6 research outputs found

    Assessment of the toxic impacts of acute exposure to fipronil insecticide on Japanese quails

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    The acute toxicity of fipronil on mature Japanese quails was investigated. Birds received a single oral dose of fipronil at doses of LD50 (11.3 mg ∕ kg), 1∕2 LD50 , 1∕5 LD50 and 1∕10 LD50. All the birds were slaughtered 96h post administration. Specimens from liver, muscle and abdominal fat were collected for applying single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) technique, histopathological examination and residual analysis of fipronil. Fipronil increased the percentage of DNA damage and the histopathological alterations in tissues of quails mostly at high doses. Fipronil were residues detected in all examined samples with variable concentrations even in the tissues of control group although there was no any clinical signs or symptoms

    Transdermal agomelatine microemulsion gel: pyramidal screening, statistical optimization and in vivo bioavailability

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    Agomelatine is a new antidepressant having very low oral drug bioavailability less than 5% due to being liable to extensive hepatic 1st pass effect. This study aimed to deliver agomelatine by transdermal route through formulation and optimization of microemulsion gel. Pyramidal screening was performed to select the most suitable ingredients combinations and then, the design expert software was utilized to optimize the microemulsion formulations. The independent variables of the employed mixture design were the percentages of capryol 90 as an oily phase (X1), Cremophor RH40 and Transcutol HP in a ratio of (1:2) as surfactant/cosurfactant mixture ‘Smix’ (X2) and water (X3). The dependent variables were globule size, optical clarity, cumulative amount permeated after 1 and 24 h, respectively (Q1 and Q24) and enhancement ratio (ER). The optimized formula was composed of 5% oil, 45% Smix and 50% water. The optimized microemulsion formula was converted into carbopol-based gel to improve its retention on the skin. It enhanced the drug permeation through rat skin with an enhancement ratio of 37.30 when compared to the drug hydrogel. The optimum ME gel formula was found to have significantly higher Cmax, AUC 0–24 h and AUC0–∞ than that of the reference agomelatine hydrogel and oral solution. This could reveal the prosperity of the optimized microemulsion gel formula to augment the transdermal bioavailability of agomelatine

    Wound Healing Efficacy of Rosuvastatin Transethosomal Gel, I Optimal Optimization, Histological and In Vivo Evaluation

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    This study aimed to make a formulation and statistical optimization of transethosomal formulations of rosuvastatin (ROS) to enhance its topical wound healing efficiency. Design-Expert® software was used to employ I optimal design. The formulation variables in the study were surfactant concentration (%w/v), ethanol concentration (%w/v) and surfactant type (span 60 or tween 80), while the dependent responses were entrapment efficiency percent (EE%), vesicle size (VS) and zeta potential (ZP). The numerical optimization process employed by the design expert software resulted in an optimum formula composed of 0.819439 (%w/v) span 60, 40 (%w/v) ethanol and 100 mg lecithin with a desirability of 0.745. It showed a predicted EE% value of 66.5517 vs. 277.703 nm and a ZP of −33. When it was prepared and validated, it showed less than a 5% deviation from the predicted values. The optimum formula was subjected to further characterizations, such as DSC, XRD, TEM, in vitro release, the effect of aging and wound healing efficiency. The DSC thermogram made a confirmation of the compatibility of ROS with the ingredients used in the formulation. XRD showed the encapsulation of ROS in the transethosomal vesicles. The TEM image pointed out the spherical nature of the nanovesicles with the absence of aggregation. Additionally, the optimum formula revealed an enhancement of drug release in comparison with the drug suspension. It also showed good stability for one month. Furthermore, it revealed good wound healing efficiency when compared with the standard silver sulphadiazine (1% w/w) ointment or the drug-loaded gel, which could be related to the enhanced penetration of the nanosized vesicles of TESMs into the skin, which enhances the wound healing process. So, it could be regarded as a promising carrier of ROS for the treatment of chronic wounds

    Central Composite Optimization of Glycerosomes for the Enhanced Oral Bioavailability and Brain Delivery of Quetiapine Fumarate

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    This study aimed to formulate and statistically optimize glycerosomal formulations of Quetiapine fumarate (QTF) to increase its oral bioavailability and enhance its brain delivery. The study was designed using a Central composite rotatable design using Design-Expert® software. The independent variables in the study were glycerol % w/v and cholesterol % w/v, while the dependent variables were vesicle size (VS), zeta potential (ZP), and entrapment efficiency percent (EE%). The numerical optimization process resulted in an optimum formula composed of 29.645 (w/v%) glycerol, 0.8 (w/v%) cholesterol, and 5 (w/v%) lecithin. It showed a vesicle size of 290.4 nm, zeta potential of −34.58, and entrapment efficiency of 80.85%. The optimum formula was further characterized for DSC, XRD, TEM, in-vitro release, the effect of aging, and pharmacokinetic study. DSC thermogram confirmed the compatibility of the drug with the ingredients. XRD revealed the encapsulation of the drug in the glycerosomal nanovesicles. TEM image revealed spherical vesicles with no aggregates. Additionally, it showed enhanced drug release when compared to a drug suspension and also exhibited good stability for one month. Moreover, it showed higher brain Cmax, AUC0–24, and AUC0–∞ and plasma AUC0–24 and AUC0–∞ in comparison to drug suspension. It showed brain and plasma bioavailability enhancement of 153.15 and 179.85%, respectively, compared to the drug suspension. So, the optimum glycerosomal formula may be regarded as a promising carrier to enhance the oral bioavailability and brain delivery of Quetiapine fumarate

    The Neonicotinoid Thiacloprid Interferes with the Development, Brain Antioxidants, and Neurochemistry of Chicken Embryos and Alters the Hatchling Behavior: Modulatory Potential of Phytochemicals

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    The present experiment was performed to investigate the toxic impact of thiacloprid (TH) on the brain of developing chicken embryos and also to measure its influence on the behavioral responses of hatchlings. The role of chicoric acid (CA) and rosmarinic acid (RA) in modulating the resulted effects was also investigated. The chicken eggs were in ovo inoculated with TH at different doses (0.1, 1, 10, and 100 ug/egg). TH increased the mortality and abnormality rates and altered the neurochemical parameters of exposed embryos dose-dependently. TH also decreased the brain level of monoamines and amino acid neurotransmitters and decreased the activities of acetylcholine esterase (AchE) and Na+/K+-ATPase. The brain activity of catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) was diminished with downregulation of their mRNA expressions in the brain tissue. When TH was co-administered with CA and RA, the toxic impacts of the insecticide were markedly attenuated, and they showed a complementary effect when used in combination. Taken together, these findings suggested that TH is neurotoxic to chicken embryos and is possibly neurotoxic to embryos of other vertebrates. The findings also demonstrated the antioxidant and neuroprotective effects of CA and RA. Based on the present findings, the CA and RA can be used as invaluable ameliorative of TH-induced toxicity