456 research outputs found

    Switchover Mode of Reproduction and the Problem of Coordination

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    The proposed version of macroeconomic theory of capital reproduction is related to thethesis that the dynamics of the economy are caused by the change in generations of capital and there is a problem of coordination between these generations. This paper discusses the so-called “switchover mode of reproduction”. As shown by the mathematical model, a coordinated growth is possible when the social and economic interests are agreed between the labor and the capital, as well as under a monetary policy that stimulates such growth. An uncoordinated growth poses a threat of economic crisis.This paper was prepared with the financial support from the Russian Science Foundation (Project No. 14-18-02948)

    Inflation and Stock Market: CPI and S&P

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    Empirical/statistical analysis of effects of changes in index S&P 500 upon inflation processes in American economy in the years 1951–2009 is given. It is shown there is a statistically significant difference in CPI changes dependent on positive (negative) dynamics of index S&P 500 oneshypothesis testing; index S&P 500; inflation; Welsh test

    Switchover mode of reproduction and the problem of coordination

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    The proposed version of macroeconomic theory of capital reproduction is related to thethesis that the dynamics of the economy are caused by the change in generations of capital and there is a problem of coordination between these generations. This paper discusses the so-called “switchover mode of reproduction”. As shown by the mathematical model, a coordinated growth is possible when the social and economic interests are agreed between the labor and the capital, as well as under a monetary policy that stimulates such growth. An uncoordinated growth poses a threat of economic crisis


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    The purpose of the article is to show that the innovation development of the economy, being the subject of research of evolutionary economic theory, occurs mainly in the switching mode, and therefore is organically linked with the so-called switching mode of reproduction, which is currently being intensively developed at the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. For representatives of the Orthodox Economic Science, all subjects are homogeneous, that is, they are characterized by rational behavior, the intention to maximize profits and the striving for equilibrium states. Evolutionary economists consider this homogeneity to be far from obvious. They pay primary attention to innovative development as a process of qualitative changes, distinguish subjects who implement qualitative changes and subjects who do not, but rather counteract changes. The concept of a switching mode of reproduction is based on a fundamentally different methodological prerequisite and therefore is a development of both evolutionary and orthodox economic theory

    Мотивація до занять фізичним вихованням студенток педагогічних спеціальностей

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    Purpose: to describe the motivation to physical education of pedagogical skills girls in the context of motivation to learn and motivation to succeed. Material and Methods: 90 second-year students of pedagogical specialties were researched (30 girls from pre-school education, philological and economic faculties) Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University. Results: described the motivation of students in physical education by the analysis of involvement of subject and the target set. Student's motivation to learning activities and their level to success motivation were additionally investigated. Conclusions: is outlined reason of not formed internal motivation of students’ physical training in general psychological orientation of the girls that sufficiently shown in context of motivation to learn and progress.Цель: охарактеризовать мотивацию к занятиям физическим воспитанием девушек педагогических специальностей в контексте мотивации к обучению и мотивации к успеху. Материал и методы: исследованы 90 студенток второго курса педагогических специальностей (по 30 девушек факультетов дошкольного образования, филологического и экономического) Уманского государственного педагогического университета имени Павла Тычины. Результаты: охарактеризовано мотивацию студенток к занятиям физическим воспитанием в анализе вовлеченности к предмету и целевых установок. Подвергнуто дополнительному изучению направления мотивации учебной деятельности студенток и уровень их мотивации к успеху. Выводы: намечено причину несформированной внутренней мотивации студенток к занятиям физической культурой в общей психологической направленности девушек, которая достаточно целостно показана в контексте мотиваций к обучению и успеху.Мета: охарактеризувати мотивацію до занять фізичним вихованням дівчат педагогічних спеціальностей у контексті мотивації до навчання і мотивації до успіху. Матеріал і методи: дослідженні 90 студенток другого курсу педагогічних спеціальностей (по 30 дівчат з факультетів дошкільної освіти, філологічного і економічного факультетів) Уманського державного педагогічного університету імені Павла Тичини. Результати: охарактеризована мотивація студенток до занять фізичним вихованням в аналізі залученості до предмету і цільових установок. Піддано додатковому вивченню спрямування мотивації навчальної діяльності студенток та рівень їх мотивації до успіху. Висновки: намічено причину несформованості внутрішньої мотивації студенток до занять фізичною культурою у загальній психологічній спрямованості дівчат, яка досить повно показана у контексті мотивації до навчання і успіхів

