67 research outputs found

    Simulation of firebrands transport generated by the seat of fire

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    Physical and mathematical model of the seat of fire, taking into account the transport of firebrands from the combustion zone was developed. The results received in the study are tentative and can be used only for a qualitative description of the process. The motion of firebrands is mainly determined by the aerodynamic processes accompanying the combustion process. At the initial stage of the motion the medium and large size firebrands are transported by the rising flow in the direction to the upper boundary of the thermal column, then are trapped by a toroidal vortex and are transported from the combustion zone to the external boundary of the circulating flow, where they are deposited on the underlying surface. The maximum rise height of the particles transported from the peripheral area is smaller, and the transport range is greater compared to the particles transported from the central area. Large firebrands have a small specific surface area (the ratio between the particle surface area and volume) compared to small firebrands. As a result, the temperature of large firebrands during landing is above the critical one in contrast to small firebrands, which may initiate the ignition of the underlying surface and the formation of the secondary seat of fire. Β© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only

    The mathematical model of the chevron-arch gearing transmitter

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    The teeth of herringbone transmission wheels are obtained by docking two helical wheels with an opposite arrangement of teeth, which can solve the problem of the axial force. The mathematical model of coupling chevron teeth of the driving wheel in the area of their docking using the arch tooth fragment is developed. The conjugacy area surface of the driven wheel chevron teeth is obtained as the envelope of the surfaces family formed by the arched tooth during the process of the parts motion

    Experimental investigation of surface litter ignition by bark firebrands

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    Probability and conditions for ignition of surface litter (pine needles) caused by firebrands is studied in the laboratory conditions. For modeling of firebrands, pine bark of various sizes 10Γ—10, 15Γ—15, 20Γ—20, 25Γ—25, 30Γ—30 mm2 and 5β€…mm in thickness is used. The experiment was conducted in the absence of wind and at different wind velocities: 1, 1.5, 2 and 3β€…m/s. To conduct investigations, an experimental setup was constructed for generation of firebrands and their impact on surface litter. The results of experiments have shown that the increase in air velocity leads to the increase in probability of surface litter ignition. Thus, wind plays a role of catalyst in the ignition process, bringing an oxidizing agent to firebrands and supporting the process of smoldering. However, if the wind velocity is insufficient for ignition, then there is only the process of smoldering. The area of β€œuncertainty”, where there is smoldering of surface litter without transition to ignition, is found to decrease with increasing the wind velocity. Based on the received results, it can be concluded that the ignition curve of surface liter by firebrands is nonlinear and depends on the wind velocity. At the same time, there is no smoldering and ignition of surface litter for all the wind velocities and the particles with a size of 10 Γ— 10β€…mm2, regardless of their number

    Modeling of wood surface ignition by wildland firebrands

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    The probability of structural ignition is dependent both on physical properties of materials and the fire exposure conditions. In this study, the effect of firebrand characteristics (i.e., firebrand size, number of firebrands) on wood ignition behavior was considered. Mathematical modeling and laboratory experiment were conducted to better understand the conditions of wood ignition by a single or group of firebrands with different geometry. This model considers the heat exchange between the firebrands, wood layer and the gas phase, moisture evaporation in the firebrands and the diffusion gases of water vapor in the pyrolysis zone. In order to test and verify the model, a series of experiments to determine probability and conditions for ignition of wood-based materials (plywood, oriented strand board, chipboard) caused by wildland firebrands (pine twigs with a diameter of 6–8 mm and a length of 40 Β± 2 mm) were conducted. The experiments investigated the firebrand impact on the wood layer under different parameters, such as firebrand size and quantity, wind speed, and type of wood. The results of experiments showed that the increase in wind speed leads to the increase in probability of wood ignition. Based on the received results, it can be concluded that the ignition curve of wood samples by firebrands is nonlinear and depends on the wind speed and firebrand size as well as their quantity. At the same time, there is no ignition of wood samples in the range of wind speed of 0–1 m/s. The ignition of wood is possible with a decrease in the distance between the firebrands with a decrease in the firebrand length. This result agrees more closely with the model

    Simple energy barrier for component mixture of natural gases

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    This paper investigates the ability of a test molecule to overcome the energy barrier being in the gap between spherical nanoparticles. Three particles make a primitive structural element of composite porous material. The ability of molecules to converge with nanoparticles and then to move through more powerful repulsion field defines the filtration properties of porous materials. This paper presents the investigation of carbon nanoparticles and molecules of helium and methane bombarding them. Calculations proved that methane molecules can not get through three particles if the gap equals to 3.5β€…nm. For helium molecules this value makes 1.02β€…nm. These gaps remain the same when the size of nanoparticles increases. Therefore filters for helium separated from natural gas are to have nanopores within the range from 1.02β€…nm to 3.5β€…nm

    Numerical simulation of oil pool boundary evolution

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    The study of spatial distribution of hydrocarbon resources and forecasting their geographical location is of great importance for the most complete recovery of hydrocarbons from deposits. The present study gives new mathematical results in the theory of stratified fluid flow in a porous medium. This paper analyzes the evolution of oil pool boundary basing on vortex numerical model for movement of the boundary separating fluids of different densities. It presents the investigation of how the location of light fluid regarding the heavier fluid influences on the changes in the boundary between two media in case of various shifting of the well

    Filamentation of collimated Ti:sapphire-laser pulses in water

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    The results of experimental studies of the spatial characteristics of multiple filamentation terawatt femtosecond Ti:Salaser in water are presented. With an increase in initial power laser pulses increases the number of filaments, the length of the field is increased filamentation and reducing the length of the filaments have been shown. The distribution of the filaments in the longitudinal direction of the field of multiple filamentation has a maximum cross-sectional filament is shifted from the center to the periphery of the beam at the end region of filamentation. The minimum diameter of the beam on the track corresponds to the position of the maximum number of filaments. After the point of maximum impulse essentially loses energy in the initial direction of propagation. Upon reaching the pulse power 2 104 Pcr of multiple filamentation area is formed of a hollow cone, the apex directed to the radiation source

    Multiple filamentation Ti:Sapphire-laser pulses in water

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    The results of experimental studies of the spatial characteristics of multiple filamentation terawatt femtosecond Ti:Salaser in water are presented. With an increase in initial power laser pulses increases the number of filaments, the length of the field is increased filamentation and reducing the length of the filaments have been shown. The distribution of the filaments in the longitudinal direction of the field of multiple filamentation has a maximum cross-sectional filament is shifted from the center to the periphery of the beam at the end region of filamentation. The minimum diameter of the beam on the track corresponds to the position of the maximum number of filaments. After the point of maximum impulse essentially loses energy in the initial direction of propagation. Upon reaching the pulse power 2 104 Pcr of multiple filamentation area is formed of a hollow cone, the apex directed to the radiation source
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