327 research outputs found

    Atomically smooth films of CsSb: a chemically robust visible light photocathode

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    Alkali antimonide semiconductor photocathodes provide a promising platform for the generation of high brightness electron beams, which are necessary for the development of cutting-edge probes including x-ray free electron lasers and ultrafast electron diffraction. However, to harness the intrinsic brightness limits in these compounds, extrinsic degrading factors, including surface roughness and contamination, must be overcome. By exploring the growth of CsxSb thin films monitored by in situ electron diffraction, the conditions to reproducibly synthesize atomically smooth films of CsSb on 3C-SiC (100) and graphene coated TiO2 (110) substrates are identified, and detailed structural, morphological, and electronic characterization is presented. These films combine high quantum efficiency in the visible (up to 1.2% at 400 nm), an easily accessible photoemission threshold of 550 nm, low surface roughness (down to 600 pm on a 1 um scale), and a robustness against oxidation up to 15 times greater then Cs3Sb. These properties suggest that CsSb has the potential to operate as an alternative to Cs3_3Sb in electron source applications where the demands of the vacuum environment might otherwise preclude the use of traditional alkali antimonides.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Genetic Mapping of Social Interaction Behavior in B6/MSM Consomic Mouse Strains

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    Genetic studies are indispensable for understanding the mechanisms by which individuals develop differences in social behavior. We report genetic mapping of social interaction behavior using inter-subspecific consomic strains established from MSM/Ms (MSM) and C57BL/6J (B6) mice. Two animals of the same strain and sex, aged 10 weeks, were introduced into a novel open-field for 10 min. Social contact was detected by an automated system when the distance between the centers of the two animals became less than ~12 cm. In addition, detailed behavioral observations were made of the males. The wild-derived mouse strain MSM showed significantly longer social contact as compared to B6. Analysis of the consomic panel identified two chromosomes (Chr 6 and Chr 17) with quantitative trait loci (QTL) responsible for lengthened social contact in MSM mice and two chromosomes (Chr 9 and Chr X) with QTL that inhibited social contact. Detailed behavioral analysis of males identified four additional chromosomes associated with social interaction behavior. B6 mice that contained Chr 13 from MSM showed more genital grooming and following than the parental B6 strain, whereas the presence of Chr 8 and Chr 12 from MSM resulted in a reduction of those behaviors. Longer social sniffing was observed in Chr 4 consomic strain than in B6 mice. Although the frequency was low, aggressive behavior was observed in a few pairs from consomic strains for Chrs 4, 13, 15 and 17, as well as from MSM. The social interaction test has been used as a model to measure anxiety, but genetic correlation analysis suggested that social interaction involves different aspects of anxiety than are measured by open-field test

    From Stop to Start: Tandem Gene Arrangement, Copy Number and Trans-Splicing Sites in the Dinoflagellate Amphidinium carterae

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    Dinoflagellate genomes present unique challenges including large size, modified DNA bases, lack of nucleosomes, and condensed chromosomes. EST sequencing has shown that many genes are found as many slightly different variants implying that many copies are present in the genome. As a preliminary survey of the genome our goal was to obtain genomic sequences for 47 genes from the dinoflagellate Amphidinium carterae. A PCR approach was used to avoid problems with large insert libraries. One primer set was oriented inward to amplify the genomic complement of the cDNA and a second primer set would amplify outward between tandem repeats of the same gene. Each gene was also tested for a spliced leader using cDNA as template. Almost all (14/15) of the highly expressed genes (i.e. those with high representation in the cDNA pool) were shown to be in tandem arrays with short intergenic spacers, and most were trans-spliced. Only two moderately expressed genes were found in tandem arrays. A polyadenylation signal was found in genomic copies containing the sequence AAAAG/C at the exact polyadenylation site and was conserved between species. Four genes were found to have a high intron density (>5 introns) while most either lacked introns, or had only one to three. Actin was selected for deeper sequencing of both genomic and cDNA copies. Two clusters of actin copies were found, separated from each other by many non-coding features such as intron size and sequence. One intron-rich gene was selected for genomic walking using inverse PCR, and was not shown to be in a tandem repeat. The first glimpse of dinoflagellate genome indicates two general categories of genes in dinoflagellates, a highly expressed tandem repeat class and an intron rich less expressed class. This combination of features appears to be unique among eukaryotes

    The Effect of Urban Street Gang Densities on Small Area Homicide Incidence in a Large Metropolitan County, 1994–2002

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    The presence of street gangs has been hypothesized as influencing overall levels of violence in urban communities through a process of gun–drug diffusion and cross-type homicide. This effect is said to act independently of other known correlates of violence, i.e., neighborhood poverty. To test this hypothesis, we independently assessed the impact of population exposure to local street gang densities on 8-year homicide rates in small areas of Los Angeles County, California. Homicide data from the Los Angeles County Coroners Office were analyzed with original field survey data on street gang locations, while controlling for the established covariates of community homicide rates. Bivariate and multivariate regression analyses explicated strong relationships between homicide rates, gang density, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic structure. Street gang densities alone had cumulative effects on small area homicide rates. Local gang densities, along with high school dropout rates, high unemployment rates, racial and ethnic concentration, and higher population densities, together explained 90% of the variation in local 8-year homicide rates. Several other commonly considered covariates were insignificant in the model. Urban environments with higher densities of street gangs exhibited higher overall homicide rates, independent of other community covariates of homicide. The unique nature of street gang killings and their greater potential to influence future local rates of violence suggests that more direct public health interventions are needed alongside traditional criminal justice mechanisms to combat urban violence and homicides

    An Ultra-Compact X-Ray Free-Electron Laser

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    In the field of beam physics, two frontier topics have taken center stage due to their potential to enable new approaches to discovery in a wide swath of science. These areas are: advanced, high gradient acceleration techniques, and x-ray free electron lasers (XFELs). Further, there is intense interest in the marriage of these two fields, with the goal of producing a very compact XFEL. In this context, recent advances in high gradient radio-frequency cryogenic copper structure research have opened the door to the use of surface electric fields between 250 and 500 MV/m. Such an approach is foreseen to enable a new generation of photoinjectors with six-dimensional beam brightness beyond the current state-of-the-art by well over an order of magnitude. This advance is an essential ingredient enabling an ultra-compact XFEL (UC-XFEL). In addition, one may accelerate these bright beams to GeV scale in less than 10 meters. Such an injector, when combined with inverse free electron laser-based bunching techniques can produce multi-kA beams with unprecedented beam quality, quantified by ~50 nm-rad normalized emittances. These beams, when injected into innovative, short-period (1-10 mm) undulators uniquely enable UC-XFELs having footprints consistent with university-scale laboratories. We describe the architecture and predicted performance of this novel light source, which promises photon production per pulse of a few percent of existing XFEL sources. We review implementation issues including collective beam effects, compact x-ray optics systems, and other relevant technical challenges. To illustrate the potential of such a light source to fundamentally change the current paradigm of XFELs with their limited access, we examine possible applications in biology, chemistry, materials, atomic physics, industry, and medicine which may profit from this new model of performing XFEL science.Comment: 80 pages, 24 figure

    Effect of Iron Overload and Iron Deficiency on Liver Hemojuvelin Protein

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    INTRODUCTION: Hemojuvelin (Hjv) is a key component of the signaling cascade that regulates liver hepcidin (Hamp) expression. The purpose of this study was to determine Hjv protein levels in mice and rats subjected to iron overload and iron deficiency. METHODS: C57BL/6 mice were injected with iron (200 mg/kg); iron deficiency was induced by feeding of an iron-deficient diet, or by repeated phlebotomies. Erythropoietin (EPO)-treated mice were administered recombinant EPO at 50 U/mouse. Wistar rats were injected with iron (1200 mg/kg), or fed an iron-deficient diet. Hjv protein was determined by immunoblotting, liver samples from Hjv-/- mice were used as negative controls. Mouse plasma Hjv content was determined by a commercial ELISA kit. RESULTS: Liver crude membrane fraction from both mice and rats displayed a major Hjv-specific band at 35 kDa, and a weaker band of 20 kDa. In mice, the intensity of these bands was not changed following iron injection, repeated bleeding, low iron diet or EPO administration. No change in liver crude membrane Hjv protein was observed in iron-treated or iron-deficient rats. ELISA assay for mouse plasma Hjv did not show significant difference between Hjv+/+ and Hjv-/- mice. Liver Hamp mRNA, Bmp6 mRNA and Id1 mRNA displayed the expected response to iron overload and iron deficiency. EPO treatment decreased Id1 mRNA, suggesting possible participation of the bone morphogenetic protein pathway in EPO-mediated downregulation of Hamp mRNA. DISCUSSION: Since no differences between Hjv protein levels were found following various experimental manipulations of body iron status, the results indicate that, in vivo, substantial changes in Hamp mRNA can occur without noticeable changes of membrane hemojuvelin content. Therefore, modulation of hemojuvelin protein content apparently does not represent the limiting step in the control of Hamp gene expression

    Msx1 and Msx2 are required for endothelial-mesenchymal transformation of the atrioventricular cushions and patterning of the atrioventricular myocardium

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Msx1 </it>and <it>Msx2</it>, which belong to the highly conserved <it>Nk </it>family of homeobox genes, display overlapping expression patterns and redundant functions in multiple tissues and organs during vertebrate development. <it>Msx1 </it>and <it>Msx2 </it>have well-documented roles in mediating epithelial-mesenchymal interactions during organogenesis. Given that both <it>Msx1 </it>and <it>Msx2 </it>are crucial downstream effectors of Bmp signaling, we investigated whether <it>Msx1 </it>and <it>Msx2 </it>are required for the Bmp-induced endothelial-mesenchymal transformation (EMT) during atrioventricular (AV) valve formation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>While both <it>Msx1-/- </it>and <it>Msx2-/- </it>single homozygous mutant mice exhibited normal valve formation, we observed hypoplastic AV cushions and malformed AV valves in <it>Msx1-/-; Msx2-/- </it>mutants, indicating redundant functions of <it>Msx1 </it>and <it>Msx2 </it>during AV valve morphogenesis. In <it>Msx1/2 </it>null mutant AV cushions, we found decreased Bmp2/4 and <it>Notch1 </it>signaling as well as reduced expression of <it>Has2</it>, <it>NFATc1 </it>and <it>Notch1</it>, demonstrating impaired endocardial activation and EMT. Moreover, perturbed expression of chamber-specific genes <it>Anf</it>, <it>Tbx2</it>, <it>Hand1 </it>and <it>Hand2 </it>reveals mispatterning of the <it>Msx1/2 </it>double mutant myocardium and suggests functions of <it>Msx1 </it>and <it>Msx2 </it>in regulating myocardial signals required for remodelling AV valves and maintaining an undifferentiated state of the AV myocardium.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings demonstrate redundant roles of <it>Msx1 </it>and <it>Msx2 </it>in regulating signals required for development of the AV myocardium and formation of the AV valves.</p

    Breakdown of Mucin as Barrier to Digestive Enzymes in the Ischemic Rat Small Intestine

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    Loss of integrity of the epithelial/mucosal barrier in the small intestine has been associated with different pathologies that originate and/or develop in the gastrointestinal tract. We showed recently that mucin, the main protein in the mucus layer, is disrupted during early periods of intestinal ischemia. This event is accompanied by entry of pancreatic digestive enzymes into the intestinal wall. We hypothesize that the mucin-containing mucus layer is the main barrier preventing digestive enzymes from contacting the epithelium. Mucin breakdown may render the epithelium accessible to pancreatic enzymes, causing its disruption and increased permeability. The objective of this study was to investigate the role of mucin as a protection for epithelial integrity and function. A rat model of 30 min splanchnic arterial occlusion (SAO) was used to study the degradation of two mucin isoforms (mucin 2 and 13) and two epithelial membrane proteins (E-cadherin and toll-like receptor 4, TLR4). In addition, the role of digestive enzymes in mucin breakdown was assessed in this model by luminal inhibition with acarbose, tranexamic acid, or nafamostat mesilate. Furthermore, the protective effect of the mucin layer against trypsin-mediated disruption of the intestinal epithelium was studied in vitro. Rats after SAO showed degradation of mucin 2 and fragmentation of mucin 13, which was not prevented by protease inhibition. Mucin breakdown was accompanied by increased intestinal permeability to FITC-dextran as well as degradation of E-cadherin and TLR4. Addition of mucin to intestinal epithelial cells in vitro protected against trypsin-mediated degradation of E-cadherin and TLR4 and reduced permeability of FITC-dextran across the monolayer. These results indicate that mucin plays an important role in the preservation of the mucosal barrier and that ischemia but not digestive enzymes disturbs mucin integrity, while digestive enzymes actively mediate epithelial cell disruption