34 research outputs found

    The Future of EU Cohesion: Effects of the Twin Transition on Disparities across European Regions

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    Closing the prosperity gap between regions has always been a key political aspiration of the European Union – and cohesion policy is the primary means to achieve that goal. Europe is currently undergoing a digital and green transition that is drastically changing the way its economy works. How well prepared are regions to capitalise on the twin transition? And what impact will it have on regional cohesion in Europe? Our study finds that greening and digitalising the economy will likely widen the gap between rich and poor regions in Europe

    The Future of EU Cohesion: Effects of the Twin Transition on Disparities across European Regions

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    Closing the prosperity gap between regions has always been a key political aspiration of the European Union – and cohesion policy is the primary means to achieve that goal. Europe is currently undergoing a digital and green transition that is drastically changing the way its economy works. How well prepared are regions to capitalise on the twin transition? And what impact will it have on regional cohesion in Europe? Our study finds that greening and digitalising the economy will likely widen the gap between rich and poor regions in Europe

    Evaluation of the impact of the CAP on generational renewal, local development and jobs in rural areas

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    Strengthening the socio-economic fabric of rural areas is a key CAP objective, including generational renewal (GR). This evaluation assessed how the current CAP affects GR in rural Europe, also local development and jobs. It examined Young Farmer (YF) and other CAP measures aiming to attract young people to farm, live and work in rural areas. Methods included literature review, EU survey, interviews and workshops, data analysis using correlation, multicriteria, comparative econometric and CGE modelling, and case studies in seven contrasting Member States (MS). It concluded CAP GR measures have a positive impact on YF numbers, business performance and local employment, varying from very minor to significant according to local context. For Pillar 2 aids, impacts and causes are clear, but it is too early to judge Pillar 1 YF supplements. Aids are most effective and efficient delivered in mixedmeasure packages combining planning, investment, collaboration and advice, and conditional on beneficiary training. Impact is enhanced where institutional and fiscal policies ease access to land and capital. In very marginal areas, aid for rural diversification and services is also vital. The study recommended a more holistic, flexible and strategic approach to GR in the future CAP, also increased MS emphasis upon new entrants, innovation and rural quality of life provision

    The EU farming employment: current challenges and future prospects

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    This study outlines the current trends and patterns of farming employment in the EU and discusses possible development paths for the European agricultural labour force. In particular, this study investigates the drivers of and structural changes within agricultural labour markets at regional, national and EU level, building on a range of quantitative and qualitative analysis methods

    Estimation spatiale des risques de dégradation physique des sols dans le Nord-Pas-de-Calais

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    A tentative cartography of physical degradation hazards concerning agricultural soils has been made for INRA, with a grant of the Nord-Pas-de-Calais EPR. A field research has been made first at a decreasing scale from (1/25 000 to 1/5 000). Pedological and other maps have been realized. Then the field study has been completed by technical and economical informations directly required from farmers, about the effects of erosion on soil fertility. Final interpretation and extrapolation were done from a local to a regional scale (the whole Nord-Pas-de-Calais Region was concerned). It has been possible to propose a classification of soils based on their sensibility to hydrous erosion.Dans le cadre d'une convention de recherche, passée entre l'I.N.R.A. et l'E.P.R. Nord-Pas-de-Calais, un essai de cartographie des risques de dégradation physique des terres agricoles, est mené. Une démarche descendante est suivie pour la réalisation des travaux de terrain : avec un grossissement du 1/25 000e au 1/5 000e des échelles de lever des cartes pédologiques et des cartes associées ; puis un suivi, sur placettes au champ, des états de surface du sol, l'approche cartographique étant liée à une enquête technique auprès des agriculteurs concernés, complétant ainsi le second volet de la convention, à savoir : des études technico-économiques des conséquences de l'érosion sur la fertilité des sols. Une démarche ascendante caractérise la phase d'interprétation et d'extrapolation conduisant au zonage à 1/250 000e, de la sensibilité des terres à l'érosion hydrique, pour l'ensemble de la région Nord-Pas-de-Calais. La première phase de l'étude doit conduire à caractériser morphologiquement des bassins versants élémentaires afin d'esquisser une typologie des sites d'érosion et de tenter de différencier les régions naturelles.Maucorps Jean. Estimation spatiale des risques de dégradation physique des sols dans le Nord-Pas-de-Calais. In: Hommes et Terres du Nord, 1987/3. Risques naturels dans le Nord – Pas-de-Calais. pp. 147-150

