10 research outputs found

    Novel therapeutic mechanisms determine the effectiveness of lipid-core nanocapsules on melanoma models

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    Melanoma is a severe metastatic skin cancer with poor prognosis and no effective treatment. Therefore, novel therapeutic approaches using nanotechnology have been proposed to improve therapeutic effectiveness. Lipid-core nanocapsules (LNCs), prepared with poly(ε-caprolactone), capric/caprylic triglyceride, and sorbitan monostearate and stabilized by polysorbate 80, are efficient as drug delivery systems. Here, we investigated the effects of acetyleugenol-loaded LNC (AcE-LNC) on human SK-Mel-28 melanoma cells and its therapeutic efficacies on melanoma induced by B16F10 in C57B6 mice. LNC and AcE-LNC had z-average diameters and zeta potential close to 210 nm and -10.0 mV, respectively. CytoViva® microscopy images showed that LNC and AcE-LNC penetrated into SK-Mel-28 cells, and remained in the cytoplasm. AcE-LNC in vitro treatment (18–90×109 particles/mL; 1 hour) induced late apoptosis and necrosis; LNC and AcE-LNC (3–18×109 particles/mL; 48 hours) treatments reduced cell proliferation and delayed the cell cycle. Elevated levels of nitric oxide were found in supernatant of LNC and AcE-LNC, which were not dependent on nitric oxide synthase expressions. Daily intraperitoneal or oral treatment (days 3–10 after tumor injection) with LNC or AcE-LNC (1×1012 particles/day), but not with AcE (50 mg/kg/day, same dose as AcE-LNC), reduced the volume of the tumor; nevertheless, intraperitoneal treatment caused toxicity. Oral LNC treatment was more efficient than AcE-LNC treatment. Moreover, oral treatment with nonencapsulated capric/caprylic triglyceride did not inhibit tumor development, implying that nanocapsule supramolecular structure is important to the therapeutic effects. Together, data herein presented highlight the relevance of the supramolecular structure of LNCs to toxicity on SK-Mel-28 cells and to the therapeutic efficacy on melanoma development in mice, conferring novel therapeutic mechanisms to LNC further than a drug delivery system

    Study of gold and magnetite nanoparticles for medical diagnostics applicatios

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    A teragnóstica de doenças tem sido extremamente marcada nos últimos anos por nanomateriais formados pela conjugação de nanopartículas a biomoléculas, pois a aplicação de tecnologias baseadas em materiais na dimensão nanométrica é capaz de aumentar a seletividade, sensibilidade e praticidade dos métodos atualmente empregados, ou mesmo criar novos métodos de diagnóstico e tratamento de doenças. Dentre os vários tipos de nanomateriais desenvolvidos, aqueles baseados em nanopartículas de ouro ou nanopartículas magnéticas apresentam propriedades químicas e físicas diferenciadas que propiciam novas possibilidades. Por exemplo, a presente tese demonstrou que nanopartículas superparamagnéticas são excelentes agentes de contraste em exames de imagem por ressonância magnética (IRM) por serem mais seguros, apresentarem melhor contraste nas imagens e possibilitarem direcionar/concentrar o material em tecidos ou tumores através de um gradiente de campo magnético aplicado. Foram feitos numerosos ensaios de toxicidade tanto in vitro quanto in vivo para assegurar a segurança da aplicação de nanopartículas no organismo, cujo potencial de uso somente se tornará uma realidade caso os nanomateriais se mostrem não tóxicos e biocompatíveis. Apesar dos significativos avanços na área da aplicação desses nanomateriais, não foram encontrados na literatura modelos capazes de explicar ou prever por quais sítios de ligação devem ocorrer as interações proteína-nanopartícula, como também não foram encontrados estudos sistemáticos acerca dos fatores que determinam a estabilidade e a funcionalidade dos nanobioconjugados (NBCs). Assim, nesta tese buscamos compreender os fatores responsáveis pela ligação/adsorção das proteínas nas nanopartículas de ouro e sua influência sobre a estabilidade das suspensões e a funcionalidade das proteínas. Desta forma, foram obtidos NBCs com propriedades adequadas para o desenvolvimento ou aprimoramento de ensaios de diagnóstico e até para o tratamento de doenças. Foi demonstrado o potencial das nanopartículas de ouro para melhorar a performance de imunoensaios do tipo ELISA, mas também podem ser utilizadas para o desenvolvimento de métodos de diagnóstico, explorando as propriedades plasmônicas das nanopartículas de ouro acopladas a técnicas como SERS, SPR e microscopia Raman confocal.Theranostics has been intensively pursued in recent years using hybrid materials based on nanoparticles conjugated with biomolecules. This is an interesting strategy to increase the selectivity and sensitivity, as well as to improve the currently used methods facilitating their use or creating new ones. Among the various types of nanomaterials, those based on gold and magnetic nanoparticles exhibit interesting chemical and physical properties in the biological environment, differing from that of free drugs or current explored in assay methods. For example, superparamagnetic nanoparticles are excellent contrast agents for magnetic resonance image (MRI) diagnostics because they are safer, present a better contrast efficiency for imaging and can be magnetically accumulated in tissues or tumors using a magnetic field. Numerous in vitro and in vivo toxicity assays were performed to ensure the safety for medical applications. Clearly, these type of applications only will be realized if nanomaterials prove to be nontoxic and biocompatible. This imply an strict control on their structure and composition. However, despite the significant advances in the development of such nanomaterials, there were not found in the literature model systems explaining or that can be used to predict by which sites the protein-nanoparticle binding should take place. In addition, no systematic studies on the factors determining the stability and the functionality of nanobioconjugates (NBC) were found. Thus, this thesis is focused in unveiling the factors responsible for binding/adsorption of proteins on gold nanoparticles and their influence on the colloidal stability of hybrid nanoparticles suspensions while keeping the functionality of biomolecules. In fact, NBC with enhanced properties suitable for the development of diagnostic methods and even for treatment of diseases were obtained. These nanomaterials can improve the ELISA immunoassay, or other diagnosis methods can be developed by using the gold nanoparticles plasmonic properties in association with SERS, SPR and confocal Raman microscopy techniques

