60 research outputs found

    Nationwide implementation of a decision aid on vaginal birth after cesarean:a before and after cohort study

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    Woman with a history of a previous cesarean section (CS) can choose between an elective repeat CS (ERCS) and a trial of labor (TOL), which can end in a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) or an unplanned CS. Guidelines describe women's rights to make an informed decision between an ERCS or a TOL. However, the rates of TOL and vaginal birth after CS varies greatly between and within countries. The objective of this study is to asses nation-wide implementation of counselling with a decision aid (DA) including a prediction model, on intended delivery compared to care as usual. We hypothesize that this may result in a reduction in practice variation without an increase in cesarean rates or complications. In a multicenter controlled before and after cohort study we evaluate the effect of nation-wide implementation of a DA. Practice variation was defined as the standard deviation (SD) of TOL percentages. A total of 27 hospitals and 1,364 women were included. A significant decrease was found in practice variation (SD TOL rates: 0.17 control group vs. 0.10 intervention group following decision aid implementation, p=0.011). There was no significant difference in the ERCS rate or overall CS rates. A 21% reduction in the combined maternal and perinatal adverse outcomes was seen. Nationwide implementation of the DA showed a significant reduction in practice variation without an increase in the rate of cesarean section or complications, suggesting an improvement in equality of care

    Effectiveness of a cervical pessary for women who did not deliver 48 h after threatened preterm labor (Assessment of perinatal outcome after specific treatment in early labor: Apostel VI trial)

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    Background: Preterm birth is a major cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity. As preventive strategies are largely ineffective, threatened preterm labor is a frequent problem that affects approximately 10 % of pregnancies. In recent years, risk assessment in these women has incorporated cervical length measurement and fetal fibronectin testing, and this has improved the capacity to identify women at increased risk for delivery within 14 days. Despite these improvements, risk for preterm birth continues to be increased in women who did not deliver after an episode of threatened preterm labor, as indicated by a preterm birth rate between 30 to 60 % in this group of women. Currently no effective treatment is available. Studies on maintenance tocolysis and progesterone have shown ambiguous results. The pessary has not been evaluated in women with threatened preterm labor, however studies in asymptomatic women with a short cervix show reduced rates of preterm birth rates as well as perinatal complications. The APOSTEL VI trial aims to assess the effectiveness of a cervical pessary in women who did not deliver within 48 h after an episode of threatened preterm labor. Methods/Design: This is a nationwide multicenter open-label randomized clinical trial. Women with a singleton or twin gestation with intact membranes, who were admitted for threatened preterm labor, at a gestational age between 24 and 34 weeks, a cervical length between 15 and 30 mm and a positive fibronectin test or a cervical length below 15 mm, who did not deliver after 48 h will be eligible for inclusion. Women will be allocated to a pessary or no intervention (usual care). Primary outcome is preterm delivery <37 weeks. Secondary outcomes are amongst others a composite of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Sample size is based on an expected 50 % reduction of preterm birth before 37 weeks (two-sided test, a 0.05 and beta 0.2). Two hundred women with a singleton pregnancy need to be randomized. Analysis will be done by intention to treat. Discussion: The APOSTEL VI trial will provide evidence whether a pessary is effective in preventing preterm birth in women who did not deliver 48 h after admission for threatened pretermlabor and who remain at high risk for preterm birth

    Основные положения формирования нового единого сельскохозяйственного налога

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    Обосновывается введение единого сельскохозяйственного налога как постоянной ставки от стоимости валового дохода предприятий.Обгрунтовується введене єдиного сільськогосподарського податку як постійної ставки до вартості валового доходу підприємств.Introduction of the united agricultural tax is grounded as a permanent size to the cost of gross profit of enterprises

    Amnioinfusion Compared With No Intervention in Women With Second-Trimester Rupture of Membranes A Randomized Controlled Trial

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of amnioinfusion in women with second-trimester preterm prelabor rupture of membranes. METHODS: We performed a nationwide, multicenter, open-label, randomized controlled trial, the PPROM: Expectant Management versus Induction of Labor-III (PPROMEXIL-III) trial, in women with singleton pregnancies and preterm prelabor rupture of membranes at 16 0/7 to 24 0/7 weeks of gestation with oligohydramnios (single deepest pocket less than 20 mm). Participants were allocated to transabdominal amnioinfusion or no intervention in a oneto- one ratio by a web-based system. If the single deepest pocket was less than 20 mm on follow-up visits, amnioinfusion was repeated weekly until 28 0/7 weeks of gestation. The primary outcome was perinatal mortality. We needed 56 women to show a reduction in perinatal mortality from 70% to 35% (b error 0.20, two-sided a error 0.05). RESULTS: Between June 15, 2012, and January 13, 2016, we randomized 28 women to amnioinfusion and 28 to no intervention. One woman was enrolled before the trial registration date (June 19, 2012). Perinatal mortality rates were 18 of 28 (64%) in the amnioinfusion group vs 21 of 28 (75%) in the no intervention group (relative risk 0.86, 95% CI 0.601.22, P5.39). CONCLUSION: In women with second-trimester preterm prelabor rupture of membranes and oligohydramnios, we found no reduction in perinatal mortality after amnioinfusion

