62 research outputs found

    A global scientific strategy to cure hepatitis B

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    Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection is a global public health challenge on the same scale as tuberculosis, HIV, and malaria. The International Coalition to Eliminate HBV (ICE-HBV) is a coalition of experts dedicated to accelerating the discovery of a cure for chronic hepatitis B. Following extensive consultation with more than 50 scientists from across the globe, as well as key stakeholders including people affected by HBV, we have identified gaps in our current knowledge and new strategies and tools that are required to achieve HBV cure. We believe that research must focus on the discovery of interventional strategies that will permanently reduce the number of productively infected cells or permanently silence the covalently closed circular DNA in those cells, and that will stimulate HBV-specific host immune responses which mimic spontaneous resolution of HBV infection. There is also a pressing need for the establishment of repositories of standardised HBV reagents and protocols that can be accessed by all HBV researchers throughout the world. The HBV cure research agenda outlined in this position paper will contribute markedly to the goal of eliminating HBV infection worldwide

    Update of the statements on biology and clinical impact of occult hepatitis B virus infection

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    Summary In October 2018 a large number of international experts with complementary expertise came together in Taormina to participate in a workshop on occult hepatitis B virus infection (OBI). The objectives of the workshop were to review the existing knowledge on OBI, to identify issues that require further investigation, to highlight both existing controversies and newly emerging perspectives, and ultimately to update the statements previously agreed in 2008. This paper represents the output from the workshop

    Epigenetic modulation in chronic hepatitis B virus infection

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    The human hepatitis B virus (HBV) is a small-enveloped DNA virus causing acute and chronic hepatitis. Despite the existence of an effective prophylactic vaccine and the strong capacity of approved antiviral drugs to suppress viral replication, chronic HBV infection (CHB) continues to be a major health burden worldwide. Both the inability of the immune system to resolve CHB and the unique replication strategy employed by HBV, which forms a stable viral covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) minichromosome in the hepatocyte nucleus, enable infection persistence. Knowledge of the complex network of interactions that HBV engages with its host is still limited but accumulating evidence indicates that epigenetic modifications occurring both on the cccDNA and on the host genome in the course of infection are essential to modulate viral activity and likely contribute to pathogenesis and cancer development. Thus, a deeper understanding of epigenetic regulatory processes may open new venues to control and eventually cure CHB. This review summarizes major findings in HBV epigenetic research, focusing on the epigenetic mechanisms regulating cccDNA activity and the modifications determined in infected host cells and tumor liver tissues

    Hepadnavirus ed epatocarcinogenesi: eventi molecolari virali nel corso dell'infezione cronica

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    Dottorato di ricerca in scienze microbiologiche. 6. ciclo. A.a. 1991-94Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale - P.za Cavalleggeri, 1, Florence / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    The Role of cccDNA in HBV Maintenance

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    Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection continues to be a major health burden worldwide; it can cause various degrees of liver damage and is strongly associated with the development of liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The molecular mechanisms determining HBV persistence are not fully understood, but these appear to be multifactorial and the unique replication strategy employed by HBV enables its maintenance in infected hepatocytes. Both the stability of the HBV genome, which forms a stable minichromosome, the covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) in the hepatocyte nucleus, and the inability of the immune system to resolve chronic HBV infection are believed to be key mechanisms of HBV chronicity. Since a true cure of HBV requires clearance of intranuclear cccDNA from infected hepatocytes, understanding the mechanisms involved in cccDNA biogenesis, regulation and stability is mandatory to achieve HBV eradication. This review will summarize the state of knowledge on these mechanisms including the impact of current treatments on the cccDNA stability and activity. We will focus on events challenging cccDNA persistence in dividing hepatocytes

    In Vivo Models of HDV Infection: Is Humanizing NTCP Enough?

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    The discovery of sodium taurocholate co-transporting polypeptide (NTCP) as a hepatitis B (HBV) and delta virus (HDV) entry receptor has encouraged the development of new animal models of infection. This review provides an overview of the different in vivo models that are currently available to study HDV either in the absence or presence of HBV. By presenting new advances and remaining drawbacks, we will discuss human host factors which, in addition to NTCP, need to be investigated or identified to enable a persistent HDV infection in murine hepatocytes. Detailed knowledge on species-specific factors involved in HDV persistence also shall contribute to the development of therapeutic strategies

    Chimeric mouse model of hepatitis B virus infection

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    Innate immunity in hepatitis B and D virus infection: consequences for viral persistence, inflammation, and T cell recognition

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    Chronic infections with human hepatitis viruses continue to be a major health burden worldwide. Despite the availability of an effective prophylactic vaccine against the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and of antiviral agents efficiently suppressing HBV replication, more than 250 million people are currently chronically infected with this hepatotropic DNA virus, and resolution of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) is rarely achieved. Moreover, coinfection with the hepatitis D virus (HDV), a human RNA satellite virus requiring the envelope proteins of HBV for productive viral spreading, substantially aggravates the disease course of CHB. The molecular mechanisms by which these viruses interact with each other and with the intrinsic innate responses of the hepatocytes are not fully understood. While HBV appears to avoid innate immune recognition, HDV elicits a strong enhancement of innate responses. Notwithstanding, such induction does not hamper HDV replication but contributes to liver inflammation and pathogenesis. Intriguingly, HDV appears to influence the ability of T cells to recognize infected hepatocytes by boosting antigen presentation. This review focuses on current knowledge regarding how these viruses can shape and counteract the intrinsic innate responses of the hepatocytes, thus affecting the immune system and pathogenesis. Understanding the distinct strategies of persistence that HBV and HDV have evolved is central for advancing the development of curative therapies
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