    Repurposing the Strontium Ranelate Antiosteoporotic Drug as a New Outstanding Biocompatible Blue Dye

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    Blue dyes are relatively uncommon in nature, and a novel dithiophene dye (RanB) is reported in this paper. This dye is derived from an old anti-osteoporotic drug and is a metal ion complexing agent, displaying a planar molecular structure, with two sets of carboxylate, isonitrile, thiophene, and iminodiacetate groups. The blue color originates from a strong absorption peak at 648 nm, accompanied by an unusual fluorescence at 555 nm, with higher energy compared to the main absorption band. RanB forms complexes with lanthanoid ions through the iminodiacetate groups and serves as an effective sensitizer for Tb3+ ions, heightening their emission and improving their use as luminescent agents. Its photo-physical properties and the interaction with Tb3+ have been investigated using absorption spectroscopy, steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, along with computational methods (ZINDO/S and DFT). The RanB toxicity in human umbilical vein endothelial cells has also been tested, showing a lack of toxicity, holding promising prospects for application as a luminescent and coloring agent in pharmaceuticals and food

    Novel Gadolinium-Free Ultrasmall Nanostructured Positive Contrast for Magnetic Resonance Angiography and Imaging

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    Nanostructured contrast agents are promising alternatives to Gd(III)-based chelates in magnetic resonance (MR) imaging techniques. A novel ultrasmall paramagnetic nanoparticle (UPN) was strategically designed to maximize the number of exposed paramagnetic sites and r1 while minimizing r2, by decorating 3 nm large titanium dioxide nanoparticles with suitable amounts of iron oxide. Its relaxometric parameters are comparable to that of gadoteric acid (GA) in agar phantoms, and the r2/r1 ratio of 1.38 at 3T is close to the ideal unitary value. The good contrast effect was confirmed by T1-weighted MR images of Wistar rats after intravenous bolus injection of UPN. Those results associated with good biocompatibility and a much longer contrast effect before renal excretion indicate its high potential as alternative blood-pool contrast agent to the GA gold standard for MR angiography, especially for patients with severe renal impairment

    Novel therapeutic mechanisms determine the effectiveness of lipid-core nanocapsules on melanoma models

