683 research outputs found

    Shared Leadership In Work Teams: A Social Network Approach

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    (WP10/02 Clave pdf) In the past few years, the concept of leadership has shifted from the solitary leader to the team as a potential source of leadership. This shift from a single person to a "shared leadership" model requires new concepts and methods to capture the nature and structure of leadership by teams (Yukl, 1998). In this chapter, we argue that a social network approach helps to provide the conceptual framework and methodological tools to support a shared leadership perspective.Leadership networks, Network centralization, Shared leadership, Social network analysis

    Standardization in the Pre-Columbian Pottery from El Caño, Panama: Specialization, Productivity and Consumption

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    La cerámica encontrada en las tumbas de El Caño comparte el mismo estilo que la producida en las llanuras aluviales de la región en los siglos comprendidos entre el 700 y 1000 d.C. Los datos de los coeficientes de variabilidad de las diferentes formas analizadas evidencian distintos valores de estandarización en la producción de la vajilla polícroma y la no polícroma. Los contextos funerarios excavados recientemente en el Caño indican además que la producción de cerámica polícroma era controlada por una élite. Este control sobre la producción de ciertos bienes sugiere que estos fueron clave en el desarrollo de las jefaturas en el istmo de Panamá y marca la fase de esplendor de la cultura coclesana.The pottery found in the burials of El Cano is uniform in style to these made in the coclesanos valleys between 700 and 1000 AD. The coefficient of variability of the different pottery forms, evidence diverse standardizations values for polychrome and non-polychrome ceramics. Moreover, data of funerary contexts from the Cano recently excavated, suggest that elite has controlled ceramic production. This control over the production of certain goods reveals that these were important in the support or proper operational of the chiefdoms in Panama and mark the phase of splendour of this culture

    El arte rupestre de la cuenca del río Coclé del Sur, Panamá

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    One of the goals of the «Proyecto Arqueológico Coclé» is the study of rock art in the Coclé Sur Basin. Our purpose is to inventory petroglyphs emphasizing subject matter, and stylistic and technological attributes, with a view to comparing their imagery with that of Gran Coclé polychrome pottery and thus determine whether we can identify a stylistic/technology sequence through time. We have made a map of recorded petroglyphs and their designs, created with G.I.S. This procedure has enabled us to identify relationships between the petroglyphs motifs and designs and their geographic and topographic location

    Learning in strategic supply networks: A multiple case study on learning environment, mechanisms and outcomes

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    The development of a theoretical approach that sees any given economy as a vast array of interconnecting bonds between participants has come to identify the existence of firms’ networks. A fact that has been accompanied by the increasing importance of procurement, and supply management is the strategic function seeking to harness its full potential; to this regard the learning aspect of inter-organizational relationships should be carefully fostered when dealing with suppliers as a powerful mean to the attainment competitive advantages. The theoretical part of this research presents supporting arguments regarding the importance of a network approach towards procurement, while bridging it with an inter-organizational learning framework to produce a standpoint attempting to demonstrate the importance of the strategic supply network in terms of inter-organizational learning. The theoretical framework produced was applied to conduct the research using a case study method in three firms in the area of Vaasa. The main purpose of the study was to analyse the learning process within the strategic supply network of the firm through the views and behaviour of a hub company towards its main suppliers. The results indicate that learning is present in the relationship with what can be considered strategic suppliers; favourable conditions are present in the environment and the mechanisms implemented contribute to its achievement. However, learning and its outcomes seem to be diluted in the whole of the relationship, a fact that requires a deeper analysis to conclude that within strategic supply relationships two types of learning can be pointed at, learning as the overall performance of the supply relationship, and learning per se.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    A general trimming approach to robust Cluster Analysis

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    We introduce a new method for performing clustering with the aim of fitting clusters with different scatters and weights. It is designed by allowing to handle a proportion α\alpha of contaminating data to guarantee the robustness of the method. As a characteristic feature, restrictions on the ratio between the maximum and the minimum eigenvalues of the groups scatter matrices are introduced. This makes the problem to be well defined and guarantees the consistency of the sample solutions to the population ones. The method covers a wide range of clustering approaches depending on the strength of the chosen restrictions. Our proposal includes an algorithm for approximately solving the sample problem.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AOS515 the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Contextual factors and contingent reward leadership: employer adoption of telecommuting

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    Using a contingency perspective, this paper examines the conditions under which telecommuting is most likely to be adopted with data obtained from a sample of 122 CEOs. We hypothesized that telecommuting fits better in younger organizations, firms with a higher proportion of women and international employees in workforce, and companies that offer variable pay. We found evidence that confirm the prediction that telecommuting, a high proportion of international employees, and the use of variable compensation as an internal control mechanism tend to go hand in hand.

