60 research outputs found

    „Nasz udział w budowaniu życia”. Ruch kobiet w stulecie praw kobiet (podstolik 7)

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    Podsumowując, należy stwierdzić że uczestnicy podstolika siódmego pokazali, odwołując się do badań i własnych doświadczeń, w jaki sposób idea zaangażowania społecznego ucieleśnia się, jaki jest „udział kobiet w budowaniu życia”, jaka jest kondycja ruchu kobiecego w stulecie uzyskania przez Polki praw wyborczych. Uczestniczki debaty dały dowód aktywnej obecności kobiet w dzisiejszej Polsce, różnorodności działań o dużym natężeniu i w wielu środowiskach. Dyskusja przy podstoliku utwierdziła nas w przekonaniu, że zasadne jest podejmowanie rozważań na temat udziału kobiet w kształtowaniu życia społecznego. I nie mniej zasadna praca zmierzająca do utrwalania w społecznej świadomości, także świadomości samych kobiet, znaczenia ich sił. „Odważmy się być wolnymi, poznajmy naszą siłę” to słowa Marii Dulębianki sprzed stu lat. Przywołano je w Poznaniu podczas obchodów 100. rocznicy odzyskania przez Polskę niepodległości. Apel Dulębianki kierowany do kobiet jest zachętą nadal potrzebną

    Clinical aspects of diagnostics and systemic treatment of malignancies during pregnancy

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    Nowotwory złośliwe u kobiet w ciąży są rzadkie. Obecnie ryzyko współwystępowania ciąży i nowotworu złośliwego rośnie z powodu coraz późniejszego wieku kobiet rodzących pierwszy raz. Podejmując decyzję dotyczącą leczenia onkologicznego ciężarnej, należy uwzględnić stadium choroby oraz zaawansowanie ciąży. W każdym przypadku należy dążyć do maksymalnej ochrony płodu. Istotne jest także zapewnienie możliwości zachowania zdolności rozrodczej leczonej kobiety. Ze względu na potencjalne działanie teratogenne nie zaleca się stosowania chemioterapii w I trymestrze ciąży. Ostatnio rośnie liczba doniesień o możliwości stosowania u ciężarnych w wybranych przypadkach leków chemicznych po okresie organogenezy. Nie poznano jednak w pełni odległych skutków takiego postępowania. Z tego powodu potencjalne ryzyko oraz korzyści wynikające z zastosowania chemioterapii podczas ciąży powinno się szczegółowo analizować. Hormonoterapia wiąże się z wysokim ryzykiem poronienia i nie zaleca się jej w okresie ciąży. Dostępne dane nie pozwalają w pełni ocenić bezpieczeństwa stosowania podczas ciąży wielu form leczenia biologicznego.The coincidence of malignant disease during pregnancy is uncommon. Today, the incidence of cancer in pregnancy has increased, due to the tendency to postpone childbirth to an older age. Making cancer therapy decision in pregnant women both disease and pregnancy advancement should be considered. In all cases fetal saving as well as mother’s fertility preservation are of great importance. Because of mutagenic effect the use of chemotherapy during the first trimester is contraindicated. Recently, increasing number of studies evaluated in selected pregnant women the use of chemotherapy after organogenesis, however the long-term consequences for children exposed to intra-uterine chemotherapy is not fully determined. The potential risks and benefits of such therapy still have to be cautiously weighted. Hormone therapy increases the risk of spontaneous abortion and during pregnancy is contraindicated. No sufficient data about the use of many form of targeted therapy for pregnant women with cancer are available so far

    The study of palm and rapeseed oil stability during frying

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    Palm oil is characterized by high oxidation stability, high smoke point, low foam making properties, limited penetration into the product, what makes it ideal for processes requiring thermal treatment such as frying. The aim of the study was to investigate the chemical composition and thermooxidative stability of red palm olein, rapeseed oil and their mixtures during deep-frying of French fries. Analysis of fatty acids composition and basic parameters of fresh oils (acid number, peroxide value, polar compounds content, induction time) were performed. During frying, changes in acid number, polar compounds in oils as well as consumers’ acceptance of the fries fried in these oils were investigated. During the 32-hour of frying, the lowest chemical changes occurred in palm olein, what was confirmed by low acid values (0.99 mg KOH/g) and low polar content (14.4%). At the end of the experiment, the oil mixture had the highest polar fraction value of 25.0%. In the opinion of consumers, fries fried in rapeseed oil were “the best”, while French fries fried on palm oil were considered “artificial”, “chemical” and “disgusting”. The reason for this opinion was the addition of β-carotene to this oil. On the other hand β-carotene from palm olein had a great positive effect on the colour of the fries, but at the same time had a negative effect on the taste

    Obstetric results of the multicenter, nationwide, scientific-educational program for pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)

