54 research outputs found


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    Permasalahan konflik penjadwalan ruangan (timetabling) sering dihadapi hampir sebagian besar institusi akademis di Indonesia, salah satunya di Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia (Fasilkom UI). Peningkatan jumlah mahasiswa setiap tahun yang tidak diikuti oleh peningkatan jumlah dan kapasitas kelas menjadi faktor penyebab utama. Selama ini sistem penjadwalan masih dilakukan secara manual, sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang relatif lama dan menyebabkan optimasi pengalokasian kebutuhan ruangan menjadi kurang efisien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan pendekatan yang sesuai dalam menyelesaikan masalah timetabling tersebut. Beberapa pendekatan yang dapat digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini antara lain algoritma Tabu Search, Simmulated Annealing, Graph Coloring, dan Integer Linear Programming (ILP). Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan algoritma ILP karena ILP merupakan model yang paling tepat untuk menyelesaikan masalah timetabling di Fasilkom UI. Algoritma ini dapat meminimalkan waktu yang diperlukan untuk melakukan penjadwalan dari sebulan menjadi hitungan menit. Room scheduling conflict issues (timetabling) are facing most of the academic institutions in Indonesia, one is in the Faculty of Computer Science (Fasilkom) Universitas Indonesia (UI). In the number of students each year followed by no increase in the number and capacity of the class became the main factor. During this scheduling system is still done manually so it takes a relatively long time so that the optimization is less efficient allocation of space requirements. This study aims to find an appropriate approach in solving the timetabling problem. Several approaches can be used to solve these problems include Tabu Search algorithm, Simmulated Annealing, Graph Coloring, and Integer Linear Programming (ILP). In this study we used the ILP algorithm for ILP is the most appropriate model to solve the timetabling problem in Fasilkom UI. This algorithm can minimize the time required to perform the scheduling of a month becomes a matter of minutes

    Late Quaternary Distribution of the Cycladophora davisiana Radiolarian Species: Reflection of Possible Ventilation of the North Pacific Intermediate Water during the Last Glacial Maximum

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    A comparison of micropaleontological data on the distribution of the Cycladophora davisiana radiolarian species in the surface sediment layer and the Late Quaternary sediments from the Subarctic Pacific and Far East marginal seas allowed conclusions concerning the possible conditions and occurrence of intermediate waters during the last glacial maximum. We used the modern data on the C. davisiana species, which is a micropaleontological indicator of the cold oxygen-rich upper intermediate water mass, which is now forming only in the Sea of Okhotsk. The high amount of C. davisiana in sediments of the last glacial maximum may point to the possible formation and expansion of the ventilated intermediate water in the most part of the Subarctic paleo-Pacific: the Bering Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk, within the NW Gyre, and in the Gulf of Alaska

    Life on the ice-edge: Paleoenvironmental significance of the radiolarian species Amphimelissa setosa in the northern hemisphere

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    The high-latitude Northern Hemisphere is a key region in the global climate balance. Variations in sea-ice extent affect biological productivity, CO2 exchange and carbon drawdown. Marine proxies indicative of proximity of the ice-marginal zone are therefore essential to understand these processes. Amphimelissa setosa is nowadays a dominant radiolarian species in the Arctic basin and very abundant in the high-latitude North Atlantic. This species, now absent from the North Pacific, has been widely used as a qualitative proxy of modern and past environmental conditions in the high-latitude Northern Hemisphere. Using our new and published data on the distribution of A. setosa in plankton, sediment trap, surface sediment and downcore samples, we provide a quantitative ecological context for the occurrence of this species. We find that the optimal depth and season of A. setosa in the modern North Atlantic and the Chukchi Sea are 160 m and the late boreal summer/early fall (August–October), respectively. A regression model combining environmental variables (temperature, salinity, silicate and chlorophyll-a concentrations, apparent oxygen utilization, sea-ice) at that season and depth, are able to explain 43% of the distribution of this species in surface sediments. Based on these new findings, we conclude that the presence of A. setosa in surface sediments is closely related to high primary production in the proximity of the sea-ice and areas of ice rafting. The onset of this species started at ca. 1.5 Ma in the North Pacific, linked to a gradual cooling, increased silica availability and southward advance of the ice-margins since the Early Pleistocene. Amphimelissa setosa’s decline in this region was likely caused by the development of a quasi-permanent halocline, perennial sea-ice and depletion of silica during marine isotope stage 4. In the high-latitude North Atlantic, the relative abundance of A. setosa appears to be related to cooling and supply of dissolved silica from the continent during ice-rafting events. The comprehensive approach taken in this study suggest that A. setosa is a useful proxy to explore past variations in the ice-cover in the high-latitude Northern Hemisphere.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology | Ref. 0149-2019-000

    Late Quaternary polycystine radiolarian datum events in the Sea of Okhotsk

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    Five radiolarian datum events have been recorded in the Late Quaternary sediment section from the Sea of Okhotsk, using age assignments based on oxygen-isotope stratigraphy: the last occurrence datum (LOD) of Stylacontarium acquilonium (at about 329 ka), the LOD of Spongodiscus sp. (at about 287 ka), the LOD of Amphimelissa setosa (at about 72 ka), the LOD of Lychnocanoma nipponica sakaii (at about 28 ka), and the L. nipponica sakaii acme event (at about 72 ka). The LODs of S. acquilonium, Spongodiscus sp. and A. setosa appear to be synchronous in comparison with those in the Subarctic North Pacific, but the LOD and the acme event of L. nipponica sakaii show an apparent diachroneity with the corresponding North Pacific events

    Late Quaternary polycystine radiolarian datum events in the Sea of Okhotsk

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    Five radiolarian datum events have been recorded in the Late Quaternary sediment section from the Sea of Okhotsk, using age assignments based on oxygen-isotope stratigraphy: the last occurrence datum (LOD) of Stylacontarium acquilonium (at about 329 ka), the LOD of Spongodiscus sp. (at about 287 ka), the LOD of Amphimelissa setosa (at about 72 ka), the LOD of Lychnocanoma nipponica sakaii (at about 28 ka), and the L. nipponica sakaii acme event (at about 72 ka). The LODs of S. acquilonium, Spongodiscus sp. and A. setosa appear to be synchronous in comparison with those in the Subarctic North Pacific, but the LOD and the acme event of L. nipponica sakaii show an apparent diachroneity with the corresponding North Pacific events

    Las fronteras : espacios de encuentro y cooperación

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    Esta publicación recoge las ideas centrales expuestas por diversos autores y autoras acerca del tema de las fronteras en América Latina, que constituyen espacios donde más se expresan las vulnerabilidades mutuas entre países. Esta publicación busca promover un nuevo enfoque de las fronteras como espacios de encuentro y cooperación que contribuyan a la consolidación de buenas prácticas entre los países vecinos y a la integración regional

    Late Quaternary changes of the oxygen conditions in the bottom and intermediate waters on the western Kamchatka continental slope, the Sea of Okhotsk

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    Microfossil data on the foraminifers and radiolarians in the sediment core KOMEX LV28-44-3, the Kamchatka slope in the eastern Sea of Okhotsk, exhibit the changes in the water oxygen conditions during the last 146 ky. The paleoenvironmental proxies are the radiolarian species Cycladophora davisiana as indicator of the upper intermediate water ventilation, and the benthic/planktonic foraminifers as indicators of the bioproductivity and bottom water oxygenation. In case of sediment core LV28-44-3, the bottom water represents the lower intermediate one, so that conclusions on paleoenvironments are applicable for the most range of the local intermediate water. The well-oxygenated intermediate and near-bottom waters existed in the area of study during the penultimate glaciation of MIS 6, Early Weichselian initiation of the last glaciation within MIS 5b–d, and last glacial stages of MIS 3–2. The intervals of the short low-O2 bottom events with suboxic conditions (dissolved O2 in water 0.3–1.2 ml/l) occur during the last interglacial MIS 5e (Eemian stage) 125 to 113 ka, and during the last deglaciation 17.5 to 6.5 ka. Eemian low-O2 bottom events are associated with the high bioproductivity of the subsurface water but poor ventilation on the upper intermediate depths. The low-O2 bottom events during the last deglaciation occurred at the high bioproductivity of the subsurface water and active ventilation on the upper intermediate depths