634 research outputs found
Monte Carlo modelling of Raman scattering in a multi-layered tissue
The report is concerned to Monte Carlo modelling of Raman scattering. A model of Raman scattering in multi-layered tissues has been built. A number and optical properties of tissue layers, number of photons, geometric size of the model and parameters of the light source may be varied by users. Some of computational results have been compared with other investigators.This research was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
The TGF-beta — SMAD pathway is inactivated in cronic lymphocytic leukemia cells
Aim: To study the status of the tumor growth factor beta (TGFB) pathway in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells and to uncover molecular details underlying CLL cell genesis. Objects and Methods: The study was conducted on peripheral blood samples of patients with CLL using the following methods: RNA isolation, analysis of expression of transcription factors using RT2 profiler assay, bioinformatics analysis of publicly available data bases on expression. Results: We have shown that the TGFB — SMAD canonical pathway is not active in CLL cells. SMAD-responsive genes, such as BCL2L1 (BCL-XL), CCND2 (Cyclin D2), and MYC, are down-regulated in CLL cells compared with peripheral blood B cells of healthy donors. Conclusions: The TGFB-mediated signaling is not active in CLL cells due to low (or absent) expression of SMAD1, -4, -5, -9, and ATF-3. Expression and phosphorylation status of SMAD2 and -3 should be further elucidated in the future studies
The TGF-beta — SMAD pathway is inactivated in cronic lymphocytic leukemia cells
Aim: To study the status of the tumor growth factor beta (TGFB) pathway in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells and to uncover molecular details underlying CLL cell genesis. Objects and Methods: The study was conducted on peripheral blood samples of patients with CLL using the following methods: RNA isolation, analysis of expression of transcription factors using RT2 profiler assay, bioinformatics analysis of publicly available data bases on expression. Results: We have shown that the TGFB — SMAD canonical pathway is not active in CLL cells. SMAD-responsive genes, such as BCL2L1 (BCL-XL), CCND2 (Cyclin D2), and MYC, are down-regulated in CLL cells compared with peripheral blood B cells of healthy donors. Conclusions: The TGFB-mediated signaling is not active in CLL cells due to low (or absent) expression of SMAD1, -4, -5, -9, and ATF-3. Expression and phosphorylation status of SMAD2 and -3 should be further elucidated in the future studies
Museum as a Social And Cultural Institution
The article views a social and cultural notion, its properties, methods of broadcasting, the role of the modern museum in this process.В статье рассматриваются понятие социокультурной памяти, ее свойства, способы трансляции, роль в этом процессе современного музея
Регуляторы роста и их действие на биологические признаки груши
The research was carried out at the experimental site of the Caspian Agrarian Federal Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2019-2021. The object of study was the fruit-bearing variety Talgar beauty. Pear trees lived under control without processing. The subject of the tests was preparations of natural origin Amulet and Ovary fruit. The analysis showed that against the background of management, both drugs accelerated fruit ripening, most of all the Ovary drug. Experimental data were processed using the method of dispersion analysis according to B.A. Dospekhov. Records and observations were carried out per the Program and methodology of various fruit, berry and nut crop studies (1999). The soil cover of the site is represented by light chestnut, carbonate, thick and medium-sized soils with a humus content of 0.40 cm 1.02% in the arable layer. The ripening of the fruits in the Ovary variants occurred 7-10 days earlier than the control and seven days earlier than the Amulet variants. Only single leaves were affected by brown spotting in variants using growth regulators. The damage caused by honeydew and aphids did not exceed 12-16%. As a result, the Ovary drug stimulated earlier fruit ripening, and the Amulet increased resistance to critical temperatures. Joint treatment with Amulet and Ovary preparations provided the most significant marketability: the yield of fruits of the highest and first grade, the one-dimensionality of fruits. The marketability of fruits was 74-91%, and in control, only 66.0%.Исследования проводились на опытном участке ФГБНУ «Прикаспийский аграрный федеральный научный центр РАН» в 2019–2021 гг. Объектом изучения был плодоносящий сорт Талгарская красавица. Контролем служили деревья груши без обработки. Предметом испытаний являлись препараты природного происхождения Оберег и Завязь плодовая. Анализ показал, что на фоне контроля оба препарата ускорили созревание плодов, наиболее всего препарат Завязь. Экспериментальные данные обработаны с помощью метода дисперсионного анализа по Б.