    Workgroup Gender Diversity and Charismatic Leadership: Asymmetric Effects Among Men and Women

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    A laboratory study was conducted to examine how gender team diversity influences men and women´s charismatic relationships with an elected group leader. We examined individuals´ charismatic relationships with their leaders when working in groups varying in gender composition. Results supported the argument that gender diversity provides a context that facilitates the emergence of charismatic leadership. Furthermore, the effect of gender diversity on charismatic relationships is asymmetric, being more marked in the case of men than that of women. Our results question the similarity-attraction hypothesis and contribute to the incipient follower-centric approach to leadership.Diversity, Leadership

    Prospecciones electromagnéticas en el yacimiento arqueológico de Japoto, Manabí, Ecuador

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    En el año 2007 se encontró en el yacimiento arqueológico de Japoto, provincia de Manabí, Ecuador, una estructura prehispánica de adobe y quincha bajo uno de los montículos del sitio. Dos años más tarde, una vez realizada la excavación parcial de dicha estructura, Carlos Mayo realizó una prospección electromagnética en este yacimiento con el objeto de establecer, en lo posible, los límites de la estructura en la parte no excavada y determinar si ésta forma parte de un edificio aislado o de un complejo arquitectónico de mayor envergadura. Los resultados del trabajo de campo nos permitieron lanzar la hipótesis de que efectivamente el edificio estuvo formando parte de un complejo mayor.En 2007, une structure préhispanique d’adobe et de quincha a été découverte sous l’un des monticules du complexe archéologique de Japoto, province de Manabí, Équateur. Deux ans plus tard, après avoir réalisé une fouille partielle de cette structure, Carlos Mayo a effectué une prospection électromagnétique sur le site afin d’établir, dans la mesure du possible, les limites de la structure sur la zone non fouillée, et de déterminer si elle faisait partie d’un édifice isolé ou d’un complexe architectural de plus grande envergure. Les résultats de ce travail de terrain permettent d’émettre l’hypothèse que cet édifice appartenait effectivement à un complexe plus grand.In 2007, a Prehispanic structure made of adobe and quincha was found at the archaeological site of Japoto, in the Manabí province, Ecuador. The structure was under one of the mounds at the site, a portion of the structure was excavated. In 2009, Carlos Mayo made an electromagnetic survey there in order to establish the limit of the structure. The goal was to understand whether the structure was an isolated building or part of a larger architecture complex. The investigation suggested that the structure was part of a large architectural compound

    Enrique M. Barba (1909-1988)

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    Sospechaba que le aguardaba la muerte y estaba, inclusive, preparado para recibirla pero no se entregó pasivamente a ella. De alguna manera la agónica muerte del Dr. Enrique Mariano Barba-el enfermo luchaba para mantener la lucidez y con ella el control de la situación-fue el correlato de una vida alerta e intensa jugada por entero a la historia y al mundo académico, sus grandes pasiones. Había nacido en La Plata y se graduó en su universidad de profesor en historia e instrucción cívica en 1932. Dos años más tarde obtuvo su doctorado en historia de la Universidad de Madrid bajo el padrinazgo de Antonio Ballesteros y Beretta, su director de tesis. En la Universidad Nacional de La Plata fue alumno de la plana mayor de la Nueva Escuela Histórica -Ricardo Levene, Emilio Ravignani y Rómulo D. Carbía así como de su amigo Carlos Heras y Luis María Torres.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Estructuras arquitectónicas incipientes y áreas de explotación minera prehispánica de las cuencas de los ríos Grande y Coclé del Sur, Panamá

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    Archaeological researches realized up today in Gran Coclé, have always been focused, as isolated studies, on certain types of sites as for example rock shelters, shell-bearing middens sites or burials. The result is a parcial view of the historical and cultural development of this region, due that all of these studies raise specific subjects like isolated ideas (diet, lithic technology...). Our research, which parcial results of the first two years of researchs that we develop in a dossier, agglutinates all this information regarding a wide spatial context, using Geographical Information System (GIS), and considering a more diversity of sites, some of which are unpublished, like the small scale architectural features and prehispanic mine
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