36 research outputs found

    A Cross-Sectional, Abattoir-Based Study

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    Abstract Toxigenic Escherichia coli (E. coli) are an important cause of gastroenteritis in developing countries. In Ethiopia, gastroenteritis due to food-borne disease is a leading cause of death. Yet, there is no surveillance for E. coli O157 and little is known about the carriage of this pathogen in Ethiopia’s livestock. This study aimed to assess the prevalence and levels of antimicrobial resistance of E. coli O157 in goat meat, feces, and environmental samples collected at a large abattoir in the Somali region of Ethiopia. The samples were enriched in modified tryptone broth containing novobiocin, and plated onto sorbitol MacConkey agar. Isolates were confirmed using indole test and latex agglutination. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was conducted using the disk diffusion method. A total of 235 samples, including 93 goat carcass swabs, 93 cecal contents, 14 water, 20 hand, and 15 knife swabs were collected. Overall, six (2.5%) samples were contaminated with E. coli O157 of which two (2.1%) were isolated from cecal contents, three (3.2%) from carcass swabs, and one (7.1%) from water. All isolates were resistant to at least two of the 18 antimicrobials tested. Two isolates (33.3%) were resistant to more than five antimicrobials. Abattoir facilities and slaughter techniques were conducive to carcass contamination. This study highlights how poor hygiene and slaughter practice can result in contaminated meat, which is especially risky in Ethiopia because of the common practice of eating raw meat. We detect multi-resistance to drugs not used in goats, suggesting that drugs used to treat human infections may be the originators of antimicrobial resistance in livestock in this ecosystem. The isolation of multidrug-resistant E. coli O157 from goats from a remote pastoralist system highlights the need for global action on regulating and monitoring antimicrobial use in both human and animal populations

    Molecular detection of tick‐borne pathogens in bovine blood and ticks from Khentii, Mongolia

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    Recent studies reported the detection of DNA from tick‐borne pathogens (TBPs) of veterinary relevance such as Anaplasma marginale, Babesia bigemina, Babesia bovis and Theileria orientalis in bovine blood samples from Mongolia. These findings were unexpected, as the known tick vectors of these pathogens are not known to occur in Mongolia. We therefore conducted a study in May and June 2013 in six districts of Khentii province where DNA of the said TBPs was previously found. Ticks collected from the vegetation and rodents, as well as blood samples from cattle, were screened for the presence of TBPs by reverse line blot (RLB) hybridization. Tick larvae collected from rodents were pooled. A total of 310 adult ticks were collected from the vegetation, and 249 tick larvae were collected from 24 rodents. Adult ticks (n = 2,318) and blood samples were collected from 481 heads of cattle. All adult ticks were identified as Dermacentor nuttalli. DNA from Rickettsia raoultii (252/310; 81.3%), an uncharacterized Anaplasma species preliminary named Anaplasma sp. Mongolia (26/310; 8.4%), Candidatus Midichloria sp. (18/310; 5.8%), Theileria equi (16/310; 5.2%), Babesia caballi (5/310; 1.6%), T. orientalis (1/310; 0.3%), Borrelia afzelii (1/310; 0.3%) and Candidatus Neoehrlichia mikurensis (1/310; 0.3%) was detected in ticks collected from the vegetation. DNA of R. raoultii (27/28; 96.4%) and Midichloria sp. (2/28; 7.1%) was detected in the pooled tick larvae. Anaplasma sp. Mongolia, a species related to Anaplasma ovis based on a multi‐locus analysis, was also detected in 153/481 (31.8%) of the bovine blood samples. DNA of B. bovis, B. bigemina and A. marginale was not detected in the ticks or bovine blood samples from Khentii district

    Best-bet integrated strategies for containing drug-resistant trypanosomes in cattle

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    Background African animal trypanosomosis is a major constraint to the rearing of productive livestock in the sub-humid Sudan-Sahel zone of West Africa where cotton is grown. Trypanosomosis is mainly controlled using trypanocidal drugs, but the effective use of drugs is threatened by the development of widespread resistance. This study tested integrated best-bet strategies for containment and/ or reversal of trypanocide resistance in villages in south-east Mali where resistance has been reported. Methods Four sentinel villages each from an intervention area (along the road from Mali to Burkina Faso) and a control area (along the road from Mali to Côte d’Ivoire) were selected for the study. Tsetse control was based on deltamethrin-treated stationary attractive devices and targeted cattle spraying between March 2008 and November 2009. Trypanosome-positive cattle were selectively treated with 3.5 mg/kg diminazene aceturate. Strategic helminth control using 10 mg/kg albendazole was also undertaken. During the intervention, tsetse densities along drainage lines, trypanosome infections and faecal egg counts in risk cattle (3 to 12 months of age) were monitored. Results Catch reductions of 66.5 % in Glossina palpalis gambiensis and 90 % in G. tachinoides were observed in the intervention area. Trypanosome prevalence was significantly (p < 0.05) lower in the intervention area (2.3 %; 1.3-3.6 %) compared to the control area (17.3 %; 14.8-20.1 %). Albendazole treatment resulted in a faecal egg count reduction of 55.6 % and reduced trypanosome infection risk (2.9 times lower than in the placebo group) although not significantly (p > 0.05). Further studies are required before confirming the existence of albendazole resistant strongyles in the study area. Conclusion Integration of best-bet strategies in areas of multiple drug- resistance is expected to reduce trypanosome infection risk thus contributing to containment of trypanocidal drug resistance. Integrated best-bet strategies could therefore be considered a viable trypanosomosis control option especially in areas where multiple drug-resistance has been reported

    Managing Tsetse Transmitted Trypanosomosis by Insecticide Treated Nets - an Affordable and Sustainable Method for Resource Poor Pig Farmers in Ghana

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    An outbreak of tsetse-transmitted trypanosomiasis resulted in more than 50% losses of domestic pigs in the Eastern Region of Ghana (source: Veterinary Services, Accra; April 2007). In a control trial from May 4th–October 10th 2007, the efficacy of insecticide-treated mosquito fences to control tsetse was assessed. Two villages were selected – one serving as control with 14 pigsties and one experimental village where 24 pigsties were protected with insecticide treated mosquito fences. The 100 cm high, 150denier polyester fences with 100 mg/m2 deltamethrin and a UV protector were attached to surrounding timber poles and planks. Bi-monthly monitoring of tsetse densities with 10 geo-referenced bi-conical traps per village showed a reduction of more than 90% in the protected village within two months. Further reductions exceeding 95% were recorded during subsequent months. The tsetse population in the control village was not affected, only displaying seasonal variations. Fifty pigs from each village were ear-tagged and given a single curative treatment with diminazene aceturate (3.5 mg/kg bw) after their blood samples had been taken. The initial trypanosome prevalence amounted to 76% and 72% of protected and control animals, respectively, and decreased to 16% in protected as opposed to 84% in control pigs three months after intervention. After six months 8% of the protected pigs were infected contrasting with 60% in the control group

    Isolation of Multidrug-Resistant <i>Escherichia coli</i> O157 from Goats in the Somali Region of Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional, Abattoir-Based Study

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    <div><p>Toxigenic <i>Escherichia coli (E</i>. <i>coli)</i> are an important cause of gastroenteritis in developing countries. In Ethiopia, gastroenteritis due to food-borne disease is a leading cause of death. Yet, there is no surveillance for <i>E</i>. <i>coli</i> O157 and little is known about the carriage of this pathogen in Ethiopia’s livestock. This study aimed to assess the prevalence and levels of antimicrobial resistance of <i>E</i>. <i>coli</i> O157 in goat meat, feces, and environmental samples collected at a large abattoir in the Somali region of Ethiopia. The samples were enriched in modified tryptone broth containing novobiocin, and plated onto sorbitol MacConkey agar. Isolates were confirmed using indole test and latex agglutination. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was conducted using the disk diffusion method. A total of 235 samples, including 93 goat carcass swabs, 93 cecal contents, 14 water, 20 hand, and 15 knife swabs were collected. Overall, six (2.5%) samples were contaminated with <i>E</i>. <i>coli</i> O157 of which two (2.1%) were isolated from cecal contents, three (3.2%) from carcass swabs, and one (7.1%) from water. All isolates were resistant to at least two of the 18 antimicrobials tested. Two isolates (33.3%) were resistant to more than five antimicrobials. Abattoir facilities and slaughter techniques were conducive to carcass contamination. This study highlights how poor hygiene and slaughter practice can result in contaminated meat, which is especially risky in Ethiopia because of the common practice of eating raw meat. We detect multi-resistance to drugs not used in goats, suggesting that drugs used to treat human infections may be the originators of antimicrobial resistance in livestock in this ecosystem. The isolation of multidrug-resistant <i>E</i>. <i>coli</i> O157 from goats from a remote pastoralist system highlights the need for global action on regulating and monitoring antimicrobial use in both human and animal populations.</p></div

    Antimicrobial resistance patterns of <i>E</i>. <i>coli</i> O157 isolates.

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    <p><sup>a</sup>Key for Table 2: AMP: ampicillin, AMC: amoxycillin-clavulanic acid, FOX: cefoxitin, E: erythromycin, F: nitrofurantoin, S: streptomycin, SXT: sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim, S3: sulfonamides, TE: tetracycline</p><p>Antimicrobial resistance patterns of <i>E</i>. <i>coli</i> O157 isolates.</p