753 research outputs found

    The current state of fish market in Ukraine

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    The fishing industry is an important component of the economy of Ukraine at the present stage of development. The development and implementation of the innovative technologies in fish farming and fish processing require mandatory and ongoing analysis of a fish market infrastructure. The demand for food protein, which is characterized by a balanced amino acid content is provided by fish and seafood at 20–30 %. The aim of this work was to understand a current state of a fish products market in Ukraine, its pricing and consumption. Based on the specialized literature the evaluation of a current state of fish and fish products consumption in Ukraine and own studies of the price category of fish products in Ukraine in recent years were conducted. We studied fish and fish products consumption per year per capita in Ukraine over the last 20 years, assortment of fish in Ukraine, the import of fish and fishery products by species, the product prices in UAH per kg both in previous years and today. According to international medical standards the annual consumption of fish and seafood should be 20 kg per person. At the same time in Ukraine according to the State Statistics Committee on the 01.01.2019 14.5 kg of fish and seafood came out per capita. In 2018–2019 herring traditionally remained a leader of consumption in Ukraine. Ukraine also imported such species of fish: mackerel, hake, herring, salmon, pilchards, pollack, capelin, sardines, notating. In addition pangasius, shrimp, blue whiting, mussels, squid, saury, Jack mackerel, sea bass, tuna, flounder, anchovies, smelt, cod, salmon and other species of fish, caviar and seafood are imported in Ukraine. The investigated assortment of fish in Ukraine is represented both domestic and imported products. The domestic production are: carp, pike, capelin, herring, mackerel, sprat, the imported products are: flounder, perch, pangasius, salmon, butter, hake, Pollock, capelin, nototenia, herring, mackerel, cod, tuna, tilapia (sole), sea trout, whiting and so forth. It is established that the condition of a fish market in Ukraine is affected by an unstable economic and political situation in the country, low solvency of the population, corruption and the high payables of the enterprises. In Ukraine a tendency towards a decrease in the volume of fish and fish products consumption by the population of Ukraine is observed annually, which is a consequence of the decline in fish catch and fish production, depreciation of fixed assets and a lack of financial support to the fishing industry

    Laser sounding of instantaneous and mean speed of wind using correlation method

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    The correlation methods for laser sounding of wind speed are based on mutual processing of lidar signals scattered from several spatially separated volumes at each altitude investigated. The time of atmospheric aerosol transport between the scattering volumes estimated by the position of maximum of the mutual correlation function is the measure of corresponding wind speed. In this case the distance between the scattering volumes (the measuring base), defining the time of aerosol movement through the measuring base also determines the lidar possibilities for measuring the instantaneous (during the time interval of several seconds) or the mean wind speed (some minutes). Based on the experimental investigations performed using two lidars, these possibilites are analyzed

    Some of the features of the viscoplastic media

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    The article considers the influence of the structure and the chemical composition of ground blast furnace slag on rheological properties of slag suspensions. Different composition and structure of blast furnace slags were studie

    The choice of the geometrical parameters of blade cascade as an major factor of efficiency of the axial-flow impeller

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    Розглянуто особливості вибору геометричних параметрів лопатевої ґратки малогабаритного осьового робочого колеса заглибного свердловинного насосу низької швидкохідності. Представлено результати чисельного моделювання, виконаного в програмному продукті ANSYS CFX дослідницької версії, яке включало у себе визначення параметрів серії робочих коліс з різною кількістю лопатей та різними значеннями осьової довжини. Визначено вплив на економічність та напірність ступеню значень густоти периферійної ґратки робочого колеса та оптимальний діапазон її варіювання.Purpose. Determining the range of optimal values of peripheral density of the blade cascades of an axial impeller with low specific speed (ns ≈ 300) by means of numerical simulation. Design/methodology/approach. Series of small-sized axial impellers were designed, in which the relative axial length changed at 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4 from the base axial length and the number of blades changed from 6 to 10. Hub/tip ratio and blade setting angle of the impeller remained unchanged. Numerical simulation in the software ANSYS CFX was conducted and dependences of head and the hydraulic efficiency from flow rate were obtained. Findings. The optimum range of values of the density of the blade cascades of an axial impeller with low specific speed was obtained, which corresponds to τ = 0,95 ... 1,25. Higher values should be chosen as needed to provide high pressure ratio. Originality/value. Obtained limiting value of density of the blade cascades of an axial impeller can be used in the design of axial turbomachinery with low flow rate at work on an incompressible medium.Рассмотрены особенности выбора геометрических параметров лопастной решетки малогабаритного осевого рабочего колеса погружного скважинного насоса низкой быстроходности. Представлены результаты численного эксперимента, выполненного в программном продукте ANSYS CFX университетской версии, который включал в себя исследования количества лопастей рабочего колеса, значений его осевой длинны, значений густоты периферийной решетки осевого рабочего колеса и их влияние на экономичность ступени

    The research of the maximum wind speed in Tomsk and calculations of dynamic load on antenna systems

