47 research outputs found

    Imunitas Non-spesifik Dan Sintasan Lele Masamo (Clarias SP.) Dengan Aplikasi Probiotik Dan Dasar Kolam Buatan

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    Lele masamo (Clarias sp.) merupakan lele varian baru yang memiliki banyak keunggulan dibandingkan dengan lele biasa. Salah satu keunggulannya yaitu pertumbuhan yang cepat sehingga lele masamo banyak diminati oleh pembudidaya. Penggunaan dasar kolam buatan pada budidaya lele masamo dijadikan sebagai salah satu alternatif untuk meningkatkan produksi. Namun, pemberian dasar kolam buatan dalam budidaya mengindikasi ikan mengalami stres. Salah satu cara untuk menanggulangi permasalahan tersebut yaitu dengan pemberian imunostimulan seperti yang terkandung dalam probiotik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh pemberian probiotik terhadap imunitas non-spesifik lele masamoyang dibudidayakan dengan menggunakan dasar kolam buatan. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan 2 perlakuan yaitu perlakuan pemberian probiotik dan tanpa pemberian probiotik dengan tiga kali ulangan. Penelitian berlangsung selama 45 hari dan diamati pada hari ke-0, hari ke-15, hari ke-30, dan hari ke-45. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian probiotik berpengaruh nyata terhadap total leukosit, persentase limfosit dan sintasan lele masamo (P0,05). Pemberian probiotik dalam pakan dan air budidaya mampu meningkatkan total leukosit dari 66.856 sel/mm3 menjadi 103.739 sel/mm3,persentase limfosit dari 68,7% menjadi 75%

    Reconciling multiple societal objectives in cross-scale marine governance: Solomon Islands’ engagement in the Coral Triangle Initiative

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Environmental governance aims to reconcile an expanding set of societal objectives at ever-larger scales despite the challenges that remain in integrating conservation and development at smaller scales. We interrogate Solomon Islands’ engagement in the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security to contribute new insight on the scalar politics of multi-level marine governance. We show how regional objectives are re-interpreted and prioritized as they translate into national policy and practice. Our data suggest that enhanced coordination of finances and activities, integration of objectives in shared protocols and priority geographies, and a subtle shift in power relations between the state, donors, and implementation partners have resulted from processes of re-scaling. We discuss important procedural adjustments in cross-level and cross-scale governance across jurisdictional, institutional, and sectoral scales. We also reflect on the changing role of national governments in shifts toward large-scale, multi-national initiatives.LE acknowledges funding from the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies. PJC and DB undertook this work as part of the CGIAR Research Program on Fish Agrifood Systems (FISH). Funding support for this study was provided by an Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research grant (FIS/2012/074)

    Soil moisture on emergence and initial development of Bidens pilosa.

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    Some species are used as cover crops, so they can produce and release products from their secondary metabolism. When these products are released in the environment, they are exposed to direct or indirect influences. Thus, this trial aimed to evaluate the influence of soil moisture content in plant decomposition, possibly caused by allelochemicals release. The influence of soil field capacity was evaluated by the decomposition of black oats (Avena strigosa Schreb), turnip (Vicia villosa Roth) and hairy vetch (Raphanus sativus L.) residues, with 70 and 50% of water availability and the control. Pots (1.0 kg) were filled with sterilized and unsterilized soil, plus 30 g of plant residue, which remained in decomposition for four weeks before the experiment start. After that, five seeds of beggartick (Bidens pilosa L.) were sowed and seedling emergence was daily evaluated for 10 d. The emergence speed index and emergence speed were calculated. Five seedlings were transplanted at the 8th d and evaluated during 30 d, to obtain the initial development of plants, and to determine fresh and dry mass. Greatest growth inhibition of the weed tested occurred with 70% available water for plant emergence and with 50% for initial plant development

    Seeds germination and early development of beggartick on extracted soil solution from an area with cover crops.

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    Plants produce and store many products of secondary metabolism that are released into the environment and can influence direct or indirectly on nearby organisms. Thus, this study investigated the allelopathic potential of extracted soil solution from an area with cover crops according to germination and early development of beggartick. Soil solution was extracted in an area where black oats, turnip and hairy vetch were grown. The concentrated solution was tested in sand substrate while the dilutions were tested in 100; 200; 300 and 400 ml L-1 germitest paper substrate, plus the control treatment on beggartick. Germination was tested for 10 days and the early development for 20 days. Twenty seeds or seedlings were distributed in gerbox, with three replications and the experimental design was completely randomized (CRD). Soil solution showed considerable changes on beggartick germination only in the last collections, mainly with extracted solution in an area cropped with turnip and hairy vetch. The results, in this case, were more significant when germitest was used than with sand substrate. Therefore, it is recommended these cover crops in crop rotation, aiming to reduce beggartick infestation in a long term


