153 research outputs found

    Traits, habitats, and clades: Identifying traits of potential importance to environmental filtering

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    Environmental filtering is a fundamental process in the ecological assembly of communities. Recently developed phylogenetic tools identify patterns associated with environmental filtering across whole communities. Here we introduce a novel method that allows the detection of traits involved in the environmental filtering of species from specific clades in specific habitat types. Our approach identifies nonindependent trait/habitat/clade (THC) associations and also provides a framework for detecting clearly defined two‐way trait/clade, trait/habitat, and clade/habitat associations. The THC method relies on exact binomial tests and differentiates THC associations resulting from a three‐way interaction from those that are generated by one or more underlying significant two‐way interactions. It can also detect THC associations for which there are no significant two‐way associations (trait/habitat, trait/clade, clade/habitat). To illustrate the THC method, we examine plant pollination and dispersal traits from six habitat types in a fragmented Costa Rican landscape. Results suggest that these traits are not widely important for the environmental filtering of most clades in this landscape, but animal dispersal and insect pollination are involved in the filtering of monocots and the Piperaceae in rain forest understory

    Specific leaf area responses to environmental gradients through space and time

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    Plant communities can respond to environmental changes by altering their species composition and by individuals (within species) adjusting their physiology. These responses can be captured by measuring key functional traits among and within species along important environmental gradients. Some anthropogenic changes (such as fertilizer runoff) are known to induce distinct community responses, but rarely have responses across natural and anthropogenic gradients been compared in the same system. In this study, we used comprehensive specific leaf area (SLA) data from a diverse Australian annual plant system to examine how individual species and whole communities respond to natural and anthropogenic gradients, and to climatically different growing seasons. We also investigated the influence of different leaf-sampling strategies on community-level results. Many species had similar mean SLA values but differed in SLA responses to spatial and temporal environmental variation. At the community scale, we identified distinct SLA responses to natural and anthropogenic gradients. Along anthropogenic gradients, increased mean SLA, coupled with SLA convergence, revealed evidence of competitive exclusion. This was further supported by the dominance of species turnover (vs. intraspecific variation) along these gradients. We also revealed strong temporal changes in SLA distributions in response to increasing growing-season precipitation. These climate-driven changes highlight differences among co-occurring species in their adaptive capacity to exploit abundant water resources during favorable seasons, differences that are likely to be important for species coexistence in this system. In relation to leaf-sampling strategies, we found that using leaves from a climatically different growing season can lead to misleading conclusions at the community scale

    Using multi-scale spatially explicit frameworks to understand the relationship between functional diversity and species richness

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    Understanding how ecosystem functioning is impacted by global change drivers is a central topic in ecology and conservation science. We need to assess not only how environmental change affects species richness, but also how the distribution of functional traits (i.e. functional diversity) mediate the relationship between species richness and ecosystem functioning. However, most evidence about the capacity of functional diversity to explain ecosystem functioning has been developed from studies conducted at a single spatial scale. Here, we explore theory, expectations and evidence for why and how species richness and functional diversity relationships vary with spatial scale. Despite the importance of accounting for spatial processes at multiple scales, we show that most studies of the species richness–functional diversity relationship focus on single scale analyses that ignore spatial context. Thus, we discuss the need to establish a spatially explicit, multi-scale framework for understanding the relationship between species richness and functional diversity. As a starting point to developing such a framework, we detail some expected trajectories and mechanisms by which the diversity of species and functional traits may change across increasing spatial scales. We also explore what is known about two important gaps in the literature about this relationship: 1) the influence of spatial autocorrelation on community assembly processes and 2) the variation in the structure of species interactions across spatial extents. We present some key challenges that could be addressed by integrating approaches from community and landscape ecology. This information will help improve our understanding of the relative influence of local and large-scale processes on community structure, while providing a foundation for improving biodiversity monitoring, policy and ecosystem function based conservation

    Requirements for the spatial storage effect are weakly evident for common species in natural annual plant assemblages

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    Coexistence in spatially varying environments is theorised to be promoted by a variety of mechanisms including the spatial storage effect. The spatial storage effect promotes coexistence when: (i) species have unique vital rate responses to their spatial environment and, when abundant, (ii) experience stronger competition in the environmental patches where they perform better. In a naturally occurring southwest Western Australian annual plant system we conducted a neighbour removal experiment involving eleven focal species growing in high-abundance populations. Specifically, we measured species' fecundity across a variety of environmental gradients in both the presence and absence of neighbours. For the environmental variables that we measured, there was only limited evidence for species-specific responses to the environment, with a composite variable describing overstory cover and leaf litter cover being the best predictor of fecundity for a subset of focal species. In addition, although we found strong evidence for intra-specific competition, positive environment-competition covariance was only detected for one species. Thus, positive environment-competition covariance may not be as common as expected in populations of species growing at high abundance, at least when tested in natural assemblages. Our findings highlight the inherent limitations of using natural assemblages to study spatial coexistence mechanisms, and we urge empirical ecologists to take these limitations into account when designing future experiments

    Identifying "Useful" Fitness Models: Balancing the Benefits of Added Complexity with Realistic Data Requirements in Models of Individual Plant Fitness