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    Objectives: The aim of the present study was to compare the obstetric results in women with GDM in a Polish population based on the criterion for the diagnosis of GDM. Material and methods: The study was a questionnaire study covering the data of 2853 patients with GDM treated in centers nationwide in the years 2011–2013. The principles of self-control, glycemic targets and treatment were based on the then-current PDA guidelines. Analysis of the collected data included an assessment of obstetric results based on the diagnostic criteria for GDM. Depending on the result of the glucose tolerance test, the patients were divided into subgroups. Results: 6.28% of births were preterm, and 47% were caesarean. A significant difference was observed in the number of preterm births between a subgroups: PDA(+) meeting only criterion 0’ and a PDA(+)meeting only criterion 120’ (16.67% vs. 5.83%); and between WHO(+) subgroup meeting only criterion 0’ with respect to the subgroup PDA(+) meeting only criterion 0’ (4.69% vs. 16.67%). Significant difference was found in the frequency of LGA between the WHO(-)PDA(+) and WHO(+)PDA(-) subgroups (6,57% vs. 14.93%), and between the WHO(-)PDA(+) group and a group of isolated hyperglycemia in 60’(6.57% vs. 12.5%). Also a significant positive correlation was observed between birth weight, the occurrence of LGA and macrosomia, and maternal weight and BMI before pregnancy. Conclusions: The results of the analysis indicate the new criteria have greater sensitivity in the prediction of prematurity and birth weight. However, it cannot be ruled out that the final results were affected by the therapeutic intervention employed

    Prognostic impact of combined fludarabine, treosulfan and mitoxantrone resistance profile in childhood acute myeloid leukemia

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    Background: The role of cellular drug resistance in childhood acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has not yet been established. The aim of the study was the analysis of the clinical value of ex vivo drug resistance in pediatric AML. Patients and Methods: A cohort of 90 children with de novo AML were assayed for drug resistance profile by the 3-4,5- dimethylthiazol-2-yl-2,5-difenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and prognostic model of in vitro drug sensitivity was analyzed. Results: Children who relapsed during follow-up showed higher in vitro resistance of leukemic blasts to most of the drugs tested, except for cytarabine, cladribine, vincristine, mercaptopurine and thioguanine. A combined in vitro drug resistance profile to fludarabine, treosulfan and mitoxantrone (FTM score) was defined and it had an independent prognostic significance for disease free survival in pediatric AML. Conclusion: The combined fludarabine, treosulfan and mitoxantrone resistance profile to possibly may be used for better stratification of children with AML or indicate the necessity for additional therapy

    Is FLT3 internal tandem duplication an unfavorable risk factor for high risk children with acute myeloid leukemia? : Polish experience

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    According to the AML-BFM 2004 Interim, a treatment protocol used in Poland since 2005, presence of FLT3 internal tandem duplication (FLT3/ITD) qualifies a patient with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) to a high-risk group (HRG). The present study was aimed to identify the prevalence of FLT3/ITD in children with AML in Poland and to evaluate its prognostic significance in the HRG patients. Out of 291 children with de novo AML treated in 14 Polish centers between January 2006 and December 2012, samples from 174 patients were available for FLT3/ITD analysis. Among study patients 108 children (61.7%) were qualified to HRG. Genomic DNA samples from bone marrow were tested for identification of FLT3/ITD mutation by PCR amplification of exon 14 and 15 of FLT3 gene. Clinical features and treatment outcome in patients with and without FLT3/ITD were analyzed in the study. The FLT3/ITD was found in 14 (12.9%) of 108 HRG children. There were no significant differences between children with and without FLT3/ITD in age and FAB distribution. The white blood cells count in peripheral blood at diagnosis was significantly higher (p <0.01) in the children with FLT3/ITD. Over 5-year overall survival rate for FLT3/ITD positive children was worse (42.4%) comparing to FLT3/ITD negative children (58.9%), but the statistical difference was not significant. However, over 5-year survivals free from treatment failures were similar. The FLT3/ITD rate (12.9%) observed in the study corresponded to the published data. There was no significant impact of FLT3/ITD mutation on survival rates, although further studies are needed on this subject

    Outcome of refractory and relapsed acute myeloid leukemia in children treated during 2005-2011 : experience of the Polish Pediatric Leukemia/Lymphoma Study Group (PPLLSG)

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    AIM OF THE STUDY: Recent studies showed relatively better outcome for children with refractory (refAML) and relapsed acute myeloid leukemia (relAML). Treatment of these patients has not been unified within Polish Pediatric Leukemia/Lymphoma Study Group (PPLLSG) so far. The goal of this study is to analyze the results of this therapy performed between 2005–2011. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The outcome data of 16 patients with refAML and 62 with relAML were analyzed retrospectively. Reinduction was usually based on idarubicine, fludarabine and cytarabine with allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (alloHSCT) in 5 refAML and 30 relAML children. RESULTS: Seventy seven percent relAML patients entered second complete remission (CR2). Five-year OS and disease-free survival (DFS) were estimated at 16% and 30%. The outcome for patients after alloHSCT in CR2 (63%) was better than that of those not transplanted (36%) with 5-year OS of 34% vs. 2-year of 7% and 5-year DFS of 40% vs. 12.5%. Second complete remission achievement and alloHSCT were the most significant predictors of better prognosis (p = 0.000 and p = 0.024). The outcome of refAML children was significantly worse than relAML with first remission (CR1) rate of 33%, OS and DFS of 25% at 3 years and 53% at 2 years, respectively. All survivors of refAML were treated with alloHSCT after CR1. CONCLUSIONS: The uniform reinduction regimen of the documented efficacy and subsequent alloHSCT in remission is needed to improve the outcome for ref/relAML children treated within PPLLSG. The focus should be on the future risk-directed both front and second line AML therapy