13 research outputs found

    Exploiting vehicular social networks and dynamic clustering to enhance urban mobility management

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    Transport authorities are employing advanced traffic management system (ATMS) to improve vehicular traffic management efficiency. ATMS currently uses intelligent traffic lights and sensors distributed along the roads to achieve its goals. Furthermore, there are other promising technologies that can be applied more efficiently in place of the abovementioned ones, such as vehicular networks and 5G. In ATMS, the centralized approach to detect congestion and calculate alternative routes is one of the most adopted because of the difficulty of selecting the most appropriate vehicles in highly dynamic networks. The advantage of this approach is that it takes into consideration the scenario to its full extent at every execution. On the other hand, the distributed solution needs to previously segment the entire scenario to select the vehicles. Additionally, such solutions suggest alternative routes in a selfish fashion, which can lead to secondary congestions. These open issues have inspired the proposal of a distributed system of urban mobility management based on a collaborative approach in vehicular social networks (VSNs), named SOPHIA. The VSN paradigm has emerged from the integration of mobile communication devices and their social relationships in the vehicular environment. Therefore, social network analysis (SNA) and social network concepts (SNC) are two approaches that can be explored in VSNs. Our proposed solution adopts both SNA and SNC approaches for alternative route-planning in a collaborative way. Additionally, we used dynamic clustering to select the most appropriate vehicles in a distributed manner. Simulation results confirmed that the combined use of SNA, SNC, and dynamic clustering, in the vehicular environment, have great potential in increasing system scalability as well as improving urban mobility management efficiency1916CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP401802/2016-7; 2015/25588-6; 2016/24454-9; 2018/02204-6; 465446/2014-088887.136422/2017-002014/50937-

    Virtual network security: threats, countermeasures, and challenges

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    Network virtualization has become increasingly prominent in recent years. It enables the creation of network infrastructures that are specifically tailored to the needs of distinct network applications and supports the instantiation of favorable environments for the development and evaluation of new architectures and protocols. Despite the wide applicability of network virtualization, the shared use of routing devices and communication channels leads to a series of security-related concerns. It is necessary to provide protection to virtual network infrastructures in order to enable their use in real, large scale environments. In this paper, we present an overview of the state of the art concerning virtual network security. We discuss the main challenges related to this kind of environment, some of the major threats, as well as solutions proposed in the literature that aim to deal with different security aspects.Network virtualization has become increasingly prominent in recent years. It enables the creation of network infrastructures that are specifically tailored to the needs of distinct network applications and supports the instantiation of favorable environme61CNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICORNP - REDE NACIONAL DE ENSINO E PESQUISAFAPERGS - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DO RIO GRANDE DO SULsem informaçãosem informaçãosem informaçã

    Multiware Platform: Some Issues About The Middleware Layer

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    This paper presents the conceptual and implementation models to the Middleware Layer of the Multiware Platform that is under development at UNICAMP - University of Campinas, Brazil. This platform combines ideas from both the RM-ODP (Reference Model for Open Distributed Processing) and existent products, like ANSAware and CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture). The platform offers functionalities to support and facilitate the development, use and management of cooperative applications, like group decision support systems for GIS (Geographical Information Systems). Keywords: Open Distributed Processing, Middleware, CORBA, GIS, Network Communication. 1 INTRODUCTION The advances in the communication technology with high transmission rates together with the future (and present) needs of the users for integration and cooperative work stimulated the development of open service environments. The standards proposed by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) for Ope..

    An Implementation Structure for RM-OSI/ISO Transaction Processing Application Contexts

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    This technical report presents a structure for a modular implementation of application contexts from the RM-OSI/ISO (Re- ference Model - Open Systems Interconnection / International Organization for Standardization) in which the TP (Transaction Processing) protocol participates. This protocol provides services to support the execution of distributed atomic transactions in the OSI environment. The structure presented influences the implementation of other application contexts. In this text it is also shown the way the upper layers protocols are being implemented in a didactic communication system called SISDI-OSI (Sistema Did'atico para o Modelo OSI -- Didactic System for the OSI Model) in terms of process configuration and interprocess communication mechanisms. The experiences with protocol implementations for this system are then commented. 1 Introduction Defined as a group of related operations that are executed so that the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) prope..

