15 research outputs found


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    Contemporary society provides people with various ways of personality development. Young people are most susceptible to changes that occur in economics, politics, and technology. Different types of life strategies are formed and realized by young women and men, and they eventually transform public consciousness in general. The article is devoted to the analysis of life strategies and scenarios of female students living in Russia and European countries. For this purpose, a series of in-depth interviews with girls was conducted, as well as a visual analysis of the accounts of young women on the social network Instagram. Today, the process of westernization is observable – the adoption of Western European structures, practices, and lifestyles by non-European societies and countries has become a significant cultural phenomenon. Thus, based on the data obtained, it is possible to define a life strategy as a system of ideas and guidelines of the individual, aimed at the conscious design of the future. It determines and directs the behavior of individuals, reflecting the idea of the future and life path. A life strategy includes not only orientations, but also ways to achieve and realize certain goals and expectations.A sociedade contemporânea oferece às pessoas várias formas de desenvolvimento da personalidade. Os jovens são os mais susceptíveis às mudanças que ocorrem na economia, na política e na tecnologia. As mulheres e os homens jovens formam e realizam diferentes tipos de estratégias de vida, que acabam por transformar a consciência pública em geral. O artigo é dedicado à análise das estratégias e cenários de vida de estudantes do sexo feminino que vivem na Rússia e em países europeus. Para o efeito, foi realizada uma série de entrevistas em profundidade com raparigas, bem como uma análise visual das contas de jovens mulheres na rede social Instagram. Hoje em dia, o processo de ocidentalização é observável - a adoção de estruturas, práticas e estilos de vida da Europa Ocidental por sociedades e países não europeus tornou-se um fenómeno cultural significativo. Assim, com base nos dados obtidos, é possível definir uma estratégia de vida como um sistema de ideias e directrizes do indivíduo, que visa a conceção consciente do futuro. Determina e orienta o comportamento dos indivíduos, reflectindo a ideia de futuro e de percurso de vida. Uma estratégia de vida inclui não só orientações, mas também formas de alcançar e realizar determinados objectivos e expectativas

    Reconsidering the tradition: the Odinic hero as saga protagonist

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    The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate and reconceive the scholarly understanding of one of Óðinn’s aspects – Óðinn as a patron to a mortal hero figure. This theme runs through a number of Old Icelandic and continental Scandinavian texts, but it is most widely represented in the fornaldarsaga genre. To formalise the discussion as well as the choice of material, the concept of the Odinic hero complex was introduced, which encompasses narrative structures, imagery and other material associated in the sagas with a protagonist helped and betrayed by Óðinn. This Odinic hero narrative has been looked at on the example of three fornaldarsǫgur, Vǫlsunga saga, Hrólfs saga kraka and Gautreks saga, as well as learned Latin texts connected to saga literature. The analysis also relied on the evidence of saga narratives that do not explicitly demonstrate the complete Odinic hero complex, but contains significant thematic parallelism to the main sources; these secondary sources included Hálfs saga ok hálfsrekka, Ǫrvar-Odds saga and Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks. The findings support the notion that a number of historians of religion have proposed, that there is a clear structural connection between the Odinic hero paradigm, initiation sequences and the themes of berserkir and shapeshifting. On the other hand, the dissertation shows that this thematic unity is in many cases a younger phenomenon than usually proposed, which leads to the necessity to re-evaluate a number of fornaldarsǫgur as sources on Old Scandinavian mythology and read them from a different perspective

    Reconsidering the tradition: the Odinic hero as saga protagonist

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    The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate and reconceive the scholarly understanding of one of Óðinn’s aspects – Óðinn as a patron to a mortal hero figure. This theme runs through a number of Old Icelandic and continental Scandinavian texts, but it is most widely represented in the fornaldarsaga genre. To formalise the discussion as well as the choice of material, the concept of the Odinic hero complex was introduced, which encompasses narrative structures, imagery and other material associated in the sagas with a protagonist helped and betrayed by Óðinn. This Odinic hero narrative has been looked at on the example of three fornaldarsǫgur, Vǫlsunga saga, Hrólfs saga kraka and Gautreks saga, as well as learned Latin texts connected to saga literature. The analysis also relied on the evidence of saga narratives that do not explicitly demonstrate the complete Odinic hero complex, but contains significant thematic parallelism to the main sources; these secondary sources included Hálfs saga ok hálfsrekka, Ǫrvar-Odds saga and Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks. The findings support the notion that a number of historians of religion have proposed, that there is a clear structural connection between the Odinic hero paradigm, initiation sequences and the themes of berserkir and shapeshifting. On the other hand, the dissertation shows that this thematic unity is in many cases a younger phenomenon than usually proposed, which leads to the necessity to re-evaluate a number of fornaldarsǫgur as sources on Old Scandinavian mythology and read them from a different perspective

    Maaperän ja kasvillisuuden ravinteet Tohmajärven laidunkokeessa vuosina 1994-2004

