17 research outputs found

    The development of silica hydride stationary phases for high-performance liquid chromatography from conception to commercialization

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    The development of a stationary phase material for high-performance liquid chromatography based on a surface of silica hydride as opposed to silanols on ordinary silica is discussed including synthetic approaches, characterization, and applications. There are several synthetic approaches available to create a silica hydride surface. Modification of the Si–H moiety on the silica surface can be accomplished through the use of a hydrosilation reaction. Both the intermediate silica hydride and the material modified with an organic moiety can be characterized by a number of spectroscopic as well as a variety of other methods. Further insights into the retention mechanism are provided through chromatographic measurements. The ultimate utility of any chromatographic stationary phase material is determined by its success in solving challenging analytical problems. A broad range of applications is reviewed to illustrate the versatility and usefulness of silica hydride-based stationary phases

    Silica Hydride: A Separation Material Every Analyst Should Know About

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    This review describes the development, special features and applications of silica hydride-based stationary phases for HPLC. The unique surface of this material is in contrast to ordinary, standard silica, which is the material most frequently used in modern HPLC stationary phases. The standard silica surface contains mainly silanol (Si-OH) groups, while the silica hydride surface is instead composed of silicon-hydrogen groups, which is much more stable, less reactive and delivers different chromatographic and chemical characteristics. Other aspects of this material are described for each of the different bonded moieties available commercially. Some applications for each of these column types are also presented as well as a generic model for method development on silica hydride-based stationary phases

    Aqueous normal phase retention of nucleotides on silica hydride-based columns: Method development strategies for analytes revelant in clinical analysis

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    An aqueous normal phase HPLC method coupled with UV or ESI/MS detection was used for the determination of a wide variety of nucleotides, essential in metabolomics studies. Fifteen nucleotides were tested in clinically relevant mixtures at levels of 100 g/mL for UV detection and 1 g/mL for ESI-MS detection. Analysis times for all protocols developed were less than 20 min. The chromatographic conditions were changed to achieve optimized retention and separation of the nucleotides studied. The aqueous normal phase-HPLC methods were developed utilizing two columns, one having a minimally modified hydride surface another having an undecanoic acid moiety on a hydride surface. Volatile, low ionic strength mobile phases were used. Negative ion mode ESI-MS at near neutral pH mobile phase, combined with a TOF detector provided a highly sensitive and specific method, which is equally suitable for quadrupole and ion trap instruments. © 2010 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim