386 research outputs found

    Sedimentary evolution and provenance of the Last Fluvial episodes of the Cameros Basin (Lower Cretaceous, North Spain)

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    Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Prevalence and use of services in persons with schizophrenia and related disorders in Málaga (Spain)

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    Background/Objectives Very few studies have examined schizophrenia morbidity in Spain, using multiple sources of information. We performed a 1-year prevalence study of schizophrenia and related disorders in Málaga and the use of services in a population aged 14 years or older living in the mental health catchment area of Carlos Haya hospital (Málaga, Spain). Methods Data were obtained from multiple sources of information mainly clinical databases. We selected more than 4000 persons as “possible cases” and we consult case notes and key informant (general practice and psychiatrists) to confirm schizophrenic diagnoses and place of living. Results A total of 1808 patients, 1169 men and 639 women were included as cases in the study. The one year ICD-10 prevalence rate was 6,8 (6,5-7,1) per 1000 adult population. Almost 80% of cases were in contact with public mental health services. Responsibility for schizophrenic patients is mainly carried by mental health services. Discussion/Conclusion Health planning should be based on local data about prevalence and use of services. Multiple sources of information are essential for accurate estimation of prevalence of schizophrenia disorders. GrantsUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Junta de Andalucía (PI/PI338/2008 y CTS-945

    La comprensión de la persuasión en niños y niñas de 6 a 12 años

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    The present work has as a general objective the study of how children understand the communicative act of persuasion (one in which it is interpreted that a person wants to get something from another) and how this understanding is related to important variables of psychological development. From this general objective two specific objectives are derived. The first consists of analyzing the ability to understand persuasión in primary school children based on making mentalistic inferences about the persuader’s cognitive perspective (their mental state of belief, their motivation/attitude, and their intention trying to persuade), as well as making mentalistic inferences about both the cognitive and emotional perspective of the persuaded person (his mental state of belief and his emotional state, both caused by the words of the persuader). The second specific objective is to examine how these attributions that children make are related to linguistic ability and Theory of mind. For this, 103 children from 6 to 12 years old have been administered an assessment task of the understanding of persuasion, the PPVT-III test to obtain the level of child language development, and a set of assessment tasks of different mentalistic abilities. The results indicate that the child s level of linguistic development is related to the inference of the persuader s intention, as well as to the explicit references to the state of belief and emotion that the persuaded person develops. On the other hand, the results have also shown that the most sophisticated mentalistic inference skills are related to the attribution of the intention to the persuader and to the explicit reference to the emotional state of the persuaded person.El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo general el estudio de cómo los niños/as comprenden el acto comunicativo de persuasión (aquel en el que se interpreta que una persona quiere conseguir algo de otra) y cómo esta comprensión se relaciona con importantes variables del desarrollo psicológico. A partir de este objetivo general se derivan dos objetivos específicos. El primero consiste en analizar la capacidad de comprensión de la persuasión en niños/as de Educación Primaria en función de la realización de inferencias mentalistas acerca de la perspectiva cognitiva del persuasor (su estado mental de creencia, su motivación/actitud, y su intención al intentar persuadir), así como de la realización de inferencias mentalistas acerca de la perspectiva tanto cognitiva como emocional de la persona persuadida (su estado mental de creencia y su estado emocional, ambos causados por las palabras del persuasor). El segundo objetivo específico consiste en examinar cómo estas atribuciones que hacen los niños se relacionan con la habilidad lingüística y la Teoría de la Mente. Para ello, se han administrado a 103 niños/as de 6 a 12 años una tarea de evaluación de la comprensión de una persuasión, el test PPVT-III para obtener el nivel de desarrollo lingüístico infantil, y un conjunto de tareas de evaluación de distintas habilidades mentalistas. Los resultados indican que el nivel de desarrollo lingüístico infantil se relaciona con la inferencia de la intención del persuasor, así como con las referencias explícitas al estado de creencia y emoción que desarrolla la persona persuadida. Por otra parte, los resultados también han puesto en evidencia que las habilidades de inferencia mentalista más sofisticadas están relacionadas con la atribución de la intención al persuasor y con la referencia explícita al estado emocional de la persona persuadid

