2,196 research outputs found

    Translation Representations and Scattering By Two Intervals

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    Studying unitary one-parameter groups in Hilbert space (U(t),H), we show that a model for obstacle scattering can be built, up to unitary equivalence, with the use of translation representations for L2-functions in the complement of two finite and disjoint intervals. The model encompasses a family of systems (U (t), H). For each, we obtain a detailed spectral representation, and we compute the scattering operator, and scattering matrix. We illustrate our results in the Lax-Phillips model where (U (t), H) represents an acoustic wave equation in an exterior domain; and in quantum tunneling for dynamics of quantum states

    Green functions and propagation of waves in strongly inhomogeneous media

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    We show that Green functions of second-order differential operators with singular or unbounded coefficients can have an anomalous behaviour in comparison to the well-known properties of Green functions of operators with bounded coefficients. We discuss some consequences of such an anomalous short or long distance behaviour for a diffusion and wave propagation in an inhomogeneous medium

    A quantitative assessment of shoot flammability for 60 tree and shrub species supports rankings based on expert opinion

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    Fire is an important ecological disturbance in vegetated ecosystems across the globe, and also has considerable impacts on human infrastructure. Vegetation flammability is a key bottom-up control on fire regimes, and on the nature of individual fires. Although New Zealand (NZ) historically had low fire frequencies, anthropogenic fires have considerably impacted indigenous vegetation as humans used fire extensively to clear forests. Few studies of vegetation flammability have been undertaken in NZ, and only one has compared the flammability of indigenous plants; this was a qualitative assessment derived from expert opinion. We addressed this knowledge gap by measuring the flammability of terminal shoots from a range of trees and shrubs found in NZ. We quantified shoot flammability of 60 indigenous and exotic species, and compared our experimentally derived ranking with expert opinion. The most flammable species was the invasive exotic shrub Ulex europaeus, followed by Eucalyptus viminalis, Pomaderris kumeraho, Dacrydium cupressinum, and Lophozonia menziesii. Our experimentally derived ranking was strongly correlated with expert opinion, lending support to both methods. Our results are useful to ecologists seeking to understand how fires have and will influence NZ’s ecosystems, and for fire managers identifying high-risk landscapes, and low flammability species for ‘green firebreaks’

    Comparison of absolute gain photometric calibration between Planck/HFI and Herschel/SPIRE at 545 and 857 GHz

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    We compare the absolute gain photometric calibration of the Planck/HFI and Herschel/SPIRE instruments on diffuse emission. The absolute calibration of HFI and SPIRE each relies on planet flux measurements and comparison with theoretical far-infrared emission models of planetary atmospheres. We measure the photometric cross calibration between the instruments at two overlapping bands, 545 GHz / 500 Ό\mum and 857 GHz / 350 Ό\mum. The SPIRE maps used have been processed in the Herschel Interactive Processing Environment (Version 12) and the HFI data are from the 2015 Public Data Release 2. For our study we used 15 large fields observed with SPIRE, which cover a total of about 120 deg^2. We have selected these fields carefully to provide high signal-to-noise ratio, avoid residual systematics in the SPIRE maps, and span a wide range of surface brightness. The HFI maps are bandpass-corrected to match the emission observed by the SPIRE bandpasses. The SPIRE maps are convolved to match the HFI beam and put on a common pixel grid. We measure the cross-calibration relative gain between the instruments using two methods in each field, pixel-to-pixel correlation and angular power spectrum measurements. The SPIRE / HFI relative gains are 1.047 (±\pm 0.0069) and 1.003 (±\pm 0.0080) at 545 and 857 GHz, respectively, indicating very good agreement between the instruments. These relative gains deviate from unity by much less than the uncertainty of the absolute extended emission calibration, which is about 6.4% and 9.5% for HFI and SPIRE, respectively, but the deviations are comparable to the values 1.4% and 5.5% for HFI and SPIRE if the uncertainty from models of the common calibrator can be discounted. Of the 5.5% uncertainty for SPIRE, 4% arises from the uncertainty of the effective beam solid angle, which impacts the adopted SPIRE point source to extended source unit conversion factor (Abridged)Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures; Incorporates revisions in response to referee comments; cross calibration factors unchange

    Bounds on the heat kernel of the Schroedinger operator in a random electromagnetic field

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    We obtain lower and upper bounds on the heat kernel and Green functions of the Schroedinger operator in a random Gaussian magnetic field and a fixed scalar potential. We apply stochastic Feynman-Kac representation, diamagnetic upper bounds and the Jensen inequality for the lower bound. We show that if the covariance of the electromagnetic (vector) potential is increasing at large distances then the lower bound is decreasing exponentially fast for large distances and a large time.Comment: some technical improvements, new references, to appear in Journ.Phys.

