153 research outputs found

    Machine Translation and the Evaluation of Its Quality

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    Machine translation has already become part of our everyday life. This chapter gives an overview of machine translation approaches. Statistical machine translation was a dominant approach over the past 20 years. It brought many cases of practical use. It is described in more detail in this chapter. Statistical machine translation is not equally successful for all language pairs. Highly inflectional languages are hard to process, especially as target languages. As statistical machine translation has almost reached the limits of its capacity, neural machine translation is becoming the technology of the future. This chapter also describes the evaluation of machine translation quality. It covers manual and automatic evaluations. Traditional and recently proposed metrics for automatic machine translation evaluation are described. Human translation still provides the best translation quality, but it is, in general, time-consuming and expensive. Integration of human and machine translation is a promising workflow for the future. Machine translation will not replace human translation, but it can serve as a tool to increase productivity in the translation process

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    Inflamatorni miofibroblastni tumor v glavi trebušne slinavke

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    Abstract Background. Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors are rare in the pediatric population. Most common localizations were reported in the lungs. A localization in the pancreas needs differentiation from other tumors and chronic pancreatitis. Treatment is surgical resection, although there are reports of treatment with oral steroids and radiation therapy. Case report. A 6-month-old child was treated due to a tumor in the head of the pancreas. On admission he was jaundiced with pruritus. US and MRI confirmed pancreatic tumor. Preoperative biopsy wasn’t conclusive regarding the nature of the tumor. Duodenopancreatectomy was performed. Postoperative course was uneventful. Histologic examination confirmed the diagnosis of inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor. On follow up, he remained with no evidence of recurrence. Conclusions. A literature review revealed 10 cases of pancreatic inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors in the pediatric age group. Our patient is the youngest reported. Despite major resection, there were no complications. However, management of this child might be possible with steroids, but conservative treatment might be insufficient, especially in aggressive forms of tumors.</jats:p

    Epitermični izvor nevtronov za terapijo raka z zajetjem nevtronov v boru na reaktorju TRIGA Instituta Jožef Stefan - modeliranje in eksperimentalna preveritev

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    It has been reported that satisfactory thermal/epithermal neutron beams for Boron lVeutron Ćapturc, Therapy (BNCT) could be designed at TRIGA research reactors, which are generally perceived as being safe to install and operate in populated areas. This contribution presents the most recent research activities in this field at the Jožef Stefan Institute TRIGA reactor, where anepithermal neutron beam for BNCT is being developed. Experimental verification of Monte Carlo simulation results proves the quality and wide applicability of the developed 3-D model, particularly of the reactor core andirradiation channels. Due to high attenuation of the epithermal neutron flux (fi epi = 4.1x106 n/cmZs, two orders of magnitude belozu the therapeutic limit) the irradiation facility in the current stage of development is not appropriate for the clinical BNCT treatments. Furthermore, the contribution ofthe 2.5 mm airgap surrounding the facility is unacceptably high, thus makingthe relative gamma dose (Dy/fiepi) almost 60-times higher than therapeutically rcc- ommended. Nevertheless, using gamma shielding of Pb or Biand LiF or Li2C03 (thermal neutron cut-off, the quality of the epithermal neutron beam would be significantly upgraded and hecome appropriate fnr iii vitro studies of boron compound transport in malignant tumour cells or smallerlahoratory animals.Zaradi specifičnih lastnosti obratovanja spadajo reaktorji TRIGA med najvarnejše raziskovalne reaktorje. V svetu se jih vedno več uporablja kot izvor termičnih oz. epitermičnih nevtronov v namene terapije raka z zajetjem nevtronov v boru (angl. Boron Neutron Ćapture Therapy). Prispevek prikazuje rezultate Monte Carlo modeliranja, optimizacije ter eksperimentalne verifikacije obsevalne naprave z epitermičnimi nevtroni razvite v radialnem kanalu reaktorja TRIGA na Institutu Jožef Stefan v Ljubljani. Rezultati potrjujejo široko uporabnost razvitega tri-dimenzionalnega modela reaktorja, predvsem sredice in obsevalnih kanalov. Zaradi visoke atenuacije nevtronskega fluksa (fiep = 4.1x106 n/cmZs, kar je dobra dva reda velikosti pod priporočenoterapevtsko mejo) obsevalna naprava v obstoječi izvedbi ni primernaza klinična BNCT obsevanja. Prispevek zračne reže, ki obdaja sistem filtrov dodatno prispeva k visoki specifični dozi gama žarkov in hitrih nevtronov na obsevalnem mestu, ki sta skoraj 60-krat višji od priporočenih vrednosti. Vendar pa bi z minimalno predelavo obsevalne naprave ter uporabo zaščitnega ohišja s Pb (ali Bi) ter LiF (ali Li2CO.3) lahko občutno izboljšalikvaliteto obsevalnega curka kot orodja za "in-vitro" študije transporta bora v malignih celičnih kulturah ali laboratorijskih živalih.

    Pravne razsežnosti prepovedi nadlegovanja

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    Book, written in Slovene, discusses the legal content and scope of the concept of discriminatory harassment, which is deemed to be an unlawful discrimination under modern EU non-discrimination law, in the context of implementation of provisions of relevant EU directives in legal systems of the United Kingdom and Ireland. the two most important EU non-discrimination directives, adopted under Article 13 of the Treaty Establishing the European Community (now Article 19 of the treaty on the Functioning of the European union) - Racial Equality Directive (Directive 2000/43/EC) and Employment Framework Directive (Directive 2000/78/EC) - explicity mention harassment as prohibited form of discrimination. Legal definitions contained in these two directives define harassment as discriminationdiscrimination itself. Prior to the transposition of the EU non-discrimination directives into their laws, while few member states tackled this issue either within the context of the law on equal treatment (e.g. Denmark, the United Kingdom and Ireland) or outside this context (e.g. France), that is in the framework of criminal, civil, health and safety or employment legislation. As a result of the implementation of relevant provisions of the two main non-discrimination directives (Directives 200/43/EC and 200/78/EC) a definition of harassment has been included in legislations of all EU member states. In most member states such legislative definition is a literal copy of the definition of harrasment that can be found in the Directives 2000/43/EC and 2000/78/EC. The approach to the definition of harassment that appears to be the most "generous" from the perspective of victims of discriminatory harrasment is the one that was taken by British legislator. Such legal position in respect of the prohibition of discrimination has been developed in British case law and is based on the extensive interpretation of non-discrimination laws

    Primarna preventiva raka

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    Vloga države v boju proti raku

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    Statistical Machine Translation from Slovenian to English

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    In this paper, we analyse three statistical models for the machine translation of Slovenian into English. All of them are based on the IBM Model~4, but differ in the type of linguistic knowledge they use. Model 4a uses only basic linguistic units of the text, i.e., words and sentences. In Model 4b, lemmatisation is used as a preprocessing step of the translation task. Lemmatisation also makes it possible to add a Slovenian-English dictionary as an additional knowledge source. Model 4c takes advantage of the morpho-syntactic descriptions (MSD) of words. In Model 4c, MSD codes replace the automatic word classes used in Models 4a and 4b. The models are experimentally evaluated using the IJS-ELAN parallel corpus