184 research outputs found

    Bewusstheit geteilter Ziele und adaptive Informationsdarbietung zur Unterstützung von Lernen im Museum

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    In informal learning visitor often do not pursue any learning goals and normally do not process information in a deep manner. From these characteristics of the learning setting two approaches were derived how learning in museums can be supported: (1) Making visitor dyads aware of a shared learning goal helps them to visit a museum in a more focused way, regulate their information processing socially, process information deeper, and thereby acquire more knowledge. (2) As normally information processing in informal settings is rather superficial, a second support is needed which helps visitor dyads to maintain deep, goal-oriented processing throughout their visit: An adaptive mobile device displays additional information that re-contextualize an exhibit in the context of a dyad’s shared learning goal. Adaptation of content reduces requirements to search for goal-relevant information and thereby frees cognitive resources for elaborating the information. As a side effect, awareness of a shared goal is reinforced by each goal-relevant information that is received on the device and can be maintained throughout the visit with less effort. Two studies were conducted to test whether these two ways of support can enhance deep, goal-oriented information processing and learning in an exhibition. Study 1 was conducted in a virtual exhibition and study 2 in a laboratory exhibition. These two settings differ with respect to their formality and allow analyzing effects of the learning environment’s formality on the efficiency of the two approaches. In the virtual exhibition (study 1) visitors with awareness of shared goals processed goal-irrelevant exhibits longer if they were accompanied by goal-relevant additional information. Adaptation of information led to higher learning outcomes and more full knowledge, indicating deeper processing of information with adaptation. In the real exhibition (study 2) visitors with awareness of shared goals acquired more full knowledge than visitors without awareness – independent from adaptation of information. Awareness did not effect exploration duration, but a goal-directed use of the mobile device: Without adaptation visitors especially requested additional information on goal-irrelevant exhibits. If in this case the device presented goal-relevant information they were fast to use it again; but if the device presented goal-irrelevant information is was more likely to be neglected in the following. Results from both studies indicate that awareness of shared goals elicits goal-directed behavior (exploration duration, evaluation of information) and self- / socially shared regulation processes. But if the exhibits do not meet the visitors’ activated goals they are likely to be disappointed and terminate their visit earlier. Adaptive mobile devices can help to satisfy their search for goal-relevant information. Additionally, they reduce requirements of exhibit selection and maintain and even reinforce the awareness of the shared learning goal. Combining both ways of support seems to be a promising way how museums might assist their visitors in self-directed, deep processing of information.Beim informellen Lernen im Museum verfolgen BesucherInnen vielfach keine Lernziele und verarbeiten Information oft nur oberflächlich. Ausgehend von diesen Merkmalen der Lernsituation wurden zwei Möglichkeiten abgeleitet, wie Lernen im Museum unterstützt werden kann: (1) Die Bewusstmachung von geteilten Lernzielen unterstützt Besucherdyaden in zielgerichteterem Besuchsverhalten; in der gemeinsamen (Selbst-)Steuerung der Informationsverarbeitung, in der tieferen Verarbeitung von Information und letztendlich im Lernen. (2) Da Informationsverarbeitung in informellen Lernumgebungen normalerweise eher oberflächlich ist, bedarf es einer zweiten Unterstützung, die den Besucherdyaden hilft ihre zielgerichtete Informationsverarbeitung während des gesamten Besuchs aufrechtzuerhalten: Eine Lösung bieten adaptive mobile Medien, die den BenutzerInnen Zusatzinformationen präsentieren, welche die Exponate im Bezug zu deren Lernzielen setzen und so re-kontextualisieren. Dadurch werden die Anforderungen zur Suche nach zielrelevanten Exponaten und Information reduziert und es stehen mehr kognitive Ressourcen zur tiefen Verarbeitung und Elaboration der Informationen zur Verfügung. Daneben verstärkt die adaptive zielrelevante Zusatzinformation die Bewusstheit des geteilten Lernziels und erhält diese während des gesamten Besuchs aufrecht. Diese beiden Unterstützungsansätze für tiefe, zielorientierte Informationsverarbeitung und Lernen in Museen wurden in zwei Studien empirisch überprüft. Studie 1 wurde in einer virtuellen Ausstellung durchgeführt, Studie 2 in einer Laborausstellung. Diese beiden Settings unterscheiden sich hinsichtlich ihres formalen Charakters und erlauben es den Einfluss der Formalität einer Lernumgebung auf die Effektivität der beiden Unterstützungsansätze zu untersuchen. Durch die Bewusstmachung geteilter Ziele verarbeiteten Besucherdyaden in der virtuellen Ausstellung (Studie 1) zielirrelevante Exponate länger, wenn diese von zielrelevanter Zusatzinformation am mobilen Medium begleitet wurden. Die zusätzliche Adaptation der Zusatzinformation führte zu einem höherem Lernerfolg der BesucherInnen und mehr Sicherheit in ihr eigenes Wissen (Vollwissen), einem Indikator für tiefere Informationsverarbeitung. In der Laborausstellung (Studie 2) erwarben alle BesucherInnen mit bewussten geteilten Lernzielen (unabhängig von der Adaptation) mehr Vollwissen. Bewusste Ziele hatten keinen Effekt auf die Dauer der Exploration, jedoch auf eine zielgerichtete Nutzung der mobilen Medien: Ohne Adaptation fragten die Besucherdyaden im speziellen Zusatzinformation zu zielirrelevanten Exponaten an. Erhielten die BenutzerInnen auf ihre Anfrage zielrelevante Information nutzten sie in der Folge das mobile Endgerät verstärkt; erhielten die BenutzerInnen jedoch zielirrelevante Information wurde es in der Folge eher ignoriert. Die Ergebnisse der beiden Studien zeigen, dass die Bewusstmachung geteilter Lernziele ein zielgerichteteres Besuchsverhalten und die (gemeinsame) Selbststeuerung des Lernprozesses hervorrufen kann. Wenn jedoch die Information nicht mit dem aktivierten Ziel übereinstimmt, werden die Erwartungen der BesucherInnen enttäuscht und der Besuch früher abgebrochen. Adaptive mobile Medien können dem entgegensteuern, indem sie die Suche der BenutzerInnen nach zielrelevanter Information befriedigen. Sie reduzieren die Anforderungen für die Informationsselektion und können sogar die Bewusstheit der geteilten Lernziele während des Besuchs verstärken. Die Kombination beider Ansätze scheint ein viel versprechender Weg zu sein, wie Museen ihre BesucherInnen in selbstgesteuerter, tiefer Informationsverarbeitung unterstützen können

