278 research outputs found

    Himpunan Dominasi Ganda Pada Graf Korona Dan Graf Produk Leksikografi Dua Buah Graf

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    ABSTARCT. Let be a subset of , with is a graph without isolated vertices. A subset of referred to double domination in if every vertex , such that every vertex in minimal adjacent with two element of . The minimum cardinality of domination set, total domination set, and double domination set in respectively is a is a domination number, total domination number, and double domination number denote respectively , , and . A double domination number in minimum is two and a double domination number in will not be more order () in , that . A domination number if add one vertex of domination in then the element of dimination number will not be more a double domination number in , that . In this final project examined the sum of bound of doubel domination number in Corona and product lexicographic of two graphs. The minimum cardinality of double domination in Corona is with is order in . Menwhile, the minimum cardinality of double domination in Product Lexicographic at most

    Islamization Versus Deislamization of Language a Case of Indonesian Vocabularies

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    The Islamization of language could not be deniable when Isalamization process is carried out in any cultures. Arabic language is being charged with Divine inspiration in the form of Revelation so that Arabic becomes the noblest one among the humankind’s language and it is the only divinely inspiration living language. The Islamic key concepts as represented by its worldview is encompassing some vocabularies which are use in any languages such as the words Allah (God), Rasulullah (Messenger), Jannah (Paradise), Akhirah (The Day After), iman (belief), adl ( justice), etc. In Indonesian language for example, these basic Arabic vocabularies also used as key concepts in understanding of Islam. However, because of social dynamic and developing era of politics, economics or culture in Indonesia deIslamization of language takes place as well. In fact, changing meaning of the key concepts of Islam and shifting paradigm of thoughts cause to devastating of Muslim’s religiosity.   Keywords: deIslamization, key concepts, language, worldvie

    Surat Kuasa Membebankan Hak Tanggungan Atas Tanah Negara (Studi Kasus PT X di Kota Y)

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    State land is land directly controlled by the state as stated in Government Regulation No. 24 of 1997 on Land Registration. State land is not an object of Mortgage Rights, the object of mortgage is the right to land with the status of “Right of Ownership”,” Right to Exploit”, Right to Build” and “Rights to Use” as described in Article 51 of BAL in Article 4 UUHT. Because state land is not the object of mortgage rights, it is not justified if the state land is guaranteed as the repayment of debtor's debt which is tied up with Power of Attorney Charging the Deposit Rights. In this case, the debtor is a legal entity of a Limited Liability Company engaged in real estate which has located permission for land acquisition. The land to be acquired has the right of ownership status which is then released by the owner with the provision of compensation. After the release of the land rights, the released land will become state land as set forth in Article 19 of the BAL. This is the land which is released as collateral by the debtor to the creditors

    Preparedness of the Emergency Response Team in Cilegon City for Industrial Disaster

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    The purpose of this research is to conduct an evaluation on the preparedness of the emergency response team during the emergency response phase in the case of an industrial disaster causing technology failure in Cilegon city. Technology failure as a result of natural disaster, along with the resulting complex consequences, is known as industrial disaster. The research was conducted on the basis of interviews, focus group discussions, and a literature review. The research location was Cilegon city (with an administrative area of 17,550 ha), and the study focused on the potential of any natural disaster—including flooding, extreme weather, forest fires, landslides, earthquakes, tsunamis, or extreme wave and volcano eruptions—to cause catastrophic technologyfailure resulting in fires, explosions, oil spillages, or leakage of gas or toxic substances. In Cilegon city, there is a high probability of industrial disasters with an impact level of 5. Currently, Cilegon has approximately 84 industrial plants, the largest one being a petrochemical plant and manufacturer of chemicals, which is likely to produce hazardous and toxic materials. Industrial disaster response requires the competency and suitability of officers, facilities, and an incident command system led by local government, TNI, the police, Basarnas (the National Search and Rescue Agency in the Republic of Indonesia), domestic companies, and non-government organizations. A full review of the competencies, facilities, human resources, communication systems, and incident command system is necessary to ascertain whether a reliable response can be initiated in the case of industrial disasters, particularly those caused by chemical factors, in order to reduce the exposure of the people of Cilegon city to their effects. Keywords: Cilegon city, natural disaster, technological failure, incident command system, contingency pla

