728 research outputs found

    A major star formation region in the receding tip of the stellar Galactic bar

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    We present an analysis of the optical spectroscopy of 58 stars in the Galactic plane at l=27l=27\arcdeg, where a prominent excess in the flux distribution and star counts have been observed in several spectral regions, in particular in the Two Micron Galactic Survey (TMGS) catalog. The sources were selected from the TMGS, to have a KK magnitude brighter than +5 mag and be within 2 degrees of the Galactic plane. More than 60% of the spectra correspond to stars of luminosity class I, and a significant proportion of the remainder are very late giants which would also be fast evolving. This very high concentration of young sources points to the existence of a major star formation region in the Galactic plane, located just inside the assumed origin of the Scutum spiral arm. Such regions can form due to the concentrations of shocked gas where a galactic bar meets a spiral arm, as is observed at the ends of the bars of face-on external galaxies. Thus, the presence of a massive star formation region is very strong supporting evidence for the presence of a bar in our Galaxy.Comment: 13 pages (latex) + 4 figures (eps), accepted in ApJ Let

    Prevalencia y factores de riesgo de úlceras por presión

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    ObjetivoConocer la prevalencia de úlceras por presión (UPP) en pacientes incapacitados de una Zona Básica de Salud (ZBS) y caracterizar los factores de riesgo asociados a su aparición.DiseñoEstudio transversal observacional.EmplazamientoZBS Rincón de la Victoria (Málaga).ParticipantesPacientes incluidos en el Programa de Incapacitados (n = 178), de la ZBS, residentes en su domicilio o en una residencia geriátrica.MedicionesCuestionario específico con variables sociodemográficas y de salud. Para la valoración de factores de riesgo asociados con la formación de UPP, se utilizó la Escala de Norton Modificada (ENM). La variable resultado de interés fue la presencia o ausencia de UPP, localización y grado. El denominador para el cálculo de la prevalencia ha sido el total de pacientes valorados.ResultadosLa prevalencia fue del 12,9%. La característica sociodemográfica más significativa asociada con la presencia de úlceras en estos pacientes fue el nivel de instrucción del cuidador. Se constata asociación de determinadas variables del estado de salud del paciente con aparición de UPP.ConclusionesLos resultados alertan a la necesidad de la realización de protocolos diagnósticos y de intervención comunitaria para reducir la presentación de UPP en pacientes incapacitados que viven en la comunidad.ObjectivesTo study prevalence of pressure ulcers among functionally impaired patients in the community and evaluate risk factors associated with the development of pressure ulcers in these patients.DesignCross-sectional, observational study.SettingCommunity dwellers served by the Primary Health Care Area of Rincón de la Victoria in Málaga.ParticipantsAll patients included in the «Impaired Patient Programme» (n=178).MethodsA questionnaire was developed to ascertain demographic and health characteristics. Risk factors were evaluated with the Modified Norton Scale. The outcome variable of interest was presence or absence of pressure ulcers, their location and grade. The denominator used for the calculation of the prevalence was the total of evaluated patients.ResultsPrevalence of pressure ulcers in our Basic Health Area was 12.9%. The most important sociodemographic characteristic associated with the presence of pressure ulcers in these patients was the educational attainment of the caregiver. Health varaibles of the patient were also associated with the risk of developing ulcers.ConclusionsResults indicate the need of diagnostic protocols with standardised instruments and prevention plans to reduce pressure ulcers in the community. Longitudinal studies are needed to evaluate interventions in this area

    Asymmetric cost and benefit perceptions in willingness-to-donate decisions

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    Charitable giving entails the act of foregoing personal resources in order to improve the conditions of other people. In the present paper, we systematically examine two dimensions integral to donation decisions that have thus far received relatively little attention but can explain charitable behavior rather well: the perceptions of cost for the donor and benefit for the recipients. In line with current theories in judgment and decision making, we hypothesize that people weigh these dimensions subjectively and perceive them asymmetrically, consistent with prospect theory. Costs for the donor are typically perceived as losses, whereas benefits for recipients are perceived as gains. In four studies, we presented several scenarios to participants in which both donation amounts (costs) and number of lives helped (benefits) were manipulated while keeping the ratio of costs and benefits constant. Results from Studies 1 and 2 showed that willingness to help decreased as donation amounts and number of lives helped increased. Additionally, Studies 3 and 4 provide evidence for a solution to reduce the asymmetry and increase donation amounts as the number of lives at risk increases

    Simultaneous multiwavelength observations of the Low/Hard State of the X-ray transient source SWIFT J1753.5-0127

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    We report the results of simultaneous multiwavelength observations of the X-ray transient source SWIFT J1753.5-0127 performed with INTEGRAL, RXTE, NTT, REM and VLA on 2005 August 10-12. The source, which underwent an X-ray outburst since 2005 May 30, was observed during the INTEGRAL Target of Opportunity program dedicated to new X-ray novae located in the Galactic Halo. Broad-band spectra and fast timing variability properties of SWIFT J1753.5-0127 are analyzed together with the optical, near infra-red and radio data. We show that the source was significantly detected up to 600 keV with Comptonization parameters and timing properties typical of the so-called Low/Hard State of black hole candidates. We build a spectral energy distribution and we show that SWIFT J1753.5-0127 does not follow the usual radio/X-ray correlation of X-ray binaries in the Low/Hard State. We give estimates of distance and mass. We conclude that SWIFT J1753.5-0127 belongs to the X-ray nova class and that it is likely a black hole candidate transient source of the Galactic Halo which remained in the Low/Hard State during its main outburst. We discuss our results within the context of Comptonization and jet models.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 25 pages, 4 tables, 11 figures (3 in color

    Declining liver graft quality threatens the future of liver transplantation in the United States

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    National liver transplantation (LT) volume has declined since 2006, in part because of worsening donor organ quality. Trends that degrade organ quality are expected to continue over the next 2 decades. We used the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) database to inform a 20-year discrete event simulation estimating LT volume from 2010 to 2030. Data to inform the model were obtained from deceased organ donors between 2000 and 2009. If donor liver utilization practices remain constant, utilization will fall from 78% to 44% by 2030, resulting in 2230 fewer LTs. If transplant centers increase their risk tolerance for marginal grafts, utilization would decrease to 48%. The institution of "opt-out" organ donation policies to increase the donor pool would still result in 1380 to 1866 fewer transplants. Ex vivo perfusion techniques that increase the use of marginal donor livers may stabilize LT volume. Otherwise, the number of LTs in the United States will decrease substantially over the next 15 years. In conclusion, the transplant community will need to accept inferior grafts and potentially worse posttransplant outcomes and/or develop new strategies for increasing organ donation and utilization in order to maintain the number of LTs at the current level

    Unsuspected Dengue as a Cause of Acute Febrile Illness in Children and Adults in Western Nicaragua

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    Dengue is an emerging infectious disease of global significance. Suspected dengue, especially in children in Nicaragua’s heavily-urbanized capital of Managua, has been well documented, but unsuspected dengue among children and adults with undifferentitated fever has not