    Korrelationsanalyse zwischen Sauerstoffradikalen und dem Stresshormon Cortisol an Probanden

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    Stressreaktionen sind komplexe Vorgänge, an denen eine Vielzahl von Faktoren beteiligt ist. Zwei dieser Faktoren, namentlich Cortisol und die reaktive Sauerstoffspezies, wurden im Rahmen dieser Diplomarbeit miteinander in Korrelation gesetzt. Außerdem wurde untersucht, welche Parameter einen Einfluss auf die Speichelcortisolkonzentration haben könnten. Das untersuchte Kollektiv umfasst insgesamt 177 Pharmaziestudentinnen und -studenten, die im Rahmen des Praktikums für chemische Diagnostik und klinische Pharmazie sowohl ihren Speichelcortisolwert als auch ihren Radikalstatus mit Hilfe des Free Oxygen Radicals Test, kurz FORT, ermittelten. Zusätzliche Informationen beispielsweise zu den Lebensgewohnheiten oder zum Gesundheitszustand wurden mittels anonymisiertem Fragebogen erhoben. Als Parameter, welche die Speichelcortisolwerte beeinflussen, konnte die Einnahme von östrogenhaltigen Präparaten bzw. der Wohnort identifiziert werden. So weisen Probandinnen, die mit östrogenhaltigen Kontrazeptiva verhüten, signifikant höhere Cortisolwerte als Frauen, die keine Östrogene zu sich nehmen, auf. Bezüglich des Wohnortes hat sich ergeben, dass bei Personen, die innerstädtisch wohnhaft sind, signifikant höhere Speichelcortisolkonzentrationen als bei Personen, die am Stadtrand oder im ländlichen Raum leben, gemessen wurden. Das Geschlecht, die Einnahme von gestagenhaltigen Präparaten, das Vorliegen einer Entzündung und das subjektive Empfinden, sich müde und abgeschlagen zu fühlen, konnten hingegen nicht als Einflussfaktoren identifiziert werden. Die durchgeführten Korrelations- und Regressionsanalysen ergaben, dass kein Zusammenhang zwischen den Variablen Cortisolspiegel und dem FORT-Wert besteht.