    La vigilancia en España 3 años después de la entrada en vigor de la Ley General de Salud Pública

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    ResumenEn 2014, el Grupo de Trabajo de Vigilancia Epidemiológica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo con el fin de evaluar el desarrollo de la Ley General de Salud Pública, promulgada en España en 2011. Se remitió una encuesta a las 19 comunidades y ciudades autónomas para evaluar la existencia de sistemas de información y otros aspectos de los distintos apartados de vigilancia incluidos en la ley. Todas disponían de un sistema de información para enfermedades transmisibles y en seis para condicionantes sociales; 18 vigilaban al menos una enfermedad crónica y 14 alguno de sus determinantes. El 100% analizaba sistemáticamente la información procedente de la vigilancia de las enfermedades transmisibles. Hay margen de mejora para la vigilancia de la salud pública en España. La acción debe ir dirigida a los principales problemas de salud.AbstractIn 2014, the Epidemiological Surveillance Working Group of the Sociedad Española de Epidemiología (Spanish Society of Epidemiology), carried out a descriptive study in order to evaluate the level of development of the Spanish Public Health Law since its enactment in 2011. A survey collecting data on the existence of information systems and other aspects pertaining to each surveillance section included in the law was sent to all 19 autonomous communities and cities. All regional authorities reported the presence of an information system for communicable diseases, and six also reported an information system for social factors. 18 reported that at least one chronic disease was subject to surveillance and 14 confirmed surveillance of some of its determinants. They all systematically analysed the data derived from the communicable diseases. There is room for improvement in Public Health surveillance in Spain, and action should be aimed at the main health problems

    Sedimentología de sucesiones sinrift tempranas en un semigraben marginal de un rift extensional: la Cuenca de Bijuesca, Jurásico superior de la Cordillera Ibérica (Zaragoza, España)

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    Un estudio sedimentológico detallado de los primeros depósitos continentales sinrift que aparecen en el Semigraben de Bijuesca (Formaciones Ciria y Bijuesca), ha permitido entender la arquitectura estratigráfica de los sedimentos que representan el principio de la extensión en esta estructura. La Fm Bijuesca está formada por sedimentos detríticos organizados en tres asociaciones de facies diferentes (de abanico aluvial proximal, medio y distal). La unidad está constituida por dos secuencias retrogradantes formadas por sedimentos siliciclásticos y carbonáticos procedentes de la erosión del Jurásico marino prerift. Las dos secuencias representan la sedimentación en un sistema aluvial de baja eficacia de transporte. La Fm Ciria está formada por sedimentos carbonáticos lacustres organizados en secuencias elementales de somerización. El predominio de las modificaciones pedogenéticas que afectan a estos sedimentos y la ausencia de facies lacustres profundas permiten clasificar el sistema lacustre como uno con margen de tipo rampa con bajo gradiente y baja energía. Las características de los dos sistemas deposiconales concuerdan con la situación tectónica de los estadios tempranos de un sistema de rift. [ABSTRACT] A detailed sedimentological study of the first synrift continental deposits recorded in the Bijuesca Halfgraben (Bijuesca and Ciria Formations), has allowed to understand the stratigraphic architecture of the sediments which record the beginning of the extension in this structure. The Bijuesca Fm consists of detrital sediments arranged in three different alluvial fan (i.e., proximal, medium and distal) facies associations. This unit is made up by two retrograding sequences that consist of siliciclastics and carbonate detrital deposits eroded from the Jurassic prerift units. These sequences record sedimentation in an alluvial fan system with low-efficiency of transport. The Ciria Fm consists of lacustrine carbonate sediments arranged in shallowing-upwards sequences. The predominance of pedogenic modifications affecting the lacustrine sediments and the absence of deep lacustrine facies, allow classifying this lake system as a low-gradient ramp margin lake with low energy. The characteristics of both depositional systems agree with the tectonic situation supposed for the early stages of a rift system

    Sandstone petrofacies and geochemical imprints in a multihistoried intracratonic Rift hasin (Iberian Basin)

