852 research outputs found

    Extracting constraints from direct detection searches of supersymmetric dark matter in the light of null results from the LHC in the squark sector

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    The comparison of the results of direct detection of Dark Matter, obtained with various target nuclei, requires model-dependent, or even arbitrary, assumptions. Indeed, to draw conclusions either the spin-dependent (SD) or the spin-independent (SI) interaction has to be neglected. In the light of the null results from supersymmetry searches at the LHC, the squark sector is pushed to high masses. We show that for a squark sector at the TeV scale, the framework used to extract contraints from direct detection searches can be redefined as the number of free parameters is reduced. Moreover, the correlation observed between SI and SD proton cross sections constitutes a key issue for the development of the next generation of Dark Matter detectors.Comment: Figure 3 has been updated. Conclusions unchange

    An analysis method for time ordered data processing of Dark Matter experiments

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    The analysis of the time ordered data of Dark Matter experiments is becoming more and more challenging with the increase of sensitivity in the ongoing and forthcoming projects. Combined with the well-known level of background events, this leads to a rather high level of pile-up in the data. Ionization, scintillation as well as bolometric signals present common features in their acquisition timeline: low frequency baselines, random gaussian noise, parasitic noise and signal characterized by well-defined peaks. In particular, in the case of long-lasting signals such as bolometric ones, the pile-up of events may lead to an inaccurate reconstruction of the physical signal (misidentification as well as fake events). We present a general method to detect and extract signals in noisy data with a high pile-up rate and qe show that events from few keV to hundreds of keV can be reconstructed in time ordered data presenting a high pile-up rate. This method is based on an iterative detection and fitting procedure combined with prior wavelet-based denoising of the data and baseline subtraction. {We have tested this method on simulated data of the MACHe3 prototype experiment and shown that the iterative fitting procedure allows us to recover the lowest energy events, of the order of a few keV, in the presence of background signals from a few to hundreds of keV. Finally we applied this method to the recent MACHe3 data to successfully measure the spectrum of conversion electrons from Co57 source and also the spectrum of the background cosmic muons

    Hilbert Lattice Equations

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    There are five known classes of lattice equations that hold in every infinite dimensional Hilbert space underlying quantum systems: generalised orthoarguesian, Mayet's E_A, Godowski, Mayet-Godowski, and Mayet's E equations. We obtain a result which opens a possibility that the first two classes coincide. We devise new algorithms to generate Mayet-Godowski equations that allow us to prove that the fourth class properly includes the third. An open problem related to the last class is answered. Finally, we show some new results on the Godowski lattices characterising the third class of equations.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figure

    Bolometric calibration of a superfluid 3^3He detector for Dark Matter search: direct measurement of the scintillated energy fraction for neutron, electron and muon events

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    We report on the calibration of a superfluid 3^3He bolometer developed for the search of non-baryonic Dark Matter. Precise thermometry is achieved by the direct measurement of thermal excitations using Vibrating Wire Resonators (VWRs). The heating pulses for calibration were produced by the direct quantum process of quasiparticle generation by other VWRs present. The bolometric calibration factor is analyzed as a function of temperature and excitation level of the sensing VWR. The calibration is compared to bolometric measurements of the nuclear neutron capture reaction and heat depositions by cosmic muons and low energy electrons. The comparison allows a quantitative estimation of the ultra-violet scintillation rate of irradiated helium, demonstrating the possibility of efficient electron recoil event rejection.Comment: 17 pages, submitted to Nuc. Instr. Meth.

    GePEToS : A Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation package for Positron Emission Tomography

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    GePEToS is a simulation framework developed over the last few years for assessing the instrumental performance of future PET scanners. It is based on Geant4, written in Object-Oriented C++ and runs on Linux platforms. The validity of GePEToS has been tested on the well-known Siemens ECAT EXACT HR+ camera. The results of two application examples are presented : the design optimization of a liquid Xe micro-PET camera dedicated to small animal imaging as well as the evaluation of the effect of a strong axial magnetic field on the image resolution of a Concorde P4 micro-PET camera.Comment: 5 pages, 12 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Scienc

    A superfluid He3 detector for direct dark matter search

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    MACHe3 (MAtrix of Cells of superfluid He3) is a project of a new detector for direct Dark Matter Search. The idea is to use superfluid He3 as a sensitive medium. The existing device, the superfluid He3 cell, will be briefly introduced. Then a description of the MACHe3 project will be presented, in particular the background rejection and the neutralino event rate that may be achieved with such a device.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on the Identification of Dark Matter (York, UK, 09/18/2000-09/22/2000

    A project of a new detector for direct Dark Matter search: MACHe3

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    MACHe3 (MAtrix of Cells of superfluid He3) is a project of a new detector for direct Dark Matter (DM) search. A cell of superfluid He3 has been developed and the idea of using a large number of such cells in a high granularity detector is proposed.This contribution presents, after a brief description of the superfluid He3 cell, the simulation of the response of different matrix configurations allowing to define an optimum design as a function of the number of cells and the volume of each cell. The exclusion plot and the predicted interaction cross-section for the neutralino as a photino are presented.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, Proceedings of Dark Matter 2000 (Marina Del Rey, Los Angeles, USA, 02/23/2000-02/25/2000

    Electron - nuclear recoil discrimination by pulse shape analysis

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    In the framework of the ``ULTIMA'' project, we use ultra cold superfluid 3He bolometers for the direct detection of single particle events, aimed for a future use as a dark matter detector. One parameter of the pulse shape observed after such an event is the thermalization time constant. Until now it was believed that this parameter only depends on geometrical factors and superfluid 3He properties, and that it is independent of the nature of the incident particles. In this report we show new results which demonstrate that a difference for muon- and neutron events, as well as events simulated by heater pulses exist. The possibility to use this difference for event discrimination in a future dark matter detector will be discussed.Comment: Proseedings of QFS 2007, Kazan, Russia; 8 pages, 4 figures. Submited to J. Low Temp. Phy

    Design optimization of MACHe3, a project of superfuid 3He^{3}He Detector for direct Dark Matter search

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    MACHe3 (MAtrix of Cells of superfluid He3) is a project of a new detector fordirect Dark Matter (DM) search. A cell of superfluid He3 has been developed andthe idea of using a large number of such cells in a high granularity detectoris proposed. This paper presents, after a brief description of the superfluidHe3 cell, the simulation of the response of different matrix configurationsallowing to define an optimum design as a function of the number of cells andthe volume of each cell. The background rejection, for several configurations,is presented both for neutrons and gamma-rays of various kinetic energies

    Probing neutralino dark matter in the MSSM & the NMSSM with directional detection

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    We investigate the capability of directional detectors to probe neutralino dark matter in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model and the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model with parameters defined at the weak scale. We show that directional detectors such as the future MIMAC detector will probe spin dependent dark matter scattering on nucleons that are beyond the reach of current spin independent detectors. The complementarity between indirect searches, in particular using gamma rays from dwarf spheroidal galaxies, spin dependent and spin independent direct search techniques is emphasized. We comment on the impact of the negative results on squark searches at the LHC. Finally, we investigate how the fundamental parameters of the models can be constrained in the event of a dark matter signal.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figure
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