    Midtrimester preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (PPROM):expectant management or amnioinfusion for improving perinatal outcomes (PPROMEXIL - III trial)

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    BACKGROUND: Babies born after midtrimester preterm prelabour rupture of membranes (PPROM) are at risk to develop neonatal pulmonary hypoplasia. Perinatal mortality and morbidity after this complication is high. Oligohydramnios in the midtrimester following PPROM is considered to cause a delay in lung development. Repeated transabdominal amnioinfusion with the objective to alleviate oligohydramnios might prevent this complication and might improve neonatal outcome. METHODS/DESIGN: Women with PPROM and persisting oligohydramnios between 16 and 24 weeks gestational age will be asked to participate in a multi-centre randomised controlled trial. Intervention: random allocation to (repeated) abdominal amnioinfusion (intervention) or expectant management (control). The primary outcome is perinatal mortality. Secondary outcomes are lethal pulmonary hypoplasia, non-lethal pulmonary hypoplasia, survival till discharge from NICU, neonatal mortality, chronic lung disease (CLD), number of days ventilatory support, necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC), periventricular leucomalacia (PVL) more than grade I, severe intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) more than grade II, proven neonatal sepsis, gestational age at delivery, time to delivery, indication for delivery, successful amnioinfusion, placental abruption, cord prolapse, chorioamnionitis, fetal trauma due to puncture. The study will be evaluated according to intention to treat. To show a decrease in perinatal mortality from 70% to 35%, we need to randomise two groups of 28 women (two sided test, β-error 0.2 and α-error 0.05). DISCUSSION: This study will answer the question if (repeated) abdominal amnioinfusion after midtrimester PPROM with associated oligohydramnios improves perinatal survival and prevents pulmonary hypoplasia and other neonatal morbidities. Moreover, it will assess the risks associated with this procedure. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NTR3492 Dutch Trial Register (http://www.trialregister.nl)

    Роль страдающей депрессией матери в развитии личности ребенка

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    С позиций психодинамического подхода показана роль страдающей депрессией матери в формировании личности ребенка на первых этапах его постнатального развития и ее влияние на его психическое здоровье в дальнейшем.The role of the mother with depression in development of the child's personality at the first stages of the postnatal period as well as its influence on his/her mental state in future are shown from the perspective of a psychodynamic approach

    Воспитание толерантности в процессе преподавания гуманитарных дисциплин

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    Objective: To assess whether patient characteristics add to the fetal fibronectin test and cervical length measurement in the prediction of preterm delivery in symptomatic women. Study design: A nationwide prospective cohort study was conducted in all ten perinatal centres in the Netherlands. Women with symptoms of preterm labour between 24 and 34 weeks gestation with intact membranes were invited. In all women qualitative fibronectin testing (0.050 tig/mL cut-off) and cervical length measurement were performed. Only singleton pregnancies were included in this analysis. Logistic regression was used to construct two multivariable models to predict spontaneously delivery within 7 days: a model including cervical length and fetal fibronectin as predictors, and an extended model including all potential predictors. The models were internally validated using bootstrapping techniques. Predictive performances were assessed as the area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUC) and calibration plots. We compared the models' capability to identify women with a low risk to deliver within 7 days. A risk less than 5%, corresponding to the risk for women with a cervical length of at least 25 mm, was considered as low risk. Results: Seventy-three of 600 included women (12%) had delivered spontaneously within 7 days. The extended model included maternal age, parity, previous preterm delivery, vaginal bleeding, C-reactive protein, cervical length, dilatation and fibronectin status. Both models had high discriminative performances (AUC of 0.92 (95% CI 0.88-0.95) and 0.95 (95% CI 0.92-0.97) respectively). Compared to the model with fibronectin and cervical length, our extended model reclassified 38 women (6%) from low risk to high risk and 21 women (4%) from high risk to low risk. Preterm delivery within 7 days occurred once in both the reclassification groups. Conclusion: In women with symptoms of preterm labour before 34 weeks gestation, a model that integrates maternal characteristics, clinical signs and laboratory tests, did not predict delivery within 7 days better than a model with only fibronectin and cervical length. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved