5 research outputs found


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    This research examines the gang sign board that uses the name of a wayang character as a marker. The purpose of this study was to determine the name of the wayang character and describe the character of the wayang that is on the gang sign board in the Probolinggo city. This study uses a qualitative method using two theoretical approaches namely, Landry and Bourhis Linguistic landscape and the theory of cultural symbols from Bastomi. The data collection techniques in this study used a tool in the form of a photo camera. Data collected in the form of photos containing the writing of the name of the wayang character on the gang sign board and then associated with cultural aspects of the character wayang characters. The results of this study indicate there is one group name namely Pendawa, and five names of wayang figures namely Nakula, Sadewa, Bima, Kresna, and Srikandi. Related to the characters that are owned, the five names of wayang characters have different characters but all of them represent the good side. This research is expected to be useful in exploring language data in a linguistic landscape frame with a cultural approach

    Penanda Publik Bahasa Kawi di Kota Probolinggo: Kajian Lanskap Linguistik

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the meaning and function of Kawi language in public signs in Probolinggo City. This research was a research that explored language data from aspects of monolingualism in the frame of the Linguistic Landscape. The problem formulation in this study was, how the meaning and function of Kawi language on public signs in Probolinggo City. The method in this study used a qualitative method with Landry and Bourhis's Linguistic Landscape theory approach. Data collection techniques in this study used tools such as a photo camera or qualitative audio and visual materials. However, data analysis techniques included data copy, data classification, and data translation. Data was collected in photos containing Kawi language writing on public signs. The results of this study indicated that there were 13 public signs that used Kawi language. Kawi language words in public signs had different meanings. AbstrakPenelitian penanda publik bahasa Kawi di Kota Probolinggo kajian lanskap linguistik ini meneliti penanda publik menggunakan bahasa Kawi yang tersebar di sepanjang ruas utama jalan raya kota. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui arti dan fungsi bahasa Kawi pada penanda publik di Kota Probolinggo. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan teori lanskap Linguistik Landry dan Bourhis 1997. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan alat berupa kamera foto atau qualitative audio and visual materials. Data yang dihimpun berupa foto yang berisi tulisan bahasa Kawi pada penanda publik. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan terdapat 13 penanda publik yang menggunakan bahasa Kawi. Ke-13 penanda publik yaitu, nama kota, gang, penginapan, toko, koperasi, tempat kesehatan, tempat pendidikan, tempat pemberhentian angkutan umum, tempat olahraga, nama terminal, motto, nama gedung, nama militer. Kata-kata bahasa Kawi pada penanda publik masing-masing memiliki arti tersendiri. Namun, terkait fungsi, penanda publik tersebut memiliki fungsi sebagai identitas atau nama. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat bermanfaat dalam menggali data bahasa dari aspek monolingualisme dalam bingkai Lanskap Linguistik

    Language Choice of Residents of Kampung Warna–Warni Malang to the Tourists

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    Residents' language choice of Kampung Warna - Warni Malang towards tourists is an interesting study as the linguistics phenomenon from a sociolinguistic's perspective affects both social and cultural life there. The study aims to describe the resident's language choice through daily interaction between the residents and the tourists. The writer used a qualitative method to provide a general description of the phenomenon as clearly as possible without any interference to observed study subjects. This research was a sociolinguistic study based on the language phenomena that occurred in the tourism spot which is originally considered as slums in recent years before went through many beautifications from many parties. The result found that the residents tend to use code-switching from Javanese, both Ngoko and Krama form, and Indonesian to converse with domestic tourists. Meanwhile, the locals tend to shy away from conversing with international tourists except for a simple greeting, a simple gesture of navigating direction, and a simple yes or no question due to the language barrie

    Penanda publik bahasa Jawa di wilayah dialek Pandalungan : Studi langkap linguistik lokal Kota Probolinggo.

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    Penelitian Penanda publik bahasa Jawa di wilayah dialek Pandalungan : Studi langkap linguistik lokal Kota Probolinggo bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis kata-kata , fungsi dan gambaran penanda publik bahasa Jawa ditinjau dari aspek monologualisme. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa tulisan bahasa Jawa pada penada publik yang tersebar di jalan raya utama di limja kecamatan kota Probolinggo. Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan teori lanskap linguistik atau LL Landry dan Bourhis untuk memaparkan penanda publik yang ditemukan