529 research outputs found

    The use of Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale to identify postnatal depression symptoms at well child visit

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Objectives</p> <p>1) to evaluate the role of the pediatrician in detecting postnatal depression (PD) symptoms by the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS); 2) to detect factors increasing the risk of PD and, 3) to assess the importance of scores gained from fathers' questionnaire.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>we surveyed 1122 mothers and 499 fathers who were assessed using the EPDS during the first well-child visit. After 5 weeks, high scoring parents, completed a second EPDS. High scoring parents were examined by a psychiatrist who had to confirm the PD diagnosis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>26.6% of mothers and 12.6% of fathers at the first visit, 19.0% of mothers and 9.1% of fathers at the second visit, gained scores signaling the risk of PD. Four mothers and two fathers had confirmed PD diagnosis. Younger maternal age, non-Italian nationality and low socio-economic condition were related to higher EPDS scores.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>PD is common in the average population. Using a simple and standardized instrument, pediatricians are able to detect parents with higher risk of suffering from PD.</p

    The Thermal Structural Transition of Alpha-Crystallin Modulates Subunit Interactions and Increases Protein Solubility

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    Background: Alpha crystallin is an oligomer composed of two types of subunits, alpha-A and alpha-B crystallin, and is the major constituent of human lens. The temperature induced condensation of alpha-crystallin, the main cause for eye lens opacification (cataract), is a two step-process, a nucleation followed by an aggregation phase, and a protective effect towards the aggregation is exhibited over the alpha crystallin phase transition temperature (Tc = 318.16 K). Methods/Results: To investigate if a modulation of the subunit interactions over Tc could trigger the protective mechanism towards the aggregation, we followed, by using simultaneously static and dynamic light scattering, the temperature induced condensation of alpha-crystallin. By developing a mathematical model able to uncouple the nucleation and aggregation processes, we find a previously unobserved transition in the nucleation rate constant. Its temperature dependence allows to determine fundamental structural parameters, the chemical potential (Dm) and the interfacial tension (c) of the aggregating phase, that characterize subunit interactions. Conclusions/General Significance: The decrease of both Dm and c at Tc, and a relative increase in solubility, reveal a significative decrease in the strenght of alpha-crystallin subunits interactions, which protects from supramolecolar condensation in hypertermic conditions. On the whole, we suggest a general approach able to understand the structural and kinetic mechanisms involved in aggregation-related diseases and in drugs development and testing

    Automatic Detection of Aerobic Threshold through Recurrence Quantification Analysis of Heart Rate Time Series

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    During exercise with increasing intensity, the human body transforms energy with mechanisms dependent upon actual requirements. Three phases of the body’s energy utilization are recognized, characterized by different metabolic processes, and separated by two threshold points, called aerobic (AerT) and anaerobic threshold (AnT). These thresholds occur at determined values of exercise intensity(workload) and can change among individuals. They are considered indicators of exercise capacities and are useful in the personalization of physical activity plans. They are usually detected by ventilatory or metabolic variables and require expensive equipment and invasive measurements. Recently, particular attention has focused on AerT, which is a parameter especially useful in the overweight and obese population to determine the best amount of exercise intensity for weight loss and increasing physical fitness. The aim of study is to propose a new procedure to automatically identify AerT using the analysis of recurrences (RQA) relying only on Heart rate time series, acquired from a cohort of young athletes during a sub-maximal incremental exercise test (Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test, CPET) on a cycle ergometer. We found that the minima of determinism, an RQA feature calculated from the Recurrence Quantification by Epochs (RQE) approach, identify the time points where generic metabolic transitions occur. Among these transitions, a criterion based on the maximum convexity of the determinism minima allows to detect the first metabolic threshold. The ordinary least products regression analysis shows that values of the oxygen consumption VO2 , heart rate (HR), and Workload correspondent to the AerT estimated by RQA are strongly correlated with the one estimated by CPET (r &gt; 0.64). Mean percentage differences are &lt;2% for both HR and VO2 and &lt;11% for Workload. The Technical Error for HR at AerT is &lt;8%; intraclass correlation coefficients values are moderate (≥0.66) for all variables at AerT. This system thus represents a useful method to detect AerT relying only on heart rate time series, and once validated for different activities, in future, can be easily implemented in applications acquiring data from portable heart rate monitors

    Cytoprotective Effect of Idebenone through Modulation of the Intrinsic Mitochondrial Pathway of Apoptosis in Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells Exposed to Oxidative Stress Induced by Hydrogen Peroxide