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    Reef Check merupakan sebuah organisasi yang didedikasikan untuk konservasi ekosistem terumbu karang dengan menggunakan metode pemantauan ekosistem terumbu karang dan lingkungan. Teknik yang digunakan sangat sederhana serta datanya dapat dipastikan kuat secara ilmiah. Data yang didapat berupa perhitungan penutupan jenis substrat, ikan, invertebrata, spesies langka dan dampak kerusakan. Invertebrata merupakan hewan bertulang belakang yang memiliki peranan penting dalam ekosistem terumbu karang. Data invertebrata yang diambil di lapang merupakan spesies ekonomis penting yang ada di Perairan Sendang Biru. Lokasi penelitian berada di wilayah Perairan Sendang Biru, Malang Selatan. Dilakukan pengambilan data di 4 stasiun pengamatan yakni, Teluk Semut 1, Teluk Semut 2, Fish Apartment, dan Watu Meja agar dapat dilakukan adanya perbandingan kelimpahan. Metode penelitian dengan menggunakan metode transek sabuk  sejauh 100 m pada 4 stasiun, dilakukan pengamatan dengan pola zig-zag dengan 5 kali pengulangan. Hasil dari monitoring 4 stasiun ini terdapat 2 ekor invertebrata Diadema urchin pada stasiun Teluk Semut 1 dan Teluk Semut 2, 3 ekor invertebrata Pencil urchin pada stasiun 3Fish Apartment, dan 2 ekor Kima dengan besar 10-20 cm pada stasiun Fish Apartment dan Watu Meja. Ketiga spesies invertebrata diatas mewakili semua invertebrata yang ditemukan di lokasi penelitian. Sedikitnya jumlah kelimpahan invertebrata yang ditemukan tersebut sebanding dengan kondisi kesehatan terumbu karang yang kurang baik dan rendahnya jumlah biota pada lokasi tersebut. Kondisi kesehatan karang yang rusak diakibatkan adanya aktivitas perikanan, bleaching, dan penyakit karang. Kegiatan monitoring mengenai invertebrata di daerah tersebut perlu dilakukan kembali secara berkala agar dapat mengetahui kondisi perairan tersebut dengan adanya kelimpahan pada invertebrata.  Kata kunci: Invertebrata, Reef Check, Selat Sempu  INVERTEBRATE MONITORING USING REEF CHECK METHOD IN SELAT SEMPU WATERS, MALANG ABSTRACTReef Check is an organization which dedicated to the conservation of coral reef ecosystems by using monitoring coral reef ecosystems and the environment method. The technique was simple and can be done by every one who had scientific. The data collected is the calculation of the cover substrates, fish, invertebrates, rare species and damage Invertebrates are vertebrates that have an important role in the ecosystem of coral reefs. invertebrates data which taken in the field is an economically important species in Sendang Biru. The data collected is the calculation of the closing type of substrates, fish, invertebrates, rare species and impacts that occur by looking at the research site conditions. The research location is in the area of Sendang Biru, South Malang. The data collection is done in four station in order to compare and get a calculation of the observations. The research method using belt transect as far as 100m on 4 stations, the observation done with a zig-zag pattern and visually observe the coral reff. Data collection was performed in five repetitions. The Result oh the monitoring in 4 stations, show 2 individual Diadema urchin on the Teluk Semut 1 and 2, 3 Individual of Pencil urchin on Fish Apartment station, and 2 Kima with a size 10-20cm on Fish Apartment and Watu Meja station. The least amount of invertebrate discovered show the ecological balance between the coral cover and fish populayion. The ecological condition of corals were damaged due to their fishing activities, bleaching and coral disease. Monitoring activities of the invertebrates in the area needs to be continue in order to determine the condition of these area.  Keywords : Invetebrate, Reef Check, Selat Semp

    The importance of qualitative social research for effective fisheries management

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    © 2016 Over recent decades it has become widely accepted that managing fisheries resources means managing human behaviour, and so understanding social and economic dynamics is just as important as understanding species biology and ecology. Until recently, fisheries managers and researchers have struggled to develop effective methods and data for social and economic analysis that can integrate with the predominantly biological approaches to fisheries management. The field is now growing fast, however, and globally, researchers are developing and testing new methods. This paper uses three divergent case studies to demonstrate the value of using qualitative social science approaches to complement more conventional quantitative methods to improve the knowledge base for fisheries management. In all three cases, qualitative interview and document review methods enabled broad surveying to explore the research questions in particular contexts and identified where quantitative tools could be most usefully applied. In the first case (the contribution of commercial fisheries to coastal communities in eastern Australia), a wellbeing analysis identified the social benefits from particular fisheries, which can be used to identify the social impacts of different fisheries management policies. In the second case (a gender analysis of fisheries of small islands in the Pacific), analysis outlined opportunities and constraints along fisheries supply chains, illuminated factors inhibiting community development and identified ecological factors that are typically overlooked in conventional fisheries management. In the third case (sea cucumber fisheries in Papua New Guinea), an interactive governance analysis assessed how well fisheries management tools fit the ecological, social and economic reality of the fishery and the trade in its products, including market influences and stakeholder values. The qualitative approach adopted in these three case studies adds a new dimension to understanding fisheries that is not possible with a focus solely on quantitative data. With the development of new policies on release programs (stock enhancement, restocking) and artificial reefs, and the momentum to use these interventions from recreational fishing groups, the qualitative approach will provide an important contribution to understanding their wider costs and benefits