22 research outputs found

    A coleção fotográfica de Marcel Gautherot

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    Considering contemporary Anthropologys debate around photography, there is a\ud keen interest in the understanding of one of the most important open to public consultation\ud photographic collections on 20th Century Brazil, that of Frenchman Marcel Gautherot (1910-\ud 1996). The collection comprises around 25,000 photographs, purchased in 1999 by Instituto\ud Moreira Salles and kept in its fund in the city of Rio de Janeiro. The text comments on the\ud photographers work, linked to documentary projects under the patronage of institutions such as\ud the Musée de l´Homme in Paris, at the end of the 1930s, and both the National Historic and\ud Artistic Patrimony Service and the Brazilian Folklore Defence Campaign, in Brazil, between the\ud years of 1940 -1960. Such commitments and interests define important thematic groupings in\ud the production and organisation of his personal photographic archive. A discussion about criteria and technical procedures adopted by the photographer is attempted, detailing series\ud and visual narratives about Brazilian cultures density. With the photographs purchase by the\ud IMS, the oeuvres aesthetic quality, now as an institutional collection, is highlighted. The collections\ud manners of preservation and conservation, reproduction and circulation are redefined

    A assimilação dos imigrantes como questão nacional

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    A campanha de nacionalização instituída durante o Estado Novo (1937-1945) interferiu na vida cotidiana dos imigrantes e descendentes estabelecidos no Brasil - denominados alienígenas em razão das etnicidades prevalecentes e das culturas diferenciadas - exigindo sua assimilação (enquanto sinônimo de caldeamento) em nome da unidade nacional. O presente artigo focaliza aspectos do discurso militar sobre a campanha e seus objetivos de assimilação forçada, a partir de textos produzidos por oficiais do Exército que trabalharam como agentes da nacionalização no Vale do Itajaí (SC) - região considerada paradigma de "enquistamento", afastada dos princípios da "brasilidade". Procura mostrar que, na condução da campanha pelos militares, prevaleceu uma concepção de Estado-nação que negou legitimidade a quaisquer formas de pertencimento étnico, conforme parâmetros próprios da ideologia nacionalista brasileira gestada desde o século XIX.<br>The nationalization campaign promoted during the Estado Novo (1937-1945) interfered in the daily lives of immigrants and their descendents in Brazil - labeled as aliens because of the prevailing ethnicities and the differentiated cultures - requiring their assimilation (as a synonym for miscegenation) in the name of national unity. This study focuses on aspects of the military discourse related to this campaign and its objectives of forced assimilation, based on documents produced by Army officers working as agents for nationalization in the Itajaí Valley, in the State of Santa Catarina, a region viewed as a paradigm of "encystment", straying from the principles of "Brazilianness". It seeks to demonstrate how - in the campaign by the military - a concept of nation-state prevailed which denied legitimacy to any form of ethnic belonging, in accordance with the very parameters of Brazilian nationalist ideology as fomented since the 19th century