6 research outputs found

    Estrutura e composição florística em área de floresta ombrófila densa sob manejo florestal

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    The purpose of this work is to deliver the phytosociology and floristicity of a fragment of Dense Ombrophilous Forest under forest management in the region of Portel, Pará. Four clusters were sampled, divided into secondary and terciarias plots totaling 80 sampling units of 0,4 hectares each. In which all tree individuals with diameter at breast height (DAP), at 1,30 m from ground level, above 10 cm were measured, in addition to performing phytothegic recognition and elaborating the calculations of the paramemers of equability and floristic similarity. A total of 1621 individuals were recorded, distributed in 35 families and 146 species. The families Fabaceae, Lecythidaceae and Sapotaceae were the ones with the highest IVIF and the highest representativeness of individuals. The species Eschweilera coriacea (DC.) S.A.Mori, Licania macrophylla Benth., Vouacapoua americana Aubl were the ones with the highest IVI. The mean Shannon variety index among the plots was 3,82 and the Pielou Equability index was 0,84, noting that the region has a high floristic variety and has great potential for forest management activities.O propósito do presente trabalho é determinar a fitossociologia e florística de um fragmento de Floresta Ombrófila Densa sob manejo florestal na região de Portel, Pará. Foram amostrados 4 conglomerados, divididos em parcelas secundárias e terciarias totalizando 80 unidades amostrais de 0,4 hectares cada. Nestas foram medidos todos os indivíduos arbóreos com diâmetro a altura do peito (DAP), a 1,30 m do nível do solo, acima de 10 cm além de determinar a fitossociologia e realizar os cálculos dos parâmetros de equabilidade e similaridade florística. Foram registrados 1621 indivíduos, distribuídos em 35 famílias e 146 espécies. As famílias Fabaceae, Lecythidaceae e Sapotaceae foram as que obtiveram os maiores índices do valor de importância familiar e a maior representatividade de indivíduos. As espécies Eschweilera coriacea, Licania macrophylla., Vouacapoua americana foram as que tiveram os maiores IVI. A média do índice de variedade de Shannon entre as parcelas foi de 3,82 e o da equabilidade de Pielou 0,84 constatando que a região apresenta alta diversidade florística além de apresentar grande potencialidade para as atividades do manejo florestal

    Application endophytic microorganisms in agriculture and production of substances of economic interest <br> Aplicação de microrganismos endofíticos na agricultura e na produção de substâncias de interesse econômico

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    Endophytic microorganisms are mainly fungi and bacteria that live inside plants, generally inhabiting aerial parts such as leaves and stems, without causing any apparent damage to their hosts. In addition to many important functions for the host, the endophytic microorganisms are potentially useful in agriculture and industry, especially in pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. By forming themselves into substitutes for chemicals by exercising stock biocontrol and/or promotion of plant growth, favoring theenvironmental preservation, has been appointed as a viable alternative agricultural production systems for environmentally and economically sustainable. Obtaining substances of economic interest, such as enzymes, antibiotics and other drugs from endophytic microorganisms has often been reported in the scientific literature. One example is taxol, a powerful anti-cancer substance that was previously obtained only from the exploitation of the plant Taxus brevifolia, and can now be obtained from different genera of endophytic fungi. Advances like this reinforce the great biotechnological potential of such microorganisms. This study presents an overview of potential applications of endophyticmicroorganisms in agriculture and production of substances of economic interest

    The Anti-TNF-α Therapy in the Rheumatoid Arthritis <br> A Terapia Anti-TNF-α na Artrite Reumatóide

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    Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, systemic autoimmune disease of unknown etiology that involves predominantly synovial articulations, which can lead to deformity and destruction. With the progression of the disease, patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis develop inability to perform activities of daily living both as a professional, generating a significant economic impact for the patient and to society. Although the exact cause of rheumatoid arthritis remains unknown, studies conducted over the past two decades has enabled greater understanding of the pathogenesis of this disease. This knowledge has allowed the development of new therapies used to treat severe forms of the disease. The main goal of treatment is to achieve remission, however, when this can not be expected to prevent joint damage and loss of function and even reduce pain. The latest strategies for the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis involve the early diagnosis and aggressive control of inflammation. The recognition of pro-inflammatory cytokines expressed more as tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) and interleukin (IL) 1 and IL6 enabled developing new therapies directed against these cytokines targets. TNF-α is a proinflammatory cytokine that plays a key role in immune response, defense against microorganisms and the inflammatory process. Biological agents that inhibit TNF-α are considered effective in reducing activity and in the retardation of structural joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis, especially in forms refractory to conventional treatments. Currently, they are available in Brazil, three anti-TNF-α: infliximab, etanercept and adalimumab. These drugs are relatively safe for Rheumatoid Arthritis, but may, however, present serious infectious complications such as reactivation of latent tuberculosis.The high cost of these drugs, their use in hospital and the risk to opportunistic infections remain the limiting factors for its widespread use in the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis in our midst. This study aims at highlighting the importance of the emergence of new therapies in order to attenuate the progression of rheumatoid arthritis, and to analyze risk-benefit offered by their treatment and assess the feasibility and cost of the same. <p><p> A Artrite Reumatóide é uma doença crônica, sistêmica, autoimune, de etiologia desconhecida, que envolve predominantemente as articulações sinoviais, o que pode acarretar deformidade e destruição das mesmas. Com a progressão da doença, os pacientes com Artrite Reumatóide desenvolvem incapacidade para realização de suas atividades tanto de vida diária como profissional, gerando um impacto econômico significativo para o paciente e para a sociedade. Embora a causa exata da Artrite Reumatóide permaneça desconhecida, estudos realizados ao longo das duas últimas décadas possibilitaram maior compreensão da patogenia desta doença. Este conhecimento vem permitindo o desenvolvimento de novas terapias usadas para tratar as formas mais graves da doença. O principal objetivo do tratamento é atingir a remissão, no entanto, quando este não for possível, espera-se a prevenção do dano articular e da perda da função e ainda redução da dor. As mais recentes estratégias para o tratamento da Artrite Reumatóide envolvem o diagnóstico precoce e o controle agressivo do processo inflamatório. O reconhecimento de citocinas pró-inflamatórias mais expressas como o fator de necrose tumoral α (TNF-α) e interleucina (IL) 1 e IL6 possibilitou o surgimento de novas terapias dirigidas contra essas citocinas alvos. O TNF-α é uma citocina pró-inflamatória que desempenha papel chave na resposta imune, na defesa contra microrganismos e no processo inflamatório. Agentes biológicos que inibem o TNF-α são considerados eficazes na redução da atividade e no retardamento do dano estrutural articular na Artrite Reumatóide, em especial nas formas refratárias aos tratamentos convencionais. Atualmente, estão disponíveis no mercado brasileiro, três agentes anti-TNF-α: infliximabe, etanercepte e adalimumabe. Estes agentes são relativamente seguros para Artrite Reumatóide, mas podem, no entanto, apresentar complicações infecciosas graves, como a reativação da tuberculose latente. O alto custo dessas drogas, seu uso em nível hospitalar e o risco a infecções oportunistas permanecem como fatores limitantes para sua ampla utilização no tratamento da Artrite Reumatóide em nosso meio. Este estudo tem como objetivo destacar a importância do surgimento de novas terapias com intuito de atenuar a progressão da Artrite Reumatóide, bem como analisar risco-benefício oferecidos pelo respectivo tratamento e ainda avaliar viabilidade e custo do mesmo