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    Idebenone is a ubiquinone short-chain synthetic analog with antioxidant properties, which is believed to restore mitochondrial ATP synthesis. As such, idebenone is investigated in numerous clinical trials for diseases of mitochondrial aetiology and it is authorized as a drug for the treatment of Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy. Mitochondria of retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) are particularly vulnerable to oxidative damage associated with cellular senescence. Therefore, the aim of this study was to explore idebenone’s cytoprotective effect and its underlying mechanism. We used a human-RPE cell line (ARPE-19) exposed to idebenone pre-treatment for 24 h followed by conditions inducing H2O2 oxidative damage for a further 24 h. We found that idebenone: (a) ameliorated H2O2-lowered cell viability in the RPE culture; (b) activated Nrf2 signaling pathway by promoting Nrf2 nuclear translocation; (c) increased Bcl-2 protein levels, leaving unmodified those of Bax, thereby reducing the Bax/Bcl-2 ratio; (d) maintained the mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm) at physiological levels, preserving the functionality of mitochondrial respiratory complexes and counteracting the excessive production of ROS; and (e) reduced mitochondrial cytochrome C-mediated caspase-3 activity. Taken together, our findings show that idebenone protects RPE from oxidative damage by modulating the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis, suggesting its possible role in retinal epitheliopathies associated with mitochondrial dysfunction

    Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament: Surgical Approaches and Associated Complications.

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    Ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament (OPLL) is a rare but potentially devastating cause of degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM). Decompressive surgery is the standard of care for OPLL and can be achieved through anterior, posterior, or combined approaches to the cervical spine. Surgical correction of OPLL via any approach is associated with higher rates of complications and the presence of OPLL is considered a significant risk factor for perioperative complications in DCM surgeries. Potential complications include dural tear (DT) and subsequent cerebrospinal fluid leak, C5 palsy, hematoma, hardware failure, surgical site infections, and other neurological deficits. Anterior approaches are technically more demanding and associated with higher rates of DT but offer greater access to ventral OPLL pathology. Posterior approaches are associated with lower rates of complications but may allow for continued disease progression. Therefore, the decision to pursue either an anterior or posterior approach to surgical decompression may be critically influenced by complications associated with each procedure. The authors critically review anterior and posterior approaches to surgical decompression of OPLL with particular focus on the complications associated with each approach. We also review the recent work in developing new surgical treatments for OPLL that aim to reduce complication incidence

    VP6-SUMO Self-Assembly as Nanocarriers for Gastrointestinal Delivery

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    High proteolytic degradation and poor absorption through epithelial barriers are major challenges to successful oral delivery of therapeutics. Nanoparticle platforms can enhance drug stability and extend the residence time in gastrointestinal (GI) tract. However, drug delivery systems are often inactivated in acidic environment of stomach or suffer poor absorption from intestinal cells due to the mucus layer. To overcome these issues we developed a drug delivery system constituted by a protein construct made by a Rotavirus capsid protein (VP6) and the small ubiquitin-like modifier SUMO. This chimeric construct allows specificity towards intestinal cells, the Rotavirus natural target, combined by an enhanced stability given by the eukaryotic protein transporter SUMO. Furthermore SUMO can act as a molecular switch that facilitates import/export of its ligand to the nucleus, the hypersensitive subcellular site target of many cell killing therapies. In this paper we show that SUMO-VP6 constructs self-assembly into stable nanocarriers. SUMO-VP6 nanocarriers display ideal features for drug delivery: a small size and high monodispersity, a high stability in different pH conditions and a high uptake in the nuclear and cytoplasmic compartment of intestinal cells. These features make SUMO-VP6 nanocarriers a promising novel system for oral delivery of poorly soluble drugs

    An open-source, wireless vest for measuring autonomic function in infants

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    Infant behavior, like all behavior, is the aggregate product of many nested processes operating and interacting over multiple time scales; the result of a tangle of inter-related causes and effects. Efforts in identifying the mechanisms supporting infant behavior require the development and advancement of new technologies that can accurately and densely capture behavior's multiple branches. The present study describes an open-source, wireless autonomic vest specifically designed for use in infants 8-24 months of age in order to measure cardiac activity, respiration, and movement. The schematics of the vest, instructions for its construction, and a suite of software designed for its use are made freely available. While the use of such autonomic measures has many applications across the field of developmental psychology, the present article will present evidence for the validity of the vest in three ways: (1) by demonstrating known clinical landmarks of a heartbeat, (2) by demonstrating an infant in a period of sustained attention, a well-documented behavior in the developmental psychology literature, and (3) relating changes in accelerometer output to infant behavior

