1,484 research outputs found

    Generating Concise and Readable Summaries of XML Documents

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    XML has become the de-facto standard for data representation and exchange, resulting in large scale repositories and warehouses of XML data. In order for users to understand and explore these large collections, a summarized, bird's eye view of the available data is a necessity. In this paper, we are interested in semantic XML document summaries which present the "important" information available in an XML document to the user. In the best case, such a summary is a concise replacement for the original document itself. At the other extreme, it should at least help the user make an informed choice as to the relevance of the document to his needs. In this paper, we address the two main issues which arise in producing such meaningful and concise summaries: i) which tags or text units are important and should be included in the summary, ii) how to generate summaries of different sizes.%for different memory budgets. We conduct user studies with different real-life datasets and show that our methods are useful and effective in practice


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    Objective: To investigate the antibacterial efficacy of methanol extracts of leaves and roots of B. diffusa, Eclipta alba, Phyllanthus niruri and Ricinus communis.Methods: The antimicrobial efficacy of methanol extracts of some medicinal plants was evaluated by agar well diffusion method against selected pathogenic bacterial strains. Gram+ve strains (S. aureus, B. subtilis) were tested and Gram-ve strains tested were (E. coli, S. typhii and K. pneumoniae). Antifungal activity against was tested.Results: B. diffusa and P. niruri leaf extract showed highest antibacterial activity against S. aureus and S. typhii. Leaf extract of P. niruri and R. communis showed highest antifungal activity against A. niger and C. albicans respectivelyConclusion: The methanolic leaf extracts of B. diffusa and P. niruri were highly active against S. aureus and S. typhii


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    Objective: The present work is aimed to formulate and evaluate alginate-chitosan microspheres of glipizide for the effective use in the treatment of diabetes.Methods: Sustained release microspheres were prepared by gentle mixing of polymers in water phase with drug by agitation. The polymers used for preparation were sodium alginate and chitosan, which was extruded into 5% calcium chloride solution to produce microspheres by ionic gelation method.Results: Single unit dosage form of Glipizide causes gastric irritation. To convert it in to the multiple unit dosage form will release the drug evenly throughout the stomach which suppresses the irritation. The aim of study towards formulation and evaluation of alginate-chitosan microspheres, which can provide sustained release of the model drug. It shows better in-vitro and in-vivo activity than conventional dosage forms. The work also aims to study various parameters affecting the behavior of microspheres in oral dosage form. Conclusion:  Drugs that are simply absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and having a short half life are eliminated rapidly from the blood flow. To avoid this trouble, the oral sustained release (SR) has been developed as these will release the drug slowly in to the GIT and maintain a stable drug concentration in the serum for a longer period of time

    The Role of Early Customers in the Venture Creation Process

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    While startups’ interactions with early potential customers may occur long before product creation, entrepreneurs often fail to recognize how these interactions impact startup development. My research proposes that early customers are central influences and develops a model of customer interactions. More specifically, my dissertation focuses on answering: When and how do startups interact with early customers during the venture creation process, and how do these interactions create path dependence for the type of organization being created? I undertook an inductive, qualitative process study of nine startups located in incubators and studied customer interactions in near-real-time. My findings show that types of customers and validation received are important during new venture creation. First, I introduce a model of self-reinforcing mechanisms - the customer interaction-validation-spiral - that occurs when startups receive customer feedback. Positive feedback is interpreted as justification to move forward in revising the business to meet initial customers’ needs and in seeking out additional validation. Over time, other options for startups are gradually eliminated, efficiencies gained, and resources allocated to create processes and infrastructure that propel startups down a given path. Second, this spiral is incorporated into a novel model of customer interactions during the new venture creation process that requires multiple levels of validation to be met. My contributions refresh existing theories of new venture creation and expand on customer-centric, practitioner-based lean startup concepts to demonstrate that customers not only provide validation on products and markets, but also on founders’ abilities to create fully functioning and productive organizations. Finally, I apply existing literature on path dependence to new venture creation and demonstrate that self-reinforcing mechanisms and multiple validation stages trigger a narrowing of options available to startups, making pivoting more challenging over time. The customer interaction-validation-spiral offers further insights into path dependence mechanisms, further opening the black box of organizational paths. The practical implications of this research help startups understand the importance of thoughtfulness in early customer selection. Despite a narrowing development path, there is the potential for entrepreneurs to continue to exhibit agency and reflexivity in startups’ path formation by regularly reflecting on the results of their actions

    A Comparative Study of Widal Test and Immunochromatographic Assay for Rapid Diagnosis of Typhoid Fever and Molecular Analysis of Plasmid Mediated Quinolone Resistance in Clinical Isolates in a Tertiary Care Centre