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    Melanoma is a severe metastatic skin cancer with poor prognosis and no effective treatment. Therefore, novel therapeutic approaches using nanotechnology have been proposed to improve therapeutic effectiveness. Lipid-core nanocapsules (LNCs), prepared with poly(ε-caprolactone), capric/caprylic triglyceride, and sorbitan monostearate and stabilized by polysorbate 80, are efficient as drug delivery systems. Here, we investigated the effects of acetyleugenol-loaded LNC (AcE-LNC) on human SK-Mel-28 melanoma cells and its therapeutic efficacies on melanoma induced by B16F10 in C57B6 mice. LNC and AcE-LNC had z-average diameters and zeta potential close to 210 nm and -10.0 mV, respectively. CytoViva® microscopy images showed that LNC and AcE-LNC penetrated into SK-Mel-28 cells, and remained in the cytoplasm. AcE-LNC in vitro treatment (18–90×109 particles/mL; 1 hour) induced late apoptosis and necrosis; LNC and AcE-LNC (3–18×109 particles/mL; 48 hours) treatments reduced cell proliferation and delayed the cell cycle. Elevated levels of nitric oxide were found in supernatant of LNC and AcE-LNC, which were not dependent on nitric oxide synthase expressions. Daily intraperitoneal or oral treatment (days 3–10 after tumor injection) with LNC or AcE-LNC (1×1012 particles/day), but not with AcE (50 mg/kg/day, same dose as AcE-LNC), reduced the volume of the tumor; nevertheless, intraperitoneal treatment caused toxicity. Oral LNC treatment was more efficient than AcE-LNC treatment. Moreover, oral treatment with nonencapsulated capric/caprylic triglyceride did not inhibit tumor development, implying that nanocapsule supramolecular structure is important to the therapeutic effects. Together, data herein presented highlight the relevance of the supramolecular structure of LNCs to toxicity on SK-Mel-28 cells and to the therapeutic efficacy on melanoma development in mice, conferring novel therapeutic mechanisms to LNC further than a drug delivery system

    scFv-Anti-LDL(-)-Metal-Complex Multi-Wall Functionalized-Nanocapsules as a Promising Tool for the Prevention of Atherosclerosis Progression

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    Atherosclerosis can be originated from the accumulation of modified cholesterol-rich lipoproteins in the arterial wall. The electronegative LDL, LDL(-), plays an important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis once this cholesterol-rich lipoprotein can be internalized by macrophages, contributing to the formation of foam cells, and provoking an immune-inflammatory response. Herein, we engineered a nanoformulation containing highly pure surface-functionalized nanocapsules using a single-chain fragment variable (scFv) reactive to LDL(-) as a ligand and assessed whether it can affect the LDL(-) uptake by primary macrophages and the progression of atherosclerotic lesions in Ldlr−/− mice. The engineered and optimized scFv-anti-LDL(-)-MCMN-Zn nanoformulation is internalized by human and murine macrophages in vitro by different endocytosis mechanisms. Moreover, macrophages exhibited lower LDL(-) uptake and reduced mRNA and protein levels of IL1B and MCP1 induced by LDL(-) when treated with this new nanoformulation. In a mouse model of atherosclerosis employing Ldlr−/− mice, intravenous administration of scFv-anti-LDL(-)-MCMN-Zn nanoformulation inhibited atherosclerosis progression without affecting vascular permeability or inducing leukocytes-endothelium interactions. Together, these findings suggest that a scFv-anti-LDL(-)-MCMN-Zn nanoformulation holds promise to be used in future preventive and therapeutic strategies for atherosclerosis

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)

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    In 2008, we published the first set of guidelines for standardizing research in autophagy. Since then, this topic has received increasing attention, and many scientists have entered the field. Our knowledge base and relevant new technologies have also been expanding. Thus, it is important to formulate on a regular basis updated guidelines for monitoring autophagy in different organisms. Despite numerous reviews, there continues to be confusion regarding acceptable methods to evaluate autophagy, especially in multicellular eukaryotes. Here, we present a set of guidelines for investigators to select and interpret methods to examine autophagy and related processes, and for reviewers to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of reports that are focused on these processes. These guidelines are not meant to be a dogmatic set of rules, because the appropriateness of any assay largely depends on the question being asked and the system being used. Moreover, no individual assay is perfect for every situation, calling for the use of multiple techniques to properly monitor autophagy in each experimental setting. Finally, several core components of the autophagy machinery have been implicated in distinct autophagic processes (canonical and noncanonical autophagy), implying that genetic approaches to block autophagy should rely on targeting two or more autophagy-related genes that ideally participate in distinct steps of the pathway. Along similar lines, because multiple proteins involved in autophagy also regulate other cellular pathways including apoptosis, not all of them can be used as a specific marker for bona fide autophagic responses. Here, we critically discuss current methods of assessing autophagy and the information they can, or cannot, provide. Our ultimate goal is to encourage intellectual and technical innovation in the field