117 research outputs found

    Traduction française de «La dialyse péritonéale assistée : Prise de position de l’ISPD»

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    Dans le cadre d’un accord de partenariat entre l’ISPD et le RDPLF, le RDPLF est le traducteur français officiel des recommandations de l’ISPD. La traduction ne donne lieu à aucune compensation financière de la part de chaque société et le RDPLF s’engage à traduire fidèlement le texte original sous la responsabilité de deux néphrologues connus pour leur expertise dans le domaine. Avant publication le texte a été soumis à l’accord de l’ISPD. La traduction est disponible sur le site de l’ISPD et dans le Bulletin de la Dialyse à Domicile. Cette traduction est, comme l’original, librement téléchargeable sous licence copyright CC By 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. Cette traduction est destinée à aider les professionnels de la communauté francophone à prendre connaissance des recommandations de l’ISPD dans leur langue maternelle. Toute référence dans un article doit se faire au texte original en accès libre: Peritoneal Dialysis International https://doi.org/10.1177/08968608231172740. Dans les articles rédigés pour des revues françaises, conserver la référence à la version originale anglaise ci-dessus, mais ajouter « traduction française : https://doi.org/10.25796/bdd.v7i2.8388

    Hyponatremia in peritoneal dialysis patients

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    Hyponatremia is the most common disorder of body fluid and electrolyte balance encountered in clinical practice, and also in peritoneal dialysis (PD) population. Depending on the severity and the speed of drop in sodium concentration, the symptoms can vary from asymptomatic hyponatremia to mild and non-specific symptoms or severe and life-threatening situations. Hyponatremia is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Its pathophysiology is complex, specifically in patients undergoing PD. The etiological workup can be cumbersome but is of paramount importance for early and appropriate treatment. In this article, we review the clinical manifestations as well as the pathophysiology and the specific etiologies of hyponatremia in peritoneal dialysis patients, and we propose a diagnostic algorithm. 

    Safety of intravenous ferric carboxymaltose versus oral iron in patients with nondialysis-dependent CKD: an analysis of the 1-year FIND-CKD trial.

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    Background: The evidence base regarding the safety of intravenous (IV) iron therapy in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) is incomplete and largely based on small studies of relatively short duration. Methods: FIND-CKD (ClinicalTrials.gov number NCT00994318) was a 1-year, open-label, multicenter, prospective study of patients with nondialysis-dependent CKD, anemia and iron deficiency randomized (1:1:2) to IV ferric carboxymaltose (FCM), targeting higher (400-600 µg/L) or lower (100-200 µg/L) ferritin, or oral iron. A post hoc analysis of adverse event rates per 100 patient-years was performed to assess the safety of FCM versus oral iron over an extended period. Results: The safety population included 616 patients. The incidence of one or more adverse events was 91.0, 100.0 and 105.0 per 100 patient-years in the high ferritin FCM, low ferritin FCM and oral iron groups, respectively. The incidence of adverse events with a suspected relation to study drug was 15.9, 17.8 and 36.7 per 100 patient-years in the three groups; for serious adverse events, the incidence was 28.2, 27.9 and 24.3 per 100 patient-years. The incidence of cardiac disorders and infections was similar between groups. At least one ferritin level ≥800 µg/L occurred in 26.6% of high ferritin FCM patients, with no associated increase in adverse events. No patient with ferritin ≥800 µg/L discontinued the study drug due to adverse events. Estimated glomerular filtration rate remained the stable in all groups. Conclusions: These results further support the conclusion that correction of iron deficiency anemia with IV FCM is safe in patients with nondialysis-dependent CKD

    Costs of home assistance for peritoneal dialysis: results of a European survey.