    Isolation of recombinant strains with enhanced pectinase production by protoplast fusion between Penicillium expansum and Penicillium griseoroseum

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    Protoplast fusion between complementary auxotrophic and morphological mutant strains of Penicillium griseoroseum and P. expansum was induced by polyethylene glycol and calcium ions (Ca2+). Fusant strains were obtained in minimal medium and a prototrophic strain, possibly diploid, was chosen for haplodization with the fungicide benomyl. Different recombinant strains were isolated and characterized for occurrence of auxotrophic mutations and pectinolytic enzyme production. The fusant prototrophic did not present higher pectinase production than the parental strains, but among 29 recombinants analyzed, four presented enhanced enzyme activities. The recombinant RGE27, which possesses the same auxotrophic and morphologic mutations as the P. griseoroseum parental strain, presented a considerable increase in polygalacturonase (3-fold) and pectin lyase production (1.2-fold)

    Eficiência no uso de nitrogênio em genótipos de arroz em solos de várzea tropical do Estado do Tocantins = Nitrogen use efficiency in rice genotypes in tropical lowland soils of the State of Tocantins, Brazil

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    O uso racional de adubação nitrogenada é fundamental para aumentar a produtividade da cultura, assim como reduzir o custo de produção e os riscos de poluição ambiental. Cultivares mais eficientes na absorção e na translocação de nutrientes estão sendo prioridade nos programas de melhoramento, além de que cada vez mais solos pobres são incorporados ao processo de produção agrícola. Assim, objetivou-se, com este trabalho, identificar cultivares melhoradas de arroz, eficientes quanto ao uso de nitrogênio em solos de várzea tropical. As cultivares avaliadas foram BRS-Formoso, Epagri-109, BRSGO-Guará, Metica-1, BRSFronteira, BEST-2000, BRS-Jaburu, BRS-Alvorada, Epagri-116, BRS-Jaçanã, SCSBRS-Piracema, BRSMGOuro Minas, Engopa, IRGA-417 e IRGA-424. Ao simular os ambientes com baixa e alta disponibilidades de nitrogênio, foram aplicadas doses de 20 e 120 kg ha-1 de N, respectivamente. As características analisadas foram altura de plantas, número de panículas por m2, número de dias para maturação, índice de clorofilas a e b e total, massa de 100 grãos e produtividade de grãos. Existe variabilidade genética entre as cultivares avaliadas quanto à eficiência ao uso de nitrogênio em solos de várzea. As cultivares BRSMG-Ouro Minas, SCSBRS-Piracema e IRGA-424 são mais eficientes e responsivas à adubação de nitrogênio = The rational use of nitrogen fertilization is essential to not only increase crop productivity, but also to reduce production costs and risks of environmental pollution. Cultivars more efficient at absorption and translocation of nutrients are taking priority in breeding programs, as well as the poor soils are being increasingly incorporated into the agricultural production process. Thus, the objective of this study was to identify improved cultivars of rice on the efficient use of nitrogen in tropical lowland soils. The evaluated cultivars were BRS-Formoso, Epagri-109, BRSGO-Guará, Metica-1, BRS-Fronteira, BEST-2000, BRS-Jaburú, BRS-Alvorada, Epagri-116, BRS-Jaçanã, SCSBRS-Piracema, BRSMG-Ouro Minas, Engopa, IRGA-417, and IRGA-424. Simulating environments with low and high nitrogen availability, doses of 20 and 120 kg ha-1 nitrogen were, respectively applied. The analyzed characteristics were plant height, number of panicles per m2, number of days to maturity, chlorophylls a, b and total, weight of 100 grains, and grain yield. There is a genetic variability among the cultivars evaluated on efficiency in nitrogen use in lowland soils. The cultivars BRSMGOuro Minas, SCSBRS-Piracema, and IRGA-424 are more efficient and responsive to nitrogen fertilization