А. Доспехову. Учёты и наблюдения проводились в соответствии с Программой и методикой сортоизучения плодовых, ягодных и орехоплодных культур (1999). Почвенный покров участка представлен светло-каштановыми, карбонатными, мощными и среднемощными почвами с содержанием гумуса в пахотном слое 0–40 см 1,02 %. Созревание плодов в вариантах с использованием Завязи наступило на 7–10 дней раньше контроля и на 7 дней раньше вариантов с Оберегом. В вариантах с применением регуляторов роста бурой пятнистостью поражены были лишь единичные листья. Повреждение медяницей и тлей не превышало 12–16 %. В итоге препарат Завязь стимулировал более раннее созревание плодов, а Оберег увеличивал устойчивость к критическим температурам. Совместная обработка препаратами Оберег и Завязь обеспечила наибольшую товарность: выход плодов высшего и первого сорта, одномерность плодов. Товарность плодов составила 74–91 %, а в контроле всего 66,0%.
Monte Carlo simulation of Raman light scattering in a human skin
The paper presents an algorithm for simulating Raman light scattering inside a human skin using the Monte Carlo method. The proposed algorithm uses the photon transport algorithm developed by L. Wang and S. Jacques as a basis and permits to model heterogeneities of various sizes and topologies caused by pathological processes. A skin optical model has been built with optical transport parameters compiled from Meglinski et al., Jacques and Raman active components of skin cancer from Xu Feng et al. As the most important model components collagen, elastin, keratin, cell nucleus, triolein, ceramide, melanin and water are chosen. Raman spectra of normal human skin, malignant melanoma and basal cell carcinoma skin cancers have been simulated. The reconstructed Raman spectra reached reasonably good match with the skin spectra measured in vivo. The possibility of using the algorithm to estimate changes in the concentration of skin components with the development of malignant neoplasm by modeling Raman spectra of normal skin and skin with the malignant neoplasm and comparing them with the corresponding experimental Raman spectra is examined.This study was supported by the RFBR Grant № 19-52-18001 Bolg_а and the Russian Federation President grant for state support of young scientists (project MK-1888.2019.2)
Russian Colloquial Speech: Aspects of Research and Relevant Issues
The article was submitted on 25.05.2019.Статья содержит аналитический обзор развития коллоквиалистики – лингвистической дисциплины, нацеленной на изучение современной русской разговорной речи. В настоящее время данный феномен осмыслен как генетически первичная подсистема национального русского языка, характеризующаяся качественным лингвистическим своеобразием по сравнению с кодифицированными разновидностями литературного языка. Цель авторов – проследить процесс становления коллоквиалистики в лингвистических рамках, а также во взаимодействии с другими ветвями гуманитарного знания. Ставится задача характеристики этапов развития науки о разговорной речи на базе определенных научных парадигм, а также выявления наиболее острых и актуальных проблем, встающих перед исследователями разговорного материала. Отражаются результаты публикационной деятельности специалистов в области фиксации разговорного речевого материала, его анализа и лексикографического обобщения. Показано изменение самого объекта изучения в зависимости от развития современных информационных технологий. Статья структурирована на аспектном основании. В первом разделе характеризуются собственно лингвистический и лингвопрагматический (речедеятельностный) аспекты изучения разговорной речи. Второй раздел посвящен становлению комплексного лингвокультурологического направления при изучении живой речи горожан на базе сближения коллоквиалистики и культурологии. Лингвистическое исследование разговорной речи начиналось с определения статусных характеристик объекта и его системно-структурного описания. С развитием коммуникативной лингвистики разговорный материал рассматривается как речевая деятельность в контексте определенной ситуации, формируется дискурсивный анализ разговорного диалога. Актуальными проблемами коллоквиалистики на этих этапах являются языковой/речевой статус разговорного материала, отношение разговорной речи к системе функциональных стилей русского языка, проблема интегративности разговорного диалога. Культурологическая значимость разговорной речи как естественного носителя сведений о национальной культуре в настоящее время осознана, но еще не конкретизирована. В статье характеризуется