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    Assisted peritoneal dialysis (aPD) was 'invented' in France in 1977 and was immediately very well reimbursed. This has since helped to maintain a high French peritoneal dialysis (PD) penetration rate among elderly dependent patients who might enjoy a better quality of life by remaining in their own environment. The aim of this study was to investigate the present status of aPD funding in European countries through a questionnaire sent in 2006 to health authorities and commercial PD providers asking about reimbursement modalities (in euro ([euro]) per patient per year) for nurse aPD. Specific funding for aPD only exists in Belgium, Denmark, France, Switzerland, and one region of Spain (Canary Islands). Germany and the United Kingdom are testing pilot schemes. Compared to France, all other countries exhibit significant differences in reimbursement for similar services (performing bag exchanges or disconnections from/to a cycler, exit site care, monitoring weight as well as blood pressure and ultrafiltration, and also including transportation costs) both for continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) (23 400 vs 7280 \[euro] per patient per year in Spain) and automated peritoneal dialysis (APD) (18 200 vs 5356 euro per patient per year in Belgium); these differences are difficult to understand and might reflect disparities in cost of living, national health-care budget, and/or mean nurses' salaries. Also, there is no correlation between these rates and the reimbursement for PD therapy itself. Only France and Belgium differentiate assisted CAPD and APD, but these differences do not reflect the time really spent at the patient's home. It is concluded that high reimbursement rates for assistance add significant extra cost to PD, but allow granting many dependent patients all the advantages of home therapy, instead of treating them with in-center hemodialysis which in any case still remains more expensive for our societies.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Pre-emptive CAPD - What are the arguments?

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    SCOPUS: ed.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Quand débuter la dialyse ?

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    Discussion of an exemplative case provides the opportunity to review the reasons for which peritoneal dialysis, as chosen by the vignette patient, should be started when a minimal level of glomerular filtration rate has been reached inasmuch as access problems could postpone the actual start of therapy. They mostly are the possibility of maintaining or improving residual renal function, alleviate or prevent uremic symptoms as well as hidden nutritional and cardiovascular consequences of progressive kidney failure. Given the present absence of randomised controlled trials, it is concluded that it seems reasonable to follow the recommendations proposed by American and European experts groups. © 2007 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe


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    SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Aperçu des recommandations des lignes directrices ISPD 2022 pour la prévention et le traitement de la péritonite.

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    This article is a summary of the new ISPD recommendations for peritonitis prevention and treatment. The latter recommendations bring definition clarifications, and new targets with respect to the rates of peritonitis. It also brings new recommendations on the prevention and the management of peritonitis with new guidelines regarding empirical use of antibiotics, dosage, and treatment of peritonitis due to specific microorganisms. In case of doubt or need of precisions, the original article (https://doi.org/10.1177/08968608221080586) and the exhaustive list of references that it contains should be consulted.Cet article est un rĂ©sumĂ© des nouvelles recommandations ISPD pour la prĂ©vention et le traitement de la pĂ©ritonite. Ces dernières recommandations apportent des clarifications de dĂ©finition, de nouveaux objectifs vis-Ă -vis des taux de pĂ©ritonite. Il apporte Ă©galement de nouvelles recommandations sur la prĂ©vention et la prise en charge de la pĂ©ritonite avec de nouvelles directives concernant l'utilisation empirique des antibiotiques, le dosage et le traitement de la pĂ©ritonite due Ă  des micro-organismes spĂ©cifiques. En cas de doute ou de besoin de prĂ©cisions, l'article original (https://doi.org/10.1177/08968608221080586) et la liste exhaustive des rĂ©fĂ©rences qu'il contient doivent ĂŞtre consultĂ©s. La traduction française complète est disponible dans ce mĂŞme numĂ©ro  Ă  l'adresse : https://doi.org/10.25796/bdd.v5i2.6600

