194 research outputs found

    Pesticide regulation and the turfgrass industry| A proposed program to meet present regulatory requirements

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    Mattie Boom, Ger Luijten et Hans Rooseboom (dir.), Rijksmuseum Studies in Photography

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    Rares hélas sont les bourses dédiées aux jeunes historiens et historiennes de la photographie. Le programme du Rijksmuseum à Amsterdam, ayant pour ambition l’encouragement de la recherche de la plus grande qualité dans le domaine, est actuellement, sans doute aucun, le plus attractif : grâce au généreux soutien du Manfred & Hanna Heiting Fund, deux chercheurs ou chercheuses par an sont invités à mener des études approfondies pendant une période de six mois respectivement. Le sujet qu’ils ont ..

    Notes on Amandinea Petermannii Comb.nov. (Physciaceae) from Antarctica

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    The new combination Amandinea petermannii (Hue) Matzer, Mayrh. & Scheidegger; is proposed. The taxonomy, morphology, anatomy, chemistry, ecology and distribution of this lichen are discussed. Rinodina convoluta D. C. Lindsay is synonym of A. petermanni

    Determination of the influence of the driving speed on the application parameters of orchard sprayers

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    Orchard sprayers with air transported fine droplets need an exact adjustment of the airflow and the spray nozzles in order to reduce the drift of pesticides. The adjustment is made on one hand side by the manufacturer and on the other hand side by the farmer in the orchard by choosing the tractor speed, the PTO shaft rotation speed and the pump pressure. For testing two test beds have been in charge in the region of Styria since almost 2 decades. One of them is able to measure the flow field in a vertical plane representing the tree row in a distance of approx. 1.5 m from the middle of the track. The second measures the water distribution in the same vertical plane. Both are stationary so that the influence of the driving speed can hardly be assessed. High driving speeds up to 12 km/h and the increasing height of the orchards impose additional uncertainties. This was the reason for the present research project, which was intended to investigate the influence of the driving speed. A new air flow measurement test bed has been build, which is able to measure the flow field also during tractor movement in the described vertical plane up to 5 m above ground. Four different sprayers have been investigated in an orchard with and without leaves by visual method for four different speeds to determine the optimal application parameters. The same sprayers have been tested with the moveable flow field test bed. Results show a reasonable correlation between the measurements for all investigated speeds. The differences between the sprayers are evident, nevertheless a method has been found to deduce the correlation between the stationary measurement and the optimal parameters for the orchard. So the stationary flow test bed can be directly used to develop sprayers

    Das ,Deutschtum‘ verteidigen: (Dis-)Kontinuitäten im ,Grenzland‘-Aktivismus zwischen Österreich und Slowenien (circa 1900–1970)

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    The article examines (dis)continuities with regard to organisational frameworks, individual careers, ideological foundations as well as practices of nationalist activism in contact zones. On the example of today’s Austrian-Slovenian borderland, the contribution focuses on specific German Nationalist (and later National Socialist) aspirations to homogenize the diverse population of targeted territories in favour of ‘Germanness’. It takes into account the preconditions and histories of German nationalist ‘Grenzland’ consciousness in the Austrian provinces of Carinthia and Styria as well as their neighbouring Slovene territories (Upper Carniola and Lower Styria) and traces the development of what is termed ‘Grenzland’-activism across the ruptures of 1918, 1938/39/41 and 1945 up until the 1970s. With this spatial and temporal focus, the article not only shows the intertwinements of as well as changing emphasis on historical, biological and cultural justifications of this nationalist activism in the context of shifting state borders. By working out and relating the specifics of each phase, the paper at hand also uncovers the striking continuities of ideological, individual and practical aspects of German nationalist activism from its beginnings to the extremist peak during the Nazi period up until the mid-/late 20th century

    Aporte al desarrollo del cultivo y agroindustria de la fresa (Fragaria vesca L.) en la Aldea Chimazat, Santa Cruz Balanyá, Tecpán, Guatemala. C.A.

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    La presente investigación se realizó en la Finca El Álamo ubicada en la aldea Chimazat, Santa Cruz Balanyá. La finca se dedica a la producción primaria de alimentos frescos cultivados a campo abierto, su principal producción es la fresa (Fragaria vesca L.) que es representativa en esa región del altiplano. La Finca El Álamo, a través de capacitaciones en el Departamento de Desarrollo de la Fruticultura y Agroindustria –DEFRUTA-MAGA- que se encuentra ubicado en Chimaltenango, desarrolló seis distintos productos en conserva los cuales fueron almíbar de fruta entera, mermelada, jalea, pulpa, jugo concentrado y néctar. Los resultados de la investigación demostraron que las conservas que produce la Finca El Álamo son 70% a 100% aceptables y los precios sugeridos de compra de los consumidores pueden ser competitivos. Los resultados del consumo potencial demostraron que las personas tienen conocimiento de los productos en conserva y están dispuestos a cambiar su marca habitual por calidad y sabor en un 92%. La competencia es diversa, con distintas características y posicionamientos. Los precios de venta así como los costos que influyen en la producción de las conservas ayudaron a indicar que los márgenes de rentabilidad para la Finca El Álamo son mayores al 30% con la producción y venta de las seis conservas con la marca 3F´nes. La estimación de costos y precios de venta se realizó una proyección financiera a cinco años calculándose los indicadores financieros valores actuales netos los cuales son positivos y con tasas internas de retorno mayores a la tasa de corte establecida en el estudio

    Überwachung der Kfz-Emissionen im realen Verkehr, Methoden und Ergebnisse

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    Systematic monitoring of real driving emissions from vehicles started in the 1990’ies with measurements for the Handbook on Emission factors (HBEFA, http://www.hbefa.net/e/index.html). From 2000 to 2005, a European consortium improved the methods for vehicle testing and evaluation in the EU FP7 Project ARTEMIS. Results from this project are e.g. the ARTEMIS driving cycle (CADC), frequently used for real world LDVs chassis dyno tests, and the ERMES data base, where test results from independent European labs are brought together. Based on the ARTEMIS core consortium, the ERMES group was established (http://www.ermes-group.eu/web/). The ERMES group consists of laboratories, funding organisations and researchers dealing with emission testing with PEMS and on the dynamometer, with remote sensing measurement and with corresponding analysis of measures and technologies to reduce emissions and energy consumption of road vehicles and mobile machines. While the ERMES database on real world tests had only a limited number of cars until HBEFA version 3.1 (e.g. 24 different EURO 5 diesel cars measured), the available data significantly increased during the last 3 years (e.g. covering today 101 EURO 5 and 85 EURO 6 diesel cars). Also for HDVs and 2-wheelers the number of measured vehicles increased significantly after the recent discussions on real world NOx emissions from diesel LDVs. Parallel to the conventional vehicle tests also remote sensing has been systematically developed for vehicle emission monitoring. Remote sensing measures the incremental concentration of gases in the exhaust plume of passing vehicles and thus provides mass emissions per mass of CO2. The number plate is used to identify make and model, engine type, year of registration and emission standard. This information is then associated with the measured instantaneous emissions. Since remote sensing measures thousands of vehicles per day, the data is very useful for the analysis of trends, which need a high number of vehicles to be representative. E.g., Remote Sensing can monitor aging and temperature influences and emission levels per EURO class, brand and possibly vehicle model also as basis for the selection of vehicles for more detailed instrumented tests. The paper describes the methods developed for the monitoring and evaluation and shows actual trends in vehicle emissions