568 research outputs found

    Investing in the World's Youth: A Global Initiative

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    Reviews a decade of the International Youth Foundation's accomplishments in dozens of countries. Looks at the impact on global youth-serving organizations, evolving structures and strategies, challenges and lessons, and emerging trends

    Barriers and facilitators of young people’s engagement with webchat counselling: A qualitative analysis informed by the Behaviour Change Wheel

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    Young people's engagement with online counselling remains an endemic obstacle faced by mental health services. This study utilises the Behaviour Change Wheel (BCW) framework to systematically explore the barriers and facilitators of young people's behavioural engagement with online webchat counselling. The current study defines behavioural engagement as any observable or active contribution by the young person in the webchat sessions, such as written verbalisation and self-expression. Semi-structured interviews with counsellors (n = 8) and open-ended questionnaire data from 43 young people (aged 18–25 years) were gathered and then coded. Nine core themes were identified including communication difficulties, the safety of the webchat environment, absence of face-to-face communication, ambiguity in messages or pauses, reaching goals, optimism about outcomes, pre-existing anxieties, mood or well-being and wanting/not wanting to attend. Using the BCW framework, these themes were mapped to broad intervention functions and behaviour change techniques (BCTs) to provide suggestions to optimise young people's engagement with online counselling. These include the application of persuasive design features, the use of social strategies, increased counsellor training and greater personalisation of the online therapeutic approach. Future research can determine the effectiveness of these proposed strategies and BCTs to enrich the emerging engagement strategy field and the wider digital and mental health behaviour change literature

    Between-trial heterogeneity in meta-analyses may be partially explained by reported design characteristics.

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    OBJECTIVE: We investigated the associations between risk of bias judgments from Cochrane reviews for sequence generation, allocation concealment and blinding, and between-trial heterogeneity. STUDY DESIGN AND SETTING: Bayesian hierarchical models were fitted to binary data from 117 meta-analyses, to estimate the ratio λ by which heterogeneity changes for trials at high/unclear risk of bias compared with trials at low risk of bias. We estimated the proportion of between-trial heterogeneity in each meta-analysis that could be explained by the bias associated with specific design characteristics. RESULTS: Univariable analyses showed that heterogeneity variances were, on average, increased among trials at high/unclear risk of bias for sequence generation (λˆ 1.14, 95% interval: 0.57-2.30) and blinding (λˆ 1.74, 95% interval: 0.85-3.47). Trials at high/unclear risk of bias for allocation concealment were on average less heterogeneous (λˆ 0.75, 95% interval: 0.35-1.61). Multivariable analyses showed that a median of 37% (95% interval: 0-71%) heterogeneity variance could be explained by trials at high/unclear risk of bias for sequence generation, allocation concealment, and/or blinding. All 95% intervals for changes in heterogeneity were wide and included the null of no difference. CONCLUSION: Our interpretation of the results is limited by imprecise estimates. There is some indication that between-trial heterogeneity could be partially explained by reported design characteristics, and hence adjustment for bias could potentially improve accuracy of meta-analysis results

    Association Between Risk-of-Bias Assessments and Results of Randomized Trials in Cochrane Reviews: The ROBES Meta-Epidemiologic Study.

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    Flaws in the design of randomized trials may bias intervention effect estimates and increase between-trial heterogeneity. Empirical evidence suggests that these problems are greatest for subjectively assessed outcomes. For the Risk of Bias in Evidence Synthesis (ROBES) Study, we extracted risk-of-bias judgements (for sequence generation, allocation concealment, blinding, and incomplete data) from a large collection of meta-analyses published in the Cochrane Library (issue 4; April 2011). We categorized outcome measures as mortality, other objective outcome, or subjective outcome, and we estimated associations of bias judgements with intervention effect estimates using Bayesian hierarchical models. Among 2,443 randomized trials in 228 meta-analyses, intervention effect estimates were, on average, exaggerated in trials with high or unclear (versus low) risk-of-bias judgements for sequence generation (ratio of odds ratios (ROR) = 0.91, 95% credible interval (CrI): 0.86, 0.98), allocation concealment (ROR = 0.92, 95% CrI: 0.86, 0.98), and blinding (ROR = 0.87, 95% CrI: 0.80, 0.93). In contrast to previous work, we did not observe consistently different bias for subjective outcomes compared with mortality. However, we found an increase in between-trial heterogeneity associated with lack of blinding in meta-analyses with subjective outcomes. Inconsistency in criteria for risk-of-bias judgements applied by individual reviewers is a likely limitation of routinely collected bias assessments. Inadequate randomization and lack of blinding may lead to exaggeration of intervention effect estimates in randomized trials

    Transnational social capital: the socio‐spatialities of civil society

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    Civil society remains a contested concept, but one that is widely embedded in global development processes. Transnationalism within civil society scholarship is often described dichotomously, either through hierarchical dependency relations or as a more amorphous networked global civil society. These two contrasting spatial imaginaries produce very particular ideas about how transnational relations contribute to civil society. Drawing on empirical material from research with civil society organizations in Barbados and Grenada, in this article I contend that civil society groups use forms of transnational social capital in their work. This does not, however, resonate with the horizontal relations associated with grassroots globalization or vertical chains of dependence. These social relations are imbued with power and agency and are entangled in situated historical, geographical and personal contexts. I conclude that the diverse transnational social relations that are part of civil society activity offer hope and possibilities for continued civil society action in these unexpected spatial arrangements

    Justice at Sea: Fishers’ politics and marine conservation in coastal Odisha, India

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    This is a paper about the politics of fishing rights in and around the Gahirmatha marine sanctuary in coastal Odisha, in eastern India. Claims to the resources of this sanctuary are politicised through the creation of a particularly damaging narrative by influential Odiya environmental actors about Bengalis, as illegal immigrants who have hurt the ecosystem through their fishing practices. Anchored within a theoretical framework of justice as recognition, the paper considers the making of a regional Odiya environmentalism that is, potentially, deeply exclusionary. It details how an argument about ‘illegal Bengalis’ depriving ‘indigenous Odiyas’ of their legitimate ‘traditional fishing rights’ derives from particular notions of indigeneity and territory. But the paper also shows that such environmentalism is tenuous, and fits uneasily with the everyday social landscape of fishing in coastal Odisha. It concludes that a wider class conflict between small fishers and the state over a sanctuary sets the context in which questions about legitimate resource rights are raised, sometimes with important effects, like when out at sea

    Youth futures and a masculine development ethos in the regional story of Uttarakhand

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    Research on the Uttarakhand region, which became a new state in 2000, has focused largely on agrarian livelihoods, religious rituals, development demands, ecological politics and the role of women in regional social movements. This essay discusses another dimension of the regional imaginary—that of a masculine development ethos. Based on ethnographic research and print media sources, this essay focuses on stories, politics, mobilities and imaginations of young men in the years immediately after the achievement of statehood. Despite increased outmigration of youth in search of employment, many young men expressed the dream of maintaining livelihoods in the familiar towns and rural spaces of Uttarakhand, describing their home region as a source of power and agency. In rallies and in print media, young (mostly upper caste) men expressed their disillusionment with the government and the promises of statehood, arguing that their aspirations for development and employment were left unfulfilled. Gendered stories of the region, told in Hindi in rallies and print media, contained references to local places, people and historical events and were produced through local connections and know-how, fostering a regional youth politics. The article argues that Uttarakhand as a region is shaped by the politics of local actors as well as embodied forms of aspiration, affiliation and mobility.IS
