69 research outputs found

    Wireless ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted breast biopsy: Experience in clinical practice at European Institute of Oncology

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    In the last few years, ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted breast biopsy (US-VABB) has replaced surgical biopsy due to higher diagnostic accuracy and lower patient discomfort, and, at present, an even greater possibility is represented by the new wireless ultrasound-guided VAB device (Wi-UVAB). The purpose of our study is to determine the diagnostic accuracy of this new device in a sizeable representative number of patients. From January 2014 to June 2018, 168 biopsies were performed in our institution using the new Wi-UVAB device. We analyzed sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and diagnostic accuracy of biopsies obtained with the new device using surgical results as reference point, following patients for at least one year. In our cohort, we obtained a complete sensitivity of 97.5%, an absolute sensitivity of 94.3%, a complete specificity of 98%, and an absolute specificity of 98%. The positive predictive value of the procedure was 97.5% while the negative predictive value was 98%. The diagnostic accuracy was 98%. The Wi-UVAB is a safe procedure with high diagnostic accuracy, comparable to that of the traditional vacuum-assisted breast biopsy and even higher than that of core needle biopsy (CNB). Moreover, the Wi-UVAB is easy to use and shows low costs as core needle biopsy (CNB)

    Primary Breast Extranodal Marginal Zone Lymphoma in Primary Sjögren Syndrome: Case Presentation and Relevant Literature

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    The association between autoimmune diseases, mostly rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, celiac disease and Sjögren syndrome, and lymphoma, has been widely demonstrated by several epidemiologic studies. By a mechanism which has not yet been entirely elucidated, chronic activation/stimulation of the immune system, along with the administration of specific treatments, may lead to the onset of different types of lymphoma in such patients. Specifically, patients affected by Sjögren syndrome may develop lymphomas many years after the original diagnosis. Several epidemiologic, hematologic, and histological features may anticipate the progression from Sjögren syndrome into lymphoma but, to the best of our knowledge, a definite pathogenetic mechanism for such progression is still missing. In fact, while the association between Sjögren syndrome and non-Hodgkin lymphoma, mostly extranodal marginal zone lymphomas and, less often, diffuse large B-cell, is well established, many other variables, such as time of onset, gender predilection, sites of occurrence, subtype of lymphoma, and predictive factors, still remain unclear. We report on a rare case of primary breast lymphoma occurring three years after the diagnosis of Sjögren syndrome in a 57-year-old patient. The diagnostic work-up, including radiograms, core needle biopsy, and histological examination, is discussed, along with emerging data from the recent literature, thus highlighting the usefulness of breast surveillance in Sjögren syndrome patient

    Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia after Vacuum-Assisted Breast Biopsy: Can We Reduce the Upgrade to Breast Cancer to an Acceptable Rate?

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    (1) Background: to evaluate which factors can reduce the upgrade rate of atypical ductal hyperplasia (ADH) to in situ or invasive carcinoma in patients who underwent vacuum-assisted breast biopsy (VABB) and subsequent surgical excision. (2) Methods: 2955 VABBs were reviewed; 141 patients with a diagnosis of ADH were selected for subsequent surgical excision. The association between patients' characteristics and the upgrade rate to breast cancer was evaluated in both univariate and multivariate analyses. (3) Results: the upgrade rates to ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and invasive carcinoma (IC) were, respectively, 29.1% and 7.8%. The pooled upgrade rate to DCIS or IC was statistically lower at univariate analysis, considering the following parameters: complete removal of the lesion (p-value < 0.001); BIRADS ≤ 4a (p-value < 0.001); size of the lesion ≤15 mm (p-value: 0.002); age of the patients <50 years (p-value: 0.035). (4) Conclusions: the overall upgrade rate of ADH to DCIS or IC is high and, as already known, surgery should be recommended. However, ADH cases should always be discussed in multidisciplinary meetings: some parameters appear to be related to a lower upgrade rate. Patients presenting these parameters could be strictly followed up to avoid overtreatment

    COVID-19 And Breast Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology Method: What Should We Change?

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    Air-dried slide preparation for fine needle aspiration cytology procedures, is currently considered unsafe because of the risk of infectious aerosols of Coronavirus 19. This study compares the safety and accuracy of two different protocols, one with and one without air-dried slides

    Re-evaluating Adjuvant Breast Cancer Trials: Assessing Hormone Receptor Status by Immunohistochemical Versus Extraction Assays

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    Background: Tumor levels of steroid hormone receptors, a factor used to select adjuvant treatment for early-stage breast cancer, are currently determined with immunohistochemical assays. These assays have a discordance of 10%-30% with previously used extraction assays. We assessed the concordance and predictive value of hormone receptor status as determined by immunohistochemical and extraction assays on specimens from International Breast Cancer Study Group Trials VIII and IX. These trials predominantly used extraction assays and compared adjuvant chemoendocrine therapy with endocrine therapy alone among pre- and postmenopausal patients with lymph node-negative breast cancer. Trial conclusions were that combination therapy provided a benefit to pre- and postmenopausal patients with estrogen receptor (ER)-negative tumors but not to ER-positive postmenopausal patients. ER-positive premenopausal patients required further study. Methods: Tumor specimens from 571 premenopausal and 976 postmenopausal patients on which extraction assays had determined ER and progesterone receptor (PgR) levels before randomization from October 1, 1988, through October 1, 1999, were re-evaluated with an immunohistochemical assay in a central pathology laboratory. The endpoint was disease-free survival. Hazard ratios of recurrence or death for treatment comparisons were estimated with Cox proportional hazards regression models, and discriminatory ability was evaluated with the c index. All statistical tests were two-sided. Results: Concordance of hormone receptor status determined by both assays ranged from 74% (κ = 0.48) for PgR among postmenopausal patients to 88% (κ = 0.66) for ER in postmenopausal patients. Hazard ratio estimates were similar for the association between disease-free survival and ER status (among all patients) or PgR status (among postmenopausal patients) as determined by the two methods. However, among premenopausal patients treated with endocrine therapy alone, the discriminatory ability of PgR status as determined by immunohistochemical assay was statistically significantly better (c index = 0.60 versus 0.51; P = .003) than that determined by extraction assay, and so immunohistochemically determined PgR status could predict disease-free survival. Conclusions: Trial conclusions in which ER status (for all patients) or PgR status (for postmenopausal patients) was determined by immunohistochemical assay supported those determined by extraction assays. However, among premenopausal patients, trial conclusions drawn from PgR status differed—immunohistochemically determined PgR status could predict response to endocrine therapy, unlike that determined by the extraction assa

    Predictive Value of Tumor Ki-67 Expression in Two Randomized Trials of Adjuvant Chemoendocrine Therapy for Node-Negative Breast Cancer

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    Several small studies have reported that having a high percentage of breast tumor cells that express the proliferation antigen Ki-67 (ie, a high Ki-67 labeling index) predicts better response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. However, the predictive value of a high Ki-67 labeling index for response to adjuvant chemotherapy is unclear. To investigate whether Ki-67 labeling index predicts response to adjuvant chemoendocrine therapy, we assessed Ki-67 expression in tumor tissue from 1924 (70%) of 2732 patients who were enrolled in two randomized International Breast Cancer Study Group trials of adjuvant chemoendocrine therapy vs endocrine therapy alone for node-negative breast cancer. A high Ki-67 labeling index was associated with other factors that predict poor prognosis. Among the 1521 patients with endocrine-responsive tumors, a high Ki-67 labeling index was associated with worse disease-free survival but the Ki-67 labeling index did not predict the relative efficacy of chemoendocrine therapy compared with endocrine therapy alone. Thus, Ki-67 labeling index was an independent prognostic factor but was not predictive of better response to adjuvant chemotherapy in these studie

    Analytical validation of a standardised scoring protocol for Ki67 immunohistochemistry on breast cancer excision whole sections: an international multicentre collaboration