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    The work is concerned with calculations and analysis of the maximum wind speed in Tomsk city. The data for analysis were taken from the TOR-station located in the north-eastern part of the city. The TOR-station sensors to measure a speed and a direction of wind are installed on the 10-meter meteorological mast. Wind is measured by M-63, which uses the standard approach and the program with one-minute averaging for wind gusts recording as well. According to the measured results in the research performed, the estimation of the dynamic and wind load on different types of antenna systems was performed. The work shows the calculations of wind load on ten types of antenna systems, distinguished by their different constructions and antenna areas. For implementation of calculations, we used methods developed in the Central Research and Development Institute of Building Constructions named after V.A. Kucherenko. The research results could be used for design engineering of the static antenna systems and mobile tracking systems for the distant objects

    Моделирование и прогнозирование комплексных экологических ситуаций на примере Черкасской области

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    Збільшення антропогенного тиску на навколишнє середовище вимагає комплексного підходу до прийняття рішень з метою контролю та прогнозування його забруднення. Слід брати до уваги вплив багатьох факторів, які можуть мати значний вплив, і велика кількість інформації, яку необхідно враховувати в процесі прийняття рішень. Тому актуальним завданням є створення методів та програмних засобів для обробки всієї наявної інформації та надання обґрунтованих рекомендацій для прийняття ефективних рішень, особливо в екологічно несприятливому регіоні, наприклад, у Черкаській області.The increase in anthropogenic pressure on the environment requires an integrated approach to decision-making in order to control and predict its pollution. The influence of many factors that can have a significant impact and large amounts of information that must be considered in the decision-making process should be taken into account. Therefore, the creation of methods and software tools for processing all the available information and giving reasonable recommendations for making effective decisions, especially in an environmentally unfriendly region such as the Cherkasy region, is an urgent task.Повышение антропогенной нагрузки на окружающую среду требует комплексного подхода к принятию решений с целью контроля и прогнозирования ее загрязнения. Влияние многих факторов, которые могут оказать значительное влияние, и большое количество информации, которая должна учитываться в процессе принятия решений, должны быть приняты во внимание. Поэтому создание методов и программных средств для обработки всей доступной информации и предоставления разумных рекомендаций для принятия эффективных решений, особенно в экологически неблагоприятном регионе, таком как Черкасская область, является актуальной задачей

    Influence of C(60) fullerene on the ischemia-reperfusion injury in the skeletal muscle of rat limb: mechanokinetic and biochemical analysis

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    Influence of the pristine C60 fullerene aqueous colloidal solution (C60FAS) on the ischemia-reperfusion injury in the skeletal muscle of rat limb was studied. Skeletal muscle damage effects were induced by 3 h lasting­ vascular ischemia. The impact of C60FAS was studied after its intramuscular injection immediately after 1 h of reper­fusion at different doses, namely: 1, 2 and 3 mg/kg of body weight. Changes in the mechanokinetic parame­ters of ischemic skeletal muscle contraction at different modes of functioning and biochemical parame­ters of blood were used as markers of ischemic injury, and analyzed in detail under action of C60FAS. The obtained results indicate on great promise of use of C60FAS to reduce the consequences of ischemic muscle trauma

    Use of Polarization Lidar for Investigation of Meteorological Formations

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    This paper presents the results of theoretical and experimental, investigations of depolarization characteristics of different meteorological formations. Experimental investigations are carried out with a monostatic lidar. The ruby laser radiation is polarized in a vertical plane. The radiation reflected is accepted by a lens system of 150 rom in diameter and a viewing angle of 12' and further it is divided by Wollaston prism into the components polarized orthogonally. In this case the principal plane of the prism is exposed parallel with the laser polarization plane. Investigations show the degree of radiation polarization, reflected from water clouds, to be changed within 1/0.7 (seldom up to 0.6) depending on their density. In most cases a signal reflected from the cloud leading edge is polarized completely. The time shift is observed between polarized and crosspolarized components of a Fignal, reflected from a cloud, depending on the density of a meteorological object. While penetrating into the cloud depth a degree of polarization decreases up to 0.8-0.7, and the character of this decrease is different for various types of clouds. For crystal clouds the shift between the components of the reflected signal is not observed and the magnitude of polarization degree amounts to 0.1/0.3 in comparison with water clouds. The polarization degree of radiation reflected by fog is not less than 0.6, and that in the rains of average intensity (about 5 mm/h) is always about 1. The authors have suggested an algorithm of numerical solution of nonstationary transfer equation in the vector form to forecast the influence of multiple scattering effects on polarization characteristics of the lidar light signal. The method of statistical simulation (Monte-Carlo technique) forms the basis of the algorithm. Numerical estimates obtained for a model of stratocumulus at lambda = 0.6943 microns under boundary conditions close to the conditions of natural experiment being discussed proved to be in a good agreement with the results of observation. Specifically, Fig. 1 shows the profiles of polarization (p) versus depth (L) of the following drop formations: fog (curve 1) with horizontal meteorological visibility of 4 km two stratocumulus at a height of 1100 m with the attenuation factors delta = 0.01m(exp -1) (curve 2) and delta = 0.05m(exp -1) (curve 3). Curve 3 shows the results of numerical estimates and the value of their statistical error