5 research outputs found

    Kawasan Lindung Gunung Ciremai Dan Kemungkinan Pengelolaannya

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    Protected Area and Conservation Strategy of Ciremai Mountain. The Ciremai MountainWest Jawa as one of the important water catchments area and as water supplier area forMajalengka, Kuningan, Cirebon, Indramayu district in West Jawa provice and part of Brebesdistrict in Central Jawa Province. In order to uphold its function in storing water resources, itis important to understand the protected area of Ceremai Mountain. The protected area wasestablished on its altitude, elevation, and type of soil of about 22,600 ha. 15,410 ha or 68.20%of this area has been recovered, including 8,320 ha of Ceremai Mountain National Park.Reforestation of the ex-pinus area was necessary to increase water reservation. Besides thatCeremai Mountain National Park was needed to be managed with agro forestry

    Utilization of Remote Sensing Images for Compiling The Characteristics Map of Indramayu Beach, West Java

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    The beach has an important role in the development and economy of a region. Therefore, it is important to understand the condition and characteristics of the coast so that it can be managed and developed wisely. One way to understand the condition of the beach is through making a map of the characteristics of the beach. A coastal characteristic map is a graphical representation of the conditions and characteristics of the geology, geography, and hydrology of a coast. Making a coastal characteristic map with remote sensing requires several steps, namely: 1). satellite data collection: Pre-processing satellite data; 2). classification of satellite data; 3). satellite data analysis; and finally 4). making a coastal characteristic map. The area that is the fabric material is the beach of Indramayu Regency, West Java. Based on the analysis and interpretation of 2015 Landsat 8 (LDCM) image data, 2020 Sentinel 2 Image data, BATNAS, and DEMNAS data, it is known that the characteristics of the Indramayu beach are that it has geo-quaternary building materials which include: (a) coastal bunds, ( b) swamp deposits, (c) shallow marine deposits, (d) sand deposits, (e) flood plains, (f) river deposits, and (g) floodplain deposits. The morphology includes: (a) beach sand plains, (b) concave coastal swamps, (c) old beach bunds, (d) young beach bunds, (e) alluvial plains, (f) flood plains, and (g) fan plains delta. Finally, it has a distribution of surface sediments on the seabed which includes: (a) sand, (b) silt, gravelly sand, (d) slightly gravelly silt, (e) slightly gravelly sandy mud, and (f) gravelly mud


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    Terrestrial measurements can provide accurate gravity data, but it is costly and time-consuming for large and remote area. Airborne gravity measurements have actually been carried out in Indonesia since 2008 by Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in collaboration with the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG). Purpose of the project was to develop a geoid model used for converting elevations from GPS/GNSS measurements that refers to ellipsoid to orthometric elevations that refer to sea level. The data can actually be explored so that it can be used for geophysical and other geoscience purposes, but the data must be carefully treated and extracted into observational gravity data. This study aims to improve the accuracy of gravity airborne data to produce an accurate complete Bouguer anomaly map. The data used in this study were airborne gravity data over Province of Southeast Sulawesi collected on September 29, 2008 to October 1, 2008.  Variation in flight height at the time of consecutive data introduced new horizontal acceleration vector. It must be treated as a noise in the measurement of gravity data. The first stage of processing was to eliminate noise due to aircraft acceleration. Gravity data measured in aircraft conditions accelerating more than 5 m.s-2 were eliminated. In this stage, the gravity data were reduced from 64481 observation points to 4900 observation points. The second stage of processing was low pass filtering to eliminate the remaining surges in gravity data. Airborne gravity data that have been snooped and filtered were then applied to calculate the complete Bouguer anomaly. Visually, a complete Bouguer anomaly map through the enhancement process produced a finer map compared to maps from airborne gravity data without enhancement. Comparison of airborne Bouguer anomaly map and terrestrial Bouguer anomaly maps of Kendari sheet showed a correlation of more than 83%. The conclusion of this study was that the enhancement of the airborne data significantly increases the accuracy and reliability of the airborne gravity data for generating a complete bouguer anomaly map. The results of this study also indicated that the airborne archive data has the potential to be used for geophysical and geosciences purposes in Southeast Sulawesi and Indonesia


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    Di Palabuhanratu - Kabupaten Sukabumi, sedang dibangun pelabuhan baru untuk mempermudah konektivitas antar wilayah di Jawa Barat selatan dan diharapkan dapat menjadi pelabuhan lintas provinsi yang mampu mengangkat pertumbuhan ekonomi khususnya di bidang wisata bahari. Namun demikian, saat ini perkembangan pembangunan pelabuhan tersebut nampaknya menghadapi masalah sedimentasi yang cepat di kedua sisi jembatan dan dermaga. Untuk itu, analisis proses sedimentasi di tapak pelabuhan ini dibuat dengan tujuan sebagai bahan referensi studi kasus. Data citra satelit resolusi tinggi menunjukan bahwa luasan sedimentasi di tapak pelabuhan ini sudah mendekati 20,000 m2, sedangkan data hidro-oseanografi mensiratkan bahwa bangunan pemecah gelombang di lepas pantai, diduga membangkitkan difraksi gelombang laut dan arus sepanjang pantai sekaligus sebagai perangkap sedimen membentuk tembolo.Kata kunci : Pelabuharatu, sedimentasi, pemecah gelombang, arus memanjang pantai, tembolo.In Palabuhanratu - Sukabumi Regency, a new port is being built to facilitate the connectivity between regions in southern West Java and is expected to become an inter-provincial port that can promote economic growth, especially in the field of marine tourism. However, at present the development of port construction seems to face the problem of rapid sedimentation on both sides of the trestle and jetty. Therefor,the analysis of the sedimentation process at the port site is intended as a reference of case study. Analysis of high-resolution satellite imagery data shows that the area of sedimentation at this port site is approaching 20.000 m2, while hydro-oceanographic data analysis implies that offshore breakwater is thought to generate wave difraction and longshore current as well as sediment trap forming tembolo. Keywords:Palabuhanratu, sedimentation, breakwater, longshore current, tembolo


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    Kajian geologi kelautan berdasarkan data citra satelit resolusi tinggi dan data hidro-oseanografi regional Teluk Jakarta yang dipublikasikan, menunjukan adanya perubahan lingkungan eksternal di sekitar tapak PLTGU Muara Tawar secara signifikan. Perubahan tersebut berupa penyempitan dan pendangkalan perairan di daerah Mixing Zone seluas kurang lebih 90-an Ha dalam kurun waktu sepuluh tahun terakhir. Situasi seperti ini menunjukan penurunan mutu lingkungan di area mixing zone, yaitu tempat bercampurnya air bahang dari kondensor melalui outfall dengan airlaut baku yang masuk melalui saluran intake. Kajian ini mensiratkan perlunya usulan pengendalian alih lahan di pesisir perairan Muara Tawar serta adanya pemeliharaan dan pendalaman area mixing zone terutama di dekat mulut outfall agar cukup memberi waktu bagi proses pendinginan air bahang dari pembangkit.