    Development of the Sphere of Recreation and Tourism as a Factor of Increasing the Investment Attractiveness of the Region

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    The article is devoted to the problems of the influence of the tourist and recreational sphere on the investment attractiveness of the region. The point is that under the influence of global trends, in vestment in the development of tourism and recreation becomes attractive. This industry not only gives multi-billion dollar revenues, but it has a powerful multiplier effect. The article examines the experience of transforming the country, 90% of its GDP gave revenues from the sale of oil, to one of the centers of world tourism. This is of immediate interest to our country. Another possibility to raise the regional economy and the economy of the country is connected with the development of the digital economy. It’s about virtual tourism. Both considered options for the development of the tourism industry will require huge investments with a high level of risk, but also with huge incomes if successful. The problems of attracting investments in the region inevitably go to the state. Targeted programs are an effective means of solving complex problems. With their help, it becomes possible to attract private capital on an equal footing. The tourist business today can become a locomotive of socio-economic development in some regions

    Investment Climate and Investment Attractiveness of Macroregions of Russia

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    In accordance with the requirements of the law on strategic planning, macro-regions of the Russian Federation have been identified. The next solution is to develop strategies for the socio-economic development of macro-regions. Social and economic development requires financial resources. In a market economy, providing resources involves attracting investment. The distribution of investment between regions is uneven. Indicators of investments in fixed assets, financial investments of organizations and foreign direct investment indicate the attractiveness for investors of a limited number of regions. Assessments of investment attractiveness and investment climate are of interest to authorities, investors and local business communities. Guided by various interests and using original techniques, ratings of investment attractiveness and the investment climate of the regions are formed in scientific research and consulting developments. The results of these works are very contradictory. The article is devoted to the definition of regions — centers of investment activity in the macroregions of the Russian Federation, comparison of ratings agencies on the state of the investment climate and investment attractiveness of the regions