    Sorghum Landrace Collections from Cooler Regions of the World Exhibit Magnificent Genetic Differentiation and Early Season Cold Tolerance

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    Citation: Maulana, F., Weerasooriya, D., & Tesso, T. (2017). Sorghum Landrace Collections from Cooler Regions of the World Exhibit Magnificent Genetic Differentiation and Early Season Cold Tolerance. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8, 12. doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.00756Cold temperature is an important abiotic stress affecting sorghum production in temperate regions. It reduces seed germination, seedling emergence and seedling vigor thus limiting the production of the crop both temporally and spatially. The objectives of this study were (1) to assess early season cold temperature stress response of sorghum germplasm from cooler environments and identify sources of tolerance for use in breeding programs, (2) to determine population structure and marker-trait association among these germplasms for eventual development of marker tools for improving cold tolerance. A total of 136 sorghum accessions from cooler regions of the world were phenotyped for seedling growth characteristics under cold temperature imposed through early planting. The accessions were genotyped using 67 simple sequence repeats markers spanning all ten linkage groups of sorghum, of which 50 highly polymorphic markers were used in the analysis. Genetic diversity and population structure analyses sorted the population into four subpopulations. Several accessions distributed in all subpopulations showed either better or comparable level of tolerance to the standard cold tolerance source, Shan qui red. Association analysis between the markers and seedling traits identified markers Xtxp34, Xtxp88, and Xtxp319 as associated with seedling emergence, Xtxp211 and Xtxp304 with seedling dry weight, and Xtxp20 with seedling height. The markers were detected on chromosomes previously found to harbor QTLs associated with cold tolerance in sorghum. Once validated these may serve as genomic tools in marker-assisted breeding or for screening larger pool of genotypes to identify additional sources of cold tolerance

    Analisis Ekspor Kakao Olahan Indonesia ke Sembilan Negara Tujuan Tahun 2000–2014

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    Analysis of Indonesian Cocoa Exports to Nine Destination Countries 2000–2014The objectives of this article is to analyze the competitiveness of Indonesias processed cocoa export to nine destination countries and to investigate the determinants of export volumes of Indonesias cocoa. Two analysis is conducted using revealed comparative advantage (RCA) and panel data regression. The result indicates that Indonesian processed cocoa has a high comparative advantage in Spain, while in Singapore has a comparative advantage at worst. The panel data regression estimates showed that GDP, population, RCA, and tax policy was statistically significant and had positive effect to cocoa export volumes but the price of processed cocoa had negative effect

    Analisis Pengaruh Kecerdasaan Emosional Karyawan terhadap Perilaku Kerja Kontraproduktif dan Perilaku Positif Anggota Organisasi di Carrefour Dp Mall Semarang

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    To achieve a good member of organization, organization is really needed member who have good EQ (Emotional Quotient). EQ is useful in controlling emotions, motivating yourself to keep a good relationship to the surrounding environment. At retail companies such as Carrefour DP Mall Semarang, employees deal directly with customers and among employees. Based on the researchers will look at what effect the emotional intelligence of employees at counterproductive work behavior and positive behavior of the organization. In this case use variable used Other's Emotion Appraisal, Use of Emotion, Emotion Self-Appraisal and Regulation of Emotion does influence with variable Counterproduktif Work Behavior or Organizational Citizenship Behavior. This study uses a conceptual model of research and Yoon Jung (2012), by distributing questionnaires to 60 employees and tested method of correlation and linear regression analysis. From the results of the conducted test are the results of that variable Regulation of Emotion has the greatest influence on the behavior of Counterproduktif Work Behavior and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in which the ability to control one's emotions become the main thing that should be owned by the employees, in addition to the variable Other's Emotion Appraisal also has a role big enough, which meaning that employees must have the ability to be sensitive and understand the other person
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