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    Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi, the human specific, causative agent of typhoid fever, is one of the most common infectious disease in developing countries like India. Widal test is assosciated with numerous limitations ,but is still considered and extensively used as the diagnostic tool in our area. The bacteriological identification by blood culture is the best confirmative test of typhoid fever. The present study was carried out in Tirunelveli Medical College and Hospital, Tirunelveli for a period of one year from June 2017 to July 2018. A total number of 100 clinically suspected typhoid fever patients’ blood samples was taken and blood culture, widal test and Immunochromatographic tests done. We have assessed the reliability of ICT for the early diagnosis of typhoid fever when compared to the widal test. The antibiotic sensitivity and resistance pattern of the isolates were detected by disc diffusion method and subsequently the PMQR pattern of these isolates were detected by PCR. A total of 14 Salmonella Typhi were isolated from 100 clinically suspected typhoid cases. A total of 47 samples were tested positive in widal test. Out of this only one sample was positive for blood culture (True positivity rate – 2.1% and True negativity rate – 75.4%). Out of 26 samples positive for IgM, 10 samples were positive for blood culture (True positivity rate – 38.5%). Out of 74 samples that was negative for IgM, only 4 samples were found to be positive for blood culture (True negativity rate – 94.6%). Most isolates were sensitive to azithromycin (85.7%), ciprofloxacin (57.1%) and pefloxacin (50%). 42.9% sensitivity to Ceftriaxone and Nalidixic acid, 74.3% were resistant to Chloramphenicol and Cotrimoxazole and 85.7% were Ampicillin resistant. Molecular characterisation done, to determine whether fluoroquinolone resistance was plasmid mediated. The two resistant isolates of S.Typhi were found to be positive for plasmid mediated quinolone resistance gene qnr A. No mutations were detected in qnrB gene. In conclsion, the study implies that rapid ICT tests offers increased sensitivity, rapidity and simplicity over blood culture and Widal test, and can be used as a reliable, alternate early diagnostic tool to the most commonly used serological tests. The antibiotic sensitivity pattern in this area shows a shift towards decrease in the previous presumptions of absolute fluroquinolones resistance pattern. This hence encourages us tointurn implement the rational use of fluroquinolones again, in the treatment protocol for typhoid fever

    Early nutritional programming to enhance the utilization of plant based diets in fish (largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides)

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    Aquaculture has been the fastest growing animal food-producing sector for over half a century. Sustainable aquaculture should include replacement of fish-based feed sources by plant-based ingredients. However, this approach is often impeded by poor growth in carnivorous fish such as largemouth bass (LMB, Micropterus salmoides) fed high levels of plant-based protein. Therefore, our overall goal of the present work was to develop alternative methods of utilizing the plant-based diets (PBD) for sustainable LMB production. When fish is exposed to PBD early in their life, they may accept them more efficiently at later stages (so called Nutritional Programing, NP). Therefore, we conducted a 3-phase (6 weeks each, 18 weeks total) feeding trial to evaluate the NP of a PBD in LMB (Figure-1). On phase I, fish-larvae stocked into tanks 1 and 2 were fed a fishmeal-based diet (FM) or a soybean-meal-based diet (SBM), respectively. On phase II fish from each tank were divided into 2 tanks (tanks 3 and 4, respectively). Fish in tanks 1 and 2 continued to be fed the FM and SBM diets, while fish in tanks 3 and 4 were fed SBM and FM diets, respectively. On phase III, tanks 1 and 2 remained unchanged, while fish in tanks 3 and 4 were fed the FM and SBM diets, respectively. At the end of the study, no statistically significant differences were found for growth performance and whole-body proximate composition of fish. However, blood analyses revealed that LMB in tank 1 (fed FM throughout the study) had higher alanine amino-transaminase and lower blood phosphorus than other groups. The liver, muscle and intestine samples were collected for further physiological study and will be presented. Overall, this study developed an alternative method of utilizing the PBD at early stage of life, which can reduce the cost of largemouth bass production

    Publications Pattern and Collaborations Trend in Webology Journal during 2010-2019: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    The present study analyses the papers published in Webology journal from 2010 to 2019. The parameters used in the study were: distribution of articles, Authorship Patterns, Collaboration Index (CI), Degree of Collaboration (DC), Collaboration Coefficient (CC), Modified Collaboration Coefficient (MCC), Growth Rate, Lotka’s law, distribution of references and length of references. The study reveals that a total of 138 scholarly papers have been published by LIS professionals across the world. Iran ranked first among the researchers of different countries. The study reveals that the highest number of articles appeared during 2019 and has the maximum Collaboration Index, Collaboration Coefficient, and Modified Collaboration Coefficient. The majority of the contributions received from two authored publications with 28.14% and have an average collaboration of 0.89 which means a presence of good collaboration. A total of 4097 references were observed, where the year 2019 has the highest references (914, 22.31%)

    Effectiveness of Forest statutes in the conservation of Aravalli range in Urbanized complex- A case of Gurugram District (Haryana), India

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    Gurugram is one of the major satellite cities of Delhi, which witnessed unprecedented growth in the past two decades. The city of Gurugram in Haryana State, India, has a fringe of Aravalli hills on either side as the western and the eastern range ridge. On the foothills of the eastern ridge, there has been a major development in the revenue estate of Behrampur to Nathupur, whereas, on the western ridge, the major development has been from the revenue estate of Manesar to Naurangpur of Urban development complex.  Majority of the Revenue Estate in the areas in the foothills of Aravalli are covered under Punjab Land Preservation Act, 1900. The areas in Arravali ranges covered under development plans have witnessed urbanization. In contrast, the areas which are protected by forest statute and have come under Urban development plans have been saved from urban sprawls to a great extent. The present study analyses urban plans and development in areas not protected by forest statutes to those with some umbrella of protection.  The successive development plans including Gurugram Developmental Plan (GDP) 2021 of 2007, GDP 2020 of 2011, GDP 2031 of 2012, and Gwal Pahari Developmental Plan of 2010 amended in 2016 has increased the commercial value of land, exposing them to urbanization due to better economic returns. The study, however, strengthens the perception that despite being prone to development opportunity, the areas covered under forest statutes or by Hon’ble court orders have been protected from urban expansion and developmental sprawl
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