1,501 research outputs found

    Back-reaction and effective acceleration in generic LTB dust models

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    We provide a thorough examination of the conditions for the existence of back-reaction and an "effective" acceleration (in the context of Buchert's averaging formalism) in regular generic spherically symmetric Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) dust models. By considering arbitrary spherical comoving domains, we verify rigorously the fulfillment of these conditions expressed in terms of suitable scalar variables that are evaluated at the boundary of every domain. Effective deceleration necessarily occurs in all domains in: (a) the asymptotic radial range of models converging to a FLRW background, (b) the asymptotic time range of non-vacuum hyperbolic models, (c) LTB self-similar solutions and (d) near a simultaneous big bang. Accelerating domains are proven to exist in the following scenarios: (i) central vacuum regions, (ii) central (non-vacuum) density voids, (iii) the intermediate radial range of models converging to a FLRW background, (iv) the asymptotic radial range of models converging to a Minkowski vacuum and (v) domains near and/or intersecting a non-simultaneous big bang. All these scenarios occur in hyperbolic models with negative averaged and local spatial curvature, though scenarios (iv) and (v) are also possible in low density regions of a class of elliptic models in which local spatial curvature is negative but its average is positive. Rough numerical estimates between -0.003 and -0.5 were found for the effective deceleration parameter. While the existence of accelerating domains cannot be ruled out in models converging to an Einstein de Sitter background and in domains undergoing gravitational collapse, the conditions for this are very restrictive. The results obtained may provide important theoretical clues on the effects of back-reaction and averaging in more general non-spherical models.Comment: Final version accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravity. 47 pages in IOP LaTeX macros, 12 pdf figure

    Probing the interiors of the ice giants: Shock compression of water to 700 GPa and 3.8 g/ccm

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    Recently there has been tremendous increase in the number of identified extra-solar planetary systems. Our understanding of their formation is tied to exoplanet internal structure models, which rely upon equations of state of light elements and compounds like water. Here we present shock compression data for water with unprecedented accuracy that shows water equations of state commonly used in planetary modeling significantly overestimate the compressibility at conditions relevant to planetary interiors. Furthermore, we show its behavior at these conditions, including reflectivity and isentropic response, is well described by a recent first-principles based equation of state. These findings advocate this water model be used as the standard for modeling Neptune, Uranus, and "hot Neptune" exoplanets, and should improve our understanding of these types of planets.Comment: Accepted to Phys. Rev. Lett.; supplementary material attached including 2 figures and 2 tables; to view attachments, please download and extract the gzipped tar source file listed under "Other formats

    Weighed scalar averaging in LTB dust models, part I: statistical fluctuations and gravitational entropy

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    We introduce a weighed scalar average formalism ("q-average") for the study of the theoretical properties and the dynamics of spherically symmetric Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) dust models models. The "q-scalars" that emerge by applying the q-averages to the density, Hubble expansion and spatial curvature (which are common to FLRW models) are directly expressible in terms of curvature and kinematic invariants and identically satisfy FLRW evolution laws without the back-reaction terms that characterize Buchert's average. The local and non-local fluctuations and perturbations with respect to the q-average convey the effects of inhomogeneity through the ratio of curvature and kinematic invariants and the magnitude of radial gradients. All curvature and kinematic proper tensors that characterize the models are expressible as irreducible algebraic expansions on the metric and 4-velocity, whose coefficients are the q-scalars and their linear and quadratic local fluctuations. All invariant contractions of these tensors are quadratic fluctuations, whose q-averages are directly and exactly related to statistical correlation moments of the density and Hubble expansion scalar. We explore the application of this formalism to a definition of a gravitational entropy functional proposed by Hosoya et al (2004 Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 141302). We show that a positive entropy production follows from a negative correlation between fluctuations of the density and Hubble scalar, providing a brief outline on its fulfillment in various LTB models and regions. While the q-average formalism is specially suited for LTB and Szekeres models, it may provide a valuable theoretical insight on the properties of scalar averaging in inhomogeneous spacetimes in general.Comment: 27 pages in IOP format, 1 figure. Matches version accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Quantifying Thermal‐Imager Effectiveness for Detecting Bird Nests on Farms

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    We conducted a designed experiment to test whether having a thermal‐imaging camera available affected researchers’ nest detection rates when searching for bird nests in cropland and grassland habitat in an agricultural landscape of Iowa, USA, in 2016. With known active nests present, naïve observers searched for nests with and without a thermal imager available. We did not find a difference in detection probabilities, although only a large difference would have been detectable with our sample size. Extraneous heat signatures from reflected solar radiation and dense vegetation were key factors limiting the usefulness of thermal imagers for locating nests

    Hubble expansion variance and the cosmic rest frame

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    Average homogeneity is only reached on scales greater than 70{100h1Mpc yet standard peculiar velocity approaches assume an most Euclidean geometry below this scale. Furthermore, the Friedmann equation is applied in the nonlinear regime, although this has no motivation in the fundamental principles of general relativity. We investigate the variance of the Hubble expansion in a manner which makes no prior geometrical assumptions, other than the existence of a suitably averaged linear Hubble law. We use the COMPOSITE data set of 4534 galaxies [Watkins, Feldman and Hudson (2009)]

    Advancing oral medicine through informatics and information technology: a proposed framework and strategy.

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    The implementation of information technology in healthcare is a significant focus for many nations around the world. However, information technology support for clinical care, research and education in oral medicine is currently poorly developed. This situation hampers our ability to transform oral medicine into a 'learning healthcare discipline' in which the divide between clinical practice and research is diminished and, ultimately, eliminated. This paper reviews the needs of and requirements for information technology support of oral medicine and proposes an agenda designed to meet those needs. For oral medicine, this agenda includes analyzing and reviewing current clinical and documentation practices, working toward progressively standardizing clinical data, and helping define requirements for oral medicine systems. IT professionals can contribute by conducting baseline studies about the use of electronic systems, helping develop controlled vocabularies and ontologies, and designing, implementing, and evaluating novel systems centered on the needs of clinicians, researchers and educators. Successfully advancing IT support for oral medicine will require close coordination and collaboration among oral medicine professionals, information technology professionals, system vendors, and funding agencies. If current barriers and obstacles are overcome, practice and research in oral medicine stand ready to derive significant benefits from the application of information technology

    The nanoscale phase separation in hole-doped manganites

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    A macroscopic phase separation, in which ferromagnetic clusters are observed in an insulating matrix, is sometimes observed, and believed to be essential to the colossal magnetoresistive (CMR) properties of manganese oxides. The application of a magnetic field may indeed trigger large magnetoresistance effects due to the percolation between clusters allowing the movement of the charge carriers. However, this macroscopic phase separation is mainly related to extrinsic defects or impurities, which hinder the long-ranged charge-orbital order of the system. We show in the present article that rather than the macroscopic phase separation, an homogeneous short-ranged charge-orbital order accompanied by a spin glass state occurs, as an intrinsic result of the uniformity of the random potential perturbation induced by the solid solution of the cations on the AA-sites of the structure of these materials. Hence the phase separation does occur, but in a more subtle and interesting nanoscopic form, here referred as ``homogeneous''. Remarkably, this ``nanoscale phase separation'' alone is able to bring forth the colossal magnetoresistance in the perovskite manganites, and is potentially relevant to a wide variety of other magnetic and/or electrical properties of manganites, as well as many other transition metal oxides, in bulk or thin film form as we exemplify throughout the article.Comment: jpsj2 TeX style (J. Phys. Soc. Jpn); 18 pages, 7 figure