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    Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Depositional depth of laminated carbonate deposits: Insights from the lower Cretaceous Valdeprado formation (Cameros Basin, Northern Spain)

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    The Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian) Valdeprado Formation (Cameros Basin, northern Spain) contains more than 900 m of laminated carbonates and pseudomorphs after sulfates. Traditionally, many sedimentary packages of different ages and lithologies have been interpreted as deep-water deposits based essentially on the abundance of laminations and the absence of subaerial exposure features. In contrast, the Valdeprado Formation provides an example of a shallow-water deposit dominated by laminations with scarce evidence of subaerial exposure, and gives criteria to solve the challenge of distinguishing shallow-water and deep-water, ancient laminated deposits. The two most abundant facies all along the Valdeprado Formation are: a) parallel-laminated limestone, formed by alternating carbonate mudstone and calcite and quartz pseudomorphs after displacive gypsum, and b) graded-laminated limestone, consisting of quartz, mica, ostracodes, and pseudomorphs after detrital gypsum grains at the base, which changes gradually upwards to carbonate mudstone. Parallel-laminated limestone and graded-laminated limestone could have been deposited in either deep or shallow environments as a result of salinity fluctuations driven by alternation of flooding and evaporation and by sediment resuspension processes, respectively. Subaerial exposure features, such as desiccation mudcracks, are scarce in most of the succession, except in a few meter-scale stratigraphic intervals where they are very abundant. Interestingly, in these intervals desiccation cracks are present at the tops of several successive laminae (up to 25 mudcracked laminae per meter of deposit), indicating that, at least during those periods of time, deposition occurred in shallow water bodies that were desiccated frequently. In the upper part of the stratigraphic section, parallel-laminated and graded-laminated limestones are associated with current-ripple and wave-ripple cross-laminated arenites, and ostracode mudstone to wackestone with centimeter-size pseudomorphs after lenticular gypsum, and abundant desiccation mudcracks and tepees, which also suggest sedimentation in shallow-water environments. Moreover, the laminated carbonates display continuous, parallel layering, and the same facies along the 40-km-long outcropping area. These deposits are directly interbedded with, and pass laterally to, siliciclastic sandy–muddy flat deposits in the western area of the basin, without clinoforms, slump structures, or slide masses in between. All of these features suggest deposition in shallow, perennial carbonate–sulfate water bodies and their peripheral mudflats, developed in a flat-bottomed basin with no marked gradients

    Diagénesis temprana meteórica de la Formación Torrecilla en Cameros (Kimmeridgiense inferior; Preriff) y de los carbonatos de la base del GrupoTera (Tithónico; Sinriff) en el sector de Soria. Cuenca de Cameros. N. España

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    The last marine Jurassic episode of sedimentation in the Soria area corresponds to the deposition of the Torrecilla en Cameros Fm. during Lower Kimmeridgian. This formation is mainly composed by sandstones, coral reefs and oolites, and is overlain by the Tithonian continental sediments (clays, conglomerates, sandstone and lacustrine and palustrine limestones) of the Âgreda Afm. (Tera Croup). The limit between both units corresponds to an edaphic surface overlain by a ferruginous crust. Associated to the subaerial exposure of the Torrecilla en Cameros Fm. during Upper Kimmeridgian, and prior to the deposition of Âgreda Afm., marine aragonite was dissolved. Both primary and secondary porosity were then cemented by meteoric non-ferroan calcite. Isotopic composition of this calcite ranges between -3.7 and -7.3 ‰ in δ13C and -4.7 and -5.9 ‰ in δ18. Carbonates situated at the base of the Âgreda Afm. correspond to some layers of palustrine limestones as well as conglomerates, basically composed by lacustrine and oolitic pebbles. The isotopic composition of both palustrine limestones and limestone pebbles is very similar to the isotopic composition of the meteoric cement precipitated in the Torrecilla en Cameros Fm. This suggests that the climatic conditions and the isotopic composition of the meteoric waters were very similar during precipitation of meteoric calcite in both Torrecilla en Cameros Fm. and the base of the Âgreda Afm