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    Direct species interactions are commonly included in individual fitness models used for coexistence and local diversity modeling. Though widely considered important for such models, direct interactions alone are often insufficient for accurately predicting fitness, coexistence, or diversity outcomes. Incorporating higher-order interactions (HOIs) can lead to more accurate individual fitness models but also adds many model terms, which can quickly result in model overfitting. We explore approaches for balancing the trade-off between tractability and model accuracy that occurs when HOIs are added to individual fitness models. To do this, we compare models parameterized with data from annual plant communities in Australia and Spain, varying in the extent of information included about the focal and neighbor species. The best-performing models for both data sets were those that grouped neighbors based on origin status and life form, a grouping approach that reduced the number of model parameters substantially while retaining important ecological information about direct interactions and HOIs. Results suggest that the specific identity of focal or neighbor species is not necessary for building well-performing fitness models that include HOIs. In fact, grouping neighbors by even basic functional information seems sufficient to maximize model accuracy, an important outcome for the practical use of HOI-inclusive fitness models

    Different traits predict competitive effect versus response by Bromus madritensis in its native and invaded ranges

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    Community assembly and coexistence theories predict that both fitness and plant functional traits should influence competitive interactions between native and invasive species. The evolution of the increased competitive ability hypothesis predicts that species will grow larger (a measure of fitness) in their invaded than native range; hence we hypothesized that species might exert greater competitive effects in their invaded range, lessening the importance of functional traits for competitive outcomes. In a greenhouse experiment we compared traits and competitive interactions between Bromus madritensis (an annual grass) and resident species from its native range in Spain, and its invaded range in Southern California. As predicted, B. madritensis collected in California grew larger and had a greater competitive effect on resident species than B. madritensis collected in Spain. However, residents from California also suppressed the growth of B. madritensis more than species from its native range in Spain. Competitive interaction strengths were predicted by different suites of traits in the native versus invaded range of B. madritensis; surprisingly, however, size of the resident species (fitness), did not predict variation in competitive interactions. This study shows that different suites of traits may aid in identifying those native species likely to strongly compete with invaders, versus those that will be competitively suppressed by invaders, with important implications for the design of restoration efforts aimed at promoting native species growth and preventing invasion. More generally, our study shows that fitness differences may not be as important as traits when predicting competitive outcomes in this system

    Distinct responses of niche and fitness differences to water availability underlie variable coexistence outcomes in semi-arid annual plant communities

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    Climate change is predicted to have profound consequences for multispecies coexistence, and thus, patterns of biological diversity. These consequences will be mediated by direct and indirect impacts of environmental change on species’ vital rates and interactions. While the impacts of environmental change on individual species has received much attention to date, the consequences for coexistence mediated by changes in the strength and direction of multispecies interactions are not as well understood. To investigate how coexistence dynamics may be sensitive to environmental change, we conducted a field experiment in a diverse semi-arid annual plant system. We imposed a water manipulation treatment in two sites that vary in aridity and associated rainfall. Focusing on four common annual plant species in these sites, we quantified the fecundity (seed production) of individuals in response to a gradient of intra- and interspecific competitor densities and aridity. We then used these fecundities to parameterize an annual plant population model and examine the influence of aridity and species identity on resultant coexistence dynamics (as a function of stabilizing niche differences and fitness inequalities). While the responses of some vital rates and competitive impacts to watering varied somewhat predictably across sites, coexistence metrics encapsulating changes in these vital rates and interaction strengths did not. Fitness inequalities among our focal species were driven largely by differences in sensitivity to competition, which were almost always much greater than the magnitude of stabilizing niche differences. These findings were surprising given observational evidence suggesting that these species do coexist at local scales in these natural communities. Synthesis. Our study is one of the first to explicitly consider the influence of environmental variation on the individual components of coexistence outcomes. We show that environmental change has the ability to influence coexistence not only through direct pathways (i.e., vital rates), but also indirect pathways (i.e., species interactions). Despite the consistency of many of the responses of these individual components to environmental variation, their combined influence on predictions of both current and future coexistence remains unclear

    Phenotypic differentiation among native, expansive and introduced populations influences invasion success

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    Aim: Humans influence species distributions by modifying the environment and by dispersing species beyond their natural ranges. Populations of species that have established in disjunct regions of the world may exhibit trait differentiation from native populations due to founder effects and adaptations to selection pressures in each distributional region. We compared multiple native, expansive and introduced populations of a single species across the world, considering the influence of environmental stressors and transgenerational effects. Location: United States Gulf and Atlantic coasts, United States interior, European Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts, east coast of Australia. Taxon: Baccharis halimifolia L. (eastern baccharis). Methods: We monitored seed germination, seedling emergence, survival and early growth in a common garden experiment, conducted with over 18,200 seeds from 80 populations. We also evaluated the influence of environmental stress and maternal traits on progeny performance. Results: Introduced European Atlantic populations had faster germination and early growth than native populations. However, this was not the case for the more recently naturalized European Mediterranean populations. Introduced Australian populations grew faster than native populations in non-saline environments but had lower survival in saline conditions commonly encountered in the native range. Similarly, expansive inland US populations germinated faster than coastal native populations in non-saline environments but grew and germinated more slowly in saline environments. Maternal inflorescence and plant size were positively related with seed germination and seedling survival, whereas flower abundance was positively correlated with seedling early growth and survival. However, maternal traits explained a much lower fraction of the total variation in early demographic stages of B. halimifolia than did distributional range. Main conclusions: Phenotypic differentiation could allow B. halimifolia to adapt to different biotic and abiotic selection pressures found in each distributional range, potentially contributing to its success in introduced and expansive ranges