    Nutrient withdrawal rescues growth factor-deprived cells from mTOR-dependent damage

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    Deregulated nutrient signaling plays pivotal roles in body ageing and in diabetic complications; biochemical cascades linking energy dysmetabolism to cell damage and loss are still incompletely clarified, and novel molecular paradigms and pharmacological targets critically needed. We provide evidence that in the retrovirus-packaging cell line HEK293-T Phoenix, massive cell death in serum-free medium is remarkably prevented or attenuated by either glucose or aminoacid withdrawal, and by the glycolysis inhibitor 2-deoxy-glucose. A similar protection was also elicited by interference with mitochondrial function, clearly suggesting involvement of energy metabolism in increased cell survival. Oxidative stress did not account for nutrient toxicity on serum-starved cells. Instead, nutrient restriction was associated with reduced activity of the mTOR/S6 Kinase cascade. Moreover, pharmacological and genetic manipulation of the mTOR pathway modulated in an opposite fashion signaling to S6K/S6 and cell viability in nutrient-repleted medium. Additionally, stimulation of the AMP-activated Protein Kinase concomitantly inhibited mTOR signaling and cell death, while neither event was affected by overexpression of the NAD+ dependent deacetylase Sirt-1, another cellular sensor of nutrient scarcity. Finally, blockade of the mTOR cascade reduced hyperglycemic damage also in a more pathophysiologically relevant model, i.e. in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) exposed to hyperglycemia. Taken together these findings point to a key role of the mTOR/S6K cascade in cell damage by excess nutrients and scarcity of growth-factors, a condition shared by diabetes and other ageing-related pathologies

    Red blood cells membrane micropolarity as a novel diagnostic indicator of type 1 and type 2 diabetes

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    Classification of the category of diabetes is extremely important for clinicians to diagnose and select the correct treatment plan. Glycosylation, oxidation and other post-translational modifications of membrane and transmembrane proteins, as well as impairment in cholesterol homeostasis, can alter lipid density, packing, and interactions of Red blood cells (RBC) plasma membranes in type 1 and type 2 diabetes, thus varying their membrane micropolarity. This can be estimated, at a submicrometric scale, by determining the membrane relative permittivity, which is the factor by which the electric field between the charges is decreased relative to vacuum. Here, we employed a membrane micropolarity sensitive probe to monitor variations in red blood cells of healthy subjects (n=16) and patients affected by type 1 (T1DM, n=10) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM, n=24) to provide a cost-effective and supplementary indicator for diabetes classification. We find a less polar membrane microenvironment in T2DM patients, and a more polar membrane microenvironment in T1DM patients compared to control healthy patients. The differences in micropolarity are statistically significant among the three groups (p<0.01). The role of serum cholesterol pool in determining these differences was investigated, and other factors potentially altering the response of the probe were considered in view of developing a clinical assay based on RBC membrane micropolarity. These preliminary data pave the way for the development of an innovative assay which could become a tool for diagnosis and progression monitoring of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Membrane micropolarity, Red blood cells, Fluorescence lifetime microscopy, Metabolic imaging, Personalized medicin

    SEMA6C: a novel adhesion-independent FAK and YAP activator, required for cancer cell viability and growth

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    Transmembrane semaphorins are signaling molecules, controlling axonal wiring and embryo development, which are increasingly implicated in human diseases. Semaphorin 6C (Sema6C) is a poorly understood family member and its functional role is still unclear. Upon targeting Sema6C expression in a range of cancer cells, we observed dramatic growth suppression, decreased ERK phosphorylation, upregulation of cell cycle inhibitor proteins p21, p27 and p53, and the onset of cell senescence, associated with activation of autophagy. These data are consistent with a fundamental requirement for Sema6C to support viability and growth in cancer cells. Mechanistically, we unveiled a novel signaling pathway elicited by Sema6C, and dependent on its intracellular domain, mediated by tyrosine kinases c-Abl and Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK). Sema6C was found in complex with c-Abl, and induced its phosphorylation, which in turn led to FAK activation, independent of cell–matrix adhesion. Sema6C-induced FAK activity was furthermore responsible for increased nuclear localization of YAP transcriptional regulator. Moreover, Sema6C conferred YAP signaling-dependent long-term cancer cell survival upon nutrient deprivation. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that Sema6C elicits a cancer promoting-signaling pathway sustaining cell viability and self-renewal, independent of growth factors and nutrients availability