    A Workflow Approach to Visualization-Based Storytelling with Cultural Heritage Data

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    Stories are as old as human history - and a powerful means for the engaging communication of information, especially in combination with visualizations. The InTaVia project is built on this intersection and has developed a platform which supports the workflow of cultural heritage experts to create compelling visualization-based stories: From the search for relevant cultural objects and actors in a cultural knowledge graph, to the curation and visual analysis of the selected information, and to the creation of stories based on these data and visualizations, which can be shared with the interested public.Comment: VIS4DH 202

    Duality, Compactification, and e1/λe^{-1/\lambda} Effects in the Heterotic String Theory

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    Two classes of stringy instanton effects, stronger than standard field theory instantons, are identified in the heterotic string theory. These contributions are established using type IIA/heterotic and type I/heterotic dualities. They provide examples for the heterotic case of the effects predicted by Shenker based on the large-order behavior of perturbation theory. The corrections vanish as the radius of the compactification goes to infinity. For appropriate amplitudes, they are computable worldsheet or worldline instanton effects on the dual side. Some potential applications are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, harvmac bi

    Purification, crystallization and X-ray diffraction analysis of human dynamin-related protein 1 GTPase-GED fusion protein

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    The mechano-enzyme dynamin-related protein 1 plays an important role in mitochondrial fission and is implicated in cell physiology. Dysregulation of Drp1 is associated with abnormal mitochondrial dynamics and neuronal damage. Drp1 shares structural and functional similarities with dynamin 1 with respect to domain organization, ability to self-assemble into spiral-like oligomers and GTP-cycle-dependent membrane scission. Structural studies of human dynamin-1 have greatly improved the understanding of this prototypical member of the dynamin superfamily. However, high-resolution structural information for full-length human Drp1 covering the GTPase domain, the middle domain and the GTPase effector domain (GED) is still lacking. In order to obtain mechanistic insights into the catalytic activity, a nucleotide-free GTPase-GED fusion protein of human Drp1 was expressed, purified and crystallized. Initial X-ray diffraction experiments yielded data to 2.67 angstrom resolution. The hexagonal-shaped crystals belonged to space group P2(1)2(1)2, with unit-cell parameters a = 53.59, b = 151.65, c = 43.53 angstrom, one molecule per asymmetric unit and a solvent content of 42%. Expression of selenomethionine-labelled protein is currently in progress. Here, the expression, purification, crystallization and X-ray diffraction analysis of the Drp1 GTPase-GED fusion protein are presented, which form a basis for more detailed structural and biophysical analysis

    Toward Clinically Compatible Phase-Contrast Mammography

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    Phase-contrast mammography using laboratory X-ray sources is a promising approach to overcome the relatively low sensitivity and specificity of clinical, absorption-based screening. Current research is mostly centered on identifying potential diagnostic benefits arising from phase-contrast and dark-field mammography and benchmarking the latter with conventional state-of-the-art imaging methods. So far, little effort has been made to adjust this novel imaging technique to clinical needs. In this article, we address the key points for a successful implementation to a clinical routine in the near future and present the very first dose-compatible and rapid scan-time phase-contrast mammograms of both a freshly dissected, cancer-bearing mastectomy specimen and a mammographic accreditation phantom

