6 research outputs found

    Pre-Stressor Interference Control and Intrusive Memories

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    Although intrusive imagery is a common response in the aftermath of a stressful or traumatic event, only a minority of trauma victims show persistent re-experiencing and related psychopathology. Individual differences in pre-trauma executive control possibly play a critical role. Therefore, this study investigated whether a relatively poor pre-stressor ability to resist proactive interference in working memory might increase risk for experiencing undesirable intrusive memories after being exposed to a stressful event. Non-clinical participants (N = 85) completed a modified version of a widely used test of interference control in working memory (CVLT; Kramer and Delis 1991) and subsequently watched an emotional film fragment. Following presentation of the fragment, intrusive memories were recorded in a 1-week diary and at a follow up session 7 days later. A relatively poor ability to resist proactive interference was related to a relatively high frequency of film-related intrusive memories. This relationship was independent of neuroticism and gender. These findings are consistent with the idea that a pre-morbid deficit in the ability to resist proactive interference reflects a vulnerability factor for experiencing intrusive memories after trauma exposure

    The Body of Knowledge on Compliance in Heart Failure Patients We Are Not There Yet

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    Background: Noncompliance with diet and fluid restriction is a problem in patients with heart failure (HF). In recent studies, a relationship between compliance with sodium and fluid restriction and knowledge and beliefs regarding compliance was found. In these studies, however, compliance was primarily measured by interview or questionnaire. Objectives: To examine the relationship between compliance with sodium and fluid restriction measured with a nutrition diary and knowledge, beliefs, and other relevant variables in HF patients. Methods: Eighty-four HF patients completed a nutrition diary for 3 days. Patients also completed questionnaires on knowledge, beliefs regarding compliance, and depressive symptoms. Differences in relevant variables between compliant and noncompliant patients were assessed. Results: Compliance with sodium and fluid restriction was 79% and 72%. Although not statistically significant, a higher percentage of patients were compliant with the less stringent restrictions compared with the more stringent restrictions, and in addition, more noncompliant patients perceived difficulty following the regimen compared with their compliant counterparts. In contrast with other studies, no significant differences in knowledge, beliefs, and relevant demographic and clinical variables were found between compliant and noncompliant patients. Conclusion: Perceived difficulty and the amount of the prescribed restriction seem to be relevant concepts that play a role in compliance with sodium and fluid restriction in HF and need to be explored in future research

    The surface structure and reconstruction of SrTiO3 (001)

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    SrTi03 is a metal oxide with a perovskite structure which can support numerous surface reconstructions. On its (001) surface more than 7 reconstructions have been reported previously and substantiated with atomic scale imaging. These reconstructions include surface structures with periodicities of (2 xl), (2 x 2), c(4 X 4), c(4 X 2), c(6 X 2), (J5 x J5) - R26.6° and (V13 x V13) - R37.7°. Each of these reconstructions can be produced in a controlled and repeatable manner simply by changing the time, temperature, and environment in which the sample is annealed. This thesis provides the most comprehensive study of the SrTi03(00l) surface to date and provides STM imaging and chemical characterisation for the majority of the surface reconstructions which have been reported, as well as the conditions required to generate each of the structures. In addition to this work, data is shown for new surface reconstructions which have not been previously reported and include structures with periodicities of (1 xl), (4 X 4), (4V2 x V2) - R45°, and c(4V2 x 2V2) - R45° It was found that upon annealing SrTi03(001) samples at increasingly higher temperatures, the first structures to form are reconstructions which have a Ti02 double layer termination. These structures have periodicities of (2 xl), c(4 x 4) and (2 x 2) and are stable at temperatures up to 950°C. Annealing SrTi03(001) samples above 950°C results in the formation of a Ti-rich adlayer with a c(4 x 4) periodicity. This c(4 x 4) ordered surface exists up to temperatures of 1250 °c and its structure is different to that of the Ti02 double layer which forms at lower temperatures. Above anneal temperatures of 1250 °c, reduction of the sample can pass a critcal stage where the SrTi03 perovskite structure is no longer stable. Phase separation occurs giving rise to TiO islands and a surface Sr adlayer with (J5 x J5) - R26.6° periodicity. Re-annealing (J5 x J5) - R26.6° reconstructed samples below the critical temperature causes the Sradlayer to oxidise becoming a SrO-(l x 1) terminated surface. For Nb doped SrTi03(001) - (J5 x J5) - R26.6° and (1 x 1) reconstructed samples, the clectonic effect of dopants can be seen in STM images as bright four point clusters. These bright clusters arise from the perturbation of surface Sr atoms due to charge transfer from Nb atoms to Ti atoms in the atomic layer immediately beneath the Sr adlayer. For SrTi03(001) samples doped with La, the dopant atoms substitute with Sr atoms and are incorporated into the surface adlayer. This incorporation of La frustrates the formation of the (J5 x J5) - R26.6° reconstruction and leads to line structures arising on the surface which are aligned with the direction of the (J5 x J5) - R26.6° structure. SrTi03 samples annealed in highly reducing conditions, achieved by annealing in low pressures of H2 gas, formed surfaces terminated by a c(4 x 2) structure. SrTi03(001) samples pre-annealed in flowing oxygen produced structures with periodicities of (4V2 x V2) - R45°, (2 x 2), (4 X 4), and c(4V2 x 2V2) - R45°. Chemical characterisation of the reconstructions observed on the surface of SrTi03 samples indicated that samples annealed under reducing conditions had surfaces that were Ti enriched, whilst samples annealed under oxidising conditions had surfaces that were Sr enriched. The experimental work undertaken would suggest that the driving force for the reconstruction of the SrTi03 surface is the amount of oxygen that is in the surface region.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Improving performance of multi level information systems

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    Programmatūras izplatība mūsdienās ļoti strauji aug, tā tiek pielietota visdažādākajiem mērķiem, no izklaides līdz finanšu un ražošanas pārvaldīšanu. Izmantojot informācijas sistēmas darījumprocesos, tiek sagaidīts, ka tā atvieglos un paātrinās veicamos darbus. Šī iemesla dēļ ir svarīgi, lai izstrādātās sistēmas būtu ātrdarbīgas. Darbā apskatītas informāciju sistēmu arhitektūras, to ātrdarbības problēmas un metodes, kā šīs problēmas novērtēt un risināt. Izmantojot iegūto informāciju izvēlēta Metode R, ar kuru veikts KAVIS (Klienti attiecību vadības informācijas sistēma) sistēmas novērtējums un ātrdarbības uzlabošanas pasākumi. Pēc labojumu veikšanas, novērtēta Metodes R efektivitāte un piemērotība sistēmas ātrdarbības noteikšanai.The prevalence of software is increasing quickly, it is use for many different purposes from entertainment to finance and manufacturing management. When using software in business it is expected that it will facilitate and expedite the process. As a result it is important that the developed systems have good performance. This work evaluates different information system architectures, their performance issues and methods of evaluating and solving the issues. Method R was chosen in order to evaluate KAVIS (client relation management information system) system’s performance and enact improvements. After improving KAVIS system’s performance, the effectiveness and suitability of Method R was evaluated