    Meilleurs voeux et Ă©volution du BDD

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    With this fourth issue of volume 2 of the Bulletin de la Dialyse Ă  Domicile (BDD), the year 2019 ends.The BDD was born in June 2018; since then, 59 articles from France, England, Belgium, Spain, Morocco, Portugal, USA. UU. They have been published by all those who think it is useful to have a review that provides everyone with easily accessible information, within their reach, in the language he or she knows best, to understand and prescribe dialysis at home. Thanks also to the patients who shared their experiences. The year 2019 was marked by the indexing of articles in the Directory of Open Access Journals (https://doaj.org): DOAJ guarantees the seriousness and quality of open access journals and this guarantees them good dissemination. Almost all articles have been translated into English for a wider distribution, to maintain links between professionals who use these languages. The BDD is also indexed in Lissaet BASE ,  Google Scholar et numerous libraries in universities. Remember that we accept submissions of articles in English, French, Spanish and translate them. When an article is accepted, after a double-blind selection by independent reviewers, the English and French versions are published online.We also reproduce below the list of all the independent reviewers, who have devoted their time to re-read the articles submitted, double-blind, and to provided constructive criticisms to help the authors finalize their works.The RDPLF wishes our readers and all those who participate in the success of the RDPLF a very good end of the year and that the year 2020 which is coming will be for everyone a source of happiness and success in its projects.List of last reviewers: Azar Raymond ( France ), Bammens Bert ( Belgique ), Bataille Stanislas ( France ), BĂ©chade ClĂ©mence ( France ), Ben Abdallah Taieb ( Tunisie ), Brayer Isabelle ( France ), Caudwell Valerie ( France ), Chanliau Jacques ( France ), Collart FredĂ©ric ( Belgique ), de Arteaga Javier ( Argentine ), Descot Lisa ( France ), Desitter Arielle ( France ), Durand Pierre Yves ( France ), Fabre Emmanuel( France ), Faller Bernadette( France ), Fessi Hafedh ( France ), Fibach Eitan ( Israel ), Francois Karlien ( Belgique ), Gentile StĂ©phanie( France ), Gosselin Morgane( France ), Grillon Antoine( France ), GuillouĂ«t Sonia ( France ), Vincent Landi ( France ), Landru Isabelle ( France ), Landi Vincent ( France ), Lanot Antoine ( France ), Laville Maurice ( France ), Mougel Sophie (France), Nodimar CĂ©line ( France ), Padernoz Marie Christine ( France ), Petitclerc Thierry ( France ), QuĂ©rin Serge (Quebec), Urena Pablo ( France ), Rostoker Guy ( France ), Rousseau-Gagnon Mathieu ( Canada) ), Target Natalia ( France ), Urena Pablo ( France ), Van Biesen Wim ( Belgique ), Veniez Ghislaine ( France ), Vernier  Isabelle(  ), Vrtovsnik François ( France )    Avec ce quatrième numĂ©ro du volume 2 du Bulletin de la dialyse Ă  Domicile (BDD) se termine l’annĂ©e 2019. Le BDD est nĂ© en juin 2018; depuis, 59 articles de France, Angleterre, Belgique, Espagne, Maroc, Portugal, USA. UU. Ils ont Ă©tĂ© publiĂ©s par tous ceux qui pensent qu'il est utile d'avoir une revue qui fournit Ă  chacun des informations facilement accessibles, Ă  leur portĂ©e, dans la langue qu'il ou elle connaĂ®t le mieux, pour comprendre et prescrire la dialyse Ă  domicile. Merci Ă©galement aux patients qui ont partagĂ© leurs expĂ©riences. L'annĂ©e 2019 a Ă©tĂ© marquĂ©e par l'indexation d'articles dans l'annuaire des revues en libre accès (https://doaj.org): le DOAJ garantit le sĂ©rieux et la qualitĂ© des revues en libre accès et cela leur garantit une bonne diffusion. Presque tous les articles ont Ă©tĂ© traduits en anglais pour une diffusion plus large, afin de maintenir des liens entre les professionnels qui utilisent ces langues . Le BDD est Ă©galement indexĂ© dans Lissaet BASE ainsi que Google Scholar et la plupart des bibliothèques universitaires. Rappelons que nous acceptons les soumissions en Anglais, Espagnol, Français et en assurons la traduction. Lorsqu'un article est acceptĂ©, après sĂ©lection en double aveugle par des relecteurs indĂ©pendants du comitĂ© editorial, les versions Anglaise et Française sont publiĂ©es en ligne. Le RDPLF souhaite Ă  nos lecteurs mais aussi Ă  tous ceux qui participent au succès du RDPLF une très bonne fin d’annĂ©e et que l’annĂ©e 2020 qui arrive soit source pour chacun de bonheur et rĂ©ussite dans ses projets. Liste des relecteurs : Azar Raymond ( France ), Bammens Bert ( Belgique ), Bataille Stanislas ( France ), BĂ©chade ClĂ©mence ( France ), Ben Abdallah Taieb ( Tunisie ), Brayer Isabelle ( France ), Caudwell Valerie ( France ), Chanliau Jacques ( France ), Collart FredĂ©ric ( Belgique ), de Arteaga Javier ( Argentine ), Descot Lisa ( France ), Desitter Arielle ( France ), Durand Pierre Yves ( France ), Fabre Emmanuel( France ), Faller Bernadette( France ), Fessi Hafedh ( France ), Fibach Eitan ( Israel ), Francois Karlien ( Belgique ), Gentile StĂ©phanie( France ), Gosselin Morgane( France ), Grillon Antoine( France ), GuillouĂ«t Sonia ( France ), Vincent Landi ( France ), Landru Isabelle ( France ), Landi Vincent ( France ), Lanot Antoine ( France ), Laville Maurice ( France ), Mougel Sophie (France), Nodimar CĂ©line ( France ), Padernoz Marie Christine ( France ), Petitclerc Thierry ( France ), QuĂ©rin Serge (Quebec), Urena Pablo ( France ), Rostoker Guy ( France ), Rousseau-Gagnon Mathieu ( Canada) ), Target Natalia ( France ), Urena Pablo ( France ), Van Biesen Wim ( Belgique ), Veniez Ghislaine ( France ), Vernier  Isabelle(  ), Vrtovsnik François ( France

