T-cells in lungs and spleens. In the lungs, a rapid increase of HA-specific CD4- and CD8 T cells was observed in vaccinated mice shortly after challenge with influenza swine flu virus, which probably contributes to the strong inhibition of pulmonary viral replication observed. In addition, passive transfer of antisera raised in MVA-H1-Ca vaccinated immune-competent mice protected SCID mice from lethal challenge with the CA/07 wild-type virus.The non-replicating MVA-based H1N1 live vaccines induce a broad protective immune response and are promising vaccine candidates for pandemic influenza

    Benchmarking Hydrogen Evolving Reaction and Oxygen Evolving Reaction Electrocatalysts for Solar Water Splitting Devices

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