51 research outputs found

    Weiterentwicklung von Wissenstransfer und Informationssystemen zur nachhaltigen Nutzung rebengenetischer Ressourcen

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    Von Anfang 2014 bis Februar 2017 fand eine umfangreiche Sortenidentifizierung in den sieben einzelnen Rebsortimenten der Deutschen Genbank Reben statt. Dadurch wurden Synonyme, Homonyme sowie Bezeichnungsirrtümer identifiziert, um Rebsorten mit gesicherter Sortenechtheit zur Abgabe sowie zur Züchtung auswählen zu können. Von allen untersuchten Akzessionen konnten 94,6% eindeutig bestimmt werden. Für besonders seltene und gefährdete Sorten wurde mit einer Duplikaterhaltung begonnen und Virustests in Auftrag gegeben. Weiterhin fand eine Überarbeitung des veralteten Internetauftritts der DGR (http://www.deutschegenbank-reben.julius-kuehn.de) statt, um zusätzliche Rechercheoptionen und aktuelle Sicherheitsstandards zu realisieren. Zudem wurde eine Webanwendung zur geographischen Erfassung von Parzellen und Einzelstöcken (PLA; Pflanzen Lage Administration) sowie eine Androidbasierte Bonitur-App entwickelt, um das fehlerfreie Arbeiten im Feld zu gewährleisten. Auf einer Vielzahl von Veranstaltungen wurde für On-Farm Management geworben und eine On-Farm Anlage am Institut für Rebenzüchtung Geilweilerhof erstellt. Im Internetauftritt der DGR wurde eine On-Farm Plattform geschaffen, die alle Aktivitäten bereits teilnehmender Winzer öffentlich darstellt

    Identification and characterization of grapevine Genetic Resources maintained in Eastern European collections

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    Maul, E. et al.The Near East and the Caucasus regions are considered as gene and domestication centre for grapevine. In an earlier project >Conservation and Sustainable Use of Grapevine Genetic Resources in the Caucasus and Northern Black Sea Region> (2003-2007) it turned out that 2,654 accessions from autochthonous cultivars maintained by Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Russian Federation and Ukraine in ten grapevine collections may belong to 1,283 cultivars. But trueness to type assessment by morphology and genetic fingerprinting still needed to be done. In COST Action FA1003 a first step in that direction was initiated. The following countries participated: Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine. Mainly Vitis vinifera accessions (1098 samples) and 76 Vitis sylvestris individuals were analyzed by nine SSR-markers (VVS2, VVMD5, VVMD7, VVMD25, VVMD27, VVMD28, VVMD32, VrZag62, VrZag79). Cultivar identity confirmation/rejection was attempted for 306 genotypes/cultivars by comparison of the generated genetic profiles with international SSR-marker databases and ampelographic studies. The outcome proved unambiguously the necessity of morphologic description and photos (a) for comparison with bibliography, (b) for a clear and explicit definition of the cultivar and (c) the detection of sampling errors and misnomers. From the 1,098 analyzed accessions, 997 turned out to be indigenous to the participating countries. The remaining 101 accessions were Western European cultivars. The 997 fingerprints of indigenous accessions resulted in 658 unique profiles/cultivars. From these 353 (54 %) are only maintained in the countries of origin and 300 (46 %) unique genotypes exist only once in the Eastern European collections. For these 300 genotypes duplicate preservation needs to be initiated. In addition, the high ratio of non redundant genetic material of Eastern European origin suggests an immense unexplored diversity. Documentation of the entire information in the European Vitis Database will assist both germplasm maintenance and documentation of cultivar specific data.Joint publication of the COST Action FA1003 “East-West Collaboration for Grapevine Diversity Exploration and Mobilization of Adaptive Traits for Breeding”.Peer Reviewe

    Grapevine genetic resources of Armenia: molecular fingerprinting and phylogenetic relationship among wild and cultivated grapevine

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    Armenia is characterized by a high diversity of cultivated (Vitis vinifera L. subsp. Vinifera) and wild (Vitis vinifera L. subsp. sylvestris) grapes. The country has played a leading role in the centuries-lasting history of grapevine cultivation in the Near East. Varying climatic conditions and the existence of wild grapes lead to the formation and promotion of viticulture and winemaking, as evidenced by nearly 450 autochthonous varieties. Hundreds of unique indigenous cultivars are still preserved in old vineyards and abandoned gardens, though most of them are threatened by extinction. Wild grapes, thriving along riverbanks, climbing the rocks and embracing the trees can be found in Vayots Dzor, Tavush, Syunik provinces and in Artsakh. With the main goal to estimate the phylogenetic relationships among Armenian wild grapes and indigenous cultivars, and evaluating the possible contribution of wild grapes to the genetic makeup of indigenous cultivars, we analyzed 79 unique cultivars and 111 putative wild plants, collected from different viticulture regions, with 24 nSSR markers. The genetic diversity analysis conducted for wild grapes and indigenous cultivars unfolded the allelic richness of wild and cultivated gene pools and surprisingly for us revealed the absence of significant differences for all genetic parameters between the two subspecies. Moreover, the results registered for the number of different alleles (Na), effective number of alleles (Ne), and Shannon’s information index (I) have shown comparatively high values for wild grapes, while the observed negative value of Fixation index (F) for indigenous cultivars mirrored an abundance of heterozygote genotypes presuming random mating. The neighbour-joining (NJ) cluster analysis indicated a clear separation between the two subspecies vinifera and sylvestris and formed two main clusters. Applied non-hierarchical horizontal clustering using Structure software assigned the 190 genotypes into two clusters. The delta K criterion (ΔK) suggested K = 2 as the optimal uppermost hierarchical level of structure. Obtained results were comparable with the NJ cluster analysis and confirmed the divergence of sylvestris from vinifera, indicating a clear separation between the two subspecies. Meanwhile, results highlighted the role of gene flow between wild grapes and cultivars through observed overlaps and admixed ancestry values. Grapevine genetic resources of Armenia can contribute to overcoming biotic and abiotic stresses and better adaptation to climate change

    Ensino de História, educação popular e descolonização: apontamentos sobre percursos cruzados

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    A partir de questões iniciais comuns aos profissionais da educação pública no Brasil, procuramos neste artigo refletir sobre o lugar do Ensino de História na construção de uma Educação Popular e transformadora, atenta para o debate atual sobre o ensino das relações étnico-raciais, da África e da cultura afro-brasileira. Apontamos aqui para a necessidade de questionar um ensino com pressupostos eurocêntricos colonizadores, porém, compreendendo este questionamento como parte de um processo longo em que se cruzam as experiências e teorias sobre a pedagogia crítica, a Educação Popular e a questão racial. Desta forma, nos situamos enquanto profissionais que não apenas percebem nos debates acadêmicos os caminhos de amadurecimento destas questões, mas que vivenciam seus conflitos, contradições e urgências na realidade das redes de educação pública do Rio de Janeiro. É a partir daí, que se justifica uma primeira abordagem sobre os sentidos e objetivos de construção do currículo, especialmente em História. Este debate não pode deixar de abordar contemporaneamente as discussões sobre o papel estruturante do racismo em nossas relações sociais. No Brasil, tais discussões, acreditamos, converge para os objetivos históricos de construção de pedagogias críticas, populares e transformadoras