    Mathematical Thinking in the Social Sciences edited by Paul F. Lazarsfeld

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    Maucorps P.-H. Mathematical Thinking in the Social Sciences edited by Paul F. Lazarsfeld. In: Revue française de science politique, 5ᵉ année, n°4, 1955. pp. 863-866

    Positionnement du pharmacien hospitalier au sein du parcours patient dans le service d’hospitalisation à domicile du Centre hospitalier de Vire

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    Home care services enable complex patient care in their homes. As an alternative to conventional hospitalization, home care services have to respect the same regulatory requirements as any other health institution with accommodation in particular regarding patient medicinal care. The home care service at “Centre Hospitalier de Vire” works with the hospital pharmacy on the same bases as their other care services with accommodation. The objective of this work is to position the hospital pharmacist at different stages of the patients clinical pathways in a home care service to improve his security related to drug management. In order to ensure this, many evaluations were performed to produce a comprehensive update on practices notably concerning the medication circuit. Following those results, 4 clinical pharmacy activities were experimented: medication reconciliation, formalization of prescription pharmaceutical analyses and the transmission of information about appropriate use of drugs, but also the participation of a pharmacist during the service’s weekly work meeting. The first positive feedbacks of those experimentations confirm the benefits gained thanks to the hospital pharmacist interventions, which are closer to the healthcare team and patients. Nevertheless, the deployment and the execution of those pharmaceuticals activities on a daily base may only occur by adjusting available pharmaceutical resources, including human resources.L’hospitalisation à domicile (HAD) permet la mise en oeuvre de soins complexes au domicile du patient. En tant qu’alternative à l’hospitalisation conventionnelle, les structures d’HAD sont soumises aux mêmes exigences réglementaires que les établissements de santé avec hébergement, notamment en ce qui concerne la prise en charge médicamenteuse du patient. Au CH de Vire, la structure d’HAD est un service de soins au même titre que les services avec hébergement ; la dispensation des produits pharmaceutiques est donc assurée par une pharmacie à usage intérieur. L’objectif de ce travail est de positionner le pharmacien hospitalier à différentes étapes du parcours du patient dans le service d’HAD afin de renforcer la sécurité de la prise en charge médicamenteuse tout au long de celui-ci. Pour cela, plusieurs évaluations ont été menées afin de réaliser un état des lieux de la prise en charge médicamenteuse du service. Suite à ces évaluations, 4 actions de pharmacie clinique ont été expérimentées : la mise en place de la conciliation médicamenteuse d’entrée, la formalisation de l’analyse pharmaceutique des prescriptions médicamenteuses et de la transmission des informations de bon usage des médicaments, ainsi que la participation d’un pharmacien au staff hebdomadaire du service. Les premiers retours positifs de ces expérimentations confirment le bénéfice apporté par l’intervention du pharmacien hospitalier au plus près des équipes soignantes et des patients. Cependant, le déploiement et la mise en oeuvre au quotidien de ces activités de pharmacie clinique ne pourra se faire qu’en ajustant celles-ci aux ressources pharmaceutiques disponibles, notamment humaines

    Les recherches de psychométrie ethnologique et leurs perspectives océaniennes

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    Maucorps Paul. Les recherches de psychométrie ethnologique et leurs perspectives océaniennes. In: Journal de la Société des océanistes, tome 4, 1948. pp. 87-113

    Les problèmes d'acculturation réciproque en recherche inter-ethnique

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    Maucorps Paul-Hassan. Les problèmes d'acculturation réciproque en recherche inter-ethnique. In: Ethnies, volume 1, 1971. Colloque Franco-britannique sur les relations raciales en France et en Grande-Bretagne. pp. 151-156

    A preliminary report on the ICES-coordinated acoustic survey of herring stocks in 1979.

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    At the 1978 statutory meeting, the Council adopted a resolution put forward by the Pelagic fish committee VIa in 1979. The guidelines for the survey were set out in the report of the Herring assessment working group (CM 1978/H:67 revised), and the objectives of the survey were to estimate the biomass of adult herring north of 57°N in subdivision IVa W and division VIa. The recommended timing of the survey was July