971 research outputs found

    Safeguarding China\u27s Cultural History: Proposed Amendments to the 2002 Law on the Protection of Cultural Relics

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    The 2002 Law on the Protection of Cultural Relics (“2002 Law”) has done little to safeguard cultural property in China. While the statute provides general procedures for relic collection, protection, and cataloging, and sets punishments for individuals and entities that violate the law, it does not furnish funding for the implementation of these measures. Amendments in 2007 failed to address the major problems of the 2002 Law—notably, the lack of incentives to return stolen or looted property and insufficient funding of the law. Due to these problems, the 2002 Law should again be amended to create a fund for the protection of historical sites and establish a grant process through which individuals and entities seeking to protect cultural relics would be compensated adequately for the costs of their efforts

    Using a Mindfulness and Gratitude Practice to Improve Student Wellness

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    The University of Oregon School of Law hosted the annual, two-day conference for legal writing professors to share ideas and research on topics related to legal writing and legal writing instruction. This presentation described two experimental semester-long mindfulness activities—mindfulness minutes and gratitude journaling—and student reactions to them

    Exploring Anti-racism in the First Year Legal Writing Classroom

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    The Legal Writing Institute hosted a series of one-day workshops at various law schools, including at SU, where the theme of the workshops was Teaching Values in the Legal Writing Classroom. This presentation explores assignments and activities that legal writing professors can use to introduce and reinforce ant-racism as a critical professional value

    Charge induced stability of water droplets in subsaturated environment

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    Atmospheric liquid and solid water particles are stabilized if they are coated with either negative or positive electric charge. The surface charge causes an increase of the partial pressure of water vapour close to the surface of each particle, effectively allowing the particles to remain in their condensed phase even if the environmental relative humidity drops below unity. The theory, briefly presented in this paper, predicts a zero parameter relation between surface charge density and water vapour pressure. This relation was tested in a series of Electrodynamic Balance experiments. The measurements were performed by stabilizing charged droplets of pure water near an ice-surface. We observed a divergence in radius as the temperature approached the freezing point from below. We find that the measurements confirm the theory within the experimental uncertainty. In some cases this generally overlooked effect may have impact on cloud processes and on results produced by Electrodynamic Balance experiments

    Greedy Routing and the Algorithmic Small-World Phenomenom

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    The algorithmic small-world phenomenon, empirically established by Milgram's letter forwarding experiments from the 60s, was theoretically explained by Kleinberg in 2000. However, from today's perspective his model has several severe shortcomings that limit the applicability to real-world networks. In order to give a more convincing explanation of the algorithmic small-world phenomenon, we study greedy routing in a more realistic random graph model (geometric inhomogeneous random graphs), which overcomes the previous shortcomings. Apart from exhibiting good properties in theory, it has also been extensively experimentally validated that this model reasonably captures real-world networks. In this model, we show that greedy routing succeeds with constant probability, and in case of success almost surely finds a path that is an almost shortest path. Our results are robust to changes in the model parameters and the routing objective. Moreover, since constant success probability is too low for technical applications, we study natural local patching methods augmenting greedy routing by backtracking and we show that such methods can ensure success probability 1 in a number of steps that is close to the shortest path length. These results also address the question of Krioukov et al. whether there are efficient local routing protocols for the internet graph. There were promising experimental studies, but the question remained unsolved theoretically. Our results give for the first time a rigorous and analytical answer, assuming our random graph model

    Очистка сточных вод от тяжелых металлов природными сорбентами

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    Использование отходов подсолнечной лузги позволяет комплексно решить проблему утилизации сельскохозяйственных отходов и получения хемосорбента для очистки сточных вод промышленного производства от ионов тяжелых металлов. Проведены исследования по оценке адсорбционной способности материалов, определены кинетические зависимости процесса.The use of sunflower husk waste allows to solve the problem of utilization of agricultural waste and obtaining chemisorbent for wastewater treatment of industrial production from ions of heavy metals. Studies on the evaluation of the adsorption capacity of materials have been carried out, the kinetic dependencies of the process

    A spatially continuous magnetization model for Mars

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    [1] Using a three-component magnetic field data set at over 100,000 satellite points previously compiled for spherical harmonic analysis, we have produced a continuously varying magnetization model for Mars. The magnetized layer was assumed to be 40 km thick, an average value based on previous studies of the topography and gravity field. The severe nonuniqueness in magnetization modeling is addressed by seeking the model with minimum root-mean-square (RMS) magnetization for a given fit to the data, with the trade-off between RMS magnetization and fit controlled by a damping parameter. Our preferred model has magnetization amplitudes up to 20 A/m. It is expressed as a linear combination of the Green’s functions relating each observation to magnetization at the point of interest within the crust, leading to a linear system of equations of dimension the number of data points. Although this is impractically large for direct solution, most of the matrix elements relating data to model parameters are negligibly small. We therefore apply methods applicable to sparse systems, allowing us to preserve the resolution of the original data set. Thus we produce more detailed models than any previously published, although they share many similarities. We find that tectonism in the Valles Marineris region has a magnetic signature, and we show that volcanism south of the dichotomy boundary has both a magnetic and gravity signature. The method can also be used to downward continue magnetic data, and a comparison with other leveling techniques at Mars ’ surface is favorable

    Conformational rearrangements in and twisting of a single molecule

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    Single molecule spectroscopy is used to obtain detailed information on the photophysical properties of immobilized perylenediimide-based molecules, substituted in the bay positions. The fluorescence spectra recorded for numerous single molecules show a clear bimodal distribution of the peak position. Within the low energy component of the distribution, two different vibronic shapes of the emission spectrum can be seen, which can be correlated to different decay times. We show that former observation can be explained by conformational changes of the bay substituents while the latter are related to twisting of the single molecule around the central perylenediimide long axis