153 research outputs found

    I Can See Your Aim: Estimating User Attention From Gaze For Handheld Robot Collaboration

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    This paper explores the estimation of user attention in the setting of a cooperative handheld robot: a robot designed to behave as a handheld tool but that has levels of task knowledge. We use a tool-mounted gaze tracking system, which, after modelling via a pilot study, we use as a proxy for estimating the attention of the user. This information is then used for cooperation with users in a task of selecting and engaging with objects on a dynamic screen. Via a video game setup, we test various degrees of robot autonomy from fully autonomous, where the robot knows what it has to do and acts, to no autonomy where the user is in full control of the task. Our results measure performance and subjective metrics and show how the attention model benefits the interaction and preference of users.Comment: this is a corrected version of the one that was published at IROS 201

    Who's Better? Who's Best? Pairwise Deep Ranking for Skill Determination

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    We present a method for assessing skill from video, applicable to a variety of tasks, ranging from surgery to drawing and rolling pizza dough. We formulate the problem as pairwise (who's better?) and overall (who's best?) ranking of video collections, using supervised deep ranking. We propose a novel loss function that learns discriminative features when a pair of videos exhibit variance in skill, and learns shared features when a pair of videos exhibit comparable skill levels. Results demonstrate our method is applicable across tasks, with the percentage of correctly ordered pairs of videos ranging from 70% to 83% for four datasets. We demonstrate the robustness of our approach via sensitivity analysis of its parameters. We see this work as effort toward the automated organization of how-to video collections and overall, generic skill determination in video.Comment: CVPR 201

    Trespassing the Boundaries: Labeling Temporal Bounds for Object Interactions in Egocentric Video

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    Manual annotations of temporal bounds for object interactions (i.e. start and end times) are typical training input to recognition, localization and detection algorithms. For three publicly available egocentric datasets, we uncover inconsistencies in ground truth temporal bounds within and across annotators and datasets. We systematically assess the robustness of state-of-the-art approaches to changes in labeled temporal bounds, for object interaction recognition. As boundaries are trespassed, a drop of up to 10% is observed for both Improved Dense Trajectories and Two-Stream Convolutional Neural Network. We demonstrate that such disagreement stems from a limited understanding of the distinct phases of an action, and propose annotating based on the Rubicon Boundaries, inspired by a similarly named cognitive model, for consistent temporal bounds of object interactions. Evaluated on a public dataset, we report a 4% increase in overall accuracy, and an increase in accuracy for 55% of classes when Rubicon Boundaries are used for temporal annotations.Comment: ICCV 201
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