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    Проведено об'єктивне оцінювання масштабів і наслідків ушкоджень земель Житомирського ОУЛМГ внаслідок незаконного видобутку бурштину. Ділянки лісових насаджень, що потребують рекультивації, виявлено на території трьох державних підприємств та семи лісництв. Встановлено, що загальна площа земель Житомирського ОУЛМГ, що потребують рекультивації, становить 369, 45 га. Найбільше порушених площ (336,60 га) розміщено на території ДП "Білокоровицьке ЛГ", ДП "Олевське ЛГ" (30,70 га) і ДП "Словечанське ЛГ" (2,15 га). Здійснено аналіз основних типів порушень ґрунту та лісових ценозів. За результатами аналізу лісівничо-таксаційних показників пошкоджених насаджень визначено найпоширеніші типи лісорослинних умов, типи лісу, видовий склад та вікову структуру. Встановлено, що внаслідок незаконного видобутку пошкоджено та знищено низку територій, що мають статус заказників місцевого та загальнодержавного значення.На території кварталів 20 і 21 Поясківського лісівництва, кварталу 27 Можарівського лісництва та кварталу 29 Сирницького лісництва закладено тимчасові пробні площі. Перспектива подальших досліджень полягає у встановленні особливостей та шляхів стимулювання природного поновлення рослинності на деградованих внаслідок незаконного видобутку територіях, дослідженні впливу абіотичних екологічних чинників на процеси поновлення рослинного покриву.Проведена объективная оценка масштабов и последствий повреждений земель Житомирского ОУЛОХ в результате незаконной добычи янтаря. Участки лесных насаждений, требующие рекультивации, обнаружены на территории трех государственных предприятий и семи лесничеств. Установлено, что общая площадь земель Житомирского ОУЛОХ, требующих рекультивации, составляет 369,45 га. Большинство нарушенных площадей (336,60 га) находится на территории ГП "Белокоровецкое ЛГ", ГП "Олевское ЛГ" (30,70 га) и ГП "Словечанское ЛГ" (2,15 га). Осуществлен анализ основных типов нарушений почвы и лесных ценозов. По результатам анализа лесоводственно-таксационных показателей поврежденных насаждений определены наиболее распространенные типы лесорастительных условий, типы леса, видовой состав и возрастная структура. Установлено, что в результате незаконной добычи повреждено и уничтожено ряд территорий, имеющих статус заказников местного и общегосударственного значения. На территории кварталов 20, 21 Пояскивского лесничества, квартала 27 Можаровского лесничества и квартала 29 Сырницкого лесничества заложены временные пробные площади. Перспективы дальнейших исследований заключаются в установлении особенностей и путей стимулировании естественного возобновления растительности на деградированных в результате незаконной добычи территориях, исследовании влияния абиотических экологических факторов на процессы обновления растительного покрова.The problem of damage to forestry in Ukraine has become acute due to the unauthorized extraction of amber today. The issues of reclamation and dendro-reclamation of such lands are new and little-studied. The research used general sciences methods (analysis, synthesis, observation, generalization) and special research methods: visual (determining the general condition of plants and damage to the territory), agrochemical (determination of basic nutrients and soil acidity) and mathematical statistics (processing of experimental data with using computer programs). An objective assessment of the scale and damage consequences to the lands of Zhytomyr Region Department of Forestry and Hunting Economy as a result of the illegal amber mining has been carried out. The areas of forest plantations requiring reclamation on the territory of three state enterprises and seven forestry enterprises were identified. The total area of land requiring reclamation is 369.45 hectares. Most of the disturbed areas (336.60 ha) located on the territory of State Enterprise Belokorovyts'ke FE, State Enterprise Olevske FE (30.70 ha) and Subsidiary Slavechanske FE (2.15 ha). The analysis of the main types of soil damage and forest ecosystems is carried out. The most common types of forest vegetation conditions, types of forest, species composition and age structure were determined according to the results of the analysis of the forestry and tax rates of damaged plantations. The obtained data indicate that the Pinus sylvestris L. 60-80 year aged, somewhere Quercus robur L., as well as the young Betula pendula Roth and the adjoining plantations of Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn were destroyed as a result of the illegal mining of amber. The forests of nature protection purposes with an area of 84.2 hectares, in particular 71.3 hectares of local reserves and 2.6 hectares of national reserves were damaged on the territory of Zhytomyr RDFH. The estimated area of possible violations in the studied territories is over 3627.90 hectares.The further research prospect is to define features and stimulate ways of the natural renewal of woody vegetation in areas degraded by illegal amber mining, to study the impact of environmental abiotic factors on the process of plant cover renewal, and also to develop own methodology for ecological and economic harm assessment

    Optical redox ratio and endogenous porphyrins in the detection of urinary bladder cancer:a patient based biopsy analysis

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    © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Bladder cancer is among the most common cancers in the UK and conventional detection techniques suffer from low sensitivity, low specificity, or both. Recent attempts to address the disparity have led to progress in the field of autofluorescence as a means to diagnose the disease with high efficiency, however there is still a lot not known about autofluorescence profiles in the disease. The multi-functional diagnostic system “LAKK-M” was used to assess autofluorescence profiles of healthy and cancerous bladder tissue to identify novel biomarkers of the disease. Statistically significant differences were observed in the optical redox ratio (a measure of tissue metabolic activity), the amplitude of endogenous porphyrins and the NADH/porphyrin ratio between tissue types. These findings could advance understanding of bladder cancer and aid in the development of new techniques for detection and surveillance. (Figure presented.)