16 research outputs found


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    The present study was initiated to investigate the influence of an ECAP die on the microstructure evolution and properties of commercial Al-Mg aluminum alloy in as-cast state. To characterize microstructural features an optical microscope was used. The properties of the as processed and initial state material were evaluated based on the hardness measurements. It was found that the applied ECAP die has the meaningful influence on the microstructure as well as the properties of the material

    Effect of polyaniline content and protonating dopants on electroconductive composites

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    Elastic constructive elements prepared by electrospinning using polyacrylonitrile/polyaniline (PAN/PANI) electroconductive composites were prepared and investigated in terms of their thermal and mechanical properties. This study was focused on the impact of the type of counterion of polyaniline and the PANI content in composites on the thermal, conductive and morphological properties of electrospun fibers. In this study, composites obtained from PANI doped with sulfuric acid showed the highest conductivity, and composites obtained from PANI doped with hydrochloric acid showed the highest thermal stability. All obtained composites exhibited good thermal stability, with T5 values in the range of 230–268 °C that increased with increasing PANI content. The prepared composites exhibited comparable PAN Tg values, which indicates their suitability for processing. Instrumental analysis of polymers and composites was carried out using UV–visible spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry, dynamic mechanical thermal analysis and scanning electron microscopy

    Additional mandatory designations in the business name of the commercial company

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    A commercial company may take various forms in the course of its activity. We can distinguish the initial form of the company, the proper form and the final form (in liquidation, in bankruptcy). The purpose of this article is to present the rules of using the mandatory designations to the business name of the company and the possibility of combining them. Their main purpose is to disclose the current form of the commercial company and the related principles of its representation or liability for its debts. It has been established that it is allowed to combine some mandatory designations, e.g. “in the organisation in liquidation”; “in the organisation in bankruptcy”. Joint use of allowances “in liquidation in bankruptcy” is unacceptable. This may be misleading as to how the company is represented and its actual status

    Marriage and family in the culture of ancient Israel

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    Even though the anicient Israel was a nation which all areas of life were adjusted by religion, that marriage was not connected with no cult institution. Even so, in the feeling of each Israelite, it had saint character. It resulted from the God created first humans as a man and woman as equal each other and meant to common and social life. They were differed for the sake of their gender. That gender difference was simultaneously a task for spouses. They should have known each other not only sexually and physically, but also emotionally and personally. It that way it came into existence the community which was indissoluble. This conviction follows from utterance of the Old Testament. Exceeding these rules violated the sanctity of mariage as a social institution and acted deep cranny not only in the mariage but in all national community. The elementary aim of Israeli marriage was having offspring and then sons had more privileges than daughters. Marriage in Israel could be dissolved when the man gave his wife so called note of divorce

    Zaskarżanie uchwał wspólników handlowej spółki osobowej

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    The Commercial Companies Code does not contain any regulation regarding the appeal against resolutions of partners of partnerships. Such resolutions may, however, be unlawful, violate the interests of the company or be aimed at harming a partner. They may be considered void within the meaning of Art. 58 of the Civil Code. Such resolutions may be subject to judicial review by way of an action seeking the annulment of a resolution. The purpose of this article is to answer the question of the admissibility of such an action and its conditionsKodeks spółek handlowych nie zawiera żadnej regulacji dotyczącej zaskarżenia uchwał wspólników spółek osobowych. Takie uchwały mogą być jednak sprzeczne z prawem, godzić w interesy spółki lub mieć na celu pokrzywdzenie wspólnika. Mogą być one uznane za dotknięte nieważnością w rozumieniu art. 58 kodeksu cywilnego Tego rodzaju uchwały mogą być przedmiotem kontroli sądowej w drodze powództwa o ustalenie nieważności uchwały. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie o dopuszczalność takiego powództwa i jego przesłanki

    Egypt as a Delusive Ally in the Teaching of Israel Prophets

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    The article aims at analyzing the biblical material about prophets. The undertaken considerations arrive to the conclusion that the prophets were realist strongly based upon earthly experiences while believing in God. They were not interested in favors of powerful rulers, nor did flatter ordinary people whose wants were to be always praised and admired. All they proclaimed resulted both from the analyses of the past, and the profound insight in the actual situation. Their conclusive sentence could be only one: Egypt is a delusive ally of Israel

    Synthesis of the Novel Type of Bimodal Ceramic Nanowires from Polymer and Composite Fibrous Mats

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    The purpose of this paper was to produce SiO2 and TiO2 nanowires via the electrospinning process from a polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP)/Tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS)/Titanium (IV) butoxide (TNBT)/dimethylformamide (DMF) and ethanol (EtOH) solution. The as-obtained nanofibers were calcined at temperatures ranging from 400 °C to 600 °C in order to remove the organic phase. The one-dimensional ceramic nanostructures were studied using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and a transmission electron microscope (TEM) to analyze the influence of the used temperature on the morphology and structures of the obtained ceramic nanomaterials. In order to examine the chemical structure of the nanowires, energy dispersive spectrometry (EDX) and Fourier-Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used. The optical property analysis was performed on the basis of UV-Vis spectra of absorbance as a function of the wavelength. Using the modified Swanepoel method, which the authors proposed and the recorded absorbance spectra allowed to determine the banded refractive index n, real n′ and imaginary k part of the refractive index as a function of the wavelength, complex dielectric permeability ε, and real and imaginary part εr and εi of the dielectric permeability as a function of the radiation energy of the produced ceramic nanowires