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    Aims The nuclear proliferation marker Ki67 assayed by immunohistochemistry has multiple potential uses in breast cancer, but an unacceptable level of interlaboratory variability has hampered its clinical utility. The International Ki67 in Breast Cancer Working Group has undertaken a systematic programme to determine whether Ki67 measurement can be analytically validated and standardised among laboratories. This study addresses whether acceptable scoring reproducibility can be achieved on excision whole sections. Methods and results Adjacent sections from 30 primary ER+ breast cancers were centrally stained for Ki67 and sections were circulated among 23 pathologists in 12 countries. All pathologists scored Ki67 by two methods: (i) global: four fields of 100 tumour cells each were selected to reflect observed heterogeneity in nuclear staining; (ii) hot-spot: the field with highest apparent Ki67 index was selected and up to 500 cells scored. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for the global method [confidence interval (CI) = 0.87; 95% CI = 0.799-0.93] marginally met the prespecified success criterion (lower 95% CI >= 0.8), while the ICC for the hot-spot method (0.83; 95% CI = 0.74-0.90) did not. Visually, interobserver concordance in location of selected hot-spots varies between cases. The median times for scoring were 9 and 6 min for global and hot-spot methods, respectively. Conclusions The global scoring method demonstrates adequate reproducibility to warrant next steps towards evaluation for technical and clinical validity in appropriate cohorts of cases. The time taken for scoring by either method is practical using counting software we are making publicly available. Establishment of external quality assessment schemes is likely to improve the reproducibility between laboratories further

    Analytical validation of a standardized scoring protocol for Ki67: phase 3 of an international multicenter collaboration

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    Pathological analysis of the nuclear proliferation biomarker Ki67 has multiple potential roles in breast and other cancers. However, clinical utility of the immunohistochemical (IHC) assay for Ki67 immunohistochemistry has been hampered by unacceptable between-laboratory analytical variability. The International Ki67 Working Group has conducted a series of studies aiming to decrease this variability and improve the evaluation of Ki67. This study tries to assess whether acceptable performance can be achieved on prestained core-cut biopsies using a standardized scoring method. Sections from 30 primary ER+ breast cancer core biopsies were centrally stained for Ki67 and circulated among 22 laboratories in 11 countries. Each laboratory scored Ki67 using three methods: (1) global (4 fields of 100 cells each); (2) weighted global (same as global but weighted by estimated percentages of total area); and (3) hot-spot (single field of 500 cells). The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), a measure of interlaboratory agreement, for the unweighted global method (0.87; 95% credible interval (CI): 0.81–0.93) met the prespecified success criterion for scoring reproducibility, whereas that for the weighted global (0.87; 95% CI: 0.7999–0.93) and hot-spot methods (0.84; 95% CI: 0.77–0.92) marginally failed to do so. The unweighted global assessment of Ki67 IHC analysis on core biopsies met the prespecified criterion of success for scoring reproducibility. A few cases still showed large scoring discrepancies. Establishment of external quality assessment schemes is likely to improve the agreement between laboratories further. Additional evaluations are needed to assess staining variability and clinical validity in appropriate cohorts of samples

    How Reliable Is Ki-67 Immunohistochemistry in Grade 2 Breast Carcinomas? A QA Study of the Swiss Working Group of Breast- and Gynecopathologists

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    Adjuvant chemotherapy decisions in breast cancer are increasingly based on the pathologist's assessment of tumor proliferation. The Swiss Working Group of Gyneco- and Breast Pathologists has surveyed inter- and intraobserver consistency of Ki-67-based proliferative fraction in breast carcinomas. Methods Five pathologists evaluated MIB-1-labeling index (LI) in ten breast carcinomas (G1, G2, G3) by counting and eyeballing. In the same way, 15 pathologists all over Switzerland then assessed MIB-1-LI on three G2 carcinomas, in self-selected or pre-defined areas of the tumors, comparing centrally immunostained slides with slides immunostained in the different laboratoires. To study intra-observer variability, the same tumors were re-examined 4 months later. Results The Kappa values for the first series of ten carcinomas of various degrees of differentiation showed good to very good agreement for MIB-1-LI (Kappa 0.56–0.72). However, we found very high inter-observer variabilities (Kappa 0.04–0.14) in the read-outs of the G2 carcinomas. It was not possible to explain the inconsistencies exclusively by any of the following factors: (i) pathologists' divergent definitions of what counts as a positive nucleus (ii) the mode of assessment (counting vs. eyeballing), (iii) immunostaining technique, and (iv) the selection of the tumor area in which to count. Despite intensive confrontation of all participating pathologists with the problem, inter-observer agreement did not improve when the same slides were re-examined 4 months later (Kappa 0.01–0.04) and intra-observer agreement was likewise poor (Kappa 0.00–0.35). Conclusion Assessment of mid-range Ki-67-LI suffers from high inter- and intra-observer variability. Oncologists should be aware of this caveat when using Ki-67-LI as a basis for treatment decisions in moderately differentiated breast carcinomas