    Um modelo de interface de aplicação para sistemas de comunicação

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    Orientador : Manuel de Jesus MendesTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia EletricaResumo: Este trabalho discute o conceito de AFIs ("Application Program Interfaces"), ou seja, Interfaces de Aplicação, para Sistemas de Comunicação. A partir desta discussão, são construldas AFIs para diversos protocolos de aplicação, e é proposto um Modelo Geral conceitual. ~ também apresentada a implementação da AFI para o Protocolo MMS ("Manufacturing Message Specification") no SISDI-MAP ("Sistema Didático do Protocolo e da Interface de Aplicação MMS do MAP"), desenvolvida no Departamento de Computação e Automação Industrial da Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica da UNICAMP. Conceitos existentes em Sistemas de Comunicação relacionados com o de AFI são analisados: "Socket" do Sistema UNIX, Agente de Usuário dos Protocolos X-400 (correio eletrônico) e de Serviço de Diretório, e "Binding" e Operação Remota do Protocolo RaSE ("Remote Operations Service Element")., Finalmente, é proposto um Modelo de Apresentação de API, que reflete estes conceitos e o Modelo GeralAbstract: This work analyzes the concept of API ("Application Program Interface") for communication systems. From this discussion, APIs for several Application Protocols are built, and a conceptual General Model is proposed. This work also presents the API implementation for the MMS ("Manufacturing Message Specification") Protocol in the SISDI-MAP, a Didactic System for the MAP ("Manufacturing Automation Protocol") Project, developed in the Department of Computing and Industrial Automation of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at UNICAMP. Some concepts of communication systems related to the API concept are analyzed: Sockets from the UNIX System, User Agent from the X-400 (eletronic mail) and Directory Service Protocols, and Binding and Remote Operation from the ROSE ("Remote Operations Service Element") Protocolo Finally, a Presentation Model of API is proposed, which considers these analyzed concepts and the General Model presented.Résumé: Dans ce travail nous présentons un modele général d'une API ("Application Program Interface") pour le logiciel de communication. Quelques aspects du modele pour plusieurs protocoles d'application sont analysés. Une implantation de Message Specification"), API pour le protocole MMS ("Manufacturing developpée a l'UNICAMP, est aussi presentéeDoutoradoAutomaçãoDoutor em Engenharia Elétric

    Implementação do protocolo X-25 num concentrador de comunicações baseado no 8088

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    Orientador: Celio Cardoso GuimarãesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Ciencia da ComputaçãoResumo: Não informado.Abstract: This work presents an implementation of the X-25 communication protocol, which is defined for the: CCITT Recommendation (Committee Consultative International Telegraph and Telephone),on an Intel 8088 microprocessador [201, [231 and [36]. The proposed system is based on message exchange. The microprocessor has the function of a concentrator linked to a packet switching network. It will communicate on one side with a network node and on other side with several terminals. The configuration mode between the concentrator and the network node is balanced asynchronous. As an objective, the levels 1 and 2 change through hardware and software a not very reliable point-to-point link into a reliable link. As an second objective, participants in the network exchange traffic information to avoid congestion. The level 3 executes multiplexing to change a single level 2 logical circuit into several independent logical channels. At the level 4 (transport level) some end-to-end control functions are implemented. The levels 2, 3 and 4, in addition to a Manager (Supervisor) and the X-25 line reception and transmission interrupt routines are all treated as concurrent processes. In this work, we also use a formal technique analyse to protocols in such a way as to prevent them against deadlock, unspecified receptions, nonexecutable interactions and state ambiguities as proposed by P. Zafiropulo [19]. We made an analysis of the several levels specifications. An HDLC 8273 interface is used to implement physical the link between the microprocessor and the network. The prototype developed for this thesis possesses two HDLC 8273 interfaces and 32K RAM memory. The programs executed on the 8088 are remotely loaded from the DEC-10 system of the Computing Center. In Chapter I, we describe the ISO architecture and the X-25 protocol. We specify the level 4 used for the purpose of this the sis. State diagram were produced for level 2, from the X-25 protocol specification text for level 3, extracted from the X-25 specification, and for level 4, from the specification of this thesis. In Chapter 11, we formally analyse the X-25 protocol guarantee that it is an error-free protocol. The analysis considers the state diagrams defined in Chapter 1. In Chapter III, we present a brief discussion about concurrent processing languages. where appropriate, comments on Módula 2, the chosen language for the implementation, were included. Communication and synchronization between concurrent processes using monitors and message exchange are presented. Examples. of the X-25 protocol implementation using this two models are shown [3], [81] and [16]. In Chapter IV, which is the thesis body, we treat the implementation on the 8088 microprocessor. The system is .described as a whole and analysed with respect to the following important details: data structures, process communication, non-interrupt modules, dynamic memory allocation, timers, HDLC 8273 interface, etc. In Chapter V, we describe the debugging tests made on the system in a stepwise manner and the conclusion of thesis along with several suggestions were presented in Chapter VI. The main contributions of this thesis were: - Use of formal protocol analysis in a practical implementation of the X-25 protocol. An implementation methodology using message exchange between processes representing the protocol levels and explicit process control transference using the tools implemented in Modula 2.MestradoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    Object Group Model And Its Implementation To Support Cooperative Applications On Corba

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    Cooperative applications are emerging as a promising new field for the use of distributed systems technology. This new type of application also presents new requirements, challenging research and development of distributed systems. One of these requirements refers to the group nature of the interactions in these new environments, which has not found suitable support with traditional distributed system mechanisms. In this paper we propose a model of object groups to support this kind of applications. An implementation model based on distributed objects is also proposed and a prototype constructed on top of a CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) platform is described.21322

    A Markov Model for Providing Quality of Service for Failure Detectors under Message Loss Bursts

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    The quality of service (QoS) of failure detectors determines how fast a failure detector q detects the crash of a process p, and how accurate q informs the p crash. In wide area networks and wireless networks, the occurrence of process crashes, high delay variations and burst losses in message packets are common. So, this paper proposes a failure detector configurator which takes into account the probability distribution of loss burst lengths of message packets, by using a Markov model. The simulation results show that the parameters provided by the proposed configurator lead the failure detector to really satisfy the QoS requirements in networks subject to message loss bursts, while previous works do not satisfy them in some cases

    ATENA: A Broadcast-Storm-Aware Solution for Highway Environments

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