    Toward Clinically Compatible Phase-Contrast Mammography

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    Phase-contrast mammography using laboratory X-ray sources is a promising approach to overcome the relatively low sensitivity and specificity of clinical, absorption-based screening. Current research is mostly centered on identifying potential diagnostic benefits arising from phase-contrast and dark-field mammography and benchmarking the latter with conventional state-of-the-art imaging methods. So far, little effort has been made to adjust this novel imaging technique to clinical needs. In this article, we address the key points for a successful implementation to a clinical routine in the near future and present the very first dose-compatible and rapid scan-time phase-contrast mammograms of both a freshly dissected, cancer-bearing mastectomy specimen and a mammographic accreditation phantom

    Antiretroviral tolerability and efficacy after switch to saquinavir in PI-experienced patients : 48-week analysis of the German Rainbow Cohort

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    Poster presentation: Purpose of the study The aim of the Rainbow Cohort is to assess the tolerability and efficacy of initiating treatment with, or switching treatment to the saquinavir (SQV) 500 mg film-coated tablet formulation. We present the final 48-week subgroup analysis of PI-experienced, but SQV-naïve patients. ..

    Improved Diagnostics by Assessing the Micromorphology of Breast Calcifications via X-Ray Dark-Field Radiography

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    Breast microcalcifications play an essential role in the detection and evaluation of early breast cancer in clinical diagnostics. However, in digital mammography, microcalcifications are merely graded with respect to their global appearance within the mammogram, while their interior microstructure remains spatially unresolved and therefore not considered in cancer risk stratification. In this article, we exploit the sub-pixel resolution sensitivity of X-ray dark-field contrast for clinical microcalcification assessment. We demonstrate that the micromorphology, rather than chemical composition of microcalcification clusters (as hypothesised by recent literature), determines their absorption and small-angle scattering characteristics. We show that a quantitative classification of the inherent microstructure as ultra-fine, fine, pleomorphic and coarse textured is possible. Insights underlying the micromorphological nature of breast calcifications are verified by comprehensive high-resolution micro-CT measurements. We test the determined microtexture of microcalcifications as an indicator for malignancy and demonstrate its potential to improve breast cancer diagnosis, by providing a non-invasive tool for sub-resolution microcalcification assessment. Our results indicate that dark-field imaging of microcalcifications may enhance the diagnostic validity of current microcalcification analysis and reduce the number of invasive procedures

    Improved Diagnostics by Assessing the Micromorphology of Breast Calcifications via X-Ray Dark-Field Radiography

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    Breast microcalcifications play an essential role in the detection and evaluation of early breast cancer in clinical diagnostics. However, in digital mammography, microcalcifications are merely graded with respect to their global appearance within the mammogram, while their interior microstructure remains spatially unresolved and therefore not considered in cancer risk stratification. In this article, we exploit the sub-pixel resolution sensitivity of X-ray dark-field contrast for clinical microcalcification assessment. We demonstrate that the micromorphology, rather than chemical composition of microcalcification clusters (as hypothesised by recent literature), determines their absorption and small-angle scattering characteristics. We show that a quantitative classification of the inherent microstructure as ultra-fine, fine, pleomorphic and coarse textured is possible. Insights underlying the micromorphological nature of breast calcifications are verified by comprehensive high-resolution micro-CT measurements. We test the determined microtexture of microcalcifications as an indicator for malignancy and demonstrate its potential to improve breast cancer diagnosis, by providing a non-invasive tool for sub-resolution microcalcification assessment. Our results indicate that dark-field imaging of microcalcifications may enhance the diagnostic validity of current microcalcification analysis and reduce the number of invasive procedures