коммуникативно-культурологический подход, целью которого является описание жанровой специфики разговорной речи. Он опирается на понятия лингвопрагматики и лингвистики текста, на применение сценарного метода. В настоящее время наиболее актуально исследование ценностного содержания неформального речевого общения в опоре на понятия и парадигмы культурологии («речевой идеал», «система ценностей»), что названо собственно культурологическим аспектом коллоквиалистики.This article provides an analytical review of the development of colloquial speech studies, a linguistic discipline aimed at researching modern Russian conversational speech. Currently, the phenomenon is regarded as a genetically primary subsystem of the national Russian language, one characterised by qualitative linguistic peculiarity in comparison with the codified varieties of the literary language. The authors aim to trace the formation of colloquial speech studies in a linguistic framework and in terms of its interaction with other branches of the humanities. The task is to characterise the developmental stages of colloquial speech studies with reference to certain scholarly paradigms and identify the most relevant issues facing researchers of colloquial material. The article reflects results published by specialists in fixing colloquial material, analysis, and lexicographic synthesis. The authors also demonstrate that changes to the object of research itself have been caused by the development of modern information technologies. The structure of the article is based on the aspect principle. The first section describes the linguistic and linguo-pragmatic (speech) aspects proper of colloquial speech studies. The second section concerns the formation of an integrated linguistic and cultural direction in research on the living speech of citizens based on the convergence of colloquial speech studies and cultural studies. Linguistic research on spoken language began with the establishment of the status characteristics of the object and its system and structural description. With the development of communicative linguistics, colloquial material is now viewed as a speech activity in the context of a specific situation, with discursive analysis of conversational dialogue being formed. At this stage, the language/speech status of colloquial material, the interaction of colloquial speech, the system of functional styles of the Russian language, and the problem of integrativeness of colloquial dialogue are the most relevant issues of colloquial speech studies. As of now, the cultural significance of spoken language as a natural medium of information about a national culture has been realised but it has not taken any specific form. The authors characterise the communicative and cultural approach, the purpose of which is to describe the peculiarities of colloquial speech. This is based on the concepts of linguo-pragmatics and linguistics of text and the scenario method. Currently, it is most relevant to study the value content of informal speech communication by referring to the concepts and paradigms of cultural studies (speech ideal, value system), which is known as the cultural dimension of colloquial speech studies proper.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ, грант 18–012–00382, и программы 211 Правительства Российской Федерации, соглашение № 02A03.21.0006
Originality of Author’s Position as a Playful Dialogue with Reader in Novel by M. Ende «Der Spiegel im Spiegel»
The article is devoted to the study of the category of the game and its embodiment in the form of specific game techniques in discourse. The research material was the work of M. Ende «Der Spiegel im Spiegel». The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that the combined connections of artistic stories form irrational worlds. The relevance of the study is due to the growing interest of researchers in the surrealist reflection of reality in a literary text. It is shown in the work that play is a process of personality formation and a kind of free human activity. Special attention is paid to the theoretical analysis of fairytale discourse. The principle of semantic and compositional connection of individual works of the cycle of stories is brought into consideration. The article deals with the issues of realization by characters of literary texts of the key parameters of play and non-play in mythological discourse. Attention is paid to the main variants of human behavior. The question is also raised about the physical properties of mirrors, which are implicit markers of various symbols. Special attention is paid to the spherical mirror. It is shown that M. Ende’s work is based on the principle of the panoramic reflection effect
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