    Retention of Two-Band Superconductivity in Highly Carbon-Doped MgB2

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    Tunneling data on MgB_{1.8}C_{0.2} show a reduction in the energy gap of the pi-bands by a factor of two from undoped MgB2 that is consistent with the Tc reduction, but inconsistent with the expectations of the dirty limit. Dirty-limit theory for undoped MgB2 predicts a single gap about three times larger than measured and a reduced Tc comparable to that measured. Our heavily-doped samples exhibit a uniform dispersion of C suggestive of significantly enhanced scattering, and we conclude that the retention of two-band superconductivity in these samples is caused by a selective suppression of interband scattering.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; added one figure, added one reference, minor changes to the text, manuscript accepted for publication as a Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communicatio

    A magnetization and 11^{11}B NMR study of Mg1−x_{1-x}Alx_xB2_2 superconductors

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    We demonstrate for the first time the magnetic field distribution of the pure vortex state in lightly doped Mg1−x_{1-x}Alx_xB2_2 (x≀0.025x\leq 0.025) powder samples, by using 11^{11}B NMR in magnetic fields of 23.5 and 47 kOe. The magnetic field distribution at T=5 K is Al-doping dependent, revealing a considerable decrease of anisotropy in respect to pure MgB2_2. This result correlates nicely with magnetization measurements and is consistent with σ\sigma-band hole driven superconductivity for MgB2_2

    11^{11}B NMR study of pure and lightly carbon doped MgB2_2 superconductors

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    We report a 11^{11}B NMR line shape and spin-lattice relaxation rate (1/(T1T)1/(T_1T)) study of pure and lightly carbon doped MgB2−x_{2-x}Cx_{x} for x=0x=0, 0.02, and 0.04, in the vortex state and in magnetic field of 23.5 kOe. We show that while pure MgB2_2 exhibits the magnetic field distribution from superposition of the normal and the Abrikosov state, slight replacement of boron with carbon unveils the magnetic field distribution of the pure Abrikosov state. This indicates a considerable increase of Hc2cH_{c2}^c with carbon doping with respect to pure MgB2_2. The spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/(T1T)1/(T_1T) demonstrates clearly the presence of a coherence peak right below TcT_c in pure MgB2_2, followed by a typical BCS decrease on cooling. However, at temperatures lower than ≈10\approx 10K strong deviation from the BCS behavior is observed, probably from residual contribution of the vortex dynamics. In the carbon doped systems both the coherence peak and the BCS temperature dependence of 1/(T1T)1/(T_1T) weaken, an effect attributed to the gradual shrinking of the σ\sigma hole cylinders of the Fermi surface with electron doping.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Indirect signals from light neutralinos in supersymmetric models without gaugino mass unification

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    We examine indirect signals produced by neutralino self-annihilations, in the galactic halo or inside celestial bodies, in the frame of an effective MSSM model without gaugino-mass unification at a grand unification scale. We compare our theoretical predictions with current experimental data of gamma-rays and antiprotons in space and of upgoing muons at neutrino telescopes. Results are presented for a wide range of the neutralino mass, though our discussions are focused on light neutralinos. We find that only the antiproton signal is potentially able to set constraints on very low-mass neutralinos, below 20 GeV. The gamma-ray signal, both from the galactic center and from high galactic latitudes, requires significantly steep profiles or substantial clumpiness in order to reach detectable levels. The up-going muon signal is largely below experimental sensitivities for the neutrino flux coming from the Sun; for the flux from the Earth an improvement of about one order of magnitude in experimental sensitivities (with a low energy threshold) can make accessible neutralino masses close to O, Si and Mg nuclei masses, for which resonant capture is operative.Comment: 17 pages, 1 tables and 5 figures, typeset with ReVTeX4. The paper may also be found at http://www.to.infn.it/~fornengo/papers/indirect04.ps.gz or through http://www.astroparticle.to.infn.it/. Limit from BR(Bs--> mu+ mu-) adde

    The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: The polarization-sensitive ACTPol instrument

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    The Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) is designed to make high angular resolution measurements of anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) at millimeter wavelengths. We describe ACTPol, an upgraded receiver for ACT, which uses feedhorn-coupled, polarization-sensitive detector arrays, a 3 degree field of view, 100 mK cryogenics with continuous cooling, and meta material anti-reflection coatings. ACTPol comprises three arrays with separate cryogenic optics: two arrays at a central frequency of 148 GHz and one array operating simultaneously at both 97 GHz and 148 GHz. The combined instrument sensitivity, angular resolution, and sky coverage are optimized for measuring angular power spectra, clusters via the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich and kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich signals, and CMB lensing due to large scale structure. The receiver was commissioned with its first 148 GHz array in 2013, observed with both 148 GHz arrays in 2014, and has recently completed its first full season of operations with the full suite of three arrays. This paper provides an overview of the design and initial performance of the receiver and related systems