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    Tohmajärven metsälaidunnuskokeessa selvitettiin monitieteisellä tutkimuksella emolehmien laidunnuksen vaikutusta laidunympäristöön. Samalla seurattiin lehmien tuotosta. Koealoina oli kaksi metsälaidunlohkoa ja yksi niittylohko. Maaperän ja kasvillisuuden pääravinteet määritettiin koealueelta vuosina 1995 1996 ja 2004 2005 standardimenetelmin. Näiden lisäksi tehtiin maaperän sukkulamatoanalyysit mittaamaan ravinnekierron muutoksia. Tohmajärven koealue osoittautui heterogeeniseksi. Kaikki koelohkot olivat erilaisia varttunut koivikko oli ravinteikkain ja sekametsä niukkaravinteisin. Koivikkoalueen sisällä ravinnepitoisuuksien vaihtelu tosin oli melko suurta. Kokeessa laidunpaine etenkin metsälohkoilla oli suhteellisen pieni, ja laiduntamisen vaikutukset näkyivätkin parhaiten intensiivisemmin laidunnetulla niityllä. Sukkulamatoanalyysien perusteella ravinnekierto kiihtyi etenkin niityllä kymmenen vuoden aikana, mutta uuttuvien ravinteiden määrässä ei havaittu merkittäviä muutoksia sen paremmin niityllä kuin metsässäkään. Ravinteista vain kaliumia saatiin koko alueelta kokeen päättyessä enemmän kuin kokeen alkuvaiheessa; kalsium, magnesium ja fosfori olivat vähentyneet. Laiduntamattomille koealoille kertyi nopeasti orgaanista ainetta, ja tätä kautta sekä maaperän kokonaishiilipitoisuus että -typpipitoisuus nousivat. Kokonaistyppitaso jäi silti vain 0,2 0,6 prosenttiin. Kasvien P-, K-, Mg- ja Ca-pitoisuudet pysyivät ennallaan tai laskivat kokeen aikana. Tohmajärven kokeessa laidunnus pienellä laidunpaineella ei muuttanut kymmenessä vuodessa olennaisesti alueen ravinnekiertoa.vokMyynti MTT Tietopalvelut 31600 Jokioine

    Biodiversity of <i>rolB/C</i>-like Natural Transgene in the Genus <i>Vaccinium</i> L. and Its Application for Phylogenetic Studies

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    A variety of plant species found in nature contain agrobacterial T-DNAs in their genomes which they transmit in a series of sexual generations. Such T-DNAs are called cellular T-DNAs (cT-DNAs). cT-DNAs have been discovered in dozens of plant genera, and are suggested to be used in phylogenetic studies, since they are well-defined and unrelated to other plant sequences. Their integration into a particular chromosomal site indicates a founder event and a clear start of a new clade. cT-DNA inserts do not disseminate in the genome after insertion. They can be large and old enough to generate a range of variants, thereby allowing the construction of detailed trees. Unusual cT-DNAs (containing the rolB/C-like gene) were found in our previous study in the genome data of two Vaccinium L. species. Here, we present a deeper study of these sequences in Vaccinium L. Molecular-genetic and bioinformatics methods were applied for sequencing, assembly, and analysis of the rolB/C-like gene. The rolB/C-like gene was discovered in 26 new Vaccinium species and Agapetes serpens (Wight) Sleumer. Most samples were found to contain full-size genes. It allowed us to develop approaches for the phasing of cT-DNA alleles and reconstruct a Vaccinium phylogenetic relationship. Intra- and interspecific polymorphism found in cT-DNA makes it possible to use it for phylogenetic and phylogeographic studies of the Vaccinium genus

    Vasovagal Syncope Is Associated with Variants in Genes Involved in Neurohumoral Signaling Pathways

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    Vasovagal syncope (VVS) is the most common cause of sudden loss of consciousness. VVS results from cerebral hypoperfusion, due to abnormal autonomic control of blood circulation, leading to arterial hypotension. It is a complex disease, and its development is largely associated with genetic susceptibility. Since abnormal neurohumoral regulation plays an important role in VVS development, we analyzed the association of VVS with polymorphic variants of ADRA1A, ADRB1, HTR1A, ADORA2A, COMT, and NOS3 genes, the products of which are involved in neurohumoral signaling, in patients with a confirmed VVS diagnosis (157 subjects) and individuals without a history of syncope (161 subjects). We were able to identify the associations between VVS and alleles/genotypes ADRA1A rs1048101, ADRB1 rs1801253, ADORA2A rs5751876, and COMT rs4680, as well as NOS3 rs2070744 in biallelic combination with COMT rs4680. Thus, we are the first to observe, within a single study, the role of the genes that encode &alpha;- and &beta;-adrenergic receptors, catechol-O-methyltransferase, adenosine receptors and nitric oxide synthase in VVS development. These findings demonstrate that the genes involved in neurohumoral signaling pathways contribute to the formation of a genetic susceptibility to VVS

    Authigenic carbonates related to gas seepage structures in the Sea of Okhotsk (NE offshore Sakhalin): Results from the Chaos Project

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    Mineralogical and isotopic analysis of authigenic carbonates from different gas hydrate-bearing seepage structures in the Derugin Basin (Sea of Okhotsk) are presented. The analysis showed the existence of four morphological types of carbonates, with all of them mainly of Mg-calcite.13C values of carbonates generally light owing to the inheritance of carbon from microbial methane. 13C-enriched samples at the VNIIOkeangeologia structure with 13C values of up to +9.3‰ represent carbonate precipitation due to methanogenesis. The calculated equilibrium 18O values of carbonates in general correspond to measured values.Non UBCUnreviewe

    Spectral homogeneity of human platelets investigated by SERS.

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    This paper describes a detailed study of the spectral homogeneity of human platelets using Surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS). We used a combined approach based on multivariate methods as principal component analysis and pair correlation algorithms to investigate platelets spectral properties. The correlation coefficients for each sample have been calculated, and the average coefficient of determination has been estimated. The high degree of spectral homogeneity inside one probe and between them has been revealed. The prospects of obtained results usage for pathologies based on platelet conformations during cardiovascular diseases have been demonstrated