15 research outputs found

    Grain Yield, Quality and Deoxynivalenol (DON) Contamination of Durum Wheat (Triticum Durum Desf.): Results of National Networks in Organic and Conventional Cropping Systems

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    This work shows the results of trials carried out over three years (2006-2008) within the national networks of durum wheat grown under conventional and organic cropping systems in six representative locations of the main cultivation areas of Italy. The main aspects of grain yield and grain quality were analyzed, particularly assessing the hygienic health status of the grain in relation to the possible presence of deoxynivalenol (DON) contamination. DON is considered the most common trichothecene mycotoxin found in the wheat grain, causing significant reductions in grain yield and adverse effects for human or animal consumption. In the studied period the average grain yields were quite interesting both in conventional samples (5.85 t ha-1) and in organic ones (4.91 t ha-1). As expected, the organic yields were significantly different(-16%). However, in the southern locations the same differences were lower (-5%), thus emphasizing the limited impact of the higher inputs of the conventional cropping in these environments. The reduced nitrogen input is notoriously the most critical point of organic wheat, because the protein content is the most sensitive parameter of grain quality. The protein content was significantly different among year, fields location and cropping system, but not among their interactions. Grain protein content in organic wheat was lower than in conventional one all over the three years; anyway, differences were somewhat limited (only about 1% in the southern locations and 0.5% in central Italy). Among cultivars no significant differences in the protein content were recorded. Mean levels of DON contamination during the study period were generally lower, with only a sample exceeding the legal limit of 1750 ppb. Among the main factors, year and location (and their interaction) had a strong influence on DON contamination, accounting for 75% of the observed variability. DON levels in 2008 at Papiano-PG were dramatically high; the strong influence of the year-location interaction may be due to this fact. Cropping system and cultivar, although significant, had a low influence; however, their interaction accounted for 13% of total variance. Cropping system – location interaction accounted for 5% of the total variability. Very low levels of DON were detected in the southern locations with both cropping systems; the lower levels were recorded in organic wheat samples. In the central Italy areas DON could represent a potential hazard, but even in these organically cropped environments wheat gave the best results. Lower concentrations of DON were detected in organic wheat samples, either in less favourable years for the occurrence of Fusarium (2006 and 2007) and in the more favourable one (2008). Regarding the role of the varietal choice, Creso revealed to be the less susceptible to DON contamination, probably as it is the best adapted to the areas of the Central Italy, where Fusarium is more widespread

    Editorial: Current trends in environmental psychology, volume II

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    This Research Topic, “Current trends in environmental psychology - volume II”, is associated with the 3rd International Conference of Environmental Psychology (ICEP 2021), which was held in Siracusa, Italy, from the 4th to 9th October 2021 and it is the natural prosecution, and completion, of the volume I of the same Research Topic (see also De Gregorio et al., 2023 for an overview). The opening of the Research Topic was made during a very difficult time: the threat of a global pandemic/syndemic from the COVID-19 viral infection was a dominant international concern and was changing drastically living conditions at a global level

    Tramesan Elicits Durum Wheat Defense against the Septoria Disease Complex

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    The Septoria Leaf Blotch Complex (SLBC), caused by the two ascomycetes Zymoseptoria tritici and Parastagonospora nodorum, can reduce wheat global yearly yield by up to 50%. In the last decade, SLBC incidence has increased in Italy; notably, durum wheat has proven to be more susceptible than common wheat. Field fungicide treatment can efficiently control these pathogens, but it leads to the emergence of resistant strains and adversely affects human and animal health and the environment. Our previous studies indicated that active compounds produced by Trametes versicolor can restrict the growth of mycotoxigenic fungi and the biosynthesis of their secondary metabolites (e.g., mycotoxins). Specifically, we identified Tramesan: a 23 kDa α-heteropolysaccharide secreted by T. versicolor that acts as a pro-antioxidant molecule in animal cells, fungi, and plants. Foliar-spray of Tramesan (3.3 μM) on SLBC-susceptible durum wheat cultivars, before inoculation of causal agents of Stagonospora Nodorum Blotch (SNB) and Septoria Tritici Blotch (STB), significantly decreased disease incidence both in controlled conditions (SNB: −99%, STB: −75%) and field assays (SNB: −25%, STB: −30%). We conducted these tests were conducted under controlled conditions as well as in field. We showed that Tramesan increased the levels of jasmonic acid (JA), a plant defense-related hormone. Tramesan also increased the early expression (24 hours after inoculation—hai) of plant defense genes such as PR4 for SNB infected plants, and RBOH, PR1, and PR9 for STB infected plants. These results suggest that Tramesan protects wheat by eliciting plant defenses, since it has no direct fungicidal activity. In field experiments, the yield of durum wheat plants treated with Tramesan was similar to that of healthy untreated plots. These results encourage the use of Tramesan to protect durum wheat against SLBC

    Speciale orzo: produzioni ottime al Nord e buone al Centro-Sud

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    Il clima ha consentito una delle migliori stagioni a livello di rese compensando i prezzi bassi. Seconda stagione consecutiva positiva per gli agricoltori che hanno puntato sull’orzo. La produzione media complessiva al nord (33 varieta’ testate in 8 localita’ diverse) ha raggiunto le 7,6 t/ha; nel centro Italia, le 32 varieta’ testate nelle 6 località hanno registrato una media di 6,7 t/ha; infine, il sud ha registrato una rea media decisamente buona (5 t/ha) e superiore allo scorso anno. Inoltre, quest’anno l’andamento climatico ha reso conveniente fare orzo da birra anche al centro-nord