    Traduction des Recommandations de l'ISPD pour l'évaluation du dysfonctionnement de la membrane péritonéale chez l'adulte

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    Informations concernant cette traductionDans le cadre d’un accord de partenariat entre l’ISPD et le RDPLF, le RDPLF est le traducteur français officiel des recommandations de l’ISPD. La traduction ne donne lieu Ă  aucune compensation financière de la part de chaque sociĂ©tĂ© et le RDPLF s’est engagĂ© Ă  traduire fidèlement le texte original sous la responsabilitĂ© de deux nĂ©phrologues connus pour leur expertise dans le domaine. Avant publication le texte a Ă©tĂ© soumis Ă  l’accord de l’ISPD. La traduction est disponible sur le site de l’ISPD et dans le Bulletin de la Dialyse Ă  Domicile.Le texte est, comme l’original, libremement tĂ©lĂ©chargeable sous licence copyright CC By 4.0https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Cette traduction est destinĂ©e Ă  aider les professionnels de la communautĂ© francophone Ă  prendre connaissance des recommandations de l’ISPD dans leur langue maternelle. Toute rĂ©fĂ©rence dans un article doit se faire au texte original en accès libre :Peritoneal Dialysis International https://doi.org/10.1177/0896860820982218 Dans les articles rĂ©digĂ©s pour des revues françaises, conserver la rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  la version originale anglaise ci dessus, mais ajouter «version française  https://doi.org/10.25796/bdd.v4i3.62673"»TraducteursDr Christian Verger, nĂ©phrologue, prĂ©sident du RDPLFRDPLF, 30 rue Sere Depoin, 95300 Pontoise – FranceProfesseur Max Dratwa, nĂ©phrologueHĂ´pital Universitaire Brugmann – Bruxelles – BelgiqueInformations concernant cette traductionDans le cadre d’un accord de partenariat entre l’ISPD et le RDPLF, le RDPLF est le traducteur français officiel des recommandations de l’ISPD. La traduction ne donne lieu Ă  aucune compensation financière de la part de chaque sociĂ©tĂ© et le RDPLF s’est engagĂ© Ă  traduire fidèlement le texte original sous la responsabilitĂ© de deux nĂ©phrologues connus pour leur expertise dans le domaine. Avant publication le texte a Ă©tĂ© soumis Ă  l’accord de l’ISPD. La traduction est disponible sur le site de l’ISPD et dans le Bulletin de la Dialyse Ă  Domicile.Le texte est, comme l’original, libremement tĂ©lĂ©chargeable sous licence copyright CC By 4.0https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/Cette traduction est destinĂ©e Ă  aider les professionnels de la communautĂ© francophone Ă  prendre connaissance des recommandations de l’ISPD dans leur langue maternelle. Toute rĂ©fĂ©rence dans un article doit se faire au texte original en accès libre :Peritoneal Dialysis International https://doi.org/10.1177/0896860820982218 Dans les articles rĂ©digĂ©s pour des revues françaises, conserver la rĂ©fĂ©rence Ă  la version originale anglaise ci dessus, mais ajouter «version française  https://doi.org/10.25796/bdd.v4i3.62673"»TraducteursDr Christian Verger, nĂ©phrologue, prĂ©sident du RDPLFRDPLF, 30 rue Sere Depoin, 95300 Pontoise – FranceProfesseur Max Dratwa, nĂ©phrologueHĂ´pital Universitaire